Hired Hero
posted March 29, 2004 10:15 AM |
ERM question:
I need to make some changes to the Wog options page. I'm interested how (if at all) you can make some options unclickable when some other options are clicked.
(Example: I think when you click an option: "Heroes start with commanders", the other option "Buy commanders in towns" gets now blacked out and can't be clicked.)
Famous Hero
posted March 29, 2004 07:42 PM |
Quote: ERM question:
I need to make some changes to the Wog options page. I'm interested how (if at all) you can make some options unclickable when some other options are clicked.
(Example: I think when you click an option: "Heroes start with commanders", the other option "Buy commanders in towns" gets now blacked out and can't be clicked.)
Unfortunately, the only way to do this is in the executable. When I'm setting up WoG Options I have to ask Slava to make any auto-disabling type changes that I need, and the same with defining a group as radio option buttons rather than checkboxes.
Famous Hero
Bringer Of Light
posted July 17, 2004 10:42 PM |
How could I make trolls vulnerable to fire magic and maybe for acid/-breath too?
Adventuring Hero
posted July 18, 2004 09:41 PM |
Quote: How could I make trolls vulnerable to fire magic and maybe for acid/-breath too?
Wait for 3.58, there is a new trigger and reciever for dealing with magic damage. It would be fairly easy to increase any damage taken from Fire (I'm not sure about acid). In fact I have already done something similar, I made Mummies take x2 damage from Fire in one of my scripts.
Famous Hero
Bringer Of Light
posted July 18, 2004 10:02 PM |
Okay, Iīll wait. About that script you have made, is it for 3.58 or can I find it from a certain map of yours?
After all, marriage and murder are not too different - one ends your life and the other is a crime
Famous Hero
Bringer Of Light
posted August 11, 2004 10:56 PM |
some help with erm
Letīs start. Hereīs what Iīd like to do:
-make every peasant give +1 gold per day for the player owning them.
-make pikeman/halberdier and troglodytes have doubled defense against all cavalry (and like) units (because they have spear).
-have certain creature to be able to cast spell.
-make hate-relationships between creatures (like BDs & titans and efreeti & genies).
-the question above =making trolls vulnerable to fire magic.
If someone who knows erm well could explain me where to start then maybe I could figure the rest of it myself. I have been able to modify some existing scripts to my favor but these thingies are something I canīt do without some good examples. So, from where should I begin, for example to make those halberdiers double their defense against -letīs say- champions?
Thanks in advance!
Famous Hero
Passed away
posted August 11, 2004 11:57 PM |
Edited By: Ste on 11 Aug 2004
Quote: Letīs start. Hereīs what Iīd like to do:
-make every peasant give +1 gold per day for the player owning them.
this code should help you:
** Peasant Script v 1.1 by Dieter Averbeck **
** Peasanss gives 1 gold Tax for every Peasant in heroes Army **
** (not Peasants at castles) **
** Upkeep (eng) v1.02 by Perfecto R. F. **
** Every day you now need to pay your creatures for their surving **
** (payment is the Cost of all your creatures in heroes army divided by 500 **
** (not creatures at castles) **
** Used as info: **
** Right click at Adventure Map Options **
!!VRv4029:S0; [v4029 = default cost of creatures]
!!VRv4030:S0; [v4030 = default q-ty of Peasants]
!!VRv4029&v4029>0::500; [v4029 = cost of creatures divided by 500]
!!VRv4029&v4029<0:S0; [just check]
!!OW:C?y1; [y1 = current player]
!!OW&x1=0:Ry1/6/dv1; [reduce gold for upkeep]
!!OW&x1=0:Ry1/6/dv4030; [peasants tax]
!!OW&x1=0/x2<0:Ry1/6/0; [if gold < 0, set to 0]
!!OW:C?y1; [y1 = current player]
!!HEx16?y2; [y2 = hero's owner]
!?FU4058; [x1 = hero number]
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2; [y1 = type of monster, y2 = q-ty]
!!MA&y1<>139/y1>-1: Cy1/6/?y4; [y4 = cost of gold for monster type y1]
!!VRv4029&y1<>139/y1>-1:+y4; [v4029 = Upkeep]
!!CM:S?v1 I?v2; [Check if it's a right-click on the Adventure options button]
!!CM&v1=14/v2=9:R0; [Disable standard right-click message]
!!IF&v1=14/v2=9:Q1/36/v4029/4^Army upkeep is {%V4029} gold per day.^;
-have certain creature to be able to cast spell.
