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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: Your opinion on your country's government?
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Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted April 03, 2013 11:41 AM

Your opinion on your country's government?

Hello Everyone.

I had this question held up in my brain for a long while, but I wonder, what is your opinion of your country's government (i.e. those currently in power, the political system, elections, democracy issues and such)?

As an Australian living in Australia, I think our government is much better, more tolerant and more honest than many governments around the world that seem to be mired in corruption, especially those in the third world and Communist countries. The government currently in power has some idealistic and visionary wishes for the country but putting them into practice is much harder than it seems. And corruption, sadly, is slowly creeping into the governing Labor Party, while the Green Party that holds the balance of power in the Senate are too idealistic and use a lot of strong-arm tactics to get their views through regardless of what others say.

So I think the Government of Australia is quite good, if a little misguided and idealistic at times. Australia's political and election system is one of the least corrupt and least biased in the world, and we are proud of our moderate democracy rights.

Opinions on your countries?
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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted April 03, 2013 12:14 PM

It's terrible. In Poland, we have:

- A socialistic party that calls themselves "Rightist"
- An even more socialistic party that considers itself "even more Rightist"

Two two of which are the major political force and both are utter failures. Incompetent leadership, political mistakes, massive nepotism, bureaucracy almost doubled in numbers, and with the latter party also bigotry, religious zeal, ridiculous antirussian policy makes it an incompetent joke of a political system. The rest of the parties are mostly leftist (both by title and program) but very minor.

Another problem is that whenever an party ends its reign after four years of having a majority, it disbands, and the people that made it create two other parties, which get to rule the country in another cycle. Same people, same politics, new names. As incredible as it sounds, we still have many politicians from socialistic times of being an ally of the Soviet Union; some of those are currently in "Rightist" parties. Rightist only by name, of course.
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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted April 03, 2013 12:26 PM

Mine sucks but it's better than yours.

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Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted April 03, 2013 12:54 PM

In Bulgaria we had the goverment fallen and we are facing new elections in 12th of may.
The reason were the bills for electricity and the will of people to get rid of oligopoly in our country.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted April 03, 2013 01:02 PM

I don't like them, I'll never vote for them. However, I must admit they broke the military's unusual force over Turkish politics which corrupted the system. In long term, that will be the only good thing they had done of importance.

The thing that worries me most is that education is much more Islam influenced now. I know Turkey will never be ruled by Islamic law but we will have really conservative generations in the next few decades.

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted April 03, 2013 01:04 PM
Edited by Storm-Giant at 13:40, 03 Apr 2013.

My country needs a purge.

It's so corrupted

Edit: Also, this

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Legendary Hero
posted April 03, 2013 01:55 PM

My country has a "rainbow-government" currently, which means that it took 6 parties to form the govermment. A special case, but there was an extreme right-wing party that took a landslide victory in the election, but refused to be in the government (thank God)

I would say that our government is tolerable, and I am happy about that. I fear the extreme parties keep on rising and do some permanent damage to our country...
"These friends probably started using condoms after having produced the most optimum amount of offsprings. Kudos to them for showing at least some restraint" - Tsar-ivor

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Supreme Hero
Knowledge Reaper
posted April 03, 2013 02:16 PM
Edited by Seraphim at 14:20, 03 Apr 2013.

Hello Everyone.



what is your opinion of your country's government (i.e. those currently in power, the political system, elections, democracy issues and such)?

Few keywords that describe those in power:
Horrible,anti-humanist, cronyist, nepotist, treasonous, criminal, spineless pieces of ****.
The pilitical system: Democracy(In paper).
Elections: Fraudulent.
Democracy issues: Non-existent because it is not a democracy, its feudalism.


As an Australian living in Australia, I think our government is much better, more tolerant and more honest than many governments around the world

I doubt that. The last time I heard from your govemrent, it was a guy who said the earth was 6000 years old and for some reason there is a pirate party in your country.
Maybe your country is tolerent, but also tolerant to stupidity.


that seem to be mired in corruption, especially those in the third world and Communist countries.

There are/were no communist countries.
The eastern block is currently developing a religious dogma, coupled with neo-nazi/Jihadist ideals.
Dont ask me how that goes.


The government currently in power has some idealistic and visionary wishes for the country but putting them into practice is much harder than it seems.

Like what ideals?

So I think the Government of Australia is quite good, if a little misguided and idealistic at times. Australia's political and election system is one of the least corrupt and least biased in the world, and we are proud of our moderate democracy rights.

While I admire your assertions and the potential for debate here. Seriously, nobody except australians give a damn about Australia.
The same goes for any group of people.
"Science is not fun without cyanide"

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted April 03, 2013 02:30 PM

Here in the Netherlands we currently have a liberal-socialist coalition. Which boils down to a vagueish, neither right nor left technocratical orientation of government, which as a member of said liberal party I am I can live with fine. If it weren't for the fact that the governing parties don't have a majority in the senate, which means that they have to do a lot of wheeling and dealing with the handfull of smaller parties to get something through at all. Stalling and watering the measures down.
Another minor annoiance is that, without deliberation with eachother, both parties have a tendency to say things that the other disagrees with fundamentally. But with the coming abdication of the Queen and the corronation of the new King, the government want to avoid the loss of face of going through a crisis before that, so I assume there won't be any sort of crisis for the next half year or so. After that, who is to say.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Hero of Order
Fox or Chicken?
posted April 03, 2013 02:40 PM
Edited by OmegaDestroyer at 16:12, 03 Apr 2013.

