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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: "The 300 Spartans" WoG scenario
Thread: "The 300 Spartans" WoG scenario This thread is 9 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted May 30, 2009 04:45 PM

Insanely fantastic!
This will be one tough nut to crack.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 30, 2009 05:13 PM

this map is really nice but i think the quest flow is too big.i don t think that you can possibly make all of them and that s a shame,i think you should rather receive quests once every 2 weeks at least,thus having more time to complete them

You would be surprised to find out how fast players I know will complete all the quests. You are given by the Hermes quest the ability to teleport in 5 locations you choose.
If you find the perfect pattern of those locations, you will be able to finish all the quests. If not, some will not be completed, but you still are able to win. The quests are there to keep you busy.
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Adventuring Hero
posted May 30, 2009 06:09 PM

I'll be sure to download this map when my father lets me on Windows. In the meantime, I'll be looking at the screen shots in Linux.

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Famous Hero
ooo da :)
posted May 30, 2009 06:13 PM

aham...and....yes :"> i didn t move leonidas too much :">.where is the war academy again?

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 30, 2009 06:18 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 18:22, 30 May 2009.

Alustor, just play it like any map:

If you see it is passable, move!
Follow the road under your nose

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Famous Hero
ooo da :)
posted May 30, 2009 06:37 PM


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Known Hero
posted May 30, 2009 07:36 PM

In general I like it. Although some things seems to be a bit illogical and as for me the scenery is too fabuluos in some places, I really enjoy playing it.

I'm going to translate your map into russian, what do you think about it? Your help with images translating would be featly.  

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 30, 2009 07:55 PM

Thank you for comments and offer. I would be glad to know that the russian community can play this map. But it will be a huge work for you.

1)For translating the map, I think it will be required that you complete the quests and understand how they work, to avoid translating errors. Some hints are suggested and if one did not complete the quest, he might give a different translation which will lead to a dead end.

2) The biggest text in the map is the Spartan Library. It offers to the player an vast overview about Sparta, history, economy, war machine, life style. But the text is not enabled before the player completed the Lybrary quest. Once the quest is completed, the player has access to all the historical informations, but it is only a layout bonus, it does not serve in any quest. That's why you can skip this in your translations, shortening a lot your work. (this text is about 10 pages long)

3) Following players complaints, I will surely modify some hints if they are not enough suggestive. So, waiting for a detailed test will be a good idea.

4) As I said in 3), a detailed test will be required. But it seems players give up as soon as a challenge is occurring thus the wait period may be delayed until someone really attacks the scenario with the will to succeed.
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Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted May 30, 2009 08:14 PM

Great to see it's released, I'll try it myself once time allows.  Sorry again for causing that delay, by the way

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Known Hero
posted May 30, 2009 09:01 PM

I don't have enough time to play the whole map (I'm sure someday I'll finish it but I won't be able to say that I've done all the quests etc), so I'm going to use the map editor and (omg!) cheats.

I've already checked text resources of your map. It looks impressive but I haven't to do it in a hurry. Some problems really exist. About the things you posted:

1. As I said I'm going to play the WHOLE map with the help of cheats and map editor. Hope you won't take offence. After that I'll be able to avoid such errors. Also as I think that in a map like that text is one of the most important things I will ask somebody who didn't play this map to play it in Russian. And if he has some troubles I'll check if it is connected with translation.
2. Spartan library... I can translate it but it'll take too much time. So as you (as the author) tell me that it's not important I'd better save my time.
3. Map is playable (btw while loading before the messages of the introduction some messages appear. They look like scripts which haven't ZVSE in the top) so changes will be little (or not?). If you aren't be able to gave me a full list I will check it with a program which can compare strings.
4. I'm not going to start translation right now but as I said I don't think that some great code changes will be required what means that I won't have to do any great changes. That's why I think I don't have to wait until all bugs are fixed.
5. As I wrote in my 1st post image translating is also required. I hope when I finish text translating you'll help with this issue.  

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Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted May 30, 2009 10:15 PM

epic map...

i should really pay more attention... i lost the very first battle(the beast).
Protection From Everything.

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Famous Hero
posted May 30, 2009 10:24 PM
Edited by Evasion at 22:30, 30 May 2009.

Huh, I tried it, and it doesn't work. I can't find the map in the h3 menu of the maps, I only get a bunch of russian maps? Which one should I start?

Edit: I still can't find it... any replies?

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Famous Hero
ooo da :)
posted May 30, 2009 10:45 PM

i also got those russian maps,i m not sure if this a bug or not,but the 300 scenario is first (above the russian maps)in my case...

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Famous Hero
posted May 30, 2009 10:47 PM

Huh, weird. Anyways, I'll check it out.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 30, 2009 11:34 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 00:02, 31 May 2009.


