Known Hero
posted August 10, 2017 11:46 PM |
Hmm, I'm not sure about the difference between the "water/earth/..." types.
The 4A658h one :
0h ~ 20% resistance
1h ~ 40% resistance
2h ~ Immune Spell Levels 1-3
3h ~ Immune Spell Levels 1-4
4h ~ Immune All Spells
5h ~ Air Elemental type
6h ~ Earth Elemental type
7h ~ Water Elemental type
8h ~ No immunity/resistance
Means the creature have the magic resistance (ice immunity, meteor shower immunity, ...)
And the 4b280h :
0h ~ Stone Golem type
1h ~ Iron Golem type
2h ~ Air Elemental type
3h ~ Earth Elemental type
4h ~ Fire Elemental type
5h ~ Water Elemental type
6h ~ Gold Golem type
7h ~ Diamond Golem type
8h ~ No damage resistance
Means Water elementals are sensitive to fire spells, fire elementals to ice spells... ? That's it ?
But the bonus/malus damage "hates opposite" isn't written here right ? For psychic versus mind immunity, fire versus water elem (and opposite) and air versus earth (and opposite) ?
Thanks again˛,
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Supreme Hero
posted August 10, 2017 11:51 PM |
Yes on all counts.
The offsets above are executed during spell phase whereas the ones for "hates..." are melee phase. I recall Archangel vs Archdevil is in the if (creature_type == ...) so I guess the others are as well.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted August 11, 2017 12:06 AM |
Ok, nice.
Do you know where "regeneration" ability is written ? The 50HP regeneration is written there or once for "regeneraton", "resurrection" and "reanimate demons" ?
Hydra with regeneration shall be "nice" because all know that hydra's heads can regenerates if cutted ^^
If this ability is written for more than one creature, I suppose there is "two" or more slots to tell whitch creature got it.
If I can switch "whraithes/wright" regeneration to hydra, it shall be perfect.
RoseKavalier tell me some things are written in .dll with HotA. Someone can tell me what kind of things can't be changed (because in .dll) ?
- I suppose the "new creatures abilities" (for nix, sea witch, assyd...) ?
- Not heroes specialities and starting creatures (reading previous posts).
- New creatures caracteristics (all cove creatures) ?
- New artifacts/combinations ?
- New special things (cannon's abilities ?)
Other ?
I must stop ask 15000 questions, I must stoooop to ask too much...
(Thanks again) x (thanks again) ˛ for all answers.
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Supreme Hero
posted August 11, 2017 12:47 AM |
FfuzzyLogik said: Ok, nice.
Do you know where "regeneration" ability is written ? The 50HP regeneration is written there or once for "regeneraton", "resurrection" and "reanimate demons" ?
Hydra with regeneration shall be "nice" because all know that hydra's heads can regenerates if cutted ^^
If this ability is written for more than one creature, I suppose there is "two" or more slots to tell whitch creature got it.
If I can switch "whraithes/wright" regeneration to hydra, it shall be perfect.
Wight (ID, 1 byte)
Wraith (ID, 1 byte)
Troll (ID, 1 byte)
Regeneration 50 hp (1 byte only, change both)
Note: this value is also used by Elixir of Life
Editing hota.dll is possible of course but don't ask me for stuff in there
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted August 11, 2017 02:26 AM |
I got an idea for this :
Maurice said:
Quote: Bit 1: Unsure, it's 1 for all Dragons, Behemoth and Ancient Behemoth, Hydra and Chaos Hydra, Fire Bird and Phoenix. It's 0 for all other creatures. I haven't found a link between these creatures;
Bit 15: Unsure; is only 1 for Giant and Titan, 0 for all other units.
Bit 16: Unsure; is only 1 for Angel, Arch Angel, Devil and Arch Devil, 0 for all other units.
I suppose its of use for the spell "Slayer" who must affect special creatures... This may be the link between thoses creatures at bit one ? Slayer at expert level affects all of them. Bit 15 and 16 for the other level of slayer (make them not sensitive to the spell at low level if "on") ?
Quote: Bit 4: Is this a Living Unit (i.e. susceptible to healing spells and Death Ripple)?
