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Heroes Community > Other Games Exist Too > Thread: Fanstratics - A Spiritual Successor from the lead game designer of Heroes of Might an
Thread: Fanstratics - A Spiritual Successor from the lead game designer of Heroes of Might an This thread is 9 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted September 02, 2020 02:06 PM

Liso1 said:
blob2 said:
Looks like some cheap mobile game.

PC only... read before you write such nonsense...

I think you're someone that needs to learn to read and understand first: I wrote that it "looks like a mobile game".

I appreciate you're hype, but so far this looks rather under-budgeted. There are myriad clones of the formula, some better some utter cr@p. Many claim to be "spiritual successors" of the franchise so I wouldn't get my hopes up. And even if people related to the franchise are participating, it doesn't guarantee they'll make a good game...

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted September 02, 2020 02:14 PM
Edited by FirePaladin at 14:15, 02 Sep 2020.

Wdym by look? They shared only 2 artworks, which even quite fit the H3 artwork style.

And well, yes, Greg did say that he knows the chances for failure are greater than those of success.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted September 02, 2020 02:33 PM

FirePaladin said:
Wdym by look? They shared only 2 artworks, which even quite fit the H3 artwork style.

And well, yes, Greg did say that he knows the chances for failure are greater than those of success.

Maybe so, the description doesn't amount too much and usually this kind of projects turn out to be nothing to write home about.

Ubisoft left a gaping hole in my soul, maybe that's why I'm skeptical

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Legendary Hero
posted September 02, 2020 03:04 PM

Unlike the other "spiritual successors", this one has actual former NWC people working on it and assuming it gets funded, chances are it will be something far more HoMM-like spiritually than anything Ubisoft have produced.

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Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted September 02, 2020 03:26 PM

I would prefer some insight on planned mechanics – or those being considered, things that are not eye-candy only and whatnot. When I see artworks for a game at first and then at second, I start to remember how HoMM VII came into being; a lot of visual stuff, then, when mechanics came so people would've a glimpse or even discuss about them (which seemed to be why that awful blog was created for), it was too late and they apparently had everything planned and it wouldn't change whatsoever, because they knew what they were doing (I remember a terrible rebuke of them when people started a rebellion there).

One thing: I dunno how the past games had Adventure Map grid? Hexagonal too, I think. So, you'll have square grid on this one. And then hexagonal in battle (which I do prefer, because I hate that chess-like fell). Wonder why not both hexagonal? Perhaps something a bit more exotic will work on Adventure Map exploration, then, something where exploration feels similar to how Bahamuth Lagoon had those overview battles, where when engaged, you'd enter an individual battle.

Of course, too early to judge on this one.

The name has set in my head already. Probably because it reminds me of FFTactics.

But I am around the vibe as most here seems to be: not too optimistic (Ubi's utter fault) and not going to be waiting on tenterhooks either. I do wish luck, wise decisions and personality for this project. Try not to hook too much to the past.
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted September 02, 2020 03:27 PM
Edited by blob2 at 15:30, 02 Sep 2020.

Zenofex said:
Unlike the other "spiritual successors", this one has actual former NWC people working on it and assuming it gets funded, chances are it will be something far more HoMM-like spiritually than anything Ubisoft have produced.

My wish was that people from NWC would take the assets from their version of Heroes 5, or create something similar (but with different names of course) and go with it to either Kickstarter or some other funding platform.

Oh well, time will tell. In the meantime it's better to keep a look out on some other Heroes wannabies https://www.songsofconquest.com/ which actually have some form to show.

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Legendary Hero
posted September 02, 2020 03:46 PM

They will go for some sort of crowdfunding, that's been said already and no, they can't work on anything which is or can be related to the brand owned by Ubisoft, including the scrapped work for the NWC Heroes V. For the same reason, the new game won't be a HoMM with a different name but rather a new game which "feels" like HoMM, not unlike Songs of Conquest for example (which I'm waiting for as well). I've pasted the above exactly to get to the crowdfunding part as Greg directly links the expectations for it to the interest toward the official website's subscriptions - i.e. nobody's asking for money at this point, they are just checking what potential fanbase they have to work with to plan the budget. Since the project is barely at its foundation-laying phase, I see no harm in supporting it with some sort of promotion so it can get to the next level when we'll have some actual details to discuss and whoever is (still) interested will be able to contribute.

