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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: "The 300 Spartans" WoG scenario
Thread: "The 300 Spartans" WoG scenario This thread is 9 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 · «PREV / NEXT»

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 06, 2019 06:47 PM

hi, no problem for posting a lot, its cool for me to see somebody is still playing this map, 10 years after release. A lot of work went into.

Concerning the puzzle, I am afraid I can't help, its been years I did play this map and each puzzle requires a few trials. But they all work, thats for sure, been tested and stuff. If one quest is driving you nuts, just skip it.

Now about orbs, I am not sure adding them with trainer (install trainer, write its erm file in the txt file, then F12 after reload (!)) will finish the quest. The thing is the most triggers are scripted manually, so an effect is scripted right after the orb is given via command too. Adding the orb in another way will not trigger the quest end, I think.

Berenike: well, you found it ;)

Sorry for relative direction, the objects got proper names so just right click on, it will display fountain of youth.

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Hired Hero
posted March 06, 2019 10:57 PM

Salamandre said:
hi, no problem for posting a lot, its cool for me to see somebody is still playing this map, 10 years after release. A lot of work went into.

It's very apparent!
Concerning the puzzle, I am afraid I can't help, its been years I did play this map and each puzzle requires a few trials. But they all work, thats for sure, been tested and stuff. If one quest is driving you nuts, just skip it.

Hm... This is really a matter of logic. You don't need to play the game (or know anything about Heroes at all) to see that JV's example is badly broken. However, I guess it's not going to get fixed now.
Now about orbs, I am not sure adding them with trainer (install trainer, write its erm file in the txt file, then F12 after reload (!)) will finish the quest. The thing is the most triggers are scripted manually, so an effect is scripted right after the orb is given via command too. Adding the orb in another way will not trigger the quest end, I think.

I'm not worried about that. I just wanted to know what they do.

Also... As I mentioned, I don't see a way to put the orbs into the holes. Are you supposed to be able to control-right-click to leave artifacts on the ground, as you can in regular WoG? It's not working for me. But if that's not it, then what game mechanics do I use to drop the orbs in the holes?
Berenike: well, you found it ;)

Sorry for relative direction, the objects got proper names so just right click on, it will display fountain of youth.

Yes... I was just mentioning it, like the other small bugs, because it's trivial to fix, in case you ever publish another version.

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Hired Hero
posted March 07, 2019 11:04 PM

So in addition to my last question (how to put the orbs into the holes?), I forgot a couple of minor things I've been meaning to ask.

In Gorgo's quest list, it keeps saying the wine seller needs help. But when I go there, he tells me there's nothing to do. Is this a known bug? Or am I misunderstanding?

The lich quest seems unwinnable. There's about 20 of them, and they kill gorgo in a single turn or two. I can kill them all with a single stack of elementals I summon, but it doesn't matter - when the combat's over, gorgo's dead. Am I missing something?

Gorgo (the combat creature, not the hero) got up to level 4, significantly improving her HP and attack damage, after the fight with all the crusaders (where she wins after the first round, because they recognize her and ler her go). But now (I don't know exactly when) she's back down to level 0. Aside from the liches, she hasn't seen any combat where this could make a potential difference, but I'm curious what the deal is there. Is that supposed to happen?

Really though, my most pressing question is about putting the orbs in the holes.


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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 08, 2019 12:37 AM

Can you upload a saved game please? I will look for the wine seller

Lich quest: if I remember well, progressing in either order of life or death gives bonuses to your hero so the lich quest must be probably done when you are enough strong.

it is possible that one of Jim's puzzles removes the creature experience, as he often removes the creature then gives it back to the hero after quest. But I don't think it matters.

For orbs, I think they work with wog feature allowing to place artifacts by right clicking on the squares adjacent to your hero.

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Hired Hero
posted March 08, 2019 02:03 AM

Salamandre said:
Can you upload a saved game please? I will look for the wine seller

Lich quest: if I remember well, progressing in either order of life or death gives bonuses to your hero so the lich quest must be probably done when you are enough strong.

it is possible that one of Jim's puzzles removes the creature experience, as he often removes the creature then gives it back to the hero after quest. But I don't think it matters.

For orbs, I think they work with wog feature allowing to place artifacts by right clicking on the squares adjacent to your hero.

Here's the save: https://we.tl/t-Q3Fsft3GwU

I left gorgo on the wine seller. Note that she has the wine seller in her papyrus, but he doesn't want to deal with her.

About right-clicking and the orbs: I figured as much. But it's not working for me. I'm not sure how that can be - I have a bunch of mods, but only one has anything to do with clicking on the world map, and that's one you explicitly mention as being OK (the reminders mod). Still, I removed that and reloaded erm (F12) and it didn't change anything. I've used that WoG feature in other maps, and it's just not working here. Any ideas?

