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Supreme Hero
posted August 12, 2016 10:06 PM |
To be honest, people saying Heroes 6 was really bad, in my opinion, aren't good gamers.
Heroes 6 had plenty of bugs, yes, but it also had one awesome redeeming quality ; you could do duels. A game took 30 minutes instead of a whole day, and you had total control over your hero build. Do you know how many games are like that? So few man. Nobody plays strategy games anymore.
Heroes 7 duels don't offer 100 % control over your hero build. No other heroes ever did. Most people snowing about heroes 6 are old, baby boomer-esque gamers that cannot find any game good beside those they played 20 years ago anyways. If you can't see this redeeming quality in heroes 6, then your opinion doesn't have much credibility.

Famous Hero
posted August 12, 2016 10:20 PM |
TIL the map editor isn't a thing.

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted August 12, 2016 10:40 PM |
The map editor has not been considered important since Ubi took the reins.
Although, to be fair, the change of developer & game engine for each game didn't help here AT ALL.

Famous Hero
posted August 13, 2016 01:19 AM |
Kayna said: If you can't see this redeeming quality in heroes 6, then your opinion doesn't have much credibility.
I had an epic game of HOMM6 last week. It was a very big game in a huge map on 4v4 with all factions. Very satisfying.
I had that game five years after the game's release, and it actually was the only one non-campaign game I managed to have without a crash or deletion of memory or intricacies of installing and disintsalling the game over and over and patching it again and again. And I returned to HOMM6 just because I was intrigued to regain my familiarity with HOMM before buying Trial of Fire.
One great, entertaining game. After five years.
It may be not a bad game as some people here make it to be, but it sure as hell was a terrible product.

Supreme Hero
posted August 13, 2016 02:54 AM |
I wish H6 hadnt had that black screen bug. Only actual reason that makes me dislike the game.

Known Hero
posted August 13, 2016 01:16 PM |
Momo said:
I had that game five years after the game's release, and it actually was the only one non-campaign game I managed to have without a crash or deletion of memory or intricacies of installing and disintsalling the game over and over and patching it again and again. And I returned to HOMM6 just because I was intrigued to regain my familiarity with HOMM before buying Trial of Fire.
This. Exactly this. This was one of the 2 reasons why I stopped playing H6. I love playing in large maps and I couldn't get the game to not crash after a few turns. The other reason was of course the boring skill tree and non-random skilling (leading to cookie-cutter builds), but otherwise H6 was a visual paradise for me. I loved looking at the towns, the units, the environments, everything. But after 30-90 minutes gaming I had to give up on it, either because I couldn't play any more (crashes) or because I got bored of my main hero (who was the same like all the others before them).
I also agree with the poster above who said that the Dueling system in H6 was well-optimized. Unfortunately, it was not enough to make a good game.

Supreme Hero
posted August 13, 2016 02:48 PM |
My game had annoying bugs but it never really crashed much. I just got bored to tears looking at the same army the whole game. Hardly any neutrals and few places to recruit them. The town conversion has to be used at a certain point just to compete

Famous Hero
posted August 13, 2016 03:53 PM |
h6 and h7 has a good taste in art, and i hate cartoony graphics of h5. i fully support this art style... and it can really give some very good examples when they spend money on it. new vampire and lich, minotaur, troglodyte and so on.. those are really good and spiritually very close to h3(at least i feel this way).
i dont mind free skilling and it doesnt bore me, but i definietly enjoy random skilling much more(although it does feel awkward in a tactical sense: you develope a hero but you cant even plan future of her/him ) yesterday i tried v2.0 of mmh7, and game felt much more enjoyable. i really liked level progression and RMG. for me, h7 is better in almost every way, compared to h6.
but i still think h6 has better battles. visiually, ability-wise, and sound-wise, h6 feels much more deep and friendly. camera angle/zoom level, atmospheric fog/rain, terrible sound effects, mostly repeating creature abilities and wierd battle field sizes really hurt gameplay experience.
music is really good, and i usually stop playing to hear & enjoy full track. only if town screens & adventure map looked better... then it would have been a much better experince to dive into mmh7 world. adventure map is wierd. have you guys ever tried looking to a land with full lava ground in h7? it is eye-destroying. too much details drown in sharpness and nothing stays in background(everything tries to jump at screen). blizzard never does such a thing. look their games, they nail this perfectly. its like.. ubisoft didnt even paid any attention to this.
A.I feels much better in battle, but it is still in a terrible shape when it comes to quick battle and actions of enemy heroes around adventure map. after 3 months, i enountered 4 enemy heroes, standing close to each other(like a hero-train) and none of them had a strong army... by the way, i hate this. i totally hate this. i hate this so much that i immediatly quit the game after i saw that. i think a good A.I is very essential, and im very sad to not see such one in mmh7. this is definietly ruining the game for me.