The patch is coming with some russians maps containing new objects. You can delete them. The 300 map is coming separately from the patch.You surely forgot to place manually the map from the zip into maps folder.


I am not sure what you means: there are not messages without ZVSE in the loading screen, but the story coming exactly as I wanted to.
Can you post a screen about what you think being not wanted messages?

If you want to use cheats, you will have to remove the "time condition" before any object, which allows visiting it only at a certain moment.
Remove any &v654>xx  in the !?OB triggers. If need I can provide you a clean version, where all the objects can be visited from the first day. Still some troubles may occur, as some things will happen only if leonidas won against a specific army. And viceversa about Gorgo.
It is quite complex.


You can't defeat the beast BEFORE doing the "dragon's lair" quest with Gorgo. If Gorgo succeeds, then the beast loses its invincibility and can be killed. Not before.

Free download link added, map was hosted on maps4heroes.com

Koni told me that he can't open the map in the editor. Anyone has same problem?
Era II mods and utilities

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Famous Hero
ooo da :)
posted May 31, 2009 12:55 AM

Koni told me that he can't open the map in the editor. Anyone has same problem?

not me

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 31, 2009 03:38 AM
Edited by Salamandre at 06:13, 31 May 2009.

Seems my help is required:

                                                       300 (short)WALKTROUGH

Leonidas quests :

move him South, visit the War Academy  and You will be told to deliver the villages on the South side. Sail in the boat and land at the end of the river. Now visit the guards south and you will be told that a beast is terrorizing both villages. At this point Gorgo will be teleported in front of Kleandros and will be informed that she has to find the magic armor of the beast and deactivate it. Once teleported into Dragon’s Lair,  supplied with 2 apprentices, look carefully at dragons stats and find which one holds the armor. The azure has 5HP, thus can’t be killed in 4 hits. The black has 5 speed thus can’t be hit 4 times. The rust will be always in the azure’s radius thus impossible to hit 4 times. It remains crystal and gold. Once you got the magical armor, move one square south with Gorgo and will be teleported back to Kleandros. He will deactivate the armor.
Now you can attack the beast lair with Leonidas and win. Time to visit the north village.

NORTH VILLAGE (trainers 1-4):

First trainer is the easiest: you have to survive 9 rounds so split your units correctly.
Second trainer: hit the lich with the first Spartan and place the other at 3 squares from the location where a rust dragon will be summoned. The lich naturally will attack the second Spartan, so on next turn, hit the rust standing behind the lich, so his breath kills the lich, then cast death ripple.

Third trainer: You will have to reach and hit the lich using remove obstacles. Choose one of the Spartans and remove each turn an obstacle. Some reloads will be necessary until you understand the pattern and which obstacles the lich place/remove every turn. Must hit her before the fourth round!

Fourth trainer: shoot at the lich with both north top and south bottom units. All the others go melee. On second turn the archangels are summoned: DO NOT attack but hit “wait” 7 times. When archangels finished to play around now hit the lich and kill 6 archangels. Next turn hit anyone and waits for the lich to retaliate.

SOUTH VILLAGE (trainers 5-8):

Fifth trainer: This requires a lot of observation and a prepared strategy. Only the Spartan can kill the lich but he will also die if hit 2 times. Protect him with force field/cure/crusaders until he reach the other side.     On third turn the obstacle in front of the lich is gone, so the Spartan can hit her.

Sixth trainer: split 1-1-xxx-1. Cast berserk on the top wyvern, kill (melee) the bottom wyvern, shoot at both griffins and WAIT with the big stack. Once the wyvern poisoned the zealot, attack melee with the big stack. You will lose if any casualties.

Seventh trainer: the hardest. Keep in mind that the champion has charge ability thus easy to predict his moves. Cast 3-4 turns  quick sands, then only mines. Always place your Spartan where he can’t be hit before the Champion is stopped by a quicksand. Basically you will need to make the Champion walk into the mines and die. It will be long and requires high concentration. You will die in one hit if fails.

Eight trainer: Battle chess (amazing script from James Vogan)
All you need to do is the kill the black vampire, which heals every turn the black king. Once he is dead attack with all you have the black king and protect your king. Once the king is dead, you won.

Once the trainers completed, sail again and land near Chronos. He will tell you that he will forge for you a sword, thus must visit him in the north area. Take the monolith, visit the war academy and get your reward for completing the trainers. Now head north, open the red gate and head west. Visit the black tent, flag the gold mine south, visit the knowledge power ups, then visit Chronos and get the sword. Head east, take the monolith, return there where Leonidas started on first turn, head through the red border, visit the powerups, visit Chronos second worship and get the bow (you must have 12 iron bars for this, make sure Gorgo already visited 12 miners huts before that!) . Visit the magic spring, then return on your steps and buy some spells/artefacts from the scholars (depends of how much funds you have).
Then position Leonidas on the Thermopylae pass (click right to find the location) and wait there the invasions. You will have to wait there the whole game (the pass offers a daily bonus if hold on), you will only have to move a few times to buy more spells or replenish the mana.      


