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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Let's have War
Thread: Let's have War This thread is 54 pages long: 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 ... 20 30 40 50 54 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted January 31, 2004 11:30 PM
Edited By: Deimos on 31 Jan 2004

As the ballista prepared to fire, it froze over and went backwards because of the force of the shot, hitting RSF and Dragon Slayer. Deimos used the heat he drained to make a ring of fire around his attackers. He then grew his claws and started running back to the Chaos fort and killing and grabbing, to eat for later, spam elementals on the way.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 01, 2004 12:53 AM

RSF:They will be back. So I think we should find a good place to hide.

The party waits out in the forest for dusk to come. RSF digs a small hidden bunker in the forest and returns to redirect the path of the spam elemental army to a more hidden waiting point.

RSF continues his work on building the catapults, this time however, in a cave only a couple hundred yards behind the crest of the hill that is infront of the Chaos Gate. It's a perfect hiding spot. RSF also builds a mound of grass and puts some shrubs on top to camouflage the cave entrance. The cave opens up once inside giving lots of space to store siege weapons. After making a few catapults, it is nearly nightfall. The legion of spam elementals has arrived in the thick forest about a mile away from the Chaos Fort.

Realizing, that he will never get the battle preparations complete by himself, he goes into the forest to get a hundred spam elementals to help make some more catapults. He returns safely to the cave making sure no one was in sight. Dusk soon comes after they reenter the fort. He tells the spam elementals to attack anyone who comes into the cave immediately and even tells a couple to stand at the entrance as guards.

Enough wood has been brought into the cave already to make nearly one-hundred catapults and balistas. Now the only problem will be finding the ammo for the catapults. Balista ammo can be made easily, because one smaller than average tree can make hundreds of rounds. However, there seem to be no rocks in the area. Suddenly RSF, gets a wonderful idea that allows him to use the catapults and he decides to make more catapults than before.

However, he needs to test this first. Taking a risk of going outside. He brings out a catapult and tells some spam elementals to help set it up. Just outside the cave, he points the catapult away from the Chaos fort and uses a spam elemental as ammo and launches it. A couple hundred yards later he finds the spam elemental all splattered on the ground. As he tries to walk through it he gets stuck and it takes him about a minute to get out. (A minute of what a normal person would experience)

RSF: Yes this is perfect!

RSF tells the spam elementals to continue their work and goes back to the Order Fort to tell Woock the good news.

OOC: I don't understand what you mean by, it went backwards and hit RSF and Dragon Slayer. Could you edit your post to explain this a little better?

Also Dragon Slayer is protected from magic due to his Dragon Scale Armor. So he wouldn't have been affected by your freeze attack.
Go Red Sox!

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted February 01, 2004 02:41 AM

A guard notices some activity in the nearby forest, and goes inside to report.
Guard: Masters, I believe that the Order side is setting up an attack on us.
Silver: Well, let's crush them!
Deimos: No. We're not ready yet. I am not as strong as I could be. Here's my idea...
Deimos explained that if he could go to the Inferno and absorb Mvass, he would be much more powerful. He would be able to freeze the guards. All he needed was a gate...
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 01, 2004 03:59 AM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 1 Feb 2004

As the ballista prepared to fire, it froze over and went backwards because of the force of the shot, hitting RSF and Dragon Slayer. Deimos used the heat he drained to make a ring of fire around his attackers. He then grew his claws and started running back to the Chaos fort and killing and grabbing, to eat for later, spam elementals on the way.

OOC: The balistas were designed correctly. It wouldn't have moved backwards and hit us. Regardless of that, you retreated anyway, so it doesn't matter.

RSF arrives at the Order Fort.

RSF: Hello, Lord Woock. I have some great news for you.

Woock: Hello, RSF. What is it? You need some more spam elementals already huh? Well I got another thousand for you right here.

RSF: I have built some catapults to attack the Chaos Fort.

Woock: Good, but what are we going to do with catapults. We don't even have an army to defend them. Spam elementals aren't exactly good fighters you know. All they do is slow people down and bind things in place.

RSF: Exactly. Spam elementals make excellent catapult ammo. I figured out that when you launch one, it splatters all over the ground making it very sticky especially in tall grass. So we can splatter spam elementals in front of our catapults. Everyone will be stuck in place and then we can kill them with our balistas.