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Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted September 02, 2020 04:49 PM

And 2D presentation, although created on 3D. That's quite how I would prefer. (and if it had indeed an Ori and the Blind Forest level of beauty, it would be something to behold, HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO)
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

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Known Hero
posted September 02, 2020 08:38 PM

The name is still clunky, and I don't really think the comparison it gives are fitting (they seem to have a better 'flow' when said, and Wii and Nier (both short and easy to say, notably) obvious ties to core themes of the things in question without having to explain what the components of the name are short for)... but I do sympathise with it being hard to find a good name that can be trademarked.

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Legendary Hero
posted September 02, 2020 08:54 PM

Name as name. Fantasy + strategic. Might and Magic is rather no ambitious title :0))) Kings bounty is ordinary too. Lets look at content.
Good original game names like Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura are rarely.
Wizardry Eye of Beholder Ultima Dungeon Master was not extraexciting.
Now we have two? pictures and creators plans so its so early to talk about it.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted September 02, 2020 09:36 PM

Ok so, for anyone who doesn't understand the name, Fanstratics is a combination of: Fans, Strats (Strategies), Fantasy, Tactics, and maybe one or two more words. I think it's pretty neat, ngl.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted September 02, 2020 09:43 PM

Maybe people just think: fans, extracting, antics. Something of that ilk. ^_^
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 02, 2020 10:39 PM
Edited by Stevie at 22:53, 02 Sep 2020.

Zenofex said:
So, given that we finally have a chance for a good HoMM-like game to see the light, maybe it will be good to give it some promotion - for example setting up a banner here in HC similarly to the one for JVC's Creature Quest, pinning this topic and possibly creating a dedicated subforum later on when there is something worth discussing (right now there's almost nothing), those who host any sort of HoMM-related channels around the Internetz can link the subscription to the newsletters, etc.

And by the way, it's confirmed that it will be a PC game.

What exactly about this game recommends it as a good HoMM-like game? Genuinely curious here. There's so little to go by, you could easily call that a leap. If an art piece, the name of Greg Fulton and the godawful title of Fanstratics is enough to say "good HoMM-like game", then you're either way too broad in that definition or just overly optimistic.

Reminder, a billion dollars giant in the game industry couldn't ensure the success of the franchise bearing the actual name of Might & Magic. An actual legacy with actual budget and actual dedicated team, many of them fans like everyone else. Those were more "chances for a good HoMM-like game" than Fanstratics will ever see. Heroes 7 was given all that and it was ultimately a failure, both for us as players and for them financially. You don't even get to see 0.1% of those chances here, so who do you think is going to buy that?

Then you say they should be advertised here... for what reason exactly? You think I liked it when Valeriy decided to have the unremovable banner with CreatureQuest even though I was gladly on the supporters list? It's why I stopped paying. I don't like being imposed things for a 3rd party's interests, not for JVC back then and certainly not this time around either. You want to help them? That's admirable, but do it privately and individually, not burdening everyone else with ads.

I also wonder why you feel you want to jump in their campaign and be useful to them. I reckon it has something to do with the name of Greg Fulton and the allure of a "spiritual successor"? Something like infatuation and blind faith? It was way more than that for me with JVC's CreatureQuest, giving regular feedback, paying more money to them than I ever did on Heroes, and eventually realized it was all worthless. There is nothing in the name of the old NWC team. Nothing. It has been way too long and now it's way too late for there to be any continuity left from their old work.

Zenofex said:
Unlike the other "spiritual successors", this one has actual former NWC people working on it and assuming it gets funded, chances are it will be something far more HoMM-like spiritually than anything Ubisoft have produced.

Keep dreaming.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Supreme Hero
posted September 02, 2020 11:04 PM

Stevie, did you ever heard about indie games?

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Legendary Hero
posted September 02, 2020 11:51 PM

@Stevie, I've no idea where did you pull all this nonsense from but seriously, get back to Earth and drink something cool and refreshing. If someone suggesting something totally unrelated to your persona over the Internet hurts your feelings so badly that you write a tirade like this, you should get a vacation from the digital world - seriously, I mean it. Support whatever you like, or don't, you're a free man and I'm not pointing a gun at your head, right?

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Known Hero
posted September 03, 2020 12:06 AM

Baronus said:
Name as name. Fantasy + strategic. Might and Magic is rather no ambitious title :0))) Kings bounty is ordinary too. Lets look at content.
Good original game names like Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura are rarely.
Wizardry Eye of Beholder Ultima Dungeon Master was not extraexciting.
Now we have two? pictures and creators plans so its so early to talk about it.

Ambitious, no. Giving some feel for what they are without having to explain the name, yes (Ultima aside). Fantasy+Strategy+Tactics isn't exactly the only obvious extension of something as clunky as Fanstratics.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted September 03, 2020 01:14 AM
Edited by FirePaladin at 01:21, 03 Sep 2020.