Oh... if you have a fix, please do it to this map instead: https://we.tl/t-EEzCJiEkAn

Thank you!

About the lich quest: I'm fully leveled in Life. I don't see how to tackle the liches, still. If I had "destroy undead", maybe, though the low spellpower might make it too weak. I haven't doubled her hitpoints but even with that I don't think I can do damage quick enough (lightning or magic arrow) to stop them from killing her. (She does have double speed.)

And yes, I think it was after a JV puzzle that the exp was reset.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 08, 2019 08:31 PM

Sorry I can't fix the wine seller as I have no idea how is triggered. The puzzles scripts were jim's work, I didn't interfere in. From what I see, once you solved the puzzle, you're done with him.

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Hired Hero
posted March 08, 2019 10:38 PM

Salamandre said:
Sorry I can't fix the wine seller as I have no idea how is triggered. The puzzles scripts were jim's work, I didn't interfere in. From what I see, once you solved the puzzle, you're done with him.

That's what I figured. Then the bug is just that the quest showed up in the papyrus again (or never disappeared). If you think you might fix this sometime, I can check which it is - I have saves from every day.

Please, what about the orbs? Any idea about why I can't drop them?

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 08, 2019 10:47 PM

No, but in the text file coming with the mod, there is jim email address. He is always willing to help if asked nicely, it's his quest.

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Hired Hero
posted March 09, 2019 10:18 PM

The orbs problem is my issue, as it turns out. I turned off all the WoG options when I started the game, assuming that the necessary ones would be set by the map. But it turns out they're not, because if I set the wog option to be able to leave artifacts on the ground, and start a new game, it all works fine.

So now I seem to be screwed... unless there is a way to enable that option by editing the map, or adding a mod to enable the option, or something like that. Do you know a way to do that?


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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 09, 2019 11:53 PM

Open the erm file, go to the end and type:

!?CM0; triggers when right click on map
!!UN:P902/1;  [can leave artifacts on ground]

Save, reload, F12, right click anywhere on map, script will be enabled. Then remove the script, save the erm, F12 again, now it should work.

But I don't remember if the puzzle requires you to place the artifacts OR it offers you to place them automatically if you stand on a specific square. in that case, the script is worthless.

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Hired Hero
posted March 10, 2019 12:55 AM

Thank you!!!

I'm pretty sure it doesn't work automatically, because that would mean that something else was broken. That seems unlikely, as your map is well-tested and my setup is vanilla. The alternative (missing wog option) is much more plausible.

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Hired Hero
posted March 10, 2019 01:20 PM

AnotherWun said:
I'm pretty sure it doesn't work automatically, because that would mean that something else was broken. That seems unlikely, as your map is well-tested and my setup is vanilla. The alternative (missing wog option) is much more plausible.

Confirmed. I got both orbs (which, answering my own question, are useless to gorgo, but having either is worth 55kgp).

I've played a few more game weeks- I'm now in the last wave, woohoo -  and naturally a few things have come up. The only actual problem, is one quest that just sits there: After I picked up the "lovely bouquet of flowers", neither Philomena nor Sostratos will interact with me. What am I supposed to do? (Your cheat/guide says Philomena should accept them.)

There are also a few minor bugs, in the unlikely event of a map update:
1) The docs say that the Crown and Theron will both pop up in month 5. They should say "sometime after the start of month 5". For me they didn't arrive until the fourth week.

2) The Artemis quest word is 13 letters long, but one of the clues is 14 letters long and another is 15. I solved it anyway but is this a bug, or just something intended to make it a little harder?

3) When I killed Theron, it partially interacted with the quest that was originally at that location (rescue the sprite). I didn't get the sprite, but I got messages at the start of the Theron battle saying "thanks for rescuing me". And the old quest reappeared in my papyrus.

4) My spartans' experience occasionally drops. Is this the overflow bug? Why is the mod not keeping that from happening? In any case, fortuantely, so far it hasn't been a problem- I've won their battles with few/no losses anyway, and then they level back up. I'm really hoping this doens't happen at the end though.

As always, thanks. This is such an amazing map!

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 10, 2019 01:48 PM

Thanks for bugs report. Is not like I don't want to update it, but this is very old map, when I sucked at coding and where I used very clumsy patterns for quests - as flags, full variables, so if I update it I will be forced to start everything from scratch because the old way is indeed guilty of generating bugs here and there. The codes inside are very hard to read, as I didn't classify them by quest but by the time I was writing them, so each time I try to look through it is a nightmare to find.

About spartans experience, it should not happen except when you receive new ones from Gorgo. The exp will be rounded down because of new recruits, thats all. Anyway, for bugs as negative experience, always use the mod "overflow fix". That mod should be used in every wog map, it takes care of everything related to every overflow, creature and hero experience.

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Hired Hero
posted March 14, 2019 06:41 PM
Edited by AnotherWun at 18:42, 14 Mar 2019.

