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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: Romanian Town
Thread: Romanian Town This thread is 26 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 ... 22 23 24 25 26 · «PREV / NEXT»

Tavern Dweller
Royal pain .....
posted January 31, 2014 06:55 PM

Nice town mate i have v1 with HoL version and the creatures are really good based on our country's mythology or so to say
PS . Sunt tot roman si vroiam sa te intreb cat timp ti-a luat sa faci orasul , te-a ajutat cineva , ce programe ai folosit . Pt ca am si eu cateva idei despre cateva orase noi ( 28 in total dintre care 3 sunt parodi sa zic asa ) si chiar as vrea sa fac din ele ca observ ca nu doar nimeni nu era interesat de ele cand le-am postat in HOTA/DOOM  thread dar mai si comentau negativ asupra lor :/
Many people are alive only
because its illegal to shoot
them .

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Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted January 31, 2014 07:34 PM
Edited by LizardWarrior at 19:42, 31 Jan 2014.

I'm glad you like it, but version 1.0 is a bit crude and unfinished, so I would recommend waiting for the next version.

(my fellow Romanian friend asked me to give him some advice about town-making)
Ah, imi amintesc cand m-am inscris eu prima data si habar nu aveam despre modding, si eu faceam la fel: postam o gramada de idei si de topicuri despre orase si moduri. La vremea mea si eu am luat o gramada de insulte si injuraturi, ba ca am idei proaste, ba ca niciodata nu o sa reusesc. Acum 4-5 ani am avut prima data idea de a face Orasul Romanesc, desigur multi au spus vorbe urate si asta m-a descurajat( la inceput a fost o parodie, avea caini vagabonzi si dacii 1300 ca unitati, sa nu mai spunem de eroi ) . Dupa un timp am inceput sa nu imi mai pese de ce spun, dar m-am apucat de treaba, odata ce implementezi ceva in joc, chiar daca arata mai nesatisfacator, incep sa tace si primesti opinii mai bune.

Sa faci un oras e o munca titanica, trebuie sa sacrifici sute de ore, ba chiar mai mult daca vrei sa iasa ceva bun, gandeste-te ca doar la o creatura iti trebuie 70+ de frame, dar apoi la un oras intreg... Alege un oras din 28, cel care crezi ca are cel mai mult potential, citeste tutoriale, uita-te la orasele deja facute sau incepute de alti (nu de la HotA, acolo e o echipa profesionista, depasesc cu mult posibilitatiile unui modder obisnuit). Inainte sa incepi sa lucrezi la un oras, poti sa incepi sa faci ceva mai simplu.

Eu lucrez de mult la Orasul Romanesc si inca mai am o gramada de facut, dar nu te descuraja, eu am lucrat cu pauze lungi, chiar de un an. Daca vrei cu adevarat sa faci ceva si ai ambitie, te sfatuiesc sa te pui pe treaba pentru ca ai toate sansele sa reusesti daca lucrezi.

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Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted January 31, 2014 07:35 PM

Guys, just a little reminder, if you post in your native language at least post a translation of it, unless you want Corribus to beat you with a baton repeatedly untill you learned your lesson.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted January 31, 2014 07:38 PM

@kip: I know, but it takes years of practice to master those programs, I'll stick to 2d graphics for now

@revolution: Thanks, it's supposed to be grim

fred79 said:

Edit #2: just realized, that if you choose to decrease contrast on the buildings, you should decrease the contrast slightly more on the castle, as it is farther away, and would be seen through more "haze".

Is this good? (note: it isn't an actual game screen, just a photoshopped one for test)

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Supreme Hero
posted January 31, 2014 07:44 PM
Edited by Orzie at 19:45, 31 Jan 2014.

Hey man, you've getting some things done right finally. The first impression was not so good. Keep it up!

(Hope the monsters can be improved/reworked by you too in future)

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Tavern Dweller
Royal pain .....
posted January 31, 2014 07:49 PM
Edited by Tyrem at 19:51, 31 Jan 2014.

