Thread: [HotA] Pixel reports and other imperfections. | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted January 04, 2019 12:26 PM |
From what I can tell, adding additional players to the game is going to require a deeper code change. The problem is that 8 players can be handled with 8 bits with respect to stuff visited - and 8 bits is exactly 1 byte. If you expand this, you are going to require more than 1 byte, which means you will have to adjust each and every section in the code that handles reading and writing this flag, as well as every section that interprets it.
As for replacing a specific color by another color while maintaining the number of 8 players, that should be much easier to do.

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 04, 2019 01:05 PM |
Maurice said: As for replacing a specific color by another color while maintaining the number of 8 players, that should be much easier to do.
True. I have a black player, myself.

Famous Hero
posted January 04, 2019 01:26 PM |
However replacing existing colours (e.g. tan -> yellow, teal -> black, pink -> white) would require rewriting of scenario/campaign texts in which these are referenced.

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 04, 2019 01:40 PM |
That would take 5 minutes or so; i don't see the issue. It would take longer to convert the colors, ffs. And that would only be an hour or more. Unless i'm misunderstanding you?

Tavern Dweller
posted April 28, 2019 04:49 AM |
storm elementals blink too often
In the original the storm elementals blink only when they move. IN HOTA they blink all the time. Every millisecond.

Tavern Dweller
posted April 28, 2019 04:53 AM |
cursour doesn't diisappear while walking
While a heroe walks the cursour should disappear.


Hired Hero
posted May 24, 2019 03:21 PM |
English spell description of Frenzy is no valid english. Or at least I can't understand it that way:
Quote: Mind Spell. Selected friendly troop intentionally lowers its defenses to 0 to increase the ferocity of its attack. Bonus to attack strength is equal to unit's former defense. The spell takes effect immediately and lasts until the closest creature turn. After that, the spell effect until the next creature turn.
Lots of "s" missing and one too many at "defenses"? Maybe a native speaker could have a look at it.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted August 01, 2019 07:45 PM |
There is one graphical HotA change I simply don't understand and that is Tower's Lookout Tower. Is guess you thought it would look better your way, but it makes no sense. It's a lookout tower, which was depicted very well in the original game, with a high tower proving a good view, in HotA the tower is placed a lot lower and is no longer the hightest vantage point. From the HotA Lookout Tower the view would be much worse and it honestly makes no sense to place a Lookout Tower this low, if you think about it.
I would prefer the original Lookout Tower tbh or let the HotA Lookout Tower be the tallest part of the Tower city.

Legendary Hero
posted September 23, 2019 08:17 AM |
OKay, just started getting back into HotA after a hiatus, and I've noticed the window isn't centralised to the screen. Running my screen at 1920 x 1080, the game screen appears to be 12 pixels too low and 40 pixels too far left, so I'm missing the extreme left and bottom of the screen. Doesn't make the game unplayable by any means, but it is annoying.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 19, 2020 04:26 PM |
tablerocker said: English spell description of Frenzy is no valid english. Or at least I can't understand it that way:
Quote: Mind Spell. Selected friendly troop intentionally lowers its defenses to 0 to increase the ferocity of its attack. Bonus to attack strength is equal to unit's former defense. The spell takes effect immediately and lasts until the closest creature turn. After that, the spell effect until the next creature turn.
Lots of "s" missing and one too many at "defenses"? Maybe a native speaker could have a look at it.
seems perfectly fine to me. I'm fluent in english and there's only one word for which an "s" might be missing in my opinion (not completely certain, but fairly).
Anyway, 2 minor corrections:
Mysticism: Expert level says the hero restores 5 per turn, whereas last update made it 15 I believe.
RMG: Last word in tooltip for "Portal Repulsion" (when editing a link) is misspelled. The 'y' and the 't' in "Monolyths" are swapped.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 22, 2020 12:13 AM |
I just found this weird mechanic and it looks like a bug.
During combat, my enemy had only 1 unit left in his army and on his turn, the low morale eagle appeared above his unit. Anyway, he managed to flee from me even though his unit should pass turn because of low morale.
I'm quite sure he had nothing else left to make a move, even healing tent and ballista.

