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Heroes Community > Heroes 7 - Falcon's Last Flight > Thread: Heroes VII Reviews
Thread: Heroes VII Reviews This thread is 11 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 · NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted September 28, 2015 11:59 PM bonus applied by OmegaDestroyer on 29 Sep 2015.
Edited by Storm-Giant at 13:51, 23 Feb 2016.

Heroes VII Reviews

This thread will be updated periodically. If you see any reviews missing, please post them here so I can add them to the list

Critic reviews

Metacritic score - OpenCritic - Steam Community Reviews

Feb'16 update:
Heroes 7 rated 7th most disappointing game of 2015 by Angry Joe.

Heroes of Might and Magic 7... Just forget it! Forget about this game, forget that it exists.

Everyeye.it: 78/100
It's a game dedicated to fans of the saga, and the lack of a tutorial speaks for itself. On the other hand, in a single box, you'll find all the traditional gameplay of the Might and Magic Heroes brand.

God is a Geek: 70/100
More a service to existing fans than a new game in the series, Heroes VII is a huge game that entertains but fails to overwhelm.

GameOver.gr: 70/100
Once more the third chapter of the long-standing series remained unsurpassed, despite its promising outset. It doesn’t take long for the campaign to reveal its weak structure and for the player to realize that the game exhibits a tedious army development system which slows the action to a crawl.

IGN Italia: 69/100
Albeit faithful to the original spirit of the series, this seventh chapter seems devoid of a true soul. A couple of good ideas can't save it from the abyss of mediocrity.

Game World Navigator Magazine: 52/100
Limbic’s creation doesn’t deserve being called “a new Heroes game”; at best, it’s a remake of Heroes of Might & Magic V. [Nov 2015, p.72]

WCCFTech: 54/100
Might & Magic Heroes, or Heroes of Might and Magic, is one of the longest running franchises in PC gaming history. Spanning seven main games in the series, with seven spin-offs for both PC and consoles, in the past twenty years, it should be a celebrated franchise that has the care it deserves. From the deterioration in the previous two entries, particularly Might & Magic Heroes VII, I don’t see a particularly bright future ahead.

Gry-online: 75/100
If you've played everything, what series has to offer and you crave for new adventures, you can sure go and get Heroes VII - unless you're allergic to bugs, then wait for a couple of months until Limbic fixes the game.

IGN Spain: 70/100
A game that's a better homage than a new iteration on a franchise that has been around for 20 years. Unpolished but still fun, only the most hardcore fans of the series could fully enjoy the proposal.

Gaming Nexus: 70/100
Might & Magic Heroes VII is an okay game overall, but seems like it’s more for existing fans of the series and doesn’t cater to new comers at all.  With no tutorial whatsoever it took me a good hour or so just to get started.  Outside of that the difficulty can be adjusted, but the ability to auto-play battles makes things a tad easier than expected.  This one is definitely not for newcomers to the series unless you don’t mind fumbling around on your own for a bit while you get your bearings.

Gameplanet: 45/100
Bland visuals, rehashed game play, and constant bugs and minor irritations completely overshadow the core Heroes experience. These criticisms, along with the game's complete lack of new ideas, makes it the weakest entry in the long running series. Might & Magic: Heroes VII is best avoided and forgotten.

Gamingbolt: 50/100
Might & Magic Heroes 7 may not the series' lowest point but it's a low point all the same. Even with proper attention given to eradicating bugs, it fails to capture the magic of the franchise's best while offering a compelling experience to turn-based strategy fans.

TheKoalition: 40/100
Might & Magic Heroes VII may unfortunately be signaling the series’ decline and the publisher’s lack of commitment to the franchise. This game just doesn’t feel the same as the titles that fans of the franchise adored for over two decades. It doesn’t have the same grandiose and epic feel that the earlier games had. You don’t have this feeling that you’re on a quest leading your armies to victory. Battles can be fun at points and the level editor will lead to some truly impressive projects, but the game’s implementation, presentation and progression makes the whole experience not really worth the effort. The developers relied too heavily on rehashed ideas from the previous games without showing what made the franchise so good and why people from around the world continue to play even the classic Might and Magic Heroes games even today.

Digitally Downloaded: 60/100
Technical issues and a lack of training to ease in newer players conspire to hold the title back from being as good of a game as it should be.