=> Healing, death ripple and resurrection are different... No sure what it means here... You can heal a gargoyle but not sacrifice/resurrect it... Its affected by death ripple and as I remember, elementals too -.-'''
Quote: Bit 14: Unsure. It's 1 for all Golems, the Giant and Titan, the Gold Dragon and all Undead, Elemental and War Machine units. It's 0 for all other units.
Maybe not sensitive for (not resurrection because Giants/Titans can be) mind spell immunity ?
The translation is :
00000000 : 00
00000001 : 01
00000010 : 02
00000011 : 03
00000100 : 04
00000101 : 05
00000110 : 06
00000111 : 07
00001000 : 08
00001001 : 09
00001010 : 0a
00001011 : 0b
00001100 : 0c
00001101 : 0d
00001110 : 0e
00001111 : 0f
Understood ! As you notice I understand fast when things are explained during a loooooong time...
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted August 11, 2017 08:46 AM |
Keep in mind that some things might have been added as a creature flag, but what it represents may not be used in the actual game code. For instance, because they eventually ended up having more complexity. Susceptibility towards the Slayer spell might be one such case - but I rightfully admit that I don't know that part of the code from the top of my head.
There's actually a lot of information with regards to machine language and assembly around the internet. I've personally started with debugging at such level with the X-Com games from the 90's. It's somewhat hard to get into, but enlightening once you start to find your way in it .
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker
Legendary Hero
posted August 11, 2017 10:28 AM |
Edited by Baronus at 10:31, 11 Aug 2017.
Try this maschine:
You can change abilities and give new! Becaise only repacing between units is small efect...
Can someone using jump command to free ara add eg. harpy ability to 10 new units?
Known Hero
posted August 11, 2017 01:07 PM |
I was thinking about heroes specialities.
You takled about spell speciality is actually :
I find nice it affects high level creature less to not "destroy" level 7 creature with one spell to fast... Lower armies are "more sensitive" to spells than titans, yes logical to me...
But just taking a look on creature level effect it means the bonus is affected by (yeah I know there is no level 14 creature, it will be of use later) :
Level 0 : 100% (do not exist)
Level 1 : 50%
Level 2 : 33%
Level 3 : 25%
Level 4 : 20%
Level 5 : 16,7% (Level 1)
Level 6 : 14,3% (Level 2)
Level 7 : 12,5% (Level 3)
Level 8 : 11,1% (Level 4)
Level 9 : 10% (Level 5)
Level 10 : 9,1% (Level 6)
Level 11 : 8,3% (Level 7)
Level 12 : 7,7% (Level 8)
Level 13 : 7,1% (Level 9)
Level 14 : 6,7% (If you prefer add a +5 ^^)
If you increase too much your 3%, the ability (with 30% for example), the abiltiy is a bit too strong it means 15% damage per level for level 1 creature... But the effect decreases highly for one creature level more... Between 50% and 33% its 16,7% difference from 50% so its 33% more weak !
I suggest a modification of the function like this :
So the 0,3 means the ability is 10 time more strong "at start" but you divide this by 5 instead of 2 at for level 1 creature. Then the ability is "stronger than before" but not insanly different between creature levels... (See levels in green.)
What do you think about this idea ?
Is it possible to change the "+1" by a "+4" ? And is this function used for something else (to know if the things we change risk bad not wished modifications) ?
I read HotA description for heroes specialists in creature.
If I do not make mistake, creature have +1speed (no matter the level). Searching how it works I was surprised by tables who don't add "+1Att/+1Def" to the same level. See link : http://www.hota.acidcave.net/articles_specialities.html
But reading this I understood it depends on creature base caracteristics : http://heroes.thelazy.net/wiki/Hero_specialty
And the function for attack AND defense bonus is (if I don't make mistake) :
0,05*(HeroLevel+1-CreatureLevel)/(CreatureLevel) = Value 1
(I thought the +1 because at level 1 you own the bonus for level 1 ccreature but maybe its added for all creatures at their level with some other function ?)