Well i really dont know anything about making a town i just have the ideas of towns/creatures (unfinished of course but still ) , and as it seems that nobody is willing to help me , just to criticize i'm thinking about trying myself to do them ( a few) , i have 2 other friends that i might "force" them to help , willingly or not , and i will try to do my best in the free time that i have ( working in a menthal hospital takes alot of time and stress ). So if you can be so kind as to link sites where i can learn basics of making towns/creatures , and any advises if you may , you have my thanks on those .And can i ask you Liz to see my towns/creatures ideas from DOOM  thread and tell me which you like the most (the most intersting 6 towns from there please ) ?

PS. that's what we were talking in our language kip , nothing important for others it seems
Many people are alive only
because its illegal to shoot
them .

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Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted January 31, 2014 08:10 PM

That's why the HCM is for. posting on another language is against the CoC, so you might wish to avoid that as much as possible.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 31, 2014 08:35 PM

LizardWarrior said:

Is this good? (note: it isn't an actual game screen, just a photoshopped one for test)

****, lw, i'm sorry. i forgot to tell you that you have to decrease the brightness at the same time, to match the previous lighting. you're almost there, man. my incomplete advice brought you back a step.

your lighting/brightness is perfect for both the buildings and the background in the first screen you posted, you need to keep that lighting/brightness(or lack thereof), when you adjust the contrast down.

for example:

decreased contrast -5, would also mean decreased brightness -5, to make up for how the building gets "lightened".

that exact formula might not work, depending. you have to play with the brightness sometimes, as certain buildings might not look right using the same formula you did for the other ones. if you have the lighting/brightness right, when turning down the contrast, you have to turn down the brightness again, as well.

again, i'm sorry i forgot that stupid detail, and wasted your time with incomplete advice before.

if it helps any, i had to scrap 13 frames for a creature when i found out that they weren't aligned correctly before resizing. so i'm eating my own mistakes.

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Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted January 31, 2014 09:52 PM

No problem I just (re)made a few buildings so it isn't a problem. Hope I got it right this time, I also painted the castle with a low-opacity white in order to give a "fog"-like effect.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 31, 2014 10:27 PM

Nice town and interesting theme. Keep it up and don't get discouraged

If you'd like, I could give you my opinion on some things. It's just my first impression so here it goes:

1. The snowy mountains from behind are kinda awkward, especially the one exactly in the middle. I haven't seen snow peaks so low and with no trees around, you might want to check the scaling of things in the background.
2. The roof from the left tower of the castle has a different colour than the rest. I doesn't look that good. Also, I figured you should not let the castle be brighter than the rest of the town. The "misty" effect is not what you want to emphasize when it comes to this town theme, but the freshness and clearness of the air, since it's a mountain setting. Or you could make it a bit foggy but that'll have to be all over the place.
3. A river coursing through the mountains and behind the town hall would look pretty nice. Speaking of which, where would the shipyard be when you build it in the current version of the town?

I'm not criticizing so don't get me wrong, just some suggestions. You do what you want in the end, it's your town.

Iti doresc sa ai multe succesuri cu proiectu' asta

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Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted January 31, 2014 10:58 PM
Edited by LizardWarrior at 22:58, 31 Jan 2014.

Stevie said:
Nice town and interesting theme. Keep it up and don't get discouraged

If you'd like, I could give you my opinion on some things. It's just my first impression so here it goes:

1. The snowy mountains from behind are kinda awkward, especially the one exactly in the middle. I haven't seen snow peaks so low and with no trees around, you might want to check the scaling of things in the background.
2. The roof from the left tower of the castle has a different colour than the rest. I doesn't look that good. Also, I figured you should not let the castle be brighter than the rest of the town. The "misty" effect is not what you want to emphasize when it comes to this town theme, but the freshness and clearness of the air, since it's a mountain setting. Or you could make it a bit foggy but that'll have to be all over the place.
3. A river coursing through the mountains and behind the town hall would look pretty nice. Speaking of which, where would the shipyard be when you build it in the current version of the town?