Game Informer: 70/100
If you’re a die-hard Might & Magic Heroes fan, this addition to your collection is probably justified for the skirmishing alone, but it does little to tread new ground. If you’ve always wondered about breaking into the series, one of the classics would be a better choice.

Eurogamer.pl - 50/100
Limbic Entertainment created a title devoid of ambition, plunging the legendary series into ever bigger depths. Although new Might & Magic Heroes has some interesting solutions, none of them are significant enough to erase the impression of general mediocrity.

4players.de - 80/100
Classic old-school turn-based tactics with modern visuals. It doesn’t set new standards, but keeps you entertained for hours with its attention to detail and proven formula.

JeuxActu - 65/100
A Heroes of Might & Magic game can hardly be a bad game. But this seventh entry struggles to prove it can be more than something average, because of an obvious lack of money and time for development.

Post Arcade (National Post) - 65/100
So there’s definitely no shortage of stuff to do. The campaigns alone will fill at minimum a few weeks of nightly play...The question is whether it’s any fun.

IGN - 64/100
It manages to scratch a very old PC gaming itch, at least between the awful cutscenes and performance problems.

Level Up - 50/100
Deeply flawed, Might & Magic Heroes VII rests on solid foundations but ultimately ruins them with horrible performance, game-breaking bugs and poor presentation.

Multiplayer.it - 70/100
Might & Magic Heroes VII offers well told story and a potentially solid turn based experience but is still unfinished.

VentureBeat: 40/100
I honestly looked forward to playing Might & Magic: Heroes VII, and the storytelling approach to the campaign felt promising. The varied factions, abilities, resources, and maps appealed to me, and when it wasn’t crashing or making my heroes go poof, the game had some of that “just one more turn” fun.

But over time, M&M managed to suck out every bit of my enthusiasm, until finally it felt like a dull trudge to finish up so I could play something else.

Some of the bugs I experienced — but not all — likely sprung from my play on Windows 10. But even if I had never run into a single technical difficulty, this title would not earn a rave review — it would have earned an additional 25 points for the final score.

Too many factors weigh down the gameplay, too much depth appeared to be there for the sake of providing “options” that weren’t, and frankly, it just wasn’t that fun.

If you’re looking for a lighthearted turn-based fantasy-themed strategy, I recommend you take a gander at Stardock’s solid Sorcerer King — also not perfect, but a darn sight better-implemented and more entertaining than M&M.

If you just want great turn-based strategy and don’t care about the fantasy setting, consider Civilization: Beyond Earth.

As much as I respect this series, I cannot recommend that you purchase Might & Magic: Heroes VII.

Shacknews: 70/100
Heroes 7 does have that "one more turn" quality that eats away the hours, but the game-breaking bugs, along with cheap cinematics and sound effects, ruin the experience. Also, since the stories take place in the past, there's no sense that players are impacting Ashan's fate until they unlock Ivan's campaign. Perhaps Heroes 7 will meet its potential after a few patches and expansions, but for now, it's tough to look past its flaws.

Ragequit.gr: 80/100
Gameplay-wise, Might & Magic Heroes VII is arguably the "best of the series" game its developers set out to create. However, the experience is marred by inexcusably sluggish performance at times (even in high-end systems equipped with SSDs), and also by the rather uninspiring generic fantasy setting of Ashan, that still can't measure up to the majesty that is the "original" setting of the Might and Magic universe.

Bago Games: 90/100
In conclusion, I’d say Might And Magic Heroes VII is a worth entry into the series. I’d even go as far to say that it’s better than Heroes 5, which is a fantastic game in its own right, but felt shallow. Coming from the lackluster Heroes 6, Heroes 7 refreshes my hope in the franchise, and I hope that the games will be released more regularly and with quality similar or better than that of Heroes 7.

Gamekult: 60/100
ExServ (Gamekult) said:
With a particularly unfavorable environment, and unusual attitude of developers, this Might Magic Heroes VII has anyway been envisioned to divide. This is a game designed exclusively for a nostalgic community which will probably be pleased to see this iteration to join the ranks after three episodes widely criticized. Others will just feel put aside, or simply won’t understand the appeal of a title where game mechanics has not evolved. It is not a question of challenging the cult aspect of HoMM III, rather recall that it is excellent in the context of its time. Recent years have seen dozens of turn-based games offering deeper and complex rules. It is perhaps time for the players as well as developers to bury the axe of war and let flourish the license instead of choking it. Or maybe, but it would be much more difficult, to mourn the saga, measure the undeniable impact it has had on the current games and make it last the true HoMMage it deserves.