Hermes statues: visit three of them to gain teleport ability when right clicking on the spell box. Once you visited three, get a teleport location on the citizens, one in Gerousia (on the statue), and another on the blacksmith. Now head and visit the 2 last statues to get 2 additional teleports which you can choose their location at your will. Now and only now start other quests.

Blacksmith/workers: bring them at their locations.

Dionisophon: visit the dry well. Then visit the water tank and bring the barrel at the dry well. Return see the noble and you will be rewarded.

Herakles: Leonatos is looking for Herakles tunic. Visit Polykles and he will ask you to get rid of a beast. Visit the hunter, pay him to kill the beast then return to Polykles to get the next scrap of map. Now visit the thieves den and give them a bottle of wine (either you win it at the wine seller or you buy it at the market). You will be given the next map. Now visit the frozen lands keeper and get the last scrap. Look at the map and you will see the x where you have to dig. After retrieving the tunic return to Leonatos.

Sostratos/Philomena: Visit Philomena to have a hint added in your Papyrus. Now visit Sostratos to see what he wants. Return to Philomena and she will tell you that you are not enough charming. In fact, to activate this quest, you need to be 4th rank in the Order of Life (diplomacy). Once you are charming, she will tell you that she will never go with Sostratos unless he finds a way to convince her. Return see Sostratos and you will find a bouquet of flowers near his house. (remember Philomena’s hint?) Head back to Philomena and give her the bouquet telling that it is from Sostratos. Return to Sostratos to finish the quest.

Prison revolted: The prison keeper send you to visit the north farmer. The last will tell you that he can do nothing unless you bring him 4 dogs to protect the farm. Head to Koyras and take the 3 dogs. The last dog will not join you if you aren’t 4th rank in Life Order (diplomacy). If so, had back to Koyras and he will sell you a dog for 5000 coins. Return to the farm, then to the prison. After giving the food to the prison keeper, he will ask you to bring him back all the prisoners (12). Take them with you and bring them back to the prison keeper.

Berenike: Aretras wife was kidnapped. Head to the bandits lair and rescue Berenike. But she was cursed (wraith)   so her husband is afraid of her and will not let her enter the house. Head east and visit the fountain of youth to magically restore the wife’s human appearance. Head back to Aretras.

Polemon: take his key and deliver it to his sons, near the south well. Visit his sons before that to get an important hint for Laomedon quest.

Laomedon: his daughter was kidnapped by Agelas  . You should have the hint in your papyrus by now that Polemone sons are guarding Agelas house on Sundays. You have two choices: visit Agelas Sunday thus get the daughter for free or bribe the guards on the others day, by giving them gold/wine. The third option (fight them) is not safe for you. Now return with Lucretia to Laomedon to get your reward.

Sextius: he is searching for a food cargo. When quest is initiated, a boat will wait you on the river. Sail and visit the air elemental. Rescue his brother from the Naiads, get back and visit La Pinta. Then visit Sextius again and you will be told to look after anything suspicious.   Near the Unidentified cavern, a suspicious character appeared. Speak to him , attack the cavern then return see Sextius.

Lucretius: Head to his house, equip the invisible cape and get the clepsydra.

Decius:  back to the miners huts, equip the magic sphere when you stand in front of the statue. Decius will appear and will talk to you. Head back to Agathorn to receive your reward.

Kritolaos: you must convince kritolaos to clean all charges against Molinaos. Visit him and choose “wait till he goes to bed” options. Now head to his house, get the key from the thief and engage kritolaos in combat. You will be invincible as you found his magical shield thus will be easy. Return now to Molinaos.

Artemis statue: write in a notepad the puzzle words you receive from pheiton. Once you got all 13 letters, return to the statue and type the magical word to be able to reach the bonus area.

Athanasia: she asks you to catch a thief breaking in her house every night. All you have to do is to visit the house every day and get the thief (he is generated within a random value, so may be long)
Hegelochos: the code is in fact like clockwise. 1 and 2 means you have to move diagonally north east etc.

Timandros: escort him safely to the shrine of fate. You will have to fight 80 ghosts on the way and keep him ALIVE.

Messengers : visit the messengers lair and fight them. The deliver each messenger to his owner.

Library: visit Zenon and he will give you a first book. Now you will have to locate him again and again until he gives you the nine stolen books. Return to the library of Sparta to enable it.

