
Adventuring Hero
posted April 14, 2013 01:21 AM |
Hey, are there any portraits or map defs for this creature?

Known Hero
posted April 14, 2013 04:44 AM |
I make some for it but unless someone has it.... its lost
Glad to know someone likes my gnoll centaur

Supreme Hero
posted April 14, 2013 09:37 AM |
Edited by Macron1 at 09:42, 14 Apr 2013.
Quote: Hey, are there any portraits or map defs for this creature?

Degrade is here:
Beware, modder! Maybe Macron1 is already benefitting from your work!

Adventuring Hero
posted April 14, 2013 03:05 PM |
Quote: I make some for it but unless someone has it.... its lost
Glad to know someone likes my gnoll centaur
If you are talking about the def, I only have the battlefield one, you can find it here;
Also thanks for making it, I was looking for one for a few days 
Thanks mate.

Known Hero
Rest in Peace Juvia (48-499)
posted May 06, 2013 02:58 PM |

Known Hero
Rest in Peace Juvia (48-499)
posted May 07, 2013 03:43 PM |
Edited by Humanoid at 15:44, 07 May 2013.
Alternative beastmaster:

Supreme Hero
posted May 14, 2013 09:00 AM |
I need big version of mimic or other big "living" thing to use as upgrade of some big chest found in HotA.
Did someone do something similar?

Known Hero
Rest in Peace Juvia (48-499)
posted May 23, 2013 01:27 PM |
Quote: I need big version of mimic or other big "living" thing to use as upgrade of some big chest found in HotA.
Did someone do something similar?
Its good?


Supreme Hero
posted July 30, 2013 01:40 PM |

Supreme Hero
posted July 30, 2013 02:16 PM |
Edited by Macron1 at 14:18, 30 Jul 2013.
Aquarius said: Hi 
This is my idea for new town ,,Halloween,, and my progress in working through it.
Town screen: 
What do you fink about this idea ? Shoud I keep on working through it ? Maybe somebody would like to help me with this project?
Is this project is dead?
Do you still have graphics?
Can you share materials?
I can help with townscreen for VCMI.
Do someone has Heroes of Gaia towns graphics?

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 30, 2013 02:50 PM |
son of a *****. looks like someone was going to do a fear town before me. and i thought my idea was original. whatever, at least i will be finishing mine.

Supreme Hero
posted July 30, 2013 04:04 PM |
fred79 said: son of a *****. looks like someone was going to do a fear town before me. and i thought my idea was original. whatever, at least i will be finishing mine. 
You also wanted to base it on HOG screen?
Looking old threads gives interesting results sometimes. So necromancy is good.

Undefeatable Hero
posted July 30, 2013 04:11 PM |
what do you mean by HOG screen? i'm not familiar with the abbreviation.
my layout is going to be different, all of his buildings are close, i am going to push mine back, from mid-ground to mid-background. the foreground is going to be decoration, much like the h3 necromancer townscreen, but more like this screen. my fear faction will also be much more ominous than this one. i want people to look at my town screen, and be creeped out. then, i want them to get creeped out by the monsters i use. it's going to be, you guessed it, downright creepy.

Supreme Hero
posted July 30, 2013 04:21 PM |
fred79 said: what do you mean by HOG screen? i'm not familiar with the abbreviation.
my layout is going to be different, all of his buildings are close, i am going to push mine back, from mid-ground to mid-background. the foreground is going to be decoration, much like the h3 necromancer townscreen, but more like this screen. my fear faction will also be much more ominous than this one. i want people to look at my town screen, and be creeped out. then, i want them to get creeped out by the monsters i use. it's going to be, you guessed it, downright creepy. 
Will wait for it. Standard towns are lacking fear.
Necropolis is more sad than creepy.
You made black ghost, as I remember, it can be posted in this theme, it's for hand-made monsters.

Supreme Hero
posted July 30, 2013 04:29 PM |
Edited by Macron1 at 20:03, 31 Jul 2013.
smvuy said: Glad to know someone likes my gnoll centaur
Today I looked through all theme searching for GIFs/DEFs of complete units.
Must say, your gnoll centaurs are one of coolest. I use them in some centaurs only lineup.
Also I liked Forest/Poison Witches. They will also take place in some town.
Found on DF2 full GIF of non-traditional Beholder

Tavern Dweller
posted August 01, 2013 02:54 PM |
Halloween project isn't dead. I had a long break but I return to this concept this year I creating new town view. I still would be very happy if somebody help me with this town? Do you have any sugestions?

Undefeatable Hero
posted August 01, 2013 03:12 PM |
aquarius said: Halloween project isn't dead. I had a long break but I return to this concept this year I creating new town view. I still would be very happy if somebody help me with this town? Do you have any sugestions?
sure, i have a suggestion. start another kind of town. just kidding, it's cool that i'm not the only one who loves halloween and wants to put something nightmarish in the game. what is your town lineup for creatures? have you only just done the townscreen, i mean, is that all you've done so far? how much have you brainstormed?
reason being, as i've been accumulating lots of things for my fear faction; stuff for the townscreen, making artifacts specifically for the town, finding appropriate hero avatars, figuring what the hero's themselves will look like, writing bio's, and i have even started creating 2 of the creatures for my town lineup, one wholly from scratch, the other using a pre-existing creature for the posing frames base. i've not been working on JUST my fear town, though(if you check out my objects thread, you will see a handful of stuff that i have been bouncing around with). so it'll take longer than expected. i should be done with it either late this year, or early next year, depending.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 01, 2013 03:48 PM |
Edited by aquarius at 17:11, 01 Aug 2013.

lineup: 1-pumpkinhead
3-(I'm not shure yet)
5-headless rider

Undefeatable Hero
posted August 01, 2013 04:11 PM |
Edited by fred79 at 16:29, 01 Aug 2013.
aquarius said: lineup: 1-pumpkinhead
3-(I'm not shure yet)
5-headless rider
How to post a picture ?
#2, werewolf, is my level 6 upgrade. but, i don't see why we can't have both towns. they would be cool, to play together. maybe even against each other, lol.
to post a pic, right-click on the pic(that you want to upload) in the place it originates from, go to "properties", and copy the full title path you see there. then, paste it into a post here via the "insert image" icon to the left of your posting screen. looks like a box, with 2 mountains and a sun in it.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 01, 2013 04:44 PM |
what is your town lineup for creatures?
We can also connect and create one city together