The good
+ Interface more convenient
+ Town gestion
+ Spells looks good visually

The bad
- AI cheats
- Strategic dimension faded away
- Balance problems

3D Juegos: 75/100
+ The new units, the returning ones and the cities design.
+ The battle system is greatly improved with the new tactical options.
+ Well designed, attractive campaign missions.
+ Extensive customization options for our heroes-
+ As addictive as ever, especially in its multiplayer facet...

- ...although the pace of the game sometimes is too slow.
- The AI. In battles the enemy will make silly decisions.
- Graphically speaking, the game could have been better. The "spark" of the original games is missing.
- It lacks a tutorial. It will be hard for those new to the series to get around the general mechanics.

Game Watcher: 75/100
All in all, Heroes of Might and Magic VII is a solid addition to the series. The game has plenty of content, beautiful visuals, and a terrific soundtrack to drive the story, but load times and unit balance need to be addressed if the game intends to be at the top of the series. And for goodness sake, do something about those scenario introduction cut scenes.

Sofpedia.com: 80/100
Might & Magic Heroes VII is probably the best entry in the series since the original trilogy, an experience that understands what makes the series great and delivers slightly updated takes on the core mechanics without any revolutionary features.

The tactical battles are the highlight of the package, challenging without being too difficult, with players pressed to carefully consider their moves and find the best way to employ each unit and each opportunity to launch a spell.

The strategic layer could have used a little more innovation and can become a little dry, but the campaign levels are well designed and always give the player clear objectives to chase.

The development team is also including an editor in the game package, which should make it relatively easy for gamers to create their own content, which can range from unique factions to units and maps, with an option to use the Shadow Council network to then share it with the rest of the community.

Vandal.net: 78/100
With Might & Magic Heroes VII, Limbic Entertainment has proven that they have listened to fans, including almost everything we have always liked about the series in one game, but along the way they have forgotten to include significant additions to the game, leaving us with the sensation that we are playing the same game we have been enjoying for the past 20 years, for the better or worse.

We got this Covered: 60/100
I absolutely don’t think that Might & Magic Heroes VII is a bad game, but it’s definitely one that is its own worst enemy. The great pacing of each stage and slick blend of RPG and strategy elements were definitely signs for encouragement once I wrapped my head around what was going on. The visual struggles and the game’s apparently refusal to easily open the experience to new players are major disappointments, though, and it’s these failings that could ultimately see it fail to reach any audience outside the series’ already faithful players.

Gamestar.de: 88/100
+ story and its presentation via voice acting
+ interesting and diverse campaign missions
+ music
+ editor
+ general scale of the game (campaigns, scenarios, multiplayer, editor, 114 creatures, around 100 spells, more than 120 hero skills)

- in many ways more or less the same as the previous games
- combat and creature sound effects
- battlefields are not varied enough (Heroes Online, King's Bounty and Disciple are cited for better examples in this regard)
- no tutorial

Video reviews
WTF Is... - Might & Magic Heroes VII ?


TVgry.pl (Polish)

User reviews

Warning: I will only include those reviews that offer a sound reasoning behind their ratings.

Stevie (Heroes Community): 70/100 (Based on Close Beta 2 build)
My impression of this game is mostly favorable, and I would recommend it especially to the unfamiliar players who are new to the series and don't have as high standards or expectations as old fans do. The game is enjoyable in spite of some of its flaws, which I hope they will be addressed sooner rather than later. I have a feeling that this is likely to be another Heroes 5 Cinderella story, where the game had a sluggish start, but then after two expansions ended up being one of the best, if not the best, games in the series. An ideal scenario, I know, but I don't find it that farfetched. The devs would have to dedicate themselves to the post-launch process, listen closely to community feedback, provide the necessary fixes and implement the right features if their ultimate goal is to really deliver a good Heroes experience.


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Legendary Hero
President of MM Wiki
posted September 29, 2015 12:03 AM
Edited by EnergyZ at 00:05, 29 Sep 2015.