An outdated, out-of-touch, self-important, self-preserving, self-serving, bureaucratic nightmare.  
The giant has awakened
You drink my blood and drown
Wrath and raving I will not stop
You'll never take me down

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Legendary Hero
Words in a custom title
posted April 03, 2013 02:47 PM

Seriously, nobody except australians give a damn about Australia.
The same goes for any group of people.

I'm from Australia and even I am losing faith in my nation's government. We've got a prime minister and an opposition leader who are both unlikeable.
"Through the power of the dollar you can communicate with the dead." - Artu

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 03, 2013 03:03 PM
Edited by xerox at 15:12, 03 Apr 2013.

Relative to some other countries with severse issues of corruption and nepotis, the current liberal-conservative government, consisting of a coalition of four parties, seems like heaven. Ruling parties are the Moderate Party (conservatives gone mostly liberal) at around 30% of the vote, the Liberal Party at 7% of the votes (currently undergoing internal battle between socialliberals and liberal-conservatives), The Centre Party at 5% of the vote (old peasants' party gone socialliberal though the urban members are more libertarian) and the Christian Democrats at 5% too (mostly socialliberal, sometimes ssocalconservative).

But really, I see it as the least worst alternative. They don't have the guts to do the nescessary labour market reforms to reduce employment. They don't have the guts to deal with the problems that arise when you combine third world immigration with a wellfare state. They don't have the guts to say that some of the things that have been done to the education system, by many governments for a long time, are total fails that needs to be abolished or corrected now. Yet, it's better than the alternative that is  a semi-social democratic (I'd call them social liberals though there is a strong internal socialist opposition) and green government, supported by ex-communists.
Over himself, over his own
body and
mind, the individual is
- John Stuart Mill

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Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted April 03, 2013 04:04 PM
Edited by Tsar-Ivor at 16:10, 03 Apr 2013.

I absolutely love our political system, massive cuts in bureaucracy enables a determined leader to have supreme executive power while at the same time claim that s/he has a mandate from the masses. One beef that I have with it is that it calls itself a democracy. With the quantity of **** leaders and ambitious other politicians nobody has really taken advantage of the power that they have.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 03, 2013 04:38 PM

It sucks. I wish we could bring king Michael I back, he'd be better than any corrupt politician of ours.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

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Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted April 03, 2013 05:01 PM
Edited by Tsar-Ivor at 17:06, 03 Apr 2013.

Monarchs spend their whole lives training to be leaders, and accept ultimate responsibility to be fathers/mothers of the nation, and seek to be figure heads to which all aspire. Failure leads to death or the total downfall of the entire dynasty, the shame of all your ancestors, and all your descendants. While politicians on the other hand grow fat on the blood of the nation, and if they **** the country up, they do not even get as much as a slap on the wrist, at best they'll lose the next election.

Lol nobody in power thinks that we should try Tony Blair for war-crimes, he invented a fake document and used it as a pretext to launch an invasion, he duped the whole nation and he's scotch-free to get away with it, a monarch wouldn't have, nor a dictator in a western nation. I vote for a monarchy any day, we needs leaders that give a damn, rather than just trying to grow fatter. (They're millionaires to begin with lol)

After reading Michael's bio, I wholeheartedly agree.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

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Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted April 03, 2013 05:08 PM

Our monarch descendant Simeon promised in 2001 to make bulgarian people more wealthy in 800 days and they believed him at the time.
Later the lie was clear and he was no more trusted,but way too late.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted April 03, 2013 05:12 PM
Edited by gnomes2169 at 17:13, 03 Apr 2013.



And I am less than pleased with the government, in rather a multitude of ways. It is inconsistent if everything matter but one, and that is seeing how long it takes for them to implode under the weight of their fat and arguments (The skinny ones have inner fatness). The bureaucracy is unable to do anything in a reasonable amount of time (Want a bill implemented? Let's wait for three presidential terms before we do that...) and EVERYONE SUCKS AT EVERYTHING OH MY GOD, SO MUCH CORPORATE CORRUPTION. ;n;

Other than my seething hatred and bitter disappointment, though, I'm perfectly fine with the government.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Legendary Hero
posted April 03, 2013 08:11 PM

Monarchs spend their whole lives training to be leaders, and accept ultimate responsibility to be fathers/mothers of the nation, and seek to be figure heads to which all aspire. Failure leads to death or the total downfall of the entire dynasty, the shame of all your ancestors, and all your descendants.
Man, you should drop the high fantasy stuff. Now! Monarchs in the past were based on some gene roulette principle - you get a generation of competent ones, then you get a generation of incompetent ones, and THEN you get a generation of complete idiots which **** up decades of development in a few years just because everyone is supposed to obey the big boss in charge of the entire country no matter what. Repeat. Monarch nowadays are nothing more than walking memorials, emitting some mystic dignity (which is not very cheap to maintain) that certain rather romantic people with insufficient self-confidence mistake for actual brains and talent.
Really now, the next time when you dream of a monarch, try to think of your boss + you gotta do whatever he says + you can't leave your job except if you leave the country. That should fix it.

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Undefeatable Hero
Nerf Herder
posted April 03, 2013 08:21 PM
Edited by blizzardboy at 20:24, 03 Apr 2013.

Overall I like my government a lot. High standard of living and (almost) everything is extremely low cost. Easy rent, easy food, easy random stuff. Lots of easy mobility with where to live to without having to commit to move across a border. Almost everybody from the Mexican border to the North Pole speaks English and acts similarly. The government played a big role in all of that, except maybe the language thing.
"Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us."

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted April 03, 2013 11:27 PM

Don't get me started on the Belgian Government.
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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