Value 1 * [creature attack] rounded ? = Attack added
Value 1 * [creature defense] rounded ? = Defense added
I find these abilities a bit weak (in comparison to "offense" or "armorer" who affects "all creatures" and has a better increase with levels). But before suggesting anything I'd like to understand well how it works...
I think you feel my question, how it works on HotA (it's different or not) and is it possible to change it ?
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Supreme Hero
posted August 11, 2017 01:21 PM |
Quote: Is it possible to change the "+1" by a "+4" ?
You can do that by replacing 01 with 04 here:
4E6307h: 8D 4A 01 (lea ecx, [edx+1])
Quote: And is this function used for something else (to know if the things we change risk bad not wished modifications) ?
It's safe.
Supreme Hero
posted August 11, 2017 01:47 PM |
Quote: And the function for attack AND defense bonus is (if I don't make mistake) :
The right formulas:
Attack = ceil(Attack * (1 + [N/n] * 0.05))
Defense = ceil(Defense * (1 + [N/n] * 0.05))
N - hero level, n - creature level (1-7).
Known Hero
posted August 11, 2017 02:30 PM |
But there, how to explain the modification begins at creature level ?
(The bonus is effective after level X for creature X...).
There is an other part who determines it ?
"ceil" means "round down" ?
I'm thinking about a modfication like :
ceil[(creature caracteristic)*[1+0.05*(N*10)/(n+4)]]
With samly N = hero level and n = creature level.
For level 1 creature, it increases his caracteristics by 10% (of its basic one) per level (from hero level one ?) so doble them every 10 levels.
For level 6 creature, it increses the caracteristics by 5% per level (from hero level 6 ?) and doble them every 20 levels...
But here, we do not have a simple value to change, its hard to do, no ? Instead of 0.05*(N*10) it's possible to change 0,05 by 0,5 and we get less problems... But to add "+4"...
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Supreme Hero
posted August 12, 2017 07:11 AM |
Edited by AlexSpl at 07:31, 12 Aug 2017.
Quote: "ceil" means "round down" ?
ceil(x) rounds x upward, floor(x) (or [x]) - downward, trunc(x) - toward zero, round(x) - to the nearest integer. For non-negative numbers in fomulas I prefer to write [x] instead of trunc(x).
Quote: it's possible to change 0,05 by 0,5 and we get less problems...
It's not a good idea, because this constant is used by the game elsewhere.
Quote: But to add "+4"...
It's harder to do than in the previous example. You need to write a patch to accomplish that.
LoHook @ 4E6523h:
int __stdcall newFormulaForMonSpecs(LoHook* h, HookContext* c)
c->eax *= 10;
c->ecx += 4;
Hexpatch is also possible.
Known Hero
posted August 12, 2017 02:41 PM |
I fear that's a bit too hard for me now ^^ But thankx Alex.
(where x is [the number of the tips you gave]˛ / creature level * 0.05 * your level in informatic)
For changing the 0.05 => 0.5 I thought about the tip Maurice gave previously to search some other value. He didn't ask about a 0.5 but some 0.3...
It may be a solution to increase this speciality, 0,2 (20%) instead of 0.05 ?
With 20% shall be too strong for level 1 creatures...
For level 1 (20% increase every level so doble every 5 levels).
For level 2, 10% per level (shall be nice). Quite strong (10% increase every level so doble every 10 levels).
For level 3, 6.67% per level (shall be nice). Quite decent (doble every 15 levels).
For level 4, 5% per level (shall be good). Decent (doble every 20 levels).
For level 5, 4% per level (shall be nice). Decent (doble every 25 levels).
For level 6, 3.33% per level (shall be nice). Quite weak (doble every 30 levels).
I thought about an other "more" simple change to do, less good but... Just delete the "/n" and replace by "1". So the bonus will be the same for each creature (no matter the level I mean but strong creature get advatage with this bonus). But the difference will just be when the bonus "starts" (to level 1 or 2 or, ...).
A doble of caracteristic every 20 levels is not absolutely insane. For level 6 it'll come to level 26... Here the bonus shall be a bit too weak for low level creatures...
