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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: oops, silly mistakes done in a game.
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Famous Hero
posted May 30, 2001 06:00 PM

oops, silly mistakes done in a game.

Alright, we all know everyone has made some silly or dumb mistakes in a game which if it didnt make you laugh, made your opponent laugh and we will see how many brave people want to share them. And dont be shy! share the names of all involved, because no one is perfect. I got so many to list, some of which I posted on my story on the stories page, but a recent one I have is...

On Hourglass 3(similar to 2 if u have not seen 3) I first off lost my boater with 1 gold dragon to 60 water elementals in a ship barely, and on same turn lost my other boater with a few troops trying to kill a big stack of lv 1 creatures guarding a shipwreck survivor. ok..lost both boats same turn, and I had 2 nice relics sitting there on the island with no boats to get them what to do? first idea was get exp water and summon boat...well couldnt get it, so I think I lucked out when I got water walk in guild. so I send my main hero to get the relics since she had the wisdom and could get there fast enough. Well I cast waterwalk, grab the relics, but notice I just dont have enough movement to get back off that same turn...uh oh, I was stuck, and remained stuck, so basically game over. because on the relic island is cursed ground and I couldnt recast the spell, nor get a boat.

Im sure its not the dumbest thing I have done, and I got lots more...just got to remember em all or make new ones

I will not lose.

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Famous Hero
box worshipper
posted May 30, 2001 07:06 PM

Mr. Brilliant in action

hehe, this should be a good thread

Actually this game is still in progress (Grave dont read this) but Zud here playing Showdown 3 SOD version  (Love this map)  I have the titans thunder (mebe this one should be removed also, daym powerful) as my random relic above ground (Guarded by 3 Faerie dragons)

 So here it is start of week 3, I have 5 ancients and my Faerie dragon.  Building my lvl 3 guild in secondary castle, I get anti-magic. I run my main to castle and get the spell and go for the relic.  I figure I will go first, cast anti magic on my behemoths (Faerie can take a spell or 2) and I have a tent, cart and ballista they can chew on.  Since I only have basic earth I decide at last minute to wear my recanters cloak to cover the higher lvl spells.

Yes, you guessed it, anti magic is a lvl 3 spell and now I cant throw it because I have cloaked myself.  I lost my faerie but did get my lovely relic. (while feeling like an idiot)
Winner or Whiner?

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Adventuring Hero
posted May 30, 2001 07:46 PM

Dumb and dumber

It was a division game I played a week ago with Trolsen on Boomerang. I got barbarian and he beastmaster. The town in the middle was barbarian. So my choice to pick Ailsinn (necromancer with meteor shower) as my main was quite good, cause there was no chance to build +4lvl mag guild on the map. On day 2 or 3 week 2 I catched Troelsens main (Gundula) near the town in the middle. I had exp pathfining and adv logistik, so he was suppraised by that. Anyway he escaped with 1 hydra and 2 wyverns, I think I lost only 2 chamions I bought in the refugee and 2 Thunderbirds. From this moment it was clear for both of us that it is only a question of time when I win. I build the rocks dwelling in the town in the middle, explored the map, gained experience etc. In the end of the 3 week I noticed that he wanted to take the town in the middle. I was far away from it, so I attacked some troops just to escape with my main and buy him back there, bring the troops via chain to him and attack Troelsen... I was sure he won't reach the town till one turn. But he did. I had wolf riders splitted in 7 stacks by 1, he had dragon flies in 4 stacks and monarch wyverns in 3 stacks. The dragon flies could reach my wolf riders... So there were wolf riders left right in the middle, side-by-side, in 3 stacks. I was sure I will have the chance to cast meteor shower and use the Escape tunnel... Nope it was Troelsen who casted meteor shower.  For the first time since I...ehm don't remember even that, I wanted to cry... I hated myself, Troelsen and the whole world. I had such a brilliant plan...

P.S. How did Troelsen get his meteor shower? The anwser:  a mix of Deemer and Coronius.

Be warned Troelsen. Next time we play I
won't watch TV, listen to radio. I'll focus on kicking your ass as anybody did it to U before. It's nothing personally. It's something I have to feel better and again have fun while playing homm3.
The Preacher

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 30, 2001 09:39 PM

Grail hunting

I forget who i was playing but we were playing A little one on one. Looking at one obelisk had revealed that the grail was somewhere on the island by red's 2nd castle so I had set a scout early in the sea and was gonna go grail hunting - see if by chance i could get lucky.