Known Hero
posted February 04, 2020 03:45 PM |
The Boar‘s description in the official AB manual says: ‘Orcs who have been unable to master the skill of throwing an axe, yet are above the common hack and slash antics of a grunt, are given Boars as mounts to ride into battle.’
So maybe the rider should get the same rework as the Orc and the Orc Chieftain. Although I have to admit that I always thought that the boar riders were Goblins just like the wolf riders.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 04, 2020 04:00 PM |
I am not even sure the original creators knew the difference between goblins, orcs and ogres, just take a look at Strongholds heroes... 
I personally think wolves would have been much cooler than riders/raiders as a stand alone creature, Stronghold already have goblins at level 1. Boars don't need riders either.

Known Hero
posted February 04, 2020 04:45 PM |
That is absolutely true. But the HotA team already started fixing those errors by changing Vey‘s portrait who is an ogre but looked like a goblin before.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 04, 2020 05:17 PM |
Hmm I think there might be a mistake somewhere else.
If you look at Gretchin who is supposed to be a goblin, she looks extremely similar to (original) picture of Vey. I think they are both goblins and the mistake is that Vey is claimed to be an ogre. Look at the goblin heroes, they all got that wrinkly skin and green "beard". Ogre heroes are more "brownish green" and don't have that "beard".
I use original portrait of Vey btw.

Known Hero
posted February 04, 2020 06:18 PM |
Yes, but in his biography it is stated that he is an Ogre Mage himself. I guess it comes all just down to the artist of the portrait and the writer somehow ending up with different information and the NWC team missing this little detail while checking the game for mistakes.
Anyway, I think that it's great that the HotA team notices those mistakes overseen by the original developers and that they take the time to correct them. That's the reason for my original post about the boar. It doesn't really bother anyone but since the HotA team is so dedicated and detail-oriented I thought I'd point it out to them.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 04, 2020 07:04 PM |
Yes, but I think the mistake is Vey's bio, not his portrait. Gretchin and Vey clearly are of the same race, we can almost assume they are brother and sister even.

Supreme Hero
posted February 04, 2020 08:35 PM |
Phoenix4ever said: Yes, but I think the mistake is Vey's bio, not his portrait. Gretchin and Vey clearly are of the same race, we can almost assume they are brother and sister even.
Phoenix, you do know that either Gretchin or Vey was created first, and then they just reused the model to create the other, right?
This same goes for Tyraxor, Gurnisson and Zubin. And also for Gundula and Krellion.
Dungeon and Fortress to some extend are also both guilty for hero potrait remodeling. Maybe these three towns, or atleast their hero pictures, were among the late parts of the developement of ROE, and they simply didn't have time to polish them properly.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 04, 2020 08:42 PM |
Well they surely made a mistake somewhere, cause I'm not buying that Gretchin is a goblin, but Vey is an ogre. Yes I know Stronghold, Fortress and Dungeon have some similar heroes, but in the case of Gretchin and Vey it's clearly a mistake.

Supreme Hero
posted February 04, 2020 10:04 PM |
Phoenix4ever said: Well they surely made a mistake somewhere, cause I'm not buying that Gretchin is a goblin, but Vey is an ogre. Yes I know Stronghold, Fortress and Dungeon have some similar heroes, but in the case of Gretchin and Vey it's clearly a mistake.
Well, at least we can agree on that mistakes were made.
Vey only appears in Homm3, so there really isn't more places to look for more info. All I know is that
a) It's said that his an Ogre Mage
b) And he specialices in Ogres and, well, Ogre Mages.
c) He is depicted as having red hair, just like Ogre Mages.
There's clearly a conflict between the picture and the bio, but in order to know who's right, we would need to know how Vey was desingned. If the picture was created first, and another guy was asked to write a bio fitting to the picture, then you're right, because then he should have wrote something about Goblins.
But if the bio or at least a guideline description was created first, then Vey should have depicted as an ogre and the old picture of Vey should have not been used.
So we really can't know for sure, but I personally think Hota made a fine choice by replacing the picture - now atleast there's no conflict between the bio and the potrait.