One thing has to be taken in consideration - did these sites compare Heroes VII as individual game, or did they compare it to previous titles?

And no tutorial? Wow, which audience are they targeting? It ain't new, for no tutorial, but not old, due to some... decisions.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 29, 2015 12:05 AM
Edited by Stevie at 00:26, 29 Sep 2015.

Great thread and I like the format Helps compile all the info in a visible way.

The review from wegotthiscovered.com is a bit worrisome for me. The last thing this game needs is poor optimization and technical issues. They were supposed to handle those more efficiently this time around because of the UE3. Wonder what's going on.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Legendary Hero
President of MM Wiki
posted September 29, 2015 12:28 AM

Stevie (Heroes Community): 70/100
My impression of this game is mostly favorable, and I would recommend it especially to the unfamiliar players who are new to the series and don't have as high standards or expectations as old fans do. The game is enjoyable in spite of some of its flaws, which I hope they will be addressed sooner rather than later. I have a feeling that this is likely to be another Heroes 5 Cinderella story, where the game had a sluggish start, but then after two expansions ended up being one of the best, if not the best, games in the series. An ideal scenario, I know, but I don't find it that farfetched. The devs would have to dedicate themselves to the post-launch process, listen closely to community feedback, provide the necessary fixes and implement the right features if their ultimate goal is to really deliver a good Heroes experience.

I do believe Heroes VII can be a good game when properly patched and expanded with DLC-s, but people are reviewing the current state of the game. Well, I won't say much about that part furthermore.

However, since you are comparing it to Heroes V, then let me ask you this: which features did make Heroes V a more - superior - game, to be called the best? Do such features exist in Heroes VII?And finally, can Heroes VII, without such features (or even being majorly changed), still stand out?

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 29, 2015 12:51 AM
Edited by Stevie at 00:52, 29 Sep 2015.

Some good features are obviously missing, like ATB and whatnot, and it's true that I'm not convinced Heroes 7 can achieve the same potential without them. But I think it's reasonable to at least give it the benefit of a doubt. Devs will have to outdo themselves though.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted September 29, 2015 12:57 AM
Edited by Galaad at 00:57, 29 Sep 2015.

Storm-Giant said:
Warning: I will only include those reviews that offer a sound reasoning behind their ratings.

I let you be the judge but in that thread Stevie started has also been written reviews from The_Green_Drag, Alci and TD, also based on CB2.

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted September 29, 2015 01:16 AM
Edited by Storm-Giant at 01:18, 29 Sep 2015.

Stevie said:
Great thread and I like the format Helps compile all the info in a visible way.

I'm using the same format I chose for the Might & Magic X: Legacy thread. You know, don't fix what ain't broke
Galaad said:
Storm-Giant said:
Warning: I will only include those reviews that offer a sound reasoning behind their ratings.

I let you be the judge but in that thread Stevie started has also been written reviews from The_Green_Drag, Alci and TD, also based on CB2.

I added that warning because I don't want to deal with lazy reviews that only post a score, with no reasoning or whatsoever that explains why they think that particular are of the game deserves such score.

Wether those three replies to Stevie's review will be included in the OP or not is something I will decide soonish, not right now. I'll talk with one of our dear mods about it

Vandal.net: 78/100

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted September 29, 2015 03:23 AM


Oh ok, because I've asked you to include these, then you added the warning instead, got a bit confused there sorry.

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 29, 2015 04:36 AM
Edited by agent_catnip at 09:16, 29 Sep 2015.

gamestar.de said:

- battlefields are not varied enough (Heroes Online, King's Bounty and Disciple are cited for better examples in this regard)

Huh, wasn't that something Limbic were supposed to make an emphasis on?

EDIT: And what's wrong with combat sound effects? The only stream I watched did not have in-game sound as they turned it off. Did they use the sound effects from Heroes 6?

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 29, 2015 07:21 AM

Stevie said:
Great thread and I like the format Helps compile all the info in a visible way.

The review from wegotthiscovered.com is a bit worrisome for me. The last thing this game needs is poor optimization and technical issues. They were supposed to handle those more efficiently this time around because of the UE3. Wonder what's going on.