Salamandre said:
Thanks for bugs report. Is not like I don't want to update it, but this is very old map, when I sucked at coding and where I used very clumsy patterns for quests - as flags, full variables, so if I update it I will be forced to start everything from scratch because the old way is indeed guilty of generating bugs here and there. The codes inside are very hard to read, as I didn't classify them by quest but by the time I was writing them, so each time I try to look through it is a nightmare to find.

I know what it's like looking though one's old code. Blech.

I was thinking more along the lines of a minor polish - fix some typos and other easy errors (like making an impassable wall around the NW playspace). Stuff that could be done in a few hours.
About spartans experience, it should not happen except when you receive new ones from Gorgo. The exp will be rounded down because of new recruits, thats all. Anyway, for bugs as negative experience, always use the mod "overflow fix". That mod should be used in every wog map, it takes care of everything related to every overflow, creature and hero experience.

Yeah, I know. I've got the mod in, and this is just happening randomly after a few battles, not related to new recruits (I'm careful not to send too many at any time, though that's trial-and-error since I can't get into the spartans' experience screen except while in combat). I'm wondering if somehow, after I got your fixed copy of my game back and unloaded/reloaded mods, somehow the fix overflow one isn't loading.

Oh well, so far it hasn't cost me anything.

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Hired Hero
posted March 20, 2019 01:28 AM
Edited by AnotherWun at 01:28, 20 Mar 2019.

AnotherWun said:
I've played a few more game weeks- I'm now in the last wave, woohoo -  and naturally a few things have come up. The only actual problem, is one quest that just sits there: After I picked up the "lovely bouquet of flowers", neither Philomena nor Sostratos will interact with me. What am I supposed to do? (Your cheat/guide says Philomena should accept them.)

Any thoughts on this?

There is also one other quest driving me crazy: Agatha. You wrote somewhere that you need *9* luck in order to beat Apollonia. I know of three luck boosters: Rally flag (SE on map), Fountain of Fortune (above the Oracle), and the Idol of Fortune (visit on day 7 to ensure Luck, in the desert a little N of the wine shop). Now, I can imagine that I'm blind enough to miss a single luck booster somewhere, but six of them?!? Or even six points of luck's worth? I must be missing something obvious. :-( Please help?


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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 20, 2019 06:38 PM

yes, there are enough boosters for +6 (is expert luck on?)

Install "find me" mod, paste its erm name in 300 spartans data/load etc.txt, then F12 and see them all. There is also mermaids in water

As for Philomena, need a save pls

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Hired Hero
posted March 21, 2019 12:07 AM
Edited by AnotherWun at 00:08, 21 Mar 2019.

Salamandre said:
yes, there are enough boosters for +6 (is expert luck on?)

No it is not. I have learning and the seven life order skills. But death order also doesn't give luck. How do you get that skill? And in any case, I think it's too late for me unless your map enables extra skills.

I have an extra point of luck from the "flower" (clover) in the Philomena quest. But that's all.
Install "find me" mod, paste its erm name in 300 spartans data/load etc.txt, then F12 and see them all. There is also mermaids in water

Ah! Yes, I missed those. As for the find me mod, it doesn't load even after I edit the "only these mods" file. If I remove that file entirely, it loads, but I get an enormous cascade of ERM errors, and it doesn't work. :-(
As for Philomena, need a save pls



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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 21, 2019 12:18 AM

I tried it and it loads. Install mod, reload save, F12 to enable then use the new button which is now near minimap. Thats all.

I will look for Philomena./

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Hired Hero
posted March 22, 2019 03:41 AM
Edited by AnotherWun at 04:04, 22 Mar 2019.

Salamandre said:
I tried it and it loads. Install mod, reload save, F12 to enable then use the new button which is now near minimap. Thats all.

I completely understand how it's supposed to work. And it *does* work for me in other maps. I just tested by removing the spartans mod, and starting a new game on a standard map. I can click on the telescope under the minimap and use the mod as expected.

But in 300, even after I F12, it does nothing. I have the following mods enabled currently:

"list": [
"300 Spartans",
"Find Me",
"Adv Map reminder",
"Daily quick save",
"Spells uncovered",
"Turbo WoG",
"Advanced Battle Hints",
"WoG Revised",
"Neutrals split",

If I remove the "load only these scripts.txt" file entirely, I get hit with several dozen screens of ERM errors when I F12. And then it *still* doesn't work.

This may be due to my running inside the WINE environment, instead of Windows, though I can't immediately see how. (It crashes the Map Editor all over the place, or I'd use that instead, but that's a different issue.)


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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 22, 2019 08:23 AM

Did you modify "load these scripts" file as well? it should look like this:

300 spartans.erm
era - quick savings.erm
Upgrade all.erm
Morn battlefields.erm
Advanced data.erm

If still does not work then I have no clue why...

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