I get to the island, dig for 4-5 days (which turns out to be 8-10 days cuz takes whole day to dig) when i finally get lucky and come up with the grail. I decide to haul back to the ship and run to my castle, knowing I got this game in the bag now.

I had anticipated that my opponent would come after, so i had set the scout in a hit and run fashion - good speed and magic - and was not impressed when red rolled up on my ship and tried to wack me.

The fight went in a typical hit and run fashion - I cast a spell and ran. My turn rolls around, I buy my scout back and POOF no grail!!!!!

For those of you who don't want to learn the hard way like I did.... If you are carrying the grail and run from a fight - THE GRAIL IS LOST!!!!




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Famous Hero
posted May 31, 2001 12:17 AM


Well, my first game back in ToH for season 3 I played a Little One on One, a map I had played only once before, and not even a whole game. Playing as Dungeon with Jeddite vs TheEverliving who had Necromancer with Thant&Aislinn both. Of course I went North first, I knew that was important, got my boats in the sea and captured my gold from shipwrecks, and actually even took my 2nd town by splitting armies in week 1, but I missed my dragons week 2 because of a bad accident of selling resources and buying the wrong ones back. I had Red Dragons guarding my access so I figured they would join me if I had some dragons, so I waited to go after the middle, also I thought TheEverliving hadn't gone thru on his side yet because I had a boat sitting next to his area scouting. Well, TheEverliving saw my boat and so he didn't take his mines, only the artifacts I couldn't see till late week 2 when he had already went into the middle and took all the best artifacts early week 2. TheEverliving sent his main Thant back to his town to gather up some spells in late week 2 just as I had Jeddite with advanced diplo sitting right next to the dragons waiting week 3 and enough resources to buy the dragons cave. Well, I bought the dragon cave day two week 3 just as I noticed the mines change to Red's color- I knew he was in then, but thought he had just went through, so I sent my scout in boat south to see what the island there was guarding. I got my full army chained up to Jeddite and he went to challenge the dragons, of course my waiting for dragons payed off, and my 1 dragons became 12 dragons! I was ecstatic until I passed further in and saw all the artifacts were gone! Now TheEverliving stopped hiding his main's stats and he was better than me in everything except Defense, I figured if I could steal his mines for awhile and get the Tree of Knowledge to level up my hero to Expert Diplo, then retreat and build black dragons I had a chance of winning still if I hit&run his slow Thant as he tried to approach my town. So I did that and began to retreat, well- he saw me going for the Tree of Knowledge and when I retreat back towards my castle he is only one day away from Jeddite! Jeddite had boots of speed and basic logistics so he was faster, I ran back to my town, but TheEverliving decided to wait for next week's reinforcements- as I pondered upgrading my dragons to Black and trying to hit&run him as he came, I also made my 5th level guild and got Sacrifice- so- the strongest spell I had for hit&run was now Lightening Bolt or Inferno. I thought maybe I could hit&run 2-3 times before I had to defend my castle- but with my damage spells only doing +500 damage and TheEverliving with huge spell power and Thant could do much more damage by the time of the final battle, I decided to save my gold and ran away to my 2nd castle which was Tower in hopes it would have better spells. I left a hero in my town with some harpies and another hero halfway in case TheEverliving missed taking my town before the next week. Well, he didn't know I had retreated my main so he was very careful coming down- finally he tried to run into my castle when his scouts saw it was clear, but was 1 hex of movement short. I bought that weeks creatures and ran them to Jeddite. Well, by this time I knew he wouldn't make mistake of being so cautious so I planned my moves very carefully, I brought my scout in the boat back to land near my Tower town and rand Jeddite to it, got him on the boat and full speed to the south island and it's relic and more importantly to me, the pack of Gold Dragons guarding it. Well, TheEverliving approached very fast towards my Tower and also his scouts in the ocean killed my last boats, he also sent a scout circumspectly to the south island to see what relic was there, well, that scout also saw Jeddite landed on the island. One this day my Tower town was also taken and my last hero other than Jeddite killed. Well, on the next day I attack the Gold Dragons... and they joined me also! I had to give up my Harpies- but they were low in numbers since I had used them for all my scouts and boats in the ocean. Now I also had a few good artifacts(3 only)and a very powerful army, but Jeddite's stats were still a little lower than Thant's. I had a solution for this- the Pandora box on the middle island. I have planned it exactly- Thant was so slow he would take more than 1 week to travel back to his area and I could land and take his main town before then- then go to the Pandora's box and level up my hero. I had only 7 days to make it so I went straight for his town at first, but then I started to doubt my plan- what if TheEverliving knew I was going for the Pandora's box and sent Thant onto a ship and straight for the island instead of trying to come after and protect his main town? Also, I wasn't sure if I could land and have enough logistics to take his main town with only 6 days left and I am still in the bottom part of the ocean. So instead I decided to land on the middle island first, and take the Pandora's box then I would have 3 days left to get back onto my ship and land in front of TheEverliving's second town to capture it and avoid death on the 8th day. Well, the only thing I thought that could screw up my plan was if TheEverliving waited with Thant in my Tower the 2 days neccessary to get 4th level guild and then got t-portal. Well, I was down to half my available mana with Jeddite, but I thought 266 out of 500 wasn't bad. So I attack the Pandora box...

