Undefeatable Hero
posted November 08, 2009 01:20 AM |
The Riddle Thread
Know some riddles? Post them and we'll try to figure them out. Try not to use common ones, and don't Google the answers - try to actually figure them out, and post your solutions.
I'll start off.
You are the captain of a pirate crew consisting of five people. In your numerous adventures on the seven seas, your crew has acquired 100 doubloons. Now, as the captain, you have the task of dividing the loot among your crew of 5. It works like this: the captain proposes a distribution, and the crew votes on it. If the captain's suggestion passes, then the distribution is enacted. If the captain's suggestion fails, then the captain is killed, the first mate becomes captain, the second mate becomes first mate, and so on, and the process repeats - the captain (the former first mate) tries to divide the loot, etc. If there is a tie among the vote, the captain's suggestion passes.
Assuming that the pirates are extremely logical and absolutely self-interested, what distribution do you suggest to get the maximum amount of doubloons while staying alive?
Eccentric Opinion
Tavern Dweller
posted November 08, 2009 01:47 AM |
Assuming that as a pirate I am absolutely self-centered, hmm well I'll (try to) kill my crew, keep all the loot for myself then go and hire me a new crew.
Are you dead yet?
Undefeatable Hero
posted November 08, 2009 02:12 AM |
...You can't kill the crew. Only the captain can be killed, and that only by vote.
Eccentric Opinion
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted November 08, 2009 02:23 AM |
The captain has no share of those?
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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 08, 2009 02:30 AM |
The captain is trying to get the maximum amount of loot he can get while still staying alive.
Eccentric Opinion
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted November 08, 2009 03:54 AM |
So in total there are 5 people or 6?
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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 08, 2009 03:59 AM |
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted November 08, 2009 04:04 AM |
I'll give half of it to not spoil it 100%. Can the captain get off with 98 doubloons?
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Supreme Hero
Water-marked Champion!
posted November 08, 2009 04:12 AM |
Hmm, there's 100 doubloons. So, 100/6 = 16.7.
If the captain claims 20 doubloons, each crew member can claim 16 (16x5 = 80). If the crew members contest the division of loot, it's as simple as pointing out
Is this a trick question?
Seriously, if the crew members are THAT self-interested, they can kill the captain anyways, and divide the loot 5 ways. They'd each get the same amount, but 4 more doubloons each than if the captain were still alive.
And if they're THAT greedy, they can battle royale and the winner gets all 100.
If you supposedly care about someone, then don't push them out of your life. Acting like you're not doing it doesn't exempt you from what I just said. - Winterfate
Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted November 08, 2009 04:22 AM |
I'll split it fourways between myself and 3 of my shipmates. that way the vote will pass.
So pirate 1 gets 25
pirate 2 gets 25
Pirate 3 gets 25
I get 25
The other two pirates can't beat us and get zilch
Supreme Hero
Water-marked Champion!
posted November 08, 2009 04:28 AM |
Aye, m'lad, now you be thinkin' like a pirate!
(I didn't think of that. Very clever answer mamga)
If you supposedly care about someone, then don't push them out of your life. Acting like you're not doing it doesn't exempt you from what I just said. - Winterfate
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted November 08, 2009 04:28 AM |
Quote: I'll split it fourways between myself and 3 of my shipmates. that way the vote will pass.
So pirate 1 gets 25
pirate 2 gets 25
Pirate 3 gets 25
I get 25
The other two pirates can't beat us and get zilch
What makes you think the pirates won't vote against you, killing you, then dividing it more among themselves, which is better?
My logic is based on that when the pirate dies, the next one is in "charge". If the captain dies, and the next one dies, and the next one dies, the two remaining pirates will have equal vote, so the pirate before the last one can put 100 to himself, all of it. (equal vote means accepted)
It's not in the last pirate's interest to get out with 0. So the captain gives him 1.
However, in this case, the third pirate is not satisfied, since he comes BEFORE the last "fight" with the two pirates (he's captain), HE can give 1 to the last one and 99 to himself (as otherwise the next one will get 100 as explained before, which is clearly not in the interest of any). So the captain has to give 1 to the third pirate as well.
(if he doesn't, the second or fourth pirate are the winners, depending how the distribute it)
So it would be like:
Captain: 98
Second: 0
Third: 1
Fourth: 0
Last: 1
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Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted November 08, 2009 04:36 AM |
Quote: What makes you think the pirates won't vote against you, killing you, then dividing it more among themselves, which is better?
because Then the 3 who get 25 only get 20 each.
If they only care about themselves they will gladly rip off two fellow shipmates.
Undefeatable Hero
posted November 08, 2009 06:57 AM |
Death got it. Good job!
Here's how it goes. You have to work backwards. Assume that everyone except for #4 and #5 have been killed. (#1 is the captain.) Then what happens? #4 gets 100 and #5 gets 0, because ties go to the captain.
Take a step back. Everyone except #3, #4, and #5 have been killed. What does 3 have to offer to prevent himself from getting killed? Obviously, it's in #5's interest to get anything at all, because if #4 becomes captain, then he gets nothing. So #3 offers #5 one doubloon. So then #3's plan passes, with #3 getting 99, #4 getting 0, and #5 getting 1.
Take another step back. Only #1 has been killed - #2, #3, #4, and #5 are still alive. What does #2 have to offer to stay alive? Because #4 knows he'll never be captain (because he can foresee #3's plan), he'll take any offer. So #2 gives him 1. So #2 gets 99, #3 gets 0, #4 gets 1, and #5 gets 0.
Any other riddles?
Eccentric Opinion
Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted November 08, 2009 06:16 PM |
Well your explanation was certainly much clearer and easier than mine.
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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 08, 2009 07:28 PM |
Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted November 09, 2009 02:21 AM |
I had a few riddles but i used em up on a thread and a few were quite well known.
Supreme Hero
Accidental Hero
posted November 09, 2009 07:42 AM |
Edited by ihor at 07:45, 09 Nov 2009.
Ha, I heard about that riddle. That was nice one. Although I think riddles like this are appropriate in math thread I'll present one:
Let's say you are ill and you have a course of treatment. You have to take 1 pill A and 1 pill B each day for 30 days. You have only 30 pills A and 30 pills B. If you will not take pill A during some day you will die. If you will not take pill B during day you will die. If you will take more than one pill of some type you will die.
But in the first day the trouble occured. When you have been taken the pills out from their boxes you accidentally took 2 pills A and 1 pill B. All three pills look identical on your palm and you don't know which A and which B. What to do to save your life???
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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted November 09, 2009 11:15 AM |
Count how many pills are still in the boxes?
Supreme Hero
Accidental Hero
posted November 09, 2009 11:23 AM |
You do know that you have 2 pills A and 1 pill B on your palm (=28 pills A and 29 pills B in the boxes) but you don't know which pill is A and which is B from those on your palm and this day you have to take 1 pill A and 1 pill B.
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