
Known Hero
posted January 17, 2021 06:02 PM |
Edited by VIP at 18:03, 17 Jan 2021.
I check later and wrote if I can't understand, but I see next bug SoD_SP don't support polish characters.
ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż and upper characters.
Forum don't support -_-. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_alphabet

Supreme Hero
posted January 18, 2021 03:51 PM |
sanyassh said: Now in it seems like fast animation is broken.
Demo: https://youtu.be/oweNpRHEPnY
Nope, turbo speed now only affects spells' animation speed.
Changelog Version said:
[+] Implemented 10 different battle speeds (adapted from igrik)
Note: Turbo Speed option remains in use for spell animations
To control battle speed, you have even more flexibility than before, with the last few speeds being even faster than the old turbo speed.

VIP said: Forum don't support -_-
Quote button is superior to the forum!

I tested character support with German, Russian and Mandarin but never had Polish characters to test. A few reasons coming to mind why this isn't working:
* your computer's regional language settings are not set to windows-1250
* you lack proper h3 Polish FNT files
If you have these two set, then it works:

If that is impossible, I can simply add a field in the language file to specify the code page.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Known Hero
posted January 18, 2021 04:20 PM |
Edited by VIP at 12:16, 19 Jan 2021.
I have windows polish and heroes polish (fonts) .
And see this:

Not all place compability.
So I think resolved (spontaneously). Hm..

Supreme Hero
posted January 19, 2021 03:17 PM |

Known Hero
posted January 19, 2021 04:59 PM |
Thank you I repleied your email .

Tavern Dweller
posted January 20, 2021 11:49 PM |
While using SoD_SP I've noticed that AI loses units when goes through whirlpools. What is the option to disable this bugfix and return to original mechanics? Can't find it.

Supreme Hero
posted January 21, 2021 02:53 PM |
MarloStanfield said: While using SoD_SP I've noticed that AI loses units when goes through whirlpools. What is the option to disable this bugfix and return to original mechanics? Can't find it.
Simple: you update to latest!
Version said:
[-] Fixed incorrect AI check argument size for whirlpool bug (anonymous)
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Tavern Dweller
posted January 29, 2021 06:26 AM |
Found a way to reproduce Admiral's Hat bug with it being fixed with SoD_SP. If you unequip Admiral's Hat before entering a water fight and flee from the fight, hero will still have water amount of movement points.

Supreme Hero
posted January 30, 2021 07:23 PM |
Inner_Abysm said: Found a way to reproduce Admiral's Hat bug with it being fixed with SoD_SP. If you unequip Admiral's Hat before entering a water fight and flee from the fight, hero will still have water amount of movement points.
Thanks for the report!
The issue is not so much the Admiral's Hat bug fix (in fact, you can leave it on) it's that I never patched the water to land movement conversion for retreating during fights on water. I suppose now would is as good time as any to do so.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Known Hero
posted February 04, 2021 11:32 PM |
Edited by VIP at 23:32, 04 Feb 2021.
I must write this :
It's GREAT PLUGIN for SoD! And thank you very much for your work !


Hired Hero
posted February 09, 2021 05:01 PM |
Another small bug:
Quickspell gives possibility to preset the position of Fire Wall and Forcefield, ignoring whatever is there:
1. Fight starts
2. Firewall/Forcefield is on quickspell panel
3. Place Firewall whereever you want (wait, if you want opponents' creatures to move)
4. Finish the fight (flee/quickcombat) and reject the result (Escape)
5. Fight begins anew
6. Press corresponding shortkey and click with left mouse button withoutmoving the cursor. Firewall/Forcefield will appear in the same place.
If you preset a spot which is now occupied by a creature - firewall or forcefield will appear there (on the creature). Which is a cool feature I guess, but it shouldn't work like that.
If you preset a spot which is occupied by a small obstacle - Firewall will not a appear, but Forcefield will. Well, Forcefield actually appears as doubled - one inside obstacle, one adjacent - and the one adjacent will not actually block anything.