RSF: I also thought about putting them on fire and launching them. After they splat, burning sticky spam everywhere. Kinda like napalm.

Woock: I can't believe we never thought of this sooner.

RSF: This should definately be enough of a diversion for me to go coat the diamond in lava. I just thought I should inform you of the new uses of spam elementals.

Edit: QP has been applied to Dragon Slayer for good comic relief. Nice work DS. I applied it in what I think is the funniest post in this thread. It is back on page 5.
Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted February 01, 2004 09:38 PM

Meanwhile back at the order fort, Lord Woock is sitting on his throne.  He is reading the newspaper.  Then the door slams open.  Lord Woock looks up only to see a SPAM elemental standing there.  The SPAM elemental looks extremely angry.  It points a crossbow at Lord Woock.

SPAM Elemental: I hate you!  I wish you were dead!  You created me only so I can stand guard in the Hallway.  I can be more than just a stupid guard!

Lord Woock: Calm down its ok.

SPAM Elemental: No its not!  If I kill you, all my problems will go away!  

Lord Woock is extremely scared, the crossbow is pointed right at his head.  Then the SPAM Elemental shoots his arrow and barely misses Lord Woock.  Dingo comes from around the corner laughing his head off.

Dingo: You should have seen your face, you were so scared!  hahahha!

Lord Woock: My SPAM Elementals aren't for playing around, they are very important.  Please don't hypnotize them again in the future.

Dingo: Its ok, I had it under control the entire time.

Lord Woock:  What if the SPAM Elemental missed?  They have very bad aim!

Dingo: ummmmm, well...  see...  Lets go make some Elementals fight each other!

Lord Woock:  OK!
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted February 02, 2004 04:05 AM
Edited By: Dragon_Slayer on 2 Feb 2004

Dragon Slayer blinded with rage (actually a dare) because of that little magogs little stunt, charges to the chaos fort. He runs swiftly like the wind. hes almost there almost then... THUMP! He runs into the door...

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted February 02, 2004 07:44 AM

Deep within the Chaos fortress

Shadowcaster lay awake, unable to sleep because of the dream that had seized hold of his conciousness, refusing to release him from its burden. This was no mere dream, it was a vision. Somehow he knew, but what had it meant?

The vision began with the rising sun, a symbol of both enjoyment and weakness for Shadowcaster. As the shadows across the land had begun to wane, the shadow mage felt both an astounding yet familiar weakness and an unholy, inexplicable rage. He could feel rage even in a dream, but he had never felt as angry as this before, neither in real life nor in his mind. At least he had not been for a while, but he dared not think of those days of long ago.

Then time would suddenly stop, leaving only him to move in a world of motionless specters. Everything would grow a ghastly, pale hue and blood would seem to decorate the horizon. Cries could be heard from all around, but Shadowcaster remained alone. Then, the dream ended.

One thing was certain for the shadow mage: war was coming again, and it would be much worse than ever before. Why, he did not know, and it sparked a curiousity within Shadowcaster that matched the level and familiarity of the rage that he had felt in his dream. This curiousity was easily explained, but the cause of it remained a mystery. How would all of this happen?

Shadowcaster's question was soon answered. A loud boom and several cries, the same cries that he had heard in his dream, rang out through the Chaos labyrinth. It sounded like they were losing a battle. Shadowcaster rushed through the maze as quickly as his feet could take him, soon arriving at the front gate.

A nearby group of guards were stuck in a foreign pile of slime, and as Shadowcaster approached, the guards warned him not to come nearer. The shadow mage asked what was going on. A guard replied.

"They're attacking the fort, sir. It's a head-on battle with Order, but the tactics that they are using are far from the methods they used to employ in engaging with us. Just don't step in this stuff." he said, as he motioned down to the slime he and his comrades were mired in.

"Any officers for Order around?" the shadow mage asked the guard, but before he could produce an answer, a barrage of arrows nailed the whole bunch to the ground. Shadowcaster looked over and spotted the source. A large group of archers were congregated on the hill, and all were aiming their arrows at him. They fired.

