
Tavern Dweller
posted April 03, 2019 04:53 PM |
Maurice said: By examining the save game, you can find the exact location of the Grail. However, that's far from trivial to do.
That's what I figured. So do you have any idea if the puzzle can be uncovered by simply editing memory or in a similar manner?

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted April 03, 2019 06:33 PM |
john694 said: That's what I figured. So do you have any idea if the puzzle can be uncovered by simply editing memory or in a similar manner?
Well, I guess it should be possible to mark all Obelisks as visited for the player in question, but that too isn't trivial to do.
I am strictly speaking about editing save games, by the way; I have no experience with editing memory during runtime of the game.
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker

Supreme Hero
posted April 04, 2019 05:53 AM |
john694 said:
avatar said: Just use build-in cheat 
I know there's one but I want to do it without one, as a practice.
If you want practice, I suggest for you to figure out how the built-in cheat works, you'll have your answer on how to recreate it then.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Adventuring Hero
posted April 11, 2019 04:02 PM |
Sry I think it has been asked before, but I can't find the post anymore:
Can set plague month chance to 0 percent but keep other special weeks?

Supreme Hero
posted April 11, 2019 04:10 PM |
Rose Kavallier did it in his SoD_sp plugin.

Supreme Hero
posted April 11, 2019 05:02 PM |
Quote: Can set plague month chance to 0 percent but keep other special weeks?
Write 90 90 90 90 90 at C8C53h.

Adventuring Hero
posted April 11, 2019 05:43 PM |
AlexSpl said:
Quote: Can set plague month chance to 0 percent but keep other special weeks?
Write 90 90 90 90 90 at C8C53h.
nice, thx

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted April 17, 2019 06:59 PM |
Is it possible to make the First Aid Tent able to heal War Machines, including itself?
They can already be affected by Cure, so it would be fair if they could be "healed" as well, it would also make First Aid and Artillery slightly more useful.


Hired Hero
posted April 18, 2019 09:51 AM |
I would like to modify the special buildings of the castles (Portal of Summoning, Battle Scholar Academy, Hall of Valhalla, Skeleton Transformer, Lookout Tower, etc.) Which exe line do these settings start from? Can you help me with that?

Known Hero
posted April 18, 2019 06:29 PM |
phoenix4ever said: Is it possible to make the First Aid Tent able to heal War Machines, including itself?
They can already be affected by Cure, so it would be fair if they could be "healed" as well, it would also make First Aid and Artillery slightly more useful.
i know, that elixir of life give regenerate ability to WM. May be it willl some usefull to you

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted April 18, 2019 06:44 PM |
Thanks, but not really what I was looking for.


Hired Hero
posted April 18, 2019 07:46 PM |
I rewrote the 45 number to 15 at 002745f0(Ballista) the 41 number to 11 at 00274664(First Aid Tent). The Ballista & First Aid Tent is thus perceived by the program as live and can be cured.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted April 18, 2019 08:28 PM |
Thanks, but I don't seem to have 41 at those addresses.
I have 45 at 2745f0 and ff at 274654...


Hired Hero
posted April 18, 2019 08:47 PM |
I repaired, 00274664 the First Aid Tent!

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted April 18, 2019 09:03 PM |
Hmm the game seems to crash because of those changes, probably not a good idea to change it...


Hired Hero
posted April 18, 2019 09:11 PM |
I tried with the original H3 exe. I'll try it out with Hota exe. You may need to configure something else.


Hired Hero
posted April 18, 2019 09:32 PM |
You got the mistake! BALLMOVE, BALLDFND must be assigned to ballistic and it works now, and even more spells work! Cool!

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted April 18, 2019 10:06 PM |
phoenix4ever said: Hmm the game seems to crash because of those changes, probably not a good idea to change it...
You need to edit the "creature" stats of the war machines, Phoenix. Details are back somewhere in this thread; there was a discussion about the bit mask that regulated all sorts of stuff with respect to creatures - including whether they're alive or not.
I suspect, by the way, that if you make a war machine "alive", you'll be able to resurrect it with Resurrection, too.
The last Reasonable Steward of Good Game Design and a Responsible Hero of HC. - Verriker

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted April 18, 2019 10:39 PM |
Okay Maurice, yeah I thought it might have other side effects to make War Machines "come alive". I guess it would be practical to be able to resurrect War Machines, but probably a little strange.
There should have been some kind of repair mechanic instead, the only way to keep a War Machine "alive" is to block it, hope it does'nt get blasted with spells and Cure it if it takes damage...

Known Hero
posted April 19, 2019 07:58 PM |
Maybe make them being "golem like" shall be good : you can heal them but can't resurrect (nor animate dead) them ?