All my plans go into ruins when every single stack of angels in the box gets a morale move the first turn- 20 AA's and 30 Angels hit my units... I lose all but 1 Gold Dragon, and also half my Red Dragons. I cast Resurrect on the Red Dragons and attack with all units killing 22 Angels... well, then the Angels go and this time only the AA's get morale move, but they resurrect the dead AA's and the 15 Angels attack my Manticores killing half... then the damn resurrected AA's attack and also get a morale move- now half my Red Dragons are gone, and all my Manticores... I cast Resurrect on manties and kill 7 AA's and a couple Angels with my full attack. I didn't get to use my Medusa Queen and Evil Eyes fully because of course I made Angels stood right next to them. Now, my Trogs are almost dead from absorbing the retaliation, and half my manties again while there are still 13 AA's and 13 Angels. Now it's a losing battle... the Angels get morale moves every single turn the rest of the battle, and my forces are slowly whittled down until I am only resurrecting dragons every turn... Jeddite's spell power could only bring back 5 dragons per turn however, and finally the the battle is over with 3 AA's and 2 angels triumphing.  

Oh the horror! I could do nothing but laugh, all this brilliant ideas and well executed plans to turn a losing game into a great win frustrated because I never planned on losing a battle vs 50 angels. Stupid of me, I had so much confidence, but really if not for the morale moves I would have won. I just forgot about all that bonus morale with so many angels. I couldn't beleive it also for now 6 hours of gaming lost, and never even a final battle with my opponent. That was my first suicide game ever. Of course TheEverliving thought it was very funny... all his worry about the  23 Dragons which joined me of no importance since I go and kill myself. That if probably the worst loss I've ever had for idiot mistakes. First mistake was in week 2 and trading wrong resources to get the dragon cave. Then brilliant game except for waiting too long to get artifacts, then one final mistake... AUGH!

Of course I can think of 2 other games I made really silly errors...like when I had 23 spell power and 28 Knowledge with expert intelligance, but lost my ally on CrissCross against combined armies of my opponents. Of course I fled underground and went straight to my opponents town as they still searched for my main hero. I captured my opponents town of Fortress and they then took my town which was Inferno. Now I had gotten Summon Fire elemental from my guild just before I left, and along with FireShield and Chain Lightening those were my best spells. I thought with that and my Inferno army still intact I could have a chance. Well, the only problem was that my opponents main hero was Jeddite and he had 35 spell power. Luckily I knew he only had 18 Knowledge and didn't have Fire Magic. So I calmly wait for him to come and attack me, I wait in the Fortress town with all the defense bonuses built and plan to begin casting Summon Fire elemental directly. I had the artifact which blocks Lightening spells so I wasn't worried he would damage my Elementals with Chain which I knew he had from my guild. The only trouble was I probably couldn't hit&run effectively since my opponents worked together very well. One guy cleared my hit&run heroes away as Jeddite approached and I didn't want to risk my main as I didn't know if they had shackles or not. So Jeddite finally attacks me... their towns were Castle and Fortress vs my Inferno and allies Stronghold. This is like into month 2 or 3 now and there are many AA's in the enemy army. I saw this and I thought I would lower their #'s a bit since they were the only ones able to reach through the walls the first few turns and do major damage. Jeddite moved first and the AA's combined with Ice Bolt took out my Efreet Sultans... of course right then I should have suspected. Intead I blithely ignored this and cast Chain on my opponents army wreaking havoc. Well, I then killed the AA's on my side of the wall, but Jeddite had cloak of speed and also the other +1 speed artifact so his Wyverns are first next turn- BOOM!!! Armegeddon. Game over. His main hero lost, but mine also and I had no other heroes. They had Tome of Fire from the Utopia... badbadbab! All clues the entire game pointed to that! Jeddite had cast Inferno in the battle vs my ally and he told me that and I didn't think where the spell came from, since it wasn't possible to be in Fortress guild and I knew Jeddite had went directly to Utopia with his MG's and never visited his allies town.