-make hate-relationships between creatures (like BDs & titans and efreeti & genies).
this can be easily done through simple script in 3.58. wait a few weeks more
P.S. is : P and is : O without the space
The ultimate WoG tester
Famous Hero
Bringer Of Light
posted August 12, 2004 12:03 AM |
Thank you Ste for fast response! I appreciate your help.
After all, marriage and murder are not too different - one ends your life and the other is a crime
Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted August 24, 2004 09:15 PM |
How do you make your hero look like a dragon? (prefreably gold)
How exactly is luck a skill?
Famous Hero
posted August 25, 2004 10:25 AM |
Quote: How do you make your hero look like a dragon? (prefreably gold)
You need a really big makeup kit and a LOT of pâpier- maché!
Famous Hero
Bringer Of Light
posted August 31, 2004 07:51 PM |
Okay, I have already started modifying those creature-specialties, and have to thank you for it being so easy!
There are some questions though Iīd like to ask:
What are those "Paladin Monster" etc. things at the bottom of crexpbon.txt? Iīve been trying to make paladin able to cast destroy undead before attack (like lichs cast death ripple), but I guess itīs not possible to do this way??
How could I edit/change the spells (and maybe other abilities too) cast by commanders? Is there a script (not the enhanced commanders-script) where these things are what I could modify?
Also, is there any way of getting creature cast a spell without performing an attack, like zealots being able to cast bless/prayer to selected friendly stack (like ogre magi)?
And one more question, how could I add text to creature description, without needing to overwrite the whole description itself?
for example: adding "Bloodlust" to vampire description (I have enchanted them with bloodlust), without having to write the whole "Undead. No enemy retaliation. Bloodlust."-text.
Thanks in advance!
After all, marriage and murder are not too different - one ends your life and the other is a crime
Famous Hero
posted August 31, 2004 09:54 PM |
Quote: Okay, I have already started modifying those creature-specialties, and have to thank you for it being so easy!
There are some questions though Iīd like to ask:
What are those "Paladin Monster" etc. things at the bottom of crexpbon.txt? Iīve been trying to make paladin able to cast destroy undead before attack (like lichs cast death ripple), but I guess itīs not possible to do this way??
The Commander "monsters" in crexpbon.txt are only if you set up a battle (with HE:T for example) with Commanders and they're also not set as "real" Commanders. These abilities also applies to the Metamorph if it changes into a Commander in combat.
I don't think there's any way to give abilities to real commanders. If I recall correctly, stack experience was totally disabled for real Commanders to avoid conflicts and errors that could result from mixing the two systems (Commander experience abilities and stack experience abilities).
How could I edit/change the spells (and maybe other abilities too) cast by commanders? Is there a script (not the enhanced commanders-script) where these things are what I could modify?
There is a new battle command (BM:U4) added in 3.58 that lets you change the spell cast by any spell-casting creature (the ones with the spell-book icon in combat). But it only works during a battle so you would have to create a combat script to use it.
Also, is there any way of getting creature cast a spell without performing an attack, like zealots being able to cast bless/prayer to selected friendly stack (like ogre magi)?
Other than setting up some sort of mouse click-based casting, or writing a script to cast a spell based on another action (e.g., moving, waiting, defending), there isn't any way that I can think of.
The only way that Slava has been able to give a creature the icon-based spell casting abilities is through hard-coding. It seems that it's not possible to enable this through ERM.
And one more question, how could I add text to creature description, without needing to overwrite the whole description itself?
for example: adding "Bloodlust" to vampire description (I have enchanted them with bloodlust), without having to write the whole "Undead. No enemy retaliation. Bloodlust."-text.
