Tavern Dweller
posted April 24, 2017 06:32 PM |
Edited by ethar at 18:36, 24 Apr 2017.
Antalyan said:
ethar said: Hello Heroes!
After playing in HH7 several hours, I've noticed a some of bugs:
Graphic issues:
1) Sometimes when the battle starts and you're still in tactics mode the screen "tillting". (Small issue, but very painfull for my tired eyes )
2) Another graphic issue - external habitat (I'm not sure about this is the right name in english version). But when you upgrade habitat in town, sometimes image of unit dissapear.
Gameplay issues
3) When somebody attack your caravan and you use surrender. You can't buy your army in town again :/
Technical issue
4) When I start playing on a huge map, I have problem with save game. Does not matter the game loading 5-10 minutes. But when I have a much progress in scenario, that's a problem. After trying to load save game after 8-10 minutes I've got a problem "Heroes 7 stopped working". Is any tip or trick to resolve this problem?
Hello ethar and welcome here!
Unfortunately, I don't believe anything can be done with the issues you described above as they're most probably in the game code which is not public.
Ñevertheless, the bug mentioned in 3) can be solved if you use the quick keyboard shortcut. Then the town bar should appear again.
As regards the 4), since the time the game needs to load is incredibly long on your PC, it sounds like a HW issue nothing else can be done with than to buy a new PC. However, you can try to improve the performance when setting lower graphic performance & details. Furthermore, try to verify your game files in Uplay.
The worst thing is it - A Limbic (Or Ubisoft what You prefer) abandon the game. In that way they should do something whit that. Ehhh...
3) I think you you disunderstanding me (I'm still improve my english skills ) I can't buy units because there are nowhere. (Everything with HUD or castle/town menu is OK.
4) Yeah, I tried to use low setting... I run game on PC with 12GB RAM... but when I tried load that game - task manager show me uses 80-90% of my 12GB RAM and still increse until to stop the program :/ (Other spcs of my pc: i7 3.2 GHz Geforce 860M (4GB VRAM). I know the code of game is "not good optimalizated", but I haven't problem with that until to this "little problem".
Propably the problem is a "memory leak", maybe if I upgrade to 32GB RAM that should "resolve" the problem - but that is a pointless.
Maybe any reverse engineering? If I know WOG-team doesn't have any source code of H3, but they made a lot of modification in H3...
I love gameplay of H7, but the bugs kills that game...
Thank You for your advise, I think this is the good moment to remind others HoMM
Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted April 25, 2017 05:01 PM |
ethar said:
The worst thing is it - A Limbic (Or Ubisoft what You prefer) abandon the game. In that way they should do something whit that. Ehhh...
3) I think you you disunderstanding me (I'm still improve my english skills ) I can't buy units because there are nowhere. (Everything with HUD or castle/town menu is OK.
4) Yeah, I tried to use low setting... I run game on PC with 12GB RAM... but when I tried load that game - task manager show me uses 80-90% of my 12GB RAM and still increse until to stop the program :/ (Other spcs of my pc: i7 3.2 GHz Geforce 860M (4GB VRAM). I know the code of game is "not good optimalizated", but I haven't problem with that until to this "little problem".
Propably the problem is a "memory leak", maybe if I upgrade to 32GB RAM that should "resolve" the problem - but that is a pointless.
Maybe any reverse engineering? If I know WOG-team doesn't have any source code of H3, but they made a lot of modification in H3...
I love gameplay of H7, but the bugs kills that game...
Thank You for your advise, I think this is the good moment to remind others HoMM
Shame on Ubisoft for their behaviour, I agree.
3) Never mind, although it was more likely lack of information than the language It makes sense actually because if you use "surrender" for armies leaded by a hero, the hero can be hired in the hall of heroes together with their army. Obviously, it can't be done with the caravan army as it has no hero. I guess this option should have been locked by game developers.
4)From what I see, the problem shouldn't be in your HW as you have even higher specs than the recommended ones are. You should be able to run it even on the highest settings (as my laptop is a bit weaker than your PC and I have no problems running the game). Therefore check if your graphic card drivers are up to date first. Then, if the problem persists, try contacting Ubisoft support, they might be able to help.
As anyone else, you're also welcome to try to fix some of the bugs in the editor. It doesn't require any special skills, the only problem is you need to find out (and get an idea) what's wrong with the concrete problem, or in which situation it appears. Then you can try some experimentations with the properties.
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Known Hero
posted May 01, 2017 06:44 PM |
maybe u should create a link to this bugfix mod on hoMMdb
Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted May 01, 2017 07:58 PM |
Moritzbradtke said: maybe u should create a link to this bugfix mod on hoMMdb
Sure I can do it but I'm not sure how much possible it is to update the files there. I mean, I don't consider the work on this project finished.
However, if you think it could attract attention of some more people who would be able to join, it's worth of trying.
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Known Hero
posted May 02, 2017 08:33 PM |
I suggest using an external link, if u can do it, u can keep the link and just update the files where u uploaded em
Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted May 04, 2017 06:27 PM |
Moritzbradtke said: I suggest using an external link, if u can do it, u can keep the link and just update the files where u uploaded em
Afaik hommdb doesn't support extrenal links, you need to upload the file there. And the uploaded file cannot be changed.