For real guys, are you serious? Fanstratics isn't that hard to say (it flows pretty nice), and it's not like it was easy to come up with an unused name. Dang, it's not even supposed to be an existing word, just a mashup-ed name.

For Stevie, JVC was just chilling with his new games. I mean, the last HoMM game he did was H2 as far as I remember, with H3 made by Sir Mullich and Greg.
Ubisoft had it pretty good with H5, but they had bad luck with H6 and then it all went downhill because of/after that.

And well, it is ok to be skeptical and all, but don't just plain reject it. It was understandable with King's Bounty 2, when the game changed a lot and had some solid public content, but here we're talking about a lead designer of H3 without much released material, so as I said before, you can't plain reject that, since it has no precedent.

But oh well, I myself say we should wait until some solid material is released so we can truly start such a debate. Also, don't get your hopes overly high, though.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Adventuring Hero
posted September 03, 2020 06:54 AM

The name is not selling
but whatever the name
if it can give feel & joy like HOMM 2-3 or even 4 that will be fantastic

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 03, 2020 08:55 AM
Edited by Stevie at 08:57, 03 Sep 2020.

Zenofex said:
@Stevie, I've no idea where did you pull all this nonsense from but seriously, get back to Earth and drink something cool and refreshing. If someone suggesting something totally unrelated to your persona over the Internet hurts your feelings so badly that you write a tirade like this, you should get a vacation from the digital world - seriously, I mean it. Support whatever you like, or don't, you're a free man and I'm not pointing a gun at your head, right?

Not nonsense, not a tirade, no hurt feelings. Remove that angle about it, it's not going to work. In reality it is, ironically, the bringing down to Earth that you need, trying to clip those wings of optimism before you soar too close to the sun and get burned. I dislike throwing caution to the wind and listening to this narrative that "chances are [...] good HoMM-like game [...] more HoMM-like than Ubisoft", to which I'm shaking my head and not seeing any evidence in favor of whatsoever. You like to use the word "chances" a lot to paint that very convenient picture when they are rather slim and make a bigger point to the contrary.

FirePaladin said:
And well, it is ok to be skeptical and all, but don't just plain reject it. It was understandable with King's Bounty 2, when the game changed a lot and had some solid public content, but here we're talking about a lead designer of H3 without much released material, so as I said before, you can't plain reject that, since it has no precedent.

But oh well, I myself say we should wait until some solid material is released so we can truly start such a debate. Also, don't get your hopes overly high, though.

I like to keep things real and not buy into the hype or start daydreaming, though that's far from rejecting it. What I can see right now is an alright piece of art, an uninspired title, the blatant piggybacking on Heroes 3's success, and some words from Greg Fulton on his ambition. It's a poor start to say the least. There's reason to be open and not nip it in the bud, but I can't be anything other than cautious.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted September 03, 2020 09:19 AM

Stevie said:
Zenofex said:
@Stevie, I've no idea where did you pull all this nonsense from but seriously, get back to Earth and drink something cool and refreshing. If someone suggesting something totally unrelated to your persona over the Internet hurts your feelings so badly that you write a tirade like this, you should get a vacation from the digital world - seriously, I mean it. Support whatever you like, or don't, you're a free man and I'm not pointing a gun at your head, right?

Not nonsense, not a tirade, no hurt feelings. Remove that angle about it, it's not going to work. In reality it is, ironically, the bringing down to Earth that you need, trying to clip those wings of optimism before you soar too close to the sun and get burned. I dislike throwing caution to the wind and listening to this narrative that "chances are [...] good HoMM-like game [...] more HoMM-like than Ubisoft", to which I'm shaking my head and not seeing any evidence in favor of whatsoever. You like to use the word "chances" a lot to paint that very convenient picture when they are rather slim and make a bigger point to the contrary.

Although he is a bit harsh with his words, I'm with Stevie on this. At the end of the day Fulton is a person that like everybody wants to put food on his plate. Maybe he had this idea when seeing JVC had some success with Creature Quest. There is a fanbase, maybe he wants to scope out the potential for getting a piece of the cake (and be cautious: there are cases of crowdfunding projects that didn't deliver on the promises or didn't deliver at all). I didn't like what JVC did with Creature Quest, for me it's cool that so many people enjoyed it, but it's not the "legacy" I wanted to see. I don't say there is something malevolent behind Fanstratics, but I also don't see any potential of this being a "serious" project. Hope I'm wrong.

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