Here was a chance for Shadowcaster to show off his agility. He raised a shadow around himself, through which all of the arrows travelled, each miraculously missing their target. He lowered the shade and sprinted torward the archers, but was soon pinned down behind a tree. These soldiers were strategically placed, but why were they not attacking the fort with him unable to guard it? Why, instead, did they continue to fire at Shadowcaster?

Suspecting an alterior motive for this invasion, the shadow mage slipped undetected from behind the tree. These archers would not have their way with him, a lord of the Chaos party. Daggers had soon found their ways into each of the men's backs, and Shadowcaster, knowing that he could do nothing to counter the catapult barrage that was bombarding the fort, slipped away to gather his thoughts before he continued any further in his speculations.

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted February 02, 2004 03:53 PM

Vadskye was aiming the Spam Elementals when he saw his archers start to drop like flies.  He detected the slight wispering noise a sword make when sheathed when all of them were dead.  "Shadow!"  He quickly aimed his sunlamp (magically enhaced to mimic real sumlight) and saw a figure returning to the Chaos base.  He mapped Shadow's trajectory in his head and aimed a spam elemental where Shadow should be.  Unfortunately, he had forgotten to account for the fact that Shadow had sped up when he noticed the lamp.  Vadskye aimed another spam elemental on the same trajectory, but it seemed to miss as well.  Shadow had escaped after killing the only spam elementals we had managed to train as archers.  Have you ever tried to teach something with no brain?  Not the easiest thing to do.  Vadskye would have to report this to RSF.

OOC: Wow, amazing post Shadowcaster!
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 02, 2004 04:21 PM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 2 Feb 2004

RSF: "This is going better than I had expected. What do you think DS? Are you playing cards again?"

Dragon Slayer: "You don't think everything is under contol. Look at all the spam slime everywhere?"

RSF: "Good point. Can you deal me in? No wait I'm supposed to go coat the diamond in lava."

DS: "Hey you should play with us. That diamond is good for raising bets."

RSF: "I'm off to the lava flow. You keep things running smoothly. If you get in trouble, just set the slime on fire and retreat. Somehow I don't think you'll have a problem with Deimos. If he tried any fire things, he'll burn down his own fort. Hahaha!"

There is a full moon out making the battle unusually bright for such a late night. Most everything out in the open can be seen with a keen eye. The slime-covered ground glistens in the moon light, as would a lake on a windy night.

RSF must now venture down the hill and find his way across the heated battlefield. The path is difficult, because of the spam slime on the ground. Such a task would even take RSF a while to find his way through the slime. He is forced to walk through it couple times slowing him down greatly. It takes a couple minutes to get through the battle.

Finally, the last of the sticky landscape is behind him. Now he must venture to the back of the Chaos Fort, something that would be impossible at anytime other than now. The spam catapults are doing their job perfectly. The entire place is in total chaos, no pun intended. All of the guards have taken cover from the spam bombs giving the time mage a free run for the lava flow.

RSF scales the wall and hops down into the fort. This is his first view ever from the inside. He can see the labyrinth, however that adventure is for another day. He takes a few seconds to look around and starts his way towards the back of the fort.


RSF is has been covered in spam. This slows him immensely. Now he can only move at three times normal speed. The splatter brings the attention to some of the Chaos guards. A barrage of arrows harass RSF all the way to the lava flow, however no guard dares enter the open due to the spam bombs.

OOC: You guys should see what Shadow and I have planned for this thread. I think you'll like it. Okay Shadow, I'm at the lava flow.
Go Red Sox!

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted February 03, 2004 03:09 AM

Deimos rushes out to the battle and sees more catapults firing at the fort. "Won't this battle ever stop?" thinks Deimos. He is nearly splatted by the spam, and manages to dodge just in time. He noticies Dragon Slayer playing cards. He freezes the cards to Dragon Slayer's hand, and when he looked at Deimos, Deimos threw a minor firebolt at Dragon Slayer, unable to hurt him, but enough to annoy him. Deimos quickly ran back into the fort, and as he was about to go to bed, a guard rushed up to him. "Lord Deimos! RSF is at the back of the fort!" he said, and Deimos ran there. There he saw that, indeed, there was RSF. "I can't burn anything because that'll prove harmful to us. I can, however, do this," he thought, and froze the spam RSF was stepping through. Since the time mage was quick, he managed to jump before everything froze over, but he landed on ice and fell.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted February 03, 2004 08:12 AM

Running from both the battle and his past, Shadowcaster dashed through the labyrinth that was now his home, not knowing where he would end up, and not really caring. Why did his memories keep wavering back to his younger days, before he became an emissary of the old spam? He had tried to bury those painful memories, but it now seemed he was doomed to fail. The shadow mage's past was catching up to him, and it did not matter how fast he ran.

