Known Hero
posted October 22, 2014 06:17 PM |
when i get the spell points, on the right corner appears the mini hero with their monsters and the four primary skills. the resource bar also appears until you press some button in the battlefield
edit: right corner
Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2014 06:31 PM |
@Salamandre: I need an opinion from the Master.
If I'm able to create what I'm thinking of (and I think I can), the "Neutrals stack experience" will became redundant and conflictous. I still don't know about "Neutrals get help" but probably will need a twist, maybe a total new development. Do you think it's OK to disable those options from the original WoG screen using UN commands?
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 22, 2014 06:31 PM |
What you use to give mana? This will not create any bug, can use also with BG, BF:
!?BR&v997>1; each battle round
!!HEy1:Id50; give left hero 50 mana
No idea. Try and see. In all my maps all wog is disabled, but in some mods, no. Test is the only advice.
Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2014 07:18 PM |
Salamandre said: @Bloodsucker,
No idea. Try and see. In all my maps all wog is disabled, but in some mods, no. Test is the only advice.
But the last thing I want is to disable WoG and mods. Most of my ideas count with some of the newest mods like Conquistador: Leaders and Invite Tavern.
Does it looks too bad if I skip the f...g dwellings and let angels be hired at Behemoths crag and Phoenix at Portal?
If I create a DO including the not used creatures in the middle of Conflux (122, 124, 126, 128) will it provoke an error that stops the sequence?
Known Hero
posted October 22, 2014 07:19 PM |
Salamandre said: @Kalu
What you use to give mana? This will not create any bug, can use also with BG, BF:
!?BR&v997>1; each battle round
!!HEy1:Id50; give left hero 50 mana
Ok let me see, HE40 have the following situation about his spell points:
44 available/85 total;
the HE:I receiver shown 44??, how do you get the number 85? obviously isn't knowledge X 10
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 22, 2014 07:23 PM |
I don't understand what you want. I just show you how to give mana during battle, after that you make the maths. 85 as total means he may have basic/advanced intelligence, look at skills descriptions.
Era II mods and utilities
Known Hero
posted October 22, 2014 07:27 PM |
Salamandre said: I don't understand what you want. I just show you how to give mana during battle, after that you make the maths. 85 as total means he may have basic/advanced intelligence, look at skills descriptions.
nothing, i want both numbers for my custom dialog.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 22, 2014 07:34 PM |
bloodsucker said: If I create a DO including the not used creatures in the middle of Conflux (122, 124, 126, 128) will it provoke an error that stops the sequence?
It depends of context, not always. Do the loop then see if error...
Era II mods and utilities
Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2014 07:35 PM |
Mister_kalu said: Ok let me see, HE40 have the following situation about his spell points:
44 available/85 total;
the HE:I receiver shown 44??, how do you get the number 85? obviously isn't knowledge X 10
Intelligence less then expert?
Known Hero
posted October 22, 2014 07:43 PM |
bloodsucker said:
Mister_kalu said: Ok let me see, HE40 have the following situation about his spell points:
44 available/85 total;
the HE:I receiver shown 44??, how do you get the number 85? obviously isn't knowledge X 10
Intelligence less then expert?
85 is a random number, the total mana points can be increased for many reasons monsters, objects, secondary skills, etc
edit. the fixed total number can only be increased by intelligence maybe
Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2014 08:10 PM |
@Salamandre: you once told me to always use TM2 for daily checks, I see TM91 used in TDS Palace and TM38 in Emerald Tower. Is there a conventional weekly timer? Would you recommend any?
Is this code correct, I know I should have used the steps on the DO but it seemed extremely complicated and hard to test
**Monsters below level 8 are stronger 25%
!!DO724321/159/159/1:P; **** Ghosts
**Monsters above level 8 are stronger 15%
!!DO724322/193/193/1:P; **** Dracoliches
** excludes players army and some not used monsters just for safety
!!MA:Ax16/?y1 Dx16/?y2 Ex16/?y3 Mx16/?y4 Px16/?y5;
!!MA:Ax16/y1 Dx16/y2 Ex16/y3 Mx16/y4 Px16/y5;
!!FU&x16=154:E; *** excludes Blood Dragons
** excludes players army and some not used monsters just for safety
!!MA:Ax16/?y1 Dx16/?y2 Ex16/?y3 Mx16/?y4 Px16/?y5;
!!MA:Ax16/y1 Dx16/y2 Ex16/y3 Mx16/y4 Px16/y5;
Famous Hero
posted October 22, 2014 09:11 PM |
is there any erm command to check the skill numbers per hero limit? Or maybe even set it?