Supreme Hero
posted February 09, 2021 11:00 PM |
Machberet said: Another small bug:
Quickspell gives possibility to preset the position of Fire Wall and Forcefield, ignoring whatever is there:
If you preset a spot which is occupied by a small obstacle - Firewall will not a appear, but Forcefield will. Well, Forcefield actually appears as doubled - one inside obstacle, one adjacent - and the one adjacent will not actually block anything.
I'm not able to force the spells in normally impossible locations, however I can confirm that the cast location was not being reset by the combat replay function...this is what you get when new features add options not envisioned by the developers.
Thanks for report, I'll force update of the cursor position at battle start.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2


Hired Hero
posted February 09, 2021 11:55 PM |
Happy to help!
And that brings me to another small, tiny bug )
Option to fix enchanters' casting bug overfixes it, i.e. they will cast null spells like mass weakness/mass slow vs dragons if a vulnerable unit was present at the beginning of the battle.
Not sure how interaction with antimagic works, I haven't got time to check it.

Supreme Hero
posted February 10, 2021 04:10 AM |
Machberet said: Option to fix enchanters' casting bug overfixes it,
In fact, it's the other way around. The bug was underfixed because I had never checked to see if the same problem existed when targeting your own side (which, it does). When your first stack is not a valid target, Enchanters would run out of possibilities and then cast a null spell.
The original code does a rather robust check on spell applicability, I am not too worried about the presence of Anti-Magic. All I did to fix this was update the creature index which was stuck to the first stack.
Thanks again!
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Adventuring Hero
posted February 10, 2021 10:16 AM |
One more variation with a "market of time" bug. Reported by scars of reality.
Save: https://transfiles.ru/r0yt9
Tested in latest SoD_SP (
1. Step on event (1.12.0) 2. Pick the ring (2.12.0) 3. Market appear on 1.12.0.
Yeap, after restarting the map this bug is gone but strange thing that if we use version and repeat the same actions from this save, than, this bug would not ocurre.

Supreme Hero
posted February 10, 2021 02:44 PM |
wenwell said: One more variation with a "market of time" bug. Reported by scars of reality.
Save: https://transfiles.ru/r0yt9
Tested in latest SoD_SP (
1. Step on event (1.12.0) 2. Pick the ring (2.12.0) 3. Market appear on 1.12.0.
Yeap, after restarting the map this bug is gone but strange thing that if we use version and repeat the same actions from this save, than, this bug would not ocurre.
Thanks for report! I've had enough of this bug, I'm going nuclear and getting rid of this crutch implementation completely. I'll just draw the events on the map directly instead.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Supreme Hero
posted February 13, 2021 04:55 AM |
[+] Added {json}[code_page] entry to language files, do not modify unless you know what you're doing!
[+] Added {json}[find_me][number_first] boolean to indicate that the number of items comes first when reporting found objects (thanks VIP)
i.e. "Found 10 object(s)!" vs "Found object 10 times!"
[+] Added {json}[find_me][report_none] boolean to report that no objects were found when using FindMe (thanks VIP, anonymous)
Matching text is found under {json}[find_me][none_found]
The option can be turned on/off in FindMe dialog next to the Uncharted Territory option
[+] Improved FindMe object name report
[+] Added {json}[general][error_log_prompt] for localized error logging message prompt (thanks VIP)
[+] Added {json}[general][save_button_name] for localized 'SAVE' button (thanks VIP, FirePaladin)
[+] High Score dialog Campaign tab now shows both score and number of days (thanks VIP)
[+] Fixed a crash bug in Artifacts Merchant when no artifacts were selected (anonymous)
[+] Advanced Dialogs for Pyramids and Abandoned Mines now show proper creature splits (thanks Rolex)
[+] Advanced Dialog for Heroes and Prisons now let you inspect all of the hero's statistics and belongings (anonymous)
[+] Fixed hero water to land movement conversion when running from / losing a sea battle (thanks Inner_Abysm)
[+] Fixed View Air/Earth/World icons drawn out of bounds
[+] Sped up battlequeue calculation
[-] Added logging of errors in a few places where the option was presented but wouldn't occur (anonymous)
[-] Cursor position was not reset when replaying quick battle, resulting in oddities combined with quick spells (thanks Machberet)
[-] Enchanters bug was missing a check for second battlefield side (thanks Machberet)
[-] Fixed a bug that caused the quickspell panel to be redrawn without cause
[-] FindMe hidden events reveal has been completely redone, resolving lingering issues (thanks scars of reality)
Note: the 1.13 requirement of starting the game with SoD_SP is no longer needed to reveal events
[*] Complete translation of SoD_SP texts in Polish! (thanks VIP for the contribution!)
[*] SoD_SP.ini translation to French (thanks Nikos ('s sister))
[*] {json}[combat][kill_range] now regulates spacing, it is no longer controlled codeside (thanks VIP)
Complete* translation to Polish and json modifications to make it simpler to handle different localizations.
* I've added a few lines of text but didn't bother translators yet to release this earlier.
Several bug fixes thanks to the community 
There was a lot of code modifications in the background... I've not had any issues with testing this for several weeks but be aware I have not tested every single possibility out there 