Breathless and alone, Shadowcaster finally gave up on running and slumped down against a wall, submitting to his memories. It was because of him, this now chaotic hero, that Order had entered that disarray which was usually so foreign to its ranks. But it was not his fault. He could never have convinced any of them of that. No one would have listened, anyway. To them, he was dead.

Shadowcaster had sworn to himself that he would never recount his past to his mates in the Chaos party, it was too risky. Instead, he had made a habit of never trusting anyone, though Wolfman, his closest and dearest friend, was very close to shattering that wall of mistrust that he had placed around himself those many years ago. But the shadow mage had not seen his friend for a long time.

Shadowcaster had begun to feel alone over the past several days without Wolfman, and these memories of his old life only added to his alienation. He would have to confront his past sometime, because only then would he ever truly trust Wolfman, or anyone else in the Chaos ranks. Only then could he truly be himself.

Then, an idea hit him.

The shadow mage's success in the Chaos army assured him that his best friend of old, the source of his pain who had become his bitterest rival, was an officer for the other side as well, perhaps he was here, right now. Curiousity stirred within him again.

Shadowcaster regained his breath, then rushed out of the base even faster than he had rushed in. He dashed away from the action to the volcano behind the fort so that he could better scan the scene for his enemy, the time mage, RedSoxFan3, from higher ground.

Just then, the wads of slime sprinkled across the battlefield that the shadow mage was avoiding all froze over at once, now posing another problem: slipping on the ice it had become. It was, however, the lesser of two evils by far, and he reminded himself to thank their newest recruit after this was all said and done, assuming they both survived.

After a while of ice dodging and a few slips, Shadowcaster noticed a figure on the horizon. It was a human figure, and, to Shadowcaster, could only be one person. It was Wolfman! Wanting to reunite with his friend, Shadowcaster ignored the ice and hurried straight toward the figure, not knowing the dangers he was approaching. This long-lost friend would not give him so warm a welcome as he expected.

OOC: Ok, RSF, I've arrived as well. It's your call as to what will happen next.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 04, 2004 04:16 PM

OOC: We aren't attacking from the forest. We are attacking from the top of the hill.

The catapults all aim at Mvassilev. And the ballistas begin picking off the fire elementals. After a few volleys the Fire God is encased in a giant mound of spam. The fire elementals stop appearing at least for now.

Vadskye: "Keep firing at him. He may decide to start burning everything in sight and put everyone within a mile at sword point. Yes, this means everyone. All hundreds of people at sword point even though he only has two arms. Doesn't matter. EVERYONE AT SWORD POINT."

OOC: Mvassilev is out of the game. If you decide to abuse his powers in the same way that the member Mvassilev did, then there will be a problem. I do not wish to see him used often. He is out of the game and technically, you would be controlling more than one character. However, I'll allow it as an ability to summon him temporarily. However the spell will fizzle if you lose your concentration. As you said you cannot do anything other than concentrate on the spell in order for it to work.

RSF hurries to get the diamond covered before anymore trouble comes. He's still coated in spam, so the work is going slowly. Finally after about a minute he has completed his work, however Shadowcaster has approaches RSF as he's about to leave.

Shadowcaster: "Wolfman! It's good to see you again!"

Shadowcaster scares RSF stiff.

Shadowcaster: "Wolfman... Are you alright?"

RSF: "Uhhhh... Yeah, I'm okay."

Shadowcaster: "Are you sure? You don't sound like your..."

The two become silent. Even with the blaring noise in the background, the two perceive silence. Adrenaline runs through their veins as they realize each others identities. RSF glances behind him to look out of the corner of his eye. He sees Shadowcaster grip several throwing daggers into a fist getting ready to throw them.