The last idea I had is a change of the parameter "creature's caracteristic" by a fixed value. So it will add some bonus (divided by creature's level will not be necessary here) but not a "doble" of very high value for high level creature...
For example (in red changed values) :
Attack = ceil(5 * (0 + [N/1] * 0.05))
=> Adds one of attack every 4 levels (no matter the level of creature) after the level of creature.
Defense = ceil(10 * ([0 + [N/1] * 0.05))
=> Adds one of defense every 2 levels (a bit strong probably, that was just a sample).
Trying to equilibrate creatures, I got the difficulty elementals are both level creature of conflux AND spell (summon elementals).
I thought about changing whitch creature is summoned by "summon XX", so I could make for example a spell "summon wolf" replacing actual "boar" by "wolf" and make it "fair". I thought about summon mummy too and maybe a golem (gold one ?). For last summon maybe let some elemental to summon ?
Someone knows where is written the creatures invoked by 4 summon spells ?
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Supreme Hero
posted August 12, 2017 03:20 PM |
FfuzzyLogik said:
But here, we do not have a simple value to change, its hard to do, no ? Instead of 0.05*(N*10) it's possible to change 0,05 by 0,5 and we get less problems... But to add "+4"...
There's an existing 0.5 QWord at [0x63AC70], you can just point to that one instead of modifying the existing 0.05.
Using Alex's nearby address for hook...
E6548h = 0x70
Summon by creature ID
Fire Elemental
Earth Elemental
Water Elemental
Air Elemental
Note: doesn't work above 0x7F (Storm Elemental) because it's a single signed byte (i.e. becomes negative). Might be another change required to get it to work though.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted August 12, 2017 08:32 PM |
Aaaah, the dear Knight em, I mean Kavalier to the rescue of modders and weak in hex editing !
RoseKavalier said: Note: doesn't work above 0x7F (Storm Elemental) because it's a single signed byte (i.e. becomes negative). Might be another change required to get it to work though.
Humm, not sure what you mean (my englis is not the best)... We cannot change for example "air elemental summoning" by "storm" because since "storm elementals" its a single signe byte is used ?
But we can just change creature ID in location you wrote to change the creature is summoned, right ?
I was watching at "attack all over" ability but notice that its the "same" for Hydra/ChaosHydra, Psychic/MagicElementals and Cerberi but the last one have "3 headed attack". I was thinking about let "3 head attack" to Hydra (they have 3 heads ^^) and "attack all around" for ChaosHydra. The difference of type of attack "multiple ennemies" is coded hardly ?
If we don't let "no ennemy retaliation" to them, someone have an idea of what it will do ? Probably bug because none have but maybe all attacked creature counters but they cannot do "at same time"...
I thought to not let "no ennemy retaliation" to vampire lords (they are strong enough) here, you think it will cause bug ?
Thanks again,
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted August 12, 2017 08:38 PM |
No technical bug, as there is already an artifact in WoG which suppresses all "no retaliation" for all creatures. However, gameplay related, without "no retal" the necro faction will take a serious hit.
Era II mods and utilities
Supreme Hero
posted August 12, 2017 08:59 PM |
Look for list of creature IDs here.
Any creature ID greater than 7F cannot be summoned, it will crash game (it thinks you are inputting negative number instead). Maybe there's something else you can change to make it work for these... but couldn't be bothered to check.
Quote: 81 - Energy elemental
82 - Firebird
83 - Phoenix
84 - Azure dragons
85 - Crystal dragons
86 - Faeri dragons
87 - Rust dragons
88 - Enchanters
89 - Sharpshooters
8A - Halflings
8B - Peasants
8C - Boars
8D - Mummies
8E - Nomads
8F - Rogues
90 - Trolls
I can check maybe later for Cerberus.
Try removing no retaliation flag from Hydras and tell us what happens
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted August 13, 2017 12:29 PM |
RoseKavalier said: Try removing no retaliation flag from Hydras and tell us what happens
Done, I feared it explodes but... Nope ^^
They are attacking normally and only the creature you focus (if it survives) counter attacks. Samly when some creature attack hydra, she counterattacks and all other creature hit by his zone attack just take the hit...