I'm not criticizing so don't get me wrong, just some suggestions. You do what you want in the end, it's your town.

Iti doresc sa ai multe succesuri cu proiectu' asta


1.The snowy peaks are supposed to be much far away and I'm happy with the result, they add a little variety to the townscreen
2.I fixed the roof. I'll experiment with the castle and see which option suits better
3.That is going to be pretty difficult since the background is in .pcx/.bmp format and doesn't support animation, I'd have to add a new .def sprite (like castle's waterfall) and I don't know if it is possible.

How about changing buildings placement? For example the vampire dwelling, up in the mountain? (this is an experiment too, it isn't implemented in the game yet) And a full moon just for the scenery

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 31, 2014 10:58 PM
Edited by fred79 at 23:01, 31 Jan 2014.

LizardWarrior said:
No problem I just (re)made a few buildings so it isn't a problem. Hope I got it right this time, I also painted the castle with a low-opacity white in order to give a "fog"-like effect.

great job. now the contrast and lighting between the buildings and the scenery is spot-on. i noticed, that the greenery around the base of your castle is lightened as well, though, when lightening the castle up. it's up to you, but i think that the base of that def should be darker(but just the foliage, from base to mid high on it, but not reaching the top near where the foliage meets the castle walls, because you will want the light to hit the tops of the foliage there), it'll give it a sense of depth, having darker trees behind the others blending up to the castle, with the regular ones in front of it, that aren't part of the def.

if i might give you another piece of advice: where the buildings in the foreground meet the grass, i would place the building, then, cut out a little of the grass around the base with it(a quarter-inch or so), so that you could make the grass darker around the base of the buildings, for shadow. it'll help them blend better at the ground level.
minor observation, lw. the moon should be behind clouds. if you want it in the sky, you would either have to make an opening through the clouds for it, or cut out the clouds it would sit on top of, and make that a see-through layer over top of the moon.

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Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted January 31, 2014 11:04 PM
Edited by LizardWarrior at 23:05, 31 Jan 2014.

That could work nicely, the buildings would blend more naturally and make the town scenery more pleasant to the eye. The perfect straight lines look a bit weird.

I can easily lower the moon's opacity and fix it in a few seconds.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 31, 2014 11:13 PM

LizardWarrior said:

How about changing buildings placement? For example the vampire dwelling, up in the mountain? (this is an experiment too, it isn't implemented in the game yet) And a full moon just for the scenery

The vampire building in the right is very well placed, it gives a sense of balance now when you look at the big castle in the left. But it's too dark.

Also, that moon gave me an idea. Why don't you change the sky into a clear black one, with white clouds on which the moonlight falls. Daym, wouldn't that be osum?

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Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted January 31, 2014 11:29 PM

I could, but then I'd have a different lighting and start over again.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 31, 2014 11:36 PM
Edited by Stevie at 23:37, 31 Jan 2014.

Not at all, I think it'd be just fine. The light on the ground seems like moonlight already. I wonder about the black sky more, maybe a more mild black would be better. Oh come on, just try it and show us some pics!

Edit: I forgot to mention, can you imagine the overall depth it would bring to the theme? Like night crawling creatures, vampires hiding in the shadows made by moonlight...... Sugooooooi!!

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Undefeatable Hero
posted February 01, 2014 12:00 AM

i'm loving the townscreen, lw. it looks like a place i'd definitely like to visit; it's got a very nice mood to it. the townscreen leaves you with a sense of foreboding. it's also very easy on the eyes.

i have to admit, the castle in the last screen looks better than the lighter one that i was thinking might look better.

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Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted February 03, 2014 09:15 AM
Edited by LizardWarrior at 09:15, 03 Feb 2014.

Thanks, fred! Your tips really helped me

I'm pretty satisfied with the townscreen in game, except the wolves dwelling, it looks a bit weird.

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Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted February 03, 2014 10:26 AM

Why do the creatures have white star effects?
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

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Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted February 03, 2014 10:43 AM

That's how they attack.

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