Complete Polish translation (thanks to VIP!)

Hidden events are now drawn manually, making it possible to draw them with partial transparency. There is a small 3-frames lingering issue that the eagle-eyed among you may notice, I'm aware and will be looking for a solution in the future.

Pyramids now show the proper split of creatures.

Abandoned mines now show the proper split of creatures. Additionally, correct split and detection of upgraded creatures using HD+ feature without restoring original behaviour is now shown.

It was pointed out to me that the HiScore.dat file stored the number of days, not only the score, for campaigns. As such, the Campaign High Score window now shows both, using the Single Scenario assets.

Icons on the view world window no longer stick to edges like in the above screenshot.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2

Tavern Dweller
posted February 13, 2021 10:59 AM |
Hi there,
I've been trying to get the plugin to run this morning but the game repeatedly crashes whenever I hover over an enemy with an offensive spell. All other spells including debuffs or buffs where I hover over units as well work fine. I tried reinstalling everything from scratch and turning off every spell related setting but the issue persists. I copied a section of the crash log below. My googlefu didn't come up with anything similar...
compability_dir = C rogram FilesSpieleHoMM 3 Complete_HD3_DataCompability#com_en
No Files.ini for 'C rogram FilesSpieleHoMM 3 Complete_HD3_DataCompability#com_en'
No Files.ini for 'C rogram FilesSpieleHoMM 3 Complete_HD3_DataPacksSoD_SP'
got sulfur in nagabank. replace it to gems.
HOMM3 HD version: 5.2 RC28
Time { 02/13/2021 09:43:58 }
Module: SoD_SP.dll
Adress: [ SoD_SP.dll+0x47603 ]
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: read of address: 0x569323D4
Context { EAX: 0x7FFFFFFF, ECX: 0x569323D4, EDX: 0x0000000C, EBX: 0x569323D4, ESP: 0x00197688, EBP: 0x00197690, ESI: 0x569323D4, EDI: 0x569323E0 }

Known Hero
posted February 13, 2021 12:30 PM |
Thank you very much for update )!

Supreme Hero
posted February 14, 2021 01:29 AM |
[+] FindMe's event reveal state is now saved on a game-by-game basis and restored
[+] FindMe's event reveal now has three states: hidden, translucent and fully revealed (thanks anonymous)
[-] Fixed a text formatting issue in H3API that crashed the game (thanks leertaste1, aydjay, Benkrik, anonymous)
[*] Polish translation up to date (thanks VIP)
Alright, we should be back in business.

New FindMe event reveal states
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2