
Adventuring Hero
Kokonut's zealot
posted August 23, 2017 12:39 PM |
baratorch said: Qualrath,
reboot PC solves this problem
Thanks a lot, works smooth as butter.

Famous Hero
The efreet
posted August 23, 2017 07:27 PM |
Baratorch: here's a link to polish translation of lobby, launcher and few untranslated texts from the game (like mass recruit, HD+...)


Hired Hero
posted August 25, 2017 12:57 PM |
Edited by Mursilis at 12:59, 25 Aug 2017.
Baratorch: here's a link to full spanish translation of HD Mod (v.5.0 Beta 3). The translation has been tested.

Famous Hero
The efreet
posted August 26, 2017 08:16 AM |
Cut and pasted from HotA bugreport topic:
I don't know if it's just issue with my HotA copy, or is it a global bug. PLEASE CONFIRM OR DENY!
I've noticed that HotA isn't "random" anymore. What I mean by that: When starting a new game, choosing a map, and everything else - if you leave faction and hero settings as RANDOM, map will choose specific factions everytime you load a map. For example, 2 player map:
1st time loading: Cove vs. Stronghold
2nd time: Necropolis vs. Tower
3rd time: Necropolis vs Necropolis
4th time: Inferno vs. Rampart...
And if you restart the game, factions after loading will be the same as above!
Once again, If anyone else can deny or confirm that bug, please do.
EDIT: this may be HDmod issue.
I've made another pure copy of HotA - randomness works.
I've added polish translation - randomness still works.
I've installed HDmod and launched via HDLauncher - randomness broke.
When launching via hota.exe - randomness still works.
EDIT2: This is definetly HDmod 5.0 beta3 issue to me.
I've rolled back update to beta2 and everything works fine.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted August 26, 2017 09:11 AM |
It's kinda hard to explain, but it's got nothing to do with HD mod or HotA, it is original game design/bug of Heroes.
You see when you select random you expect things to be just that, but is actually only a "semi random" generator, meaning you will sometimes run into exactly the same towns, heroes in taverns, creatures in refugee camps etc.
I hate when the "randomness" gets stuck like this, but the best advice I can give is to never use the Restart Game button, as you will get exactly the same as last time. Instead go to main menu and select the same conditions again, this time you should get a different result. If not try quitting the game and open it again.

Famous Hero
The efreet
posted August 26, 2017 09:21 AM |
Edited by Hellburn at 09:23, 26 Aug 2017.
I think you did not understood what I wrote.
Random faction in HotA without HDmod is truly random (you can get every faction and you can't predict what you'll get when starting a map)
Random faction in HotA with HDmod beta2 is truly random (same as above).
BUT with beta3 update, randomness breaks to the point that game chooses a specific factions EVERY TIME you start the game. Closing the game and launching it again only resets the cycle.
And it's a very, very big problem for maps like Arena Konwentowa, which heavily rely on factions being truly random.
Please test it by yourself first.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted August 26, 2017 09:29 AM |
Sorry, I never noticed this, but Beta 3 is also quite new. You might be right then, sadly.

Adventuring Hero
posted August 28, 2017 09:44 AM |
Edited by Erdamon at 09:45, 28 Aug 2017.
Hello. Would like to report a bug.
Holding CTRL and then clicking the Portal of Summoning spot in the town screen to recruit creatures in Dungeon castle does not work.
The click is registered and the animation plays, but the creatures are not recruited.
gif link

Tavern Dweller
posted August 28, 2017 05:19 PM |
Lovely mod!
I just dont understand, in earlier versions of the mod, you could press the button 'alt gr' (alt+control button), then hover the mouse over a creature and see how far it could move. In other words like a toggle. Now this feature wont work and you'll have to hold either alt or control.
So my quistion is, can you make the toggle button again?

Famous Hero
The efreet
posted August 28, 2017 06:36 PM |
Reminder that in beta4 randomness is still broken. And the worst part is - The update is necessary to join the lobby!

Adventuring Hero
posted August 29, 2017 01:52 PM |
Edited by foerno at 13:51, 02 Sep 2017.
on linux with wine and the latest HD mod version (5.0 beta4) and hota (1.4.2), i don't see the button "online lobby". on windows everything works fine. what's wrong?
EDIT: the shortcut i was launching from was not from the HD mod (even though it was called Hota HD). i was just launching the game without the mod—launching from the HD mod works fine.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 30, 2017 12:31 AM |
Gamebreaking bug
Recently I have noticed a strange bug, which had occured 3 times to me. When I play using simultaneous turns, and as a blue player get attacked by red player, there appears a battlefield, game shows communicate "simultaneous turn interrupted, 1st player must repeat his turn" or something like this, and then game somehow crashes, I mean I can't move my units while it is their move, can't write chat, can't open spell book, can't exit game, can't do anything. If there is any solution I can't see it for now.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 30, 2017 12:33 PM |
I keep receiving Reconnecting to Server whenever I play online or just sit in the online-lobby. Fresh new installs, was working beautiful yesterday and now my game won't even work online. Anyone else with this or with a fix? This happened after the chat update.

Adventuring Hero
posted August 30, 2017 06:13 PM |
foerno said: on linux with wine and the latest HD mod version (5.0 beta4) and hota (1.4.2), i don't see the button "online lobby". on windows everything works fine. what's wrong?
On my linux with wine everything its ok.
You can use Online Service button with globe icon instead of online lobby button.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted August 30, 2017 06:22 PM |
baratorch, after 4.208 people reported many crashes when using Era. Which latest version of HD we should stick to have it like before, smooth? I use 4.205 for example, works ok.

Known Hero
posted August 30, 2017 08:27 PM |
simultaneous turns are unfortunately still quite bugged, but at least playable.
Unfortunately I don't know how to reproduce most bugs =/ They just happen.
All of these bugs only happen very rarely (~2-3 times per game)
- your turn is abruptly ended, just because one of the other players hit "next turn".
- some of your actions from last turn are reverted, monsters not defeated, hero not moved.
- sending ressources is also bugged, but don't know how exactly. Since I was rampart allies send me their gold every week. One week I paid them back their money at 1st, but at second day I still had all their money, while they also had their money, so we doubled it. Or in another week one of my allies lost 80k without any reason.

Adventuring Hero
posted September 02, 2017 01:52 PM |
i was using the chess timer and simultaneous turns. red was in a battle, while blue had already ended his turn. red then used up all his time while in the battle. after the battle was over, the game got stuck. red was seing "current player: blue", while blue was seeing: "current player: red".

Tavern Dweller
posted September 02, 2017 11:53 PM |
Love that there is a online lobby for this game now (ingame)! But sadly I have problems and cant use it now. It worked fine as late as wednesday this week but after that i lose connection after about 5 mins if i can join the lobby at all.
I have mobile internet and as said it worked fine until just recently. But today I was visiting my brother and used his cable internet and it worked like a charm. When i got home tho and wanted to play more it was the same problem. So does it have something to do with how good/relible the internet is? Idk it worked fine before...
Anyways just wanted to describe my problem and what I have observed. Thank you for the awesome work you put into this tho

Adventuring Hero
posted September 03, 2017 01:55 PM |
I've noticed once upon a time that HD mod used to allow "invite hero" feature, and it's been removed since some time now. So what caused this feature to appear in the first place and then be removed from HD mod? I can understand that it is unfair, because everyone will scroll heroes till they invite Sir Mullich.. I am glad this is removed.

Famous Hero
The efreet
posted September 03, 2017 03:08 PM |
In "tweaks" section:
<UI.Tavern.InviteHero> = 1