Supreme Hero
posted June 16, 2019 05:12 PM |
Known Hero
posted June 17, 2019 04:55 AM |
Edited by daemon_n at 12:24, 17 Jun 2019.
wrong magic (arrow) damage in bottom of battle window.
correct is 50, but it images like 70. But dealing 50 damage.
Screenshot is inside of zip archive
SaveFile with Screenshot
UPD: lookslike every magic
When A + left- clicking on garrisoned hero or my own color flag in garrison all my anupgraded creatures were upgraded in bottom ( visit hero)
when A + left-clicking on visit hero, then all garrissoned creatures were upgraded
shouldn't it be the other way around?
lookslike that ctrl+f (find objects) doesnt work now.
town music ( and AI turn theme) doesnt change until choose anoteher town. May be it was always so?
doent this plugin fix forgetfullness bug? when i ve used advanced spell then it was casted automatically on 1 stack.
if both heroes dying after battle, then crush.
Dessa - Armag
If use any spell from spellpanel (by clicking on keybord sybmols 1...0) in cyclopes bank, then appears a message that this garrisson is anti-magic.
UPDATE: in Crypt the same, probably all garded objects
Save and Screenshot (on russian )
its every time crush, when ctrl (or alt/shift) + clicking on creatures in little window bottom right part of the screen.
Supreme Hero
posted June 17, 2019 02:25 PM |
Thanks for the list!
Before I can go take a look...
4- I can always check but there should be no hooks interfering with music
5 - no Forgetfulness 'bug'. NWC's intention is not clear to me so I never fixed it, it could however be brought in as an option.
The rest I need to look into
[-] Fixed forcefield shadow drawing conditions when defending
[-] FindMe now works again
[-] Single-click upgrade of creatures in town was swapped around
[-] Corrected some H3CombatManager fields in H3API preventing quickcast in creature banks and sometimes leading to crashes
[-] H3Spell structure in H3API had two fields swapped resulting in improper damage display when mouse hovering creatures with spells
Thank you very much for your report!
1- Fixed
2- Fixed
3- Fixed
4- I noticed that sometimes this does not happen if you don't stay very long in the town (then the music switches back quickly). Conversely, if you stay long enough then the music does not switch unless you perform some actions. It's something I could investigate as an improvement.
5- Maybe in a future release, the fix is really simple. Seeing NWC's programming to me feels like this is more of an intended mechanic as there is another check right next to it that only allows expert level for mass spells, except Forgetfulness.
6- Fixed
7- Fixed
8- I could not reproduce this crash, and I tried quite a few combinations. That being said, I did find a similar crash but this one is due to HDmod.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Famous Hero
posted June 17, 2019 04:28 PM |
Edited by Ben80 at 16:30, 17 Jun 2019.
daemon_n said:
town music ( and AI turn theme) doesnt change until choose anoteher town. May be it was always so?
This is due to Windows 7/10 + 1 CPU core affinity (in HD mod). If one do not use 1 CPU affinity - then will be crash quite soon.
Run original game on old computer with Windows XP and you will find old good music.
Tavern Dweller
posted June 17, 2019 09:04 PM |
1.16.6 (RU)
does not work correctly Quicksave custom name (Ctrl-F9)
my name for Ctrl-F9 - Jenni,
file saved as - QuckSave_... (RU Быстрое сохранение
Supreme Hero
posted June 18, 2019 04:16 AM |
Known Hero
posted June 18, 2019 10:54 AM |
Now does not work separation by select troop and L-Click on free slot of creature in hero window and town window, but it works in little status window in the left bottom of the screen
also crush are dissapeared
Supreme Hero
posted June 18, 2019 03:09 PM |
[-] Custom quicksave now correctly uses custom name
[-] Shift+split of creatures now works correctly
Thanks daemon_n and turboagent!
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted June 19, 2019 05:27 AM |
Edited by daemon_n at 05:28, 19 Jun 2019.
RoseKavalier, thanks for quickly fixing)
daemon_n said:
also crush are dissapeared
now, its didnt ((
Please, try split basilisk in little window only by shift + L-clicking.
For me its 100% crush. Without pluguin works correct.
Supreme Hero
posted June 19, 2019 05:48 AM |
Known Hero
posted June 19, 2019 06:19 AM |
Edited by daemon_n at 07:02, 19 Jun 2019.
RoseKavalier said: Works fine on my endİ
Can I get a copy of your debug logs?
there it is)
if Left clicking, then turn of wyrm will skiped
Supreme Hero
posted June 19, 2019 05:41 PM |
Thanks, that helped to find the issue.
I'll look for a solution.
Version 1.16.8
[-] Improved H3API, eliminating some bugs that could lead to crashes
[-] Modified berserk restoration option, preventing lost turn on human side
I modified an unsafe bitfield which was problematic for several bugs since 1.16.0.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted June 21, 2019 06:50 PM |
when finding objects on ctrl+f its every time crush on left or right arrow buttons.
Supreme Hero
posted June 21, 2019 11:35 PM |
Known Hero
posted June 22, 2019 07:35 AM |
RoseKavalier said:
Version 1.16.9
[-] Fixed H3API bug with H3Position
A missing 0 in H3API
Thanks again daemon_n !
Trying to be usefull
Thanks you for quick update!
Adventuring Hero
posted June 22, 2019 10:57 PM |
Excellent job as always!
I installed the latest version and I just noticed that during the AI's turn, the AI shield is shown instead of the minimap (the AI minimap option is ON of course)!
Supreme Hero
posted June 23, 2019 02:36 PM |
Nikos said: Congratulations!!!
Excellent job as always!
I installed the latest version and I just noticed that during the AI's turn, the AI shield is shown instead of the minimap (the AI minimap option is ON of course)!
Apparently I left out the code when rewriting with H3API
Version 1.17.0
[-] Added missing code to allow vision of minimap during AI turn
I'm still fixing small issues in H3API from time to time but it seems most of the bugs from the transition are now ironed out. The 1.17 variants should be much more stable.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Tavern Dweller
posted June 30, 2019 04:24 AM |
very nice work Rosekavelier this mod is the best for Sod lovers !
Supreme Hero
posted July 03, 2019 12:21 AM |
Supreme Hero
posted July 11, 2019 01:17 AM |
Version 1.17.1
[ ] Updated H3.TextColor to latest version
[ ] Quicksave prefix can now be up to 32 characters and accepts '{', '~' and '}' as input
[-] Incorrect field was being used in H3LoadedDef::AddFrameToDef, resulting in partial frame copies
[-] Added missing code related to extra mines, garrisons or mapmaker features
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2