Important H7 tips & tricks
H7 Community Patch (UCP)
Known Hero
posted May 04, 2017 09:00 PM |
i use dropbox for my files, works fine so far, didnt try uptading it via dropbox yet though
Tavern Dweller
posted May 21, 2017 10:04 AM |
I found a new bug
If hero learned fire wisdom and dark wisdom, and has dark master 3
the agony damage will doubled.
the agony will harmed target twice when the target comes to act.
so does the dungeon building which give 40 poison damage last 3turns
it's has a strange phenomenon£¬ sometimes it will hurt my army also,
but will give 40 poison damage twice per turn to my army (total 80 per turn), and 40 poison damage to anemy £¬last 3turns
Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted May 21, 2017 04:59 PM |
Known Hero
posted June 05, 2017 12:34 PM |
bug: in MP when u surrender u'll sometimes loose all ure creatures and artifacts anyway, it doesnt happen always but not sure if it is random or there is another factor
Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted June 06, 2017 05:27 PM |
Moritzbradtke said: bug: in MP when u surrender u'll sometimes loose all ure creatures and artifacts anyway, it doesnt happen always but not sure if it is random or there is another factor
It cant't be random, there must be some condition/reason for that.
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H7 Community Patch (UCP)
Known Hero
posted July 14, 2017 09:57 AM |
it seems to be a MP bug, it doesnt happen in hotseat, just tried it myself, not sure if it happens always or just sometimes
Tavern Dweller
posted July 31, 2017 03:56 PM |
Moritzbradtke said: it seems to be a MP bug, it doesnt happen in hotseat, just tried it myself, not sure if it happens always or just sometimes
hello MoritzBradtke~£¡
Could U send your mod to my email please£¿
because I can't download it £¬and I don't know why¡¡
my adress is 625105539@qq.com
thank U very much£¡ and I think U change is amazing good£¡
Known Hero
posted July 31, 2017 10:17 PM |
the mod is too big for a simple E-Mail, why u can not download it? here is the latest direct link
Tavern Dweller
posted August 01, 2017 02:17 PM |
Moritzbradtke said: the mod is too big for a simple E-Mail, why u can not download it? here is the latest direct link
it¡®s strage ¡¡
I noticed that U uncooked fire upk¡¢ earth upk and H7Items upk
how to do like this £¿
I can't uncooked up three upk at all¡¡
could U teach me£¿
Tavern Dweller
posted August 04, 2017 11:17 AM |
Moritzbradtke said: the mod is too big for a simple E-Mail, why u can not download it? here is the latest direct link
Could U uncook air spell magic UPK£¿
May I ask U to send it to me£¿ thank U very much£¡
Famous Hero
Owning all 7 Heroes games
posted August 05, 2017 07:23 AM |
Ha! You think those are bugs?! How about this one!
The A.I. refusing so much as to lose that it gave itself an impossible amount of Kobold Scout shooters from the Dwarf faction.
Oh say: 195 million of them should suffice at beating this cheezy human. Yeah, It would do the trick.
The human reacted: "WTF!" OK, let's kill off all of the other troops while still have some of my own remaining alive and, then let's just rage quit on you ****-****** of an A.I. + declare myself victorious by default anyway.
Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted September 16, 2017 08:23 PM |
Good news!
After dozens of hours and attempts, I found a way how to fix Justicar's Opportunate Retaliation, Soul Conflagration, Erratic Storm Spell Description and Hathor's Specialisation (bugs 7,16,28,33).
Of course I will upload the newest version of the Bugfix mod with those fixes soon; however, I'll try to fix some more issues before.
I've also two questions:
1) Does anyone of you managed to uncook and successfully save the file with H7FireSpells? It always displays me an error message.
2) Does anyone know how the spells work? I do already know that the Shadow Image does not work correctly (according to the tooltip) when Master or Darkness III is learn, but I cannot find any data for that spell, defining its function.
Thanks in advance!
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H7 Community Patch (UCP)
Adventuring Hero
posted September 17, 2017 02:32 PM |
Antalyan said: 2) Does anyone know how the spells work? I do already know that the Shadow Image does not work correctly (according to the tooltip) when Master or Darkness III is learn, but I cannot find any data for that spell, defining its function.
In the Magic Guild, right click on a spell gives all spell's parameters. But sometimes, the spell's parameters are false.
Shadow image - parameters shown in Magic Guild :
Novice rank : image size = 0,01 x target size
Expert rank : image size = 0,01 x target size
Master rank : image size = 0,01 x target size
Grandmaster rank : image size = 0,01 x target size
These parameters are false.
After making some tests, I deduced following parameters :
Novice rank : image size = 0,01 x Magic x target size
Expert rank : image size = 0,02 x Magic x target size
Master rank : image size = 0,03 x Magic x target size
Grandmaster rank : image size = 0,05 x Magic x target size
I confirm that Master of Darkness III breaks the spell, but I didn't find how (i.e. how the formula is transformed).
Note : all these data were obtained with the game played in french version.
Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted September 17, 2017 03:55 PM |
Thanatoeil said:
Antalyan said: 2) Does anyone know how the spells work? I do already know that the Shadow Image does not work correctly (according to the tooltip) when Master or Darkness III is learn, but I cannot find any data for that spell, defining its function.
In the Magic Guild, right click on a spell gives all spell's parameters. But sometimes, the spell's parameters are false.
Shadow image - parameters shown in Magic Guild :
Novice rank : image size = 0,01 x target size
Expert rank : image size = 0,01 x target size
Master rank : image size = 0,01 x target size
Grandmaster rank : image size = 0,01 x target size
These parameters are false.
After making some tests, I deduced following parameters :
Novice rank : image size = 0,01 x Magic x target size
Expert rank : image size = 0,02 x Magic x target size
Master rank : image size = 0,03 x Magic x target size
Grandmaster rank : image size = 0,05 x Magic x target size
I confirm that Master of Darkness III breaks the spell, but I didn't find how (i.e. how the formula is transformed).
Note : all these data were obtained with the game played in french version.
I meant more likely where to find the technical location of the spell's data (some function provider) - but these numbers can be helpful anyway for further research, thank you
The language does not usually matter, only some really special bugs can be caused by language/translation (less than 0.1%)
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