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Famous Hero
posted June 01, 2001 11:01 PM


Guess not as many brave souls willing to share their experiences as I thought Maybe I should throw on some more silly things I have done?

-Pick up recanters, forget it is equipped, and go into a big battle hoping to use some high level spells. Only done that a few times...same can be applied to shackles, esp if you planned on leaving and forgot they on.

-Some may not know, but if you Town Portal to a town you must go inside to learn the spells, not just Town Portal stand there, then exit...few times I forget to look in and find myself missing spells

-Most should know you can check the range of a dragon utopia, dwarven treasurey, medusa store (grr), etc.. by saying no if u want to enter...but sometimes I go in over confident, forget to check, and find myself vs a full one of them things...whats worse is I could have prepared much better for a full one.

I could go on...but save some for another day.
I will not lose.

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 02, 2001 01:19 AM

I have done this one very recently. Almost everyone drops slower troops in town when resting their hero for spell points. Well i dropped all troops like always, then forgot to put them back on hero, didn't notice for 4 days that my army was missing from main. (I wasn't sober of course) and proceeded to attack a dragon utopia with only 5 thunderbirds on main hero, thinking the other army was with me and instantly the dragons ripped them apart and main with all experience and arts was gone. Doh...

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Famous Hero
posted June 02, 2001 02:49 AM

Hehee, well Ive done all the classic mistakes of forgetting to switch army to main, and then proceed to attack Lost a couple of mains on that account.

But some of my worst mistakes have been in allied games. Like running out of time, desperatly casting that town portal, only to go to the wrong town, which incidently is the one ur partner has his main in. No move for my partners main that turn

Or loosing 2 giants to an impcache, just did that recently. Was desperat to raise some money so we could build Titans week 2, putting my 2 giants only on a scout, with no arties and then finding out I hadnt dismissed my single trog. So first off all giants are in the wrong end of the combat map, and then 2 times 60 imps getting morale, ripping my first Titan down to 13 hp in the first combat round, lol.
And for what u might ask 3000 gold and 3 mercury.
Got it easily the next day, only 59 imps of the 300 left.

Well JB was that more like it.

(Who cant recommend myself as an allied partner, as frankly I usually screw things up )

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Tavern Dweller
posted June 02, 2001 11:49 AM

Confused of superior artifacts

Too many fantastic artifacts sometimes make player

I had a victory of miracle recently on hg2 map.,

opponent had 2 super- ultra  artifacts.
Angellic alliance and
Amaggedon blades

Of course i didn't know that.

on week 2/ day 4/ he break into my region.
damn.. so terrible thing. he passed thru garrison titans
is keeping!!

he took my capitals on day 5. (he was conflux. he had 5
firebirds and ghost dragon and.. various elementals.
his hero skill was .. over 20 all of 4 primary skills)

of course i hired all of my units and ran away to the
sub terrain.

i had tomb of earth and titan;s gladius from my island.

then.. i take my dragon utopia.
(nothing .. to be hopeful)

Finally on day 7.
I attacked my capital.

my hero skill was.. hmm.. around 10 all 4.
(only spell power was 20...)

his main hero was keeping my capital town.

and i won. with no loss.(I really didn't expect it)

because he didn't put on AB.
(Why? he had angellic. so. if he put on AB,  he shud  
dissemble angellic. and put off sword of judgement.
so he gave his sub- hero AB to take rest of my towns.)