Shadowcaster cocks his body to throw them at RSF and as he flicks hir wrist, RSF rolls to the side and grabs one of them out of the air. His reduced speed causes him to have less accuracy for such a manuveur. Instead of a clean catch, he nicks his palm and starts to bleed. By now the sunrise has begun. Shadowcaster can no longer cast a fully-effective shadow. He can still hide very effectively, however as time progresses RSF will slowly gain the advantage.

RSF: "I know who you are, SHADOW! I will avenge, Shella. I have been waiting to do this for ten years! You will pay for what you-- EH!"

A knife came out of the darkness and hit RSF in the foot. He let out a grunt and winced in pain.

Shadow: "You stole her from me and then you both made me look like a fool. You didn't have to just shun me. You turned all my friends against me and even my own family. You ruined my life and now you will die just like your snow of a wife, Shella. I will personally enjoy doing this."

Shadow throws another dagger and hits RSF in the calf. RSF pulls the dagger out of his calf and drops to a knee. He can see nothing through the Shadow's veil of darkness.

RSF sees his life flash before his eyes as he anticipates his impending death. He closes his eyes and recalls his childhood memories.

He's playing hide and go seek with his best friend and is losing of course just like everytime they played at night. He could never find his friend, because he could always hide in the shadows. He gave up trying to find his friend and called out, "Shadow? Where are you? I give up." Shadow comes out of the dark and walks behind RSF and taps him on the shoulder. The two of them burst out laughing and tackle each other to the ground.

He flashes forward again to his teenage years. Shadow and RSF are hanging out with Shella. The three of them are best friends. He remembers his huge crush on Shella and talking about it alone with Shadow. The two of them both share the same feelings for her. However, They vow to never let Shella get between them.

(back to the present)
Shadow: "We were best friends our entire lives and you betrayed me to win her over. You were jealous, because she liked me better. And now you will die!"

RSF comes out of his flashback. Shadowcaster walks up to RSF to slit his throat. Filled with rage, Shadow is breathing heavily. This gives warning to RSF. He turns around, stands up and flails his dagger into the darkness.

Shadow: "AHHHH! How did you hit you me, you bastard?"

The sun peeks up over the horizon revealing Shadowcaster. RSF sprints after him and slips on the spam. Shadowcaster throws another dagger at RSF, but he rolls over taking it in the arm. RSF gets up quickly.

RSF: "The sun has risen. Now you will die."

Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted February 04, 2004 07:45 PM

Shadow throws the dagger at RSF, but he is ready this time now that the sun is out. Although he is not able to move his feet, he still ducks out of the way and catches the dagger.

RSF: "You're lucky you're friends are here to save you."

Shadow: "And you're lucky the sun came up!"

Vadskye arrives on the scene to see RSF trying to break loose from the icy ground. He casts a spell to thaw out RSF's feet.

Vadskye: "Get out of here!"

RSF hucks the dagger at Shadowcaster, but Deimos blocks it again. Realizing he cannot win, he heads for the Chaos Gate.
Go Red Sox!

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted February 04, 2004 09:43 PM

RSF arrives at the Chaos gate and finds it guarded. A guard threw a dagger at him, but he dodged easily and killed the guard. Deimos caught up and, just as RSF was about to step over the threshold, the gate froze over, forming an ice barrier. RSF looked at the cause and saw Deimos with a giant fireball. Vladskye ran and dispelled the fireball, but before he could do anything else, Shadowcaster's dagger came zooming out of the air. RSF caught it looked for Shadow. He could not see him. How was that possible? How could the shadow mage hide in direct sunlight? The answer was clear, literally. Instead of the sun shining directly down, it shined through a barrier of ice. Deimos smiled and threw another fireball at Vladskye. Another dagger came slicing out of midair, right into RSF's arm. He started bleeding. Vladskye waved a quick, complicated sign, and dispelled the fireball, but as he got ready to dispell the ice barrier, he noticed that that would lead to all their deaths. While they fought, the spam catapults covered the ice in spam. If the ice was dispelled, the spam would fall and kill everybody. Then Deimos laughed and said "I hold all your lives in my hands, and can kill you all. Of course, that would mean I would kill myself, but... Anyway, I'm giving you a chance to surrender. We hold everything we need to kill you. Do you accept?"
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted February 04, 2004 10:09 PM bonus applied.
Edited By: Shadowcaster on 4 Feb 2004

RSF wavered his gaze to the sun in the east, then turned back again to face the duo. He could do this, all he had to do was single Shadowcaster out, but how? As his eyes met those of his shaded rival, he perceived an unholy anger in them. His memories drifted back to the last time he had seen that look on his old friend's face.