First, please note that the space available for descriptions is quite small. It's only two lines and the full space in the window can't even be used.
Now, if the description text has already been modified, you can use the UN:G1 command to determine the index of the z variable that stores the new text. Then you can simple append the extra text to the variable.
But if the creature has a default description only, I don't think there's any way of reading this text, so unfortunately you'll have to set the complete description.
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure how much help this was since most of what you ask is unfortunately not possible, but you're welcome.
Famous Hero
Bringer Of Light
posted August 31, 2004 10:26 PM |
Thank you Fnord for fast response!
letīs see what I can do with my scripting abilities...
Thereīs one more question still in my mind:
How could I make a new combo-artifact from the following artifacts (I have posted this in some new artifacts-thread): Hellstorm helmet, breastplate of brimstone, shield of damned & sword of hellfire.
I tried to look for an example in the "enhanced artifacts" script, the garb of the forest lord. Unfortunately I donīt understand anything about those variable-thingies..
This is what I have managed to do, by taking example from the garb:
Quote: *!HEv7057:A2/11/?y10/?y13; [check for Sword of Hellfire]
*!FU7032&y5>011/14; [handle Sword of Hellfire if found]
*!HEv7057:A2/17/?y10/?y14; [check for Shield of Damned]
*!FU7032&y6>017/16; [handle Shield of Damned if found]
*!HEv7057:A2/29/?y10/?y15; [check for Breastplate of Brimstone]
*!FU7032&y7>029/22; [handle Breastplate of Brimstone if found]
*!HEv7057:A2/23/?y10/?y16; [check for Hellstorm Helmet]
*!FU7032&y8>023/24; [handle Hellstorm Helmet if found]
Only thing Iīve done is just changing some numbers to correspond my requirements.
I donīt know if that does something or not, cause I have no idea what all those numbers mean, so maybe I should start the whole thing from the beginning.
I would like to have the artifact to eliminate morale penalty caused by undead troops for inferno and dungeon troops + allowing all three of them to mix their armies without morale penalty (like angelic alliance). The problem is I donīt know where to start or how to continue..
Thanks for the patience!
After all, marriage and murder are not too different - one ends your life and the other is a crime
Tavern Dweller
posted September 01, 2004 10:26 PM |
Presently, I'm re-arranging a map , with the map editor ...
I've found something that is missing...
it's the Big Green Ball "Dwelling level 8" !!!
I think would be usefull for having a random level 8 dwelling !
there's a chance to see it in next update ??
(or can I make myself with ERM scripts ???)
I've made the .bmp for the green ball ....
I will need help for add to my installation
What I must do now ?
I don't know how to do the avrcgen8.msg and avrcgen8.msk
someone can help me ... guide me ???
(and I imagine that I must do a script file too ??)
Tavern Dweller
posted September 03, 2004 03:54 PM |
nobody want to help me ????
Famous Hero
Bringer Of Light
posted September 04, 2004 10:09 PM |
Quote: nobody want to help me ????
Learn to wait. If you are not answered right after you ask something, it doesnīt mean youīre not going to be answered at all.
After all, marriage and murder are not too different - one ends your life and the other is a crime
Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted September 05, 2004 02:38 AM |
question. how do you open ERM?
How exactly is luck a skill?
Famous Hero
posted September 05, 2004 11:50 AM |
Question to you who know ERM:
Is it possible in any way to create a script that removes the "only 1 capitol" thingy? so you can have multiple capitols and more money
Tavern Dweller
posted September 13, 2004 03:25 PM |
I don't like ERM becouse I don't speak these...
Famous Hero
posted September 14, 2004 01:04 AM |
Quote: Question to you who know ERM:
Is it possible in any way to create a script that removes the "only 1 capitol" thingy? so you can have multiple capitols and more money
I don't think there's any way to remove the limitation but as far as I know you can build additional Capitols anywhere through ERM. So you could have a script that lets you build a 2nd Capitol by some other method (clicking somewhere else I guess).
But, there's already an option in 3.58 called Castle Upgrading that lets you build a Gold Reserve to get additional gold. So why would you need another Capital?