So that's not perfectly logical, only one creature hydra hits counterattacks... But it can be done without major "bug" as Salamandre said.
I had some other objective, change PitFiends and PitLords demonic sorcerers who shoots. So I'll say what I know to make a shooter or make a creature be "not shooter".
How to make a creature army shooting/not shooting for HotA :
Start with the hardest. To make a shooter creature is no more :
If it has "no melee penality" is to give him 0 shoots in CRTRAITS.txt*.
If he has melee penality, you can or hex edit his abilties (see later in this post), or doble the damage he has (not beautiful but it works)...
[*Its the table who defines base caracteristics of all standards creature in H3 and the same is added in HotA.lod ; extract it with MMArchive, edit it with something like TxtEdit, then place the modded file to replace the original one]
Yes, that's all...
The easyest now, add shooting to a creature :
=> "Graphics preparation" :
- First, the creature .def must have a shooting animation. Verify this and if it has not, you must make one (or change the .def of creature you choosed).
- Second, the shooter must shoot a projectile. Or you have to use some existing projectile (or laser beam) or you have to add one. Here for sample we'll choose roses.
=> "Part with TXT files" :
- In "CRTRAITS.TXT" the creature must have a number of shoots. That's a "detail" but with 0 projectiles, even with ammo cart, the creature won't shoot (one exception for cyclops when focussing walls, its an ability and don't use projectile for that).
- In "CRANIM.txt", you have to define projectile caracteristics (how it mooves, how fast, from where). For "non shooters", the slots are filled by 0 in this table... Here, at start, I suggest a copy paste of some other shooter's caracteristic then change a bit if you want it shoots differently (faster, slower, shoot starts from an other position...)
=> "Part with hex editing" :
- The creature must be "a shooter" (it must be defined as it). As wrotten before, you must give to creature the shooting ability with hex editor.
For example (all by hasard, don't even think its a link for this choice, might it be small, its pure hasard) if you want your Cavalier shoots on your ennemies :
Original file : localisation : 00270840h:
Cavalier 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 44 54 67 0 38 54 67 0 11 0 0 0
Modded file : same localisation
Cavalier 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 44 54 67 0 38 54 67 0 15 1 0 0
(Here Cavalier is 2 hex, shoots and have no melee penality, his jousting bonus is not written here and he won't have this bonus with shooting because when you shoot, you don't moove !)
- Then you must define the creature's projectile as being roses.
That's here I don't know how to do...
But then if you can finish the last step, your Cavalier throw roses. Yea, why not ? I mod how I want !
I hope I made no mistake,
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Supreme Hero
posted August 13, 2017 08:09 PM |
Known Hero
posted August 14, 2017 01:17 PM |
RoseKavalier said: Any creature ID greater than 7F cannot be summoned, it will crash game (it thinks you are inputting negative number instead). Maybe there's something else you can change to make it work for these... but couldn't be bothered to check.
For summoning ability I had two ideas (because I don't know how to change for it works).
- First, use the "gold and diamond golems" to be used like creature invoked. But if so I'd like the building of golem (on the map) can't let possible to build other creature than the first golem (as other creature dwellings).
- Second, I was thinking about using the "empty creature slots" the creatures "not used" in elemental race. Is it possible to "replace" these "free slots" by creatures ?
Even if its is just possible to make them working for invocation (and cannot be placed on map) it shall be good. But I fear its quite hard...
For the special abilities ("Resistances 1" : Dwarves to Crystal Dragon ; "Resistances 2" : Stone golem to Energy elemental ; "Attack 1" : Vampire lords to Rust Dragon ; "Attack 2" : Dendroids to Mummies), I can't add any ability nor to Castle race, nor to end creatures (like thief)...
So, I was thinking about "what I can give to Monks" ?
Few questions here to try to find a solution for them :
- Heroes spell cost less is cumulative ? If I thought about adding this to monks (and if it is possible to add to them too or only 2 creatures can have it ?)
- Same question for magic damper.
- There is an other "from here to here, if "00" give this ability to the creature, if "01" give this ability, if "05" don't give anything... in the exe ?
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...