Hey Stevie, do you know if they were prepared for Windows 10, or if they communicated with the graphics card companies?  Please God may we not have another nvidia black screen on our hands.

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Hired Hero
posted September 29, 2015 08:23 AM
Edited by Syth at 10:21, 29 Sep 2015.


[url=http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/might-magic-heroes-7/test/might_magic_heroes_7,51546,3236960.html]Gamestar.de[/url]: 88/100
+ story and its presentation via voice acting
+ interesting and diverse campaign missions
+ music
+ editor
+ general scale of the game (campaigns, scenarios, multiplayer, editor, 114 creatures, around 100 spells, more than 120 hero skills)

- in many ways more or less the same as the previous games
- combat and creature sound effects
- battlefields are not varied enough (Heroes Online, King's Bounty and Disciple are cited for better examples in this regard)
- no tutorial

How does being "in many ways more or less the same as the previous games" is a negative thing?I mean people want consistency.People wanted "more" of the same thing.There are even threads like make it 2D this game is that nostalgic and rooted to it's legacy.

And blahhh no tutorial big wooop!! A lot of superb games didn't have tutorial.


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Supreme Hero
The Clever Title
posted September 29, 2015 09:31 AM

agent_catnip said:
EDIT: And what's wrong with combat sound effects? The only stream I watched did not have in-game sound as they turned it off. Did they use the sound effects from Heroes 6?
If the finished game is anything like the beta than yes a lot of the sounds are.
"Don't resist the force. Redirect it. Water over rock."-blizzardboy

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Famous Hero
Keeper of books
posted September 29, 2015 10:24 AM

Try fighting a battle against 6-7 stacks of stalkers and you will cringe more and more for every dying stack.
"Man spends his life in reasoning on the past, in complaining of the present, in fearing future."
- Antoine Rivarol

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Legendary Hero
President of MM Wiki
posted September 29, 2015 10:44 AM
Edited by EnergyZ at 10:46, 29 Sep 2015.

Syth said:
How does being "in many ways more or less the same as the previous games" is a negative thing?I mean people want consistency.People wanted "more" of the same thing.There are even threads like make it 2D this game is that nostalgic and rooted to it's legacy.

And blahhh no tutorial big wooop!! A lot of superb games didn't have tutorial.

It's probably referring to the fact it looks like H6, in visuals and some gameplay features.

As for tutorial, I don't know about your claim, but every Heroes game had a tutorial, either as a separate map or as a campaign. The only ones that did not have is Heroes of Might and Magic I (probably II) on GBA. Probably even Playstation II (Quest for the Dragonbone Staff), but haven't played that one.

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Famous Hero
posted September 29, 2015 10:59 AM

Stay classy HC. Adding Stevies CB2 review is obviously misleading mistake - as his review was written on the non final build with about 1/2 of the content.

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Known Hero
posted September 29, 2015 11:18 AM
Edited by supertommy at 11:19, 29 Sep 2015.

Softpedia: 8/10

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 29, 2015 11:18 AM
Edited by Stevie at 11:19, 29 Sep 2015.

hermes said:
Stay classy HC. Adding Stevies CB2 review is obviously misleading mistake - as his review was written on the non final build with about 1/2 of the content.

That is not a CB2 review, but a pre-release review, and every game feature treated in the analysis is part of the vanilla version, so it applies. Plus, it's mentioned under User reviews, so there's no problem there. But if it's ultimately inappropriate for any reason, then I'm fine with it being brought down. I haven't requested it to be posted in the first place.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 29, 2015 11:24 AM

[url=http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/games/pc/might-magic-heroes-vii-review-493006.shtml]softpedia review[/url]

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Supreme Hero
posted September 29, 2015 01:16 PM

what is the use of this thread exactly?(i'm actually asking)

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Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted September 29, 2015 02:09 PM
Edited by Storm-Giant at 16:35, 29 Sep 2015.

Thanir said:
Seems like we need a review thread:

Edit: Added Game Watcher review.

With regard to the user reviews, Elvin has agreed on asking TD, The_Green_Drag and Alcibiades to update their reviews after playing them game, with the proper format (right now they feel a bit like replies to Stevie's review more than their own).
I'm however keeping Stevie's review, for his efforts, following and support of the game since before its announcement do qualify him in my opinion. I hope he update his after playing the game though

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