Thork: Complete this quest as FAST as you can as with Thork alive you can’t visit the miners anymore. Visit gaiana, then visit Thork, which is searching a proof of his divine origins. Now visit Kallias to get the first part of Thork’s father manuscript. Read the manuscript and will give you the locations in alphabetical order where the other missing parts are. Visit them all then return and talk to Thork. He will engage you in combat, don’t move on first turn, and on second turn he will suicide himself. Return for reward to Gaiana.

Demostenes: he is looking for the three Ayleid statues. Visit the artifact merchant to buy the first. Then visit the Ancestor ruins to get the second. Finally the third one is hold by Hermolaos near the crystal tower. Kill him and return see Demostene.

Agatha: you must win at dice game against  Apollonia. She can’t be beat before you get your luck skill to NINE. Visit all luck boosters on the map, then play the game.

Ghost: Lysander asked you to see what’s about the apparition at the east Observatory. Visit the Observatory and you will be told that only the mages from Temple of Elements may have the solution. Visit them, and you will be give with a “dissipation” spell. Now visit the Observatory on the third day of the full moon (3ed week) and cast the spell. The ghost will appear and he will talk to you. Head back to Lysander then visit Myron’s house.

Alkoras:  complete it as SOON as you can. Visit the desolated mines, fight the thugs then back to Alkoras for a nice reward.

Chrysanthe: She will ask you to speak to the judge Demetrius and find why her husband is in jail. Head back to Chrysanthe after speaking to Demetrius and she will ask you to talk to her husband. As you can’t enter in the prison which is guarded by Demetrius soldiers return see Chrysanthe to find what next. She will tell you that by all means you have to enter in jail and speak to Charis. Now head to the disguise clothing seller, put the robe on then attack the peaceful citizen near the south well.  You will be thrown in jail thus can speak to Charis. Be sure to remove the robe before talking to him, otherwise he will believe you are a spy.
Now head to Gerousia council, then  back to Chrisanthe.

Hermit: Visit the School of Magic where you will be given a magical sphere. Now go to the fire palaces and capture 6 fire souls. Return to the school of magic, then to the Hermit.

Jason: The guild is looking for its archimage. Visit Zophyros the mage, and he will tell you Jason story. Go and speak to Lysandra then attack the torture chamber. Back to Lysandra, she will make a potion for Zophyros. Visit him and together you will be teleported to Jason location.

Kleocharis: Visit the 3 bandits areas. Near the fane of life there is a thief hidden. Kill him and you will discover the tunnel entrance. Visit Kallines and get the dynamite which you will use at the tunnel entrance. Now you can finally defeat the bandits in the fanes of life and death, as well as the harpies lair. Return for your reward.

Archimedes: visit the 5 Ares disciples in the specified order to get ARES body then enable it by visiting the 5 Ares statues. Enable the combo then attack the crystal tower. Bring back Aphrodisia to her house, then return to Archimedes.

Vandals: visit the two travelers west from miner huts. Now visit Herodotus the translator to find out whet they want. Place Konistratos in the house for sale near the library and Angelitolochos in the house for sale near the recruitment center. Return to Gerousia for reward.

Theron: this quest is CAPITAL. Once you start to get the messages about Theron plotting around, try to get him BEFORE Leonidas engage in combat XERXES. Theron visits are random generated every turn, so it may be tricky to catch him.

Horse race: dismiss most of the creatures every turn and keep the fastest. According what is the next terrain you will run on, place a native creature in front of you at the end of each turn, taking it back on next turn and dismiss the non native creature.  You will need a few tries to get the pattern.

More hints: month 5 you will receive a message from Chronos, to visit him again and get a Crown. Do it.

KIll the horror
The owner is Tazar of course and the horror has half million HP and an insane attack. Split your spartans like in the screen and resurrect the dead cloned ones every turn and block the path to your big stack. You need the spartan crown (50%chance to halve HP) to succeed.

Last battle
Do not kill Xerxes before he cast enough Armageddons to kill the azures (about 20). They are immune to sword and anything else. He has 4 retaliations so attack him melee every turn 4 times to get him cast Armageddon on hit (beware at his 5000 melee damage). Beware at the berserk mass spell launched by the Dracoliches and at the poisonous attack of the titans. It hurts!
Use wisely the remove obstacles spell you are given in the battle.

Now I can return to real life, finally.
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Known Hero
posted May 31, 2009 07:14 AM

Nice help. If you agree I'll make readme.html and add that hints there.
What about screenshots:

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 31, 2009 07:26 AM

You are the only one who gets those. As you can check, they are from "house in fire" quest, and "spartan quests and abilities". They have all ZVSE enabled.
Problems with compatibility between russian and english version?

Do a check for those scripts and look if anything wrong in your version with the ZVSE instructions.
Era II mods and utilities

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Famous Hero
ooo da :)
posted May 31, 2009 07:34 AM

smth like this was needed.thks mate

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