In the summer in the two lads' 18th year as friends, an irreparable division began to tear the two apart. Both were falling more in love with Shella by the day, but both also saw her falling for the shadow mage. The following autumn, Shadowcaster and Shella began dating, a practice that RSF vehemently opposed. He did not, however, let his friend know that he was about to break his promise to never let this girl break up their friendship.

It had been a year since the two had begun to date, and Shadowcaster had begun discussing engagement plans with his best friend, not knowing that dark machinations were being set in motion against him by the very same person he trusted so much. Before the big anniversary date that night, Shadowcaster and RSF went and scoped out rings for Shella, both knowing immediately which she would like best. It was decided, Shadowcaster would propose that night.

RSF parted ways with his friend after hearing a rundown of the couple's plans for the night and set off to Valen, a friend's, house. Knowing she was in love with Shadowcaster as well, all it took was a fake letter delivered to her home written and signed in the shadow mage's handwriting to convince Valen to go to the specified meeting place, which happened also to be the place where Shadowcaster and Shella were destined to go.

As Valen arrived and saw Shadowcaster sitting alone, not knowing that he was waiting for another, approached him and began to kiss him. Shadowcaster resisted, but could not stop her before Shella came in and saw the two together. The shadow mage spotted her just as she was leaving the restaurant, seeing one small tear slide down her face and glisten in the moonlight before she disappeared from his heart forever.

RSF played support for both sides, but he was only acting. Shadowcaster would not leave his house, so his friend offered to take the ring back to the store for him, asserting that the memory would be too painful for the shattered shadow mage to bear. Shella soon began to fall for RSF, who had helped her get over her heartbreak while subtly turning her against his former friend. When their engagement was announced, Shadowcaster was absent, but the word circulated quickly and he was not in the dark concerning the occasion for long.

He set out to find the couple to congratulate them, and, not wanting to cause either of his best friends any more pain, vowed to put the past behind him. He finally found them, and congratulated the couple on their impending marriage. His support soon vanished, however, for as he saw the ring on her finger, the same ring that he had proposed with, Shadowcaster suddenly realized what had happened. He had been betrayed. Donning a pleasant facade, he slipped away, promising revenge to both the interloper and his prize.

The day of the wedding arrived. All was mirth and merriment, and everything was perfect save for one detail: the best man was nowhere to be found. RSF looked everywhere for his friend, but could not find him. Reluctantly, he replaced Shadowcaster and the wedding began. As Shella began to walk down the aisle, RSF felt a strange tugging at his heart, a feeling of both guilt and horror.

Suddenly, Shella fell down lifeless in the aisle, and behind her appeared the best man, who had been hidden in her shadow. He reached down and grabbed his dagger from her back, then, looking up at RSF with a look of sinister triumph, charged the groom with the intent of finishing him off as well. He could not reach RSF before the crowd intervened, holding him back from his target. RSF slipped off the scene, and Shadowcaster was sentenced to death for his crimes when he was dragged before the then fully-empowered God of Spam.

Set for death row, the shadow mage sat sulking in a foul and rotting dungeon while RSF roamed free in the streets. How could he fail? He hated his friend, he hated everyone around him, and was glad to die at dawn. But his time was not up. The wall of his cell tumbled down with a mighty crash, and, unexpectedly, Shadowcaster was free. A figure appeared by the light of the moon and introduced himself as Wolfman, offering the shadow mage a spot in the Chaos ranks. His infamy had spread all the way to the opposing side. Given his options, to join Chaos or die, Shadowcaster was much obliged to follow Wolfman's cause. A friendship, and a new life for Shadowcaster, had begun.

RSF was jolted back into reality with a thud, and was surprised to see Deimos lying unconcious on the ground. Shadowcaster had knocked his own ally out! The shadow mage turned to face his foe, and said aloud, moving Deimos' body out of the way.