Probably too big lucks made my opponent lost his own

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 03, 2001 08:38 AM

Far be it for me to ever admit making a mistake in this game so let's just assume this happened to an opponent of mine.  A long while back, my "opponent" was defending a secondary Tower town that only had a Citidel.  Even though he had inferior troops he decided to use his main lvl 7 hero and the towns complement of master gremlins and obsidian gargoyles for a heroic stand.  Fortunately this was a computer player and not his other human opp attacking so he figured he'd be able to easily lure the tougher troops into walking into the land mines.  And when his master gremlins were Blinded on the first round he didn't worry as he was able to Dispel it.  Unfortunately, he had expert Water Magic as well and he watched disbelieving as all those 150 pt damage-causing land mines disappeared (along with his hopes of a victory in that combat).

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Tavern Dweller
posted June 03, 2001 05:58 PM


One time i was playing Dw( 2 minutes that sucks) one of my first game i was realy excited week one has passed i was heding for my quest and with a scout i took the army from my main and to walk more i took all the army except the dragons and i had 5 unicorns and few centaurs capitans and in the rush i wanted to dissmis the centaurs to walk more with the scout ( both beeing white and all ) and with 2 min i dissmised the unicorns (( and i lost that game (

™ by alex

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 03, 2001 11:20 PM

Yeah, stupid but at least your scout moved longer, lol. Centaurs capt are faster than unicorns. But even if you had war unicorns, your scout would move same, so there...wasted time when short turns.
Era II mods and utilities

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 03, 2001 11:29 PM

Those are kinda errors but hard to counter. Happened me several times on random maps or showdown(underground, boots levitation quest). When you have many monsters around, keep an eye on how far they are one of each other, sometimes I fought some dwarves behind lev 7 monsters, went through, but coudn't return neither renforce armies, way was blocked by those strong monsters. Game done.
Era II mods and utilities

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Tavern Dweller
posted June 05, 2001 11:50 AM

Ya that's what i was talking about the counter sayd u have 9 seconds remaining in ur turn and i didn't think how much speed do the unicorns have and the same with the centaurs have but i least i made my oponent happy ¶:þ ya 2 min suck one i was playing Ac with Bp and 3lion(_y_)s forgot to say i suck at this game and i week 3 day 2 i broke into the middle 3lion(_y_) was there in day 1 and i broke by the surface and after i beat the garnision i had a chose eighter learn Resurection from 3lion or Library of Enlightenment that was guarded by dread night and i went for the Library and the dreads were lost about 30 or something like that no mass slow i came out with 4 dragons 10 unicorns and 3 and i didn't even reach the library cause of the 2 min and the next turn bp came and took it and killed me and 3lion
P.S 3lion don't read this
™ by alex

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Famous Hero
posted June 05, 2001 12:46 PM

I had a friend who wanted to play every game on 2 minutes time limit.

I told him pace of the game was not determined by timer with considerate players.

That the pace was determined by number of battles each turn and that most people do not sit and think but just move and even the thinkers who sit and calculate damage are doing so inside the battle screen where the counter is not ticking anyway.

I told him pace of the game could only be increased by setting all battles to auto vs wandering monsters.

His reasoning behind the 2 minute TL was that he did not have all day to play heroes. Good point, neither do I.

But playing this way with him over 20+ games I ran a chess clock on occassion and found that by using auto battle I was playing about 40 minutes per game while he was playing about 4 hours per game.

Finally I get him to move to 4 min TL's and what did we find? Our games got shorter.

I don't really know how. But it is consistent. Same players. Same map and shorter games. Maybe it is because you can get more done per day with the extra 2 minutes.

I know when I play 2 min TL I don't set up chains as much and don't use as many heroes.

My point is if speed is the concern then auto battles are the answer. I'd rather play a fast player who I don't need a timer to make them move and not use any time limits whatsoever.

Then again I never liked speed chess either.

Anyway this is a great thread so I will contribute my own bone head story to it and get it back on the track I derailed it from.

I have on more than one occasion forgot to equip the admirals hat on HG then stepped on the boat.

