Thread: Heroes 5 Strategy: Playing Necropolis Faction | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 · «PREV / NEXT» |


Hired Hero
posted February 25, 2010 10:26 PM |
Edited by Ake11 at 22:37, 25 Feb 2010.
Me and some friends are playing a large map, they always use dark or/and destructive on magic skill and I dont know what skill you should go after, I know it depends what race they are but the skill you should always have
This is what I think, or am im wrong?
Dark -
Summing -
Enlightenment - Intelligence
Dont know what more you should have or if you should only go for one magic skill

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 26, 2010 12:06 AM |
Some hints.
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Hired Hero
posted February 26, 2010 10:56 AM |
Thank you, so what you saying is for long games your skill should be Dark, Summoning, enlightinment and Logistics?
And the fifth, sorc, defens, attack, or luck?

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 26, 2010 10:58 AM |
Just one of the many combinations.
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Adventuring Hero
posted June 15, 2010 09:37 AM |
With Necro you need : Defence , Dark Magic , Enlightenment , Sorcery and Attack/Summoning ( preferably ) ...Keep skeleton archers instead of alternate upgrade ..You will take your mines easely with skeleton archers/liches/raise dead combo..Once you take an enemy castel quickly use shrine of the netherworld to boost your armies
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
-Sholom Aleichem

Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted June 19, 2010 10:15 AM |
necro is a weak faction...its creatures are the poorest weak even those of stronghold...the hero is weak i personally hate to play with them...the buildings are over all in cost (bone dragons cost 20 ore 20 wood and 20 mercuries-great cost,no?)and many other buildings ...sorry for necro fans

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 19, 2010 10:37 AM |
The necro fans just pissed their pants laughing You are mistaken in your assessment, feel free to check the other necro guide for more info on necro plays. But in short necro has outstanding rushing power and can make you bend and break under the pressure. Its only weakness is taking things slow and allowing opponent to develop - and of course powerful destructive.
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Legendary Hero
Lord Vader
posted June 19, 2010 11:08 AM |
AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Right you are Elvis!  
My gosh, you must have not seen the firepower of the fully armed and operational Necro Faction!
Skyrim RP? YES!
Here it is!

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 19, 2010 11:18 AM |
Edited by Elvin at 11:22, 19 Jun 2010.
But should adriancat want to make a small experiment.. Know the map rat race? The garrison to middle is guarded by a pack of tier 7 and the garrison itself has 15 pit fiends/spawns/lords, 15 matriarchs/mistresses and 333 grunts/familiars I believe. Necro is one of the few factions that can break the garrison on the beginning of week 2, despite the familiar mana draining and without upgrading your mage guild.
Of course breaking a garrison early doesn't mean much by its own.. However it gives an idea of how strong they can be in the early phases of the game. If you can get the riches, artifacts and level advantage that early you put your opponent in disadvantage.
Here is the map. Tip, suggested heroes for that are Naadir and Vladimir. I bet Kaspar can do it easily as well but he's a lame 
Edit: Checked the map and it has 2 versions inside. Try RatRace3x3.
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Legendary Hero
Lord Vader
posted June 19, 2010 06:18 PM |
If you're really nifty, I suppose you could also use Orson, despite his unattractiveness.
Skyrim RP? YES!
Here it is!

Known Hero
... the Vampire Doc
posted June 20, 2010 06:54 PM |
Quote: But should adriancat want to make a small experiment.. Know the map rat race? The garrison to middle is guarded by a pack of tier 7 and the garrison itself has 15 pit fiends/spawns/lords, 15 matriarchs/mistresses and 333 grunts/familiars I believe. Necro is one of the few factions that can break the garrison on the beginning of week 2, despite the familiar mana draining and without upgrading your mage guild.
Any replays are welcome here. I've been playing necros in Rat Race for years now, and unless you get an outstanding combination of firetraps and mana artifacts, plus some VERY lucky ghost misses and some favorable initiave bar there is no chance one can stand week two Garrison. Not even with Naadir. I have managed more than a couple day 1-2 week 3 Garrison brakes, but week two was never even close.
When you thing you tanked you skellies enough to sustain some damage you will mostly get mana-drained, twice fireballed (vaporizing all of your ghosts), slowed and lastly jumped upon by the the freaking grunts, opening space for those familiars to reach your skellies and reduce them to ashes.
Even with perfect MotN placing and mana recharging the dmg output is simply to high to prevent swift death with raise dead.
Perhaps if you pick war machines with the sole purpose of accelerating the creeping to that point (which I think is a bad idea anyway, since necros are the least effective faction with WM in the game).