"This is between you and me. He does not need to get involved."

"The sun has risen, do you really think that you have a chance?"

"I can do more than hide now."

"So can I."

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted February 04, 2004 11:26 PM


Lord Woock, bored with the role of a sapient war factory, decided to sneak out of the Order fort, unnoticed by Dingo. This was of course easiest to achieve while in the immaterial form. He arrives near the catapults and materializes. So this is what RSF was talking about, he thinks, and looks around the spam-covered surroundings. 'Such a waste...', he sighs. Well, better not get killed off straight away, he thinks. Why not just use some of that spam to create a full body armor for me using my spam control powers, like so?

Now that Lord Woock could no longer be knocked out by a stray fist, he set out in the direction of the fort. He walks around the building, trying to find the entrance and sees Deimos lying on the ground being out of comma, and RSF and Shadowcaster about to fight.

'Hey, hey, HEY!' Woock shouted at RSF. 'You were supposed to get that diamond thingy so's I can be more powerful, yesno?' Woock summons a bunch of spam elementals on top of Deimos, making sure that he wouldn't be much of a threat immediately after he woke up. 'I sit there, boredom marching in without knocking, while you are having a tea party with mistare shady? I'm really disappointed, I really am'
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted February 05, 2004 12:33 AM

Vadskye: "Umm... is there something I need to know about?"

RSF: "Stand away!  Both of you!"

Vadskye: "Okay... how 'bouts I stand over here, ok?"

RSF: "Whatever." *dodges a dagger*

Vadskye leaves, whispering to Woock as he passes, "Let's take care of that diamond."  They head for the diamond, leaving RSF and Shadow to their little rivalry.

OOC: Wow!  You two must have worked hard on this.  I tried to get us out of the way so we wouldn't bother you, seeing what you did to Diemos.  You seem to have some plans for this thing.  Let's have Diemos wake up and chase us.  Then, we're all doing something and also staying out of each other's way.
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted February 05, 2004 02:17 AM

Dingo eventually notices that Lord Woock isn't in the Order fort.

Dingo:  Hmmmmm, thats a nice throne.

Dingo sits on the throne

Dingo: I could get used to this.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted February 05, 2004 02:38 PM
Edited By: Deimos on 5 Feb 2004

Deimos woke up and noticed Shadow and RSF fighting. He also notices the spam elementals on top of him, which he quickly tears apart. "This'll be my lunch," he thought. He was about to throw a fireball at RSF, but then realized what was happening. Beyond the ice barrier stood the God of Spam. Also, Vladskye was inside the barrier. "Time to crash all this down," Deimos thought, and with that, the spam-encrusted barrier collapsed. Deimos melted the chunks of ice that fell on top of him, could not do so for Shadow. He decided that Shadow could be alive and started digging him out. Great was his surprise, when he found that the shadow mage was not there. He looked if RSF was there, but he wasn't either. He looked up, and on top of a nearby hill, he saw the shadow mage and the time mage fighting. "Fine," Deimos thought, "If Shadow doesn't want my help, let him suit himself. Meanwhile, I cannot fight off these Order warriors by myself. Where's that gnome?"
Vladskye had also risen from the ice, having barely dodged it. He threw a potion at Deimos, but he dodged it. The God of Spam summoned a spam elemental to chase after Deimos, but the magog melted the frozen gate, then froze it again. He set off to find Silver.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted February 06, 2004 07:15 AM

Dragon Slayer felt helpless in this war. With all the strength he possesed he still felt as though there was nothing he could do. On top a the hill was RSF and Shadowcaster, ready to battle. To his left was Deimos, Vadskye, and The almighty God of Spam. He felt confused and diddnt know who to help. Suddenly Dragon Slayer heard a cry from Vadskye. Deimos was charging at him, his claws at the ready. Without a thought Dragon Slayer ran towards Deimos and managed to get his sword up to block the blow that may have killed Vadskye. Deimos glared at Dragon Slayer, it was an old fashioned stand off. With his diamond blade against Deimos's razor titanium claws, it would be tough. Without warning Deimos slashed at Dragon Slayers chest, luckily his armour protected him.

DS: You have to fight smarter than that to kill me!
Deimos: Ha, watch me!

And so it began...

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