Or my favorite move is when I have boots of speed and sandals of saint I always take the boots off to start the turn and put on the sandals in order to fight better but I never remember to switch them back.

I am really good at forgetting to take my shackles off and getting attacked.

And every other bonehead move on this thread I think I have also done those as well.


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Famous Hero
posted June 05, 2001 02:57 PM


seems to be a good thread for my first post

now here's the story, which happened to me on BFH in one of my first games, when I didn't know all the hero's abilities by hard (still don't know all of them by now ).

I chose Inferno, my opponent Tower.. we agreed not to pick level 3 or 4 heroes, but we allowed to purchase them in tavern... when I looked into my tavern, day 1, I was amused to find Xyron there (with Inferno spell as special) and decided to make him my main.

After my turn day 2, I took a quick look into tavern and was not so amused, cause I saw Solmyr as my opponent's main... well, that's only fair I thought.

In the middle of week 1 I saw Solmyr approaching, with many Master Gremlins, some Gargoyles and some Fire Elementals.. damn, I thought, he's gonna attack immediately... by week2, day 1, he was reachable and I attacked him with 4 Efreet (maybe Sultans) and a few imps (why I did this still remains a mystery to me )

Anyway, I put my Efreet close to his units, so that the Chain Lightning would also affect his troops.. didn't work so well, 2 Efreet and all my imps have died when round 1 was finished.. so beginning of 2nd round I planned to cast my Inferno spell and hoped to finish the Fire Elementals who were of course immune to that spell with my sultans... not much of an interesting story so far, I'm afraid...

The main point is that I mixed something up: Inferno and Armageddon spell!!!! In other words, clicked on the Inferno spell in my spellbodk, I expected fire rain coming from above, hoping to kill as much of his units as possible.. imagine my surprise when I saw the "cast where?"-icon instead of fire rain

Of course I lost that fight and a few turns later I also lost the game... from this game on, I never picked Inferno as starting town again

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Famous Hero
box worshipper
posted June 05, 2001 03:15 PM


Or my favorite move is when I have boots of speed and sandals of saint I always take the boots off to start the turn and put on the sandals in order to fight better but I never remember to switch them back.


    I do this one all the time an kick myself during opponents turn. It is especially painful when I have just paid a huge price from black market or art merchant for the boots, and same move for the dragonbone greaves.

    Another swift move I have made is to use thorgrim as main, build him up well mebe even have a resistance art or two. Get into battle with opponent and then wonder why he isnt resisting any spells my opponent throws at me.  forgetting that I am holding black orb.
Winner or Whiner?

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Known Hero
posted June 06, 2001 01:16 AM


a stupid mistake that I seem to keep repeating involves Scholars.  I don't know how many times I've built a scholar up to exp level and forgotten to give them the wisdom to go with it......and much to my chagrin, I don't realize the mistake until I'm halfway across the map with him and can't pass that town portal or chain lightning spell I just got in my guild off to my main.

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Tavern Dweller
posted June 06, 2001 01:47 AM

Yes, mistakes are part of the game


yeah, the scholar magic transfer is evil.. it happened to me when i try to transfert a TP to my main.. i realized the mistake when i tried to cast it to get my main back to my  castle and protect it.. oups, that's hurt.

Another common and silly is when u forget to remove shackles when attacking a castle. It was on a random with greystole, we both had a huge army but with necro, i had also 2000+ skulls...
He destroyed my catapult with his black dragons at the end of the first round and I was stupidly stuck in front of his castle, and couldn't surrender or retreat.. so got my main nailed down cause of shackles.

It was a real frustrating experience at first, but I learned a lot from this game...
I played maybe 300+ games since the heroes's series creation, but the online game teach you a lot of strategies with the diversities of players..and also, it's hard to stay focused on a long lasting game..So it's part of the game.

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Tavern Dweller
posted June 06, 2001 03:38 PM

Luck sucks

how many times..
by unpredicted luck. (my unit's luck)
I was failed in resurrect??

Luck never come just when i really needed it!

Luck always happens only when i kill one left imp or like
that. or. more unfortunately.
when i was to blind last monster and resurrect all my
troops, last monster attacked my unit and is perished b4
blind him,  by my unit's double damage retaliate.

Luck seriously sucks.
so i never put on any Luck increase artifacts before
the last big fight.

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