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 20, 2010 07:53 PM |
Naadir breaks garrison on day 9. I don't even remember if I got puppet in town or the vault of mages but I think I've won the garrison fight without it in the past. At the very worst you should have one or two mass spells, fire warriors and motn.
Anyway the challenge is to be able to reach the garrison in the first place, there are some good challenges on the way. I think I had skipped the underground and moved in the tier 7 dwelling area.
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Known Hero
... the Vampire Doc
posted June 21, 2010 10:49 PM |
Lvl 21 Naadir with 135 mana and 22 spell power on day 9????
Get outta here! You are telling me you finished that small walk between castle and garrison through the surface and somehow got there with lvl 21, putting 72 elementals into play?
My math must be wrong at some point. This can't be level hard.
Not that Im doubting you, you know how I respect you, im just doubting reality.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 21, 2010 11:48 PM |
Watch it, you are doubting a rushing toher Well there are certain variables in play. First you must be strong enough to defeat most neutrals on the way to the garrison, the tier 4 next to the sphinx can be a toughie and so can the tier 6 near mage vault and tier 7 in front of garrison. Goes without saying that you will need enlightenment and logistics to level and move fast, enlightenment can give some extra xp if taken early and intelligence is important. Now how you can creep so fast? You've got an easy start. 2 lvls from learning stones, the odd chest and of course the sphinx giving 5k(or so) xp, you can hit lvl 9 on day 3. I don't remember how many chests I took as xp in the area behind the tier 4 guardians but necro doesn't require a lot of money plus if you rush it won't matter much anyway. The mercenary camp units from both weeks can be transformed into undead and chained to your hero before the garrison.
It's not such an incredible scenario, you just need a bit of luck and daring.
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Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted June 29, 2010 11:14 AM |
i do not understand how could you break that garisson in week 2???even with puppet master and raise dead you have not infinite mana points....and you will lose in the end....

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 29, 2010 12:06 PM |
Umm see the replay?
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
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Adventuring Hero
posted June 29, 2010 09:48 PM |
nice replay...mark of the necromancer FTW !
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
-Sholom Aleichem

Famous Hero
Protector Of The Peace
posted July 09, 2010 09:26 PM |
i retreat my words.....necro-vladimir combination it's very cool for me overpowered because i cannot counter this.....

Adventuring Hero
posted July 12, 2010 07:43 PM |
some questions:
How does Deirdre's Banshee Howl exactly works ?
How does exactly Zoltan ability works ? For example you can block your enemy to cast cleansing so you can play with him with puppet muster and frenzy ?
How to use corectly Naadir summons ghosts ? ..to "drain" the retaliate ?

Famous Hero
posted July 12, 2010 07:53 PM |
Edited by Oscarius at 19:54, 12 Jul 2010.
Quote: some questions:
How does Deirdre's Banshee Howl exactly works ?
The bonus (or penalty. ) for the morale and luck is simply doubled, the initative-penalty stays the same. 
How does exactly Zoltan ability works ? For example you can block your enemy to cast cleansing so you can play with him with puppet muster and frenzy ?
The formula is rather complex (from here on it's simply a copy-paste from te fanmanual and skillwheel. )
The chance is: 100/(Spell level + 1), so 50% for level ones, 33% for level two's and so on. It is also shifted slightly with the levels, by one %, so if you are 2 levels higher the chances are 52 and 35% for level one and level 2. 
And yes, as far as I know you can block cleansing.
Quote: How to use corectly Naadir summons ghosts ? ..to "drain" the retaliate ?
Pretty much, or block the path of large creatures, or block the newly dead so that they can't ressurect them. Think of it as a safricical stack like the stacks of 1 tier 1 you use in the beginning and you can't go much wrong. It's only the fact that they are fast flyers with a chance of blocking an attack, so even better.
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