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 22, 2014 09:26 PM |
Vars and timers can be used as long as they are free. To find out which are not claimed, you must use total commander, commands/search, then enter the text to search, from era/mods folder naturally. In my example, the search is for !?TM2 and will display in lower box all the mods/erm files using it.
Normally the limit is 8. There is a script increasing this limit to 12, then a plugin in era for unlimited (you get all 28 skills). You can set a custom limit by using !?HL trigger. Once you hero reaches x level or whatever condition, prohibit him to learn more skills.
As far as I remember, HE:S are the receivers for secondary skills
Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2014 09:51 PM |
Salamandre said: To find out which are not claimed, you must use total commander, commands/search
Thank you.
!!MA:Ax16/?y1 Dx16/?y2 Ex16/?y3 Mx16/?y4 Px16/?y5;
!!MA:Ax16/y1 Dx16/y2 Ex16/y3 Mx16/y4 Px16/y5;
I'm sure this runned cause HP is the last parameter and I could check it was increased but I think this operations are by default rounded down so the others weren't changed for level 1 monsters. How can I make it round up or say at least 1?
The only solution I see is
but I have to test it,
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 22, 2014 09:59 PM |
Well, firstly your times is running for all players. So if you have for example 4 players, it will increase your monsters HP by 25% x 4. You must run it only once.
then for less than zero rounded down, is a bit more complicated:
!!MA:Ax16/?y1; check attack
!!VRy2:Sy1*125:100; increase by 25%, store in y2
!!VRy2&y2<1:S1; set y2 to 1 minimum value if result was rounded down to zero or less.
!!MA&y2>1:Ax16/y2; if result more than 1, set to y2
!!MA&y2=1:Ax16/dy2;if result is 1, add 1 to initial attack
Then same thing for all.
Era II mods and utilities
Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2014 10:07 PM |
Salamandre said: !!MA:Ax16/?y1; check attack
!!VRy2:Sy1*125:100; increase by 25%, store in y2
!!VRy2&y2<1:S1; set y2 to 1 minimum value if result was rounded down to zero or less.
!!MA:Ax16/dy2; add y2 to initial attack
Thank you. I tought there was an operator to round up or something and I simply did new it.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 22, 2014 10:07 PM |
Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2014 10:31 PM |
Salamandre said: Look again, I fixed my script, was wrong.
As a matter if fact I think both last lines are useless. If the result was more then 1 y2 stores that result, if it wasn't now stores 1. So it is just pass y2, right?
NO, cause is initial y1+1.
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted October 22, 2014 10:33 PM |
If they were useless, I wouldn't write them. Try with real values and see how it goes.
Era II mods and utilities
Legendary Hero
posted October 22, 2014 10:46 PM |
Salamandre said: If they were useless, I wouldn't write them. Try with real values and see how it goes.
So I guess is this, right?
**Monsters below level 8 get 25% per week
!!DO724321/159/159/1:P; **** Ghosts
**Monsters above level 8 get 15% per week
!!DO724322/196/196/1:P; **** Dracoliches
** excludes players army and some not used monsters just for safety
!!MA:Ax16/?y1 Dx16/?y2 Ex16/?y3 Mx16/?y4 Px16/?y5;
!!MA:Ax16/?y1; check attack
!!VRy6:Sy1*125:100; increase by 25%, store in y2
!!VRy6&y6<1:S1; set y2 to 1 minimum value if result was rounded down to zero or less.
!!MA&y6>1:Ax16/y6; if result more than 1, set to y2
!!MA&y6=1:Ax16/dy6;if result is 1, add 1 to initial attack
!!MA:Ax16/?y2; check defense
!!MA:Ax16/?y3; check max damage
!!MA:Ax16/?y4; check min damage
!!MA:Ax16/?y5; check health
!!MA:Ax16/y6 Dx16/y7 Ex16/y8 Mx16/y9 Px16/y10;
Didn't do it for big ones cause result will always be higher then one.