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 13, 2016 03:55 PM |
Edited by Antalyan at 15:57, 13 Aug 2016.
Ok it seems it is neccessary to make one important thing clear:
If you have downloaded all the patches, H6 has almost no crashes and very few bugs.
I have already spent hundreds of hours in H6 and I have had only a few crashes and no blackscreen after the newest version.
Speaking about the game quality: H6 was great in many regards but it changed too many things people are used to.
Also the skillsystem became quite boring after some time because you ended up choosing the same skills for every faction.
Less resources, simple towntree and town conversion made the town management much less interesting and important in my opinion.
However it still remains one of my favourite game (the same as H5 and H7 are).
P.S: Sorry if this post is quite off-topic but I was inspired to write in in the previous several posts.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Famous Hero
posted August 13, 2016 03:58 PM |
Edited by cleglaw at 16:03, 13 Aug 2016.
Antalyan said: Ok it seems it is neccessary to make one important thing clear:
If you have downloaded all the patches, H6 has almost no crashes and very few bugs.
i can confirm this. i played for more then 200h and i didnt encountered a single crash.

Supreme Hero
posted August 13, 2016 03:58 PM |
Antalyan said: Ok it seems it is neccessary to make one important thing clear:
If you have downloaded all the patches, H6 has almost no crashes and very few bugs.
I would just add to this that latest patch messed up the game for my laptop. I was unable to start it at all with latest patch, and you all know that Ubi doesn't support laptops I haven't tried H6 on my new pc, because it is H6 and it sucks
"Occam's shuriken: when the answer is elusive, never rule out ninjas." -- Dr. Gordon Freeman (Freeman's Mind)

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted August 13, 2016 04:25 PM |
Well, if they don't support laptops, why are you complaining about it crashing on your laptop? 
Anyway, the one thing I am wondering about is what will happen in due time with regards to the Conflux? As it regulates the presence of the Dynasty and its weapons, will they maintain that server until the end of time? Or will they eventually shut it down? If so, what will happen to the Dynasty stuff? Is it gone forever, or will they release a final patch to make it available without the Conflux connection?

Supreme Hero
posted August 13, 2016 04:31 PM |
Maurice said: Well, if they don't support laptops, why are you complaining about it crashing on your laptop? 
'Cause I learned that only after contacting customer support 
Maurice said:
Anyway, the one thing I am wondering about is what will happen in due time with regards to the Conflux? As it regulates the presence of the Dynasty and its weapons, will they maintain that server until the end of time? Or will they eventually shut it down? If so, what will happen to the Dynasty stuff? Is it gone forever, or will they release a final patch to make it available without the Conflux connection?
Honestly, I think they will just shut it down, without any patches. I wonder what is the maximum number of people online on conflux these days?
"Occam's shuriken: when the answer is elusive, never rule out ninjas." -- Dr. Gordon Freeman (Freeman's Mind)

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted August 13, 2016 06:02 PM |
The more you look into it, the more serious bugs come to the surface.
- Campaign heroes do not start with max mana at the beginning of a mission.
- Stacks randomly disappear during tactics phase. You had 2 shantiri titans and 15 defenders? Too bad, you only have 15 defenders now Units aren't lost, they just randomly disappear and randomly reappear after some battles.
- Runepriests cannot teleport to a rune placed on top of an enemy corpse.
- Sometimes units move 1-2 tiles towards the edge instead towards you. Even when they do come towards you, they sometimes move a few tiles so that they cannot reach you the next turn. Wait what.
- Sometimes enemy units pace back and forth 10+ times before they attack their intended target. During their turn! I think this has to do with rune placement but I have no idea. You just have to wait till they decide to stop pacing and attack.
- Shooters wait when they have every reason to just shoot. Okaay.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 13, 2016 06:15 PM |
frostymuaddib said:
Maurice said: Well, if they don't support laptops, why are you complaining about it crashing on your laptop? 
'Cause I learned that only after contacting customer support 
No idea which laptop you have. However, I always play Heroes or any other games only on laptop (which is about 5 years old) and H6 works perfectly (unlike H7).
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)

Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted August 13, 2016 06:24 PM |
well you two above may well confirm to each other that H6 is now bug free, I wouldn't know because I won't touch that game again with a fifty foot barge pole, but I must wonder, why your comments are very much at odds with what the (non-partisan) RPG Codex had to say lol
Bubbles said: You stopped support on Heroes of Might and Magic 6 long before the game was properly fixed. The version of the game that's being sold right now is riddled with a slew of game breaking bugs. When you equip certain items, you suffer stacking, permanent stat loss that doesn't even show up on your character sheet; you have to pay attention to damage floats in combat just to realize that there's even anything wrong. You may realize that your campaign hero's stats have been completely ruined after 20 or 30 hours of gameplay with no way to fix it. Certain story missions bug out if you take too long to finish them. Multiple skills and abilities are either completely broken or do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Now you're trying to sell us Heroes of Might and Magic 7. How are you going to convince us that this game will ever be in a playable state? Why shouldn't I just wait two or three years after release before I make a purchase, just to see if you're actually going to properly patch this game?

Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted August 13, 2016 06:31 PM |
verriker said: well you two above may well confirm to each other that H6 is now bug free, I wouldn't know because I won't touch that game again with a fifty foot barge pole, but I must wonder, why your comments are very much at odds with what the (non-partisan) RPG Codex had to say lol
Bubbles said: You stopped support on Heroes of Might and Magic 6 long before the game was properly fixed. The version of the game that's being sold right now is riddled with a slew of game breaking bugs. When you equip certain items, you suffer stacking, permanent stat loss that doesn't even show up on your character sheet; you have to pay attention to damage floats in combat just to realize that there's even anything wrong. You may realize that your campaign hero's stats have been completely ruined after 20 or 30 hours of gameplay with no way to fix it. Certain story missions bug out if you take too long to finish them. Multiple skills and abilities are either completely broken or do the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do. Now you're trying to sell us Heroes of Might and Magic 7. How are you going to convince us that this game will ever be in a playable state? Why shouldn't I just wait two or three years after release before I make a purchase, just to see if you're actually going to properly patch this game?
I don't know which game or which version or what plays the author of the article. But I know what I'm saying. Cannot say, however, how it works outside campaigns.

Famous Hero
posted August 13, 2016 07:32 PM |
Cmon Verriker, obviously it's because they are lying and deceiving good loving heroes fandom into a nightmare made of spiders. Illuminati confirmed.
By the way did you know all of us are actually devs in disguise? And I mean all of us - every single "player" who "enjoys" recent games. There you go. I said it

Known Hero
posted August 13, 2016 07:34 PM |
Antalyan said: I don't know which game
Lol - as the quote says: "Heroes of Might and Magic 6"
Antalyan said: or which version or what plays the author of the article.
Lol. Since the "Editorial - posted by Crooked Bee on Tue 1 September 2015, 20:27:25" it's rather obvious what version he is talking about: the final one.
(In case you didn't read further: "While I was posing my question, Erwan had been smiling and nodding, nodding and smiling." - the old chap didn't deny a thing - who are you to question the Big Man?)

Supreme Hero
posted August 13, 2016 08:01 PM |
Hermes said: Cmon Verriker, obviously it's because they are lying and deceiving good loving heroes fandom into a nightmare made of spiders. Illuminati confirmed.
By the way did you know all of us are actually devs in disguise? And I mean all of us - every single "player" who "enjoys" recent games. There you go. I said it 
How does Sephinroth scenario end up then? Does she win? What lands does she get to lord over?