
Known Hero
posted February 15, 2022 10:04 PM |
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.52 (02.16.2022)
[+] Updated HD mod to version 5.2 R95 - thanks to Baratorch:
[+] Updated mod "Wog Graphic Fix Lite" to version 2.8.1 - thanks to Grossmaster;
[+] Available version number is now taken from GitHub.com;
[+] Function !?FU(WOG_GetSkillInfoByClick); moved to the file 80 wog - base.erm for easy use from other erm files, the function works correctly with the mod for 10 secondary skills:
!#VA(itemId:x) (heroId:x) (skill:x) (skillArea:x) (skillSlot:x);
[+] Partially rewritten and optimized options "Scouting" and "Eagle Eye II";
[#] Fixed version number in the main menu;
[#] Fixed bug with missing id for array with option "Marauder Gnolls strike first";
[#] debug messages removed - thanks to Archer30;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher

Known Hero
posted February 20, 2022 06:23 PM |
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.54 (02.20.2022)
[+] Added display of artifact names in the status bar and on the RMB - thanks to Archer30;
[+] Decreased the chance of the warlord's banner appearing in new units deployed by "Monster Week" (33% -> 25%) - thanks to Archer30;
[-] options button is temporarily hidden in the TownScreen;
[#] extra debug messages removed;
[#] fixed wrong version display on some systems;
[#] some fixes in "ADM" menu - thanks to Archer30;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher

Adventuring Hero
posted February 24, 2022 03:48 AM |
Edited by portus at 03:54, 24 Feb 2022.
Hi guys,
I'm trying to replace the Conflux with another faction, which has required overwriting files in several folders (GEM, Wog Fix Lite...). However, there is no way on Earth I can overwrite the Pyre (both basic and upgraded). I mean, I've replaced those files with the new ones in every folder/file I could find, but it will still appear on the town screen. I know the problem is related to the HD mod because if I run the game without HD, the replacement works properly.
Any ideas on this?
I forgot to mention, I haven't updated the pack for the last two releases because I was working on the translation. I don't know if the issue I've mentioned has been addressed in the latest updates (I don't recall Daemon writing about it at least).
Ssssshhhhhhhpp!! Ah! (crimson cloud and I'm gone)

Supreme Hero
posted February 24, 2022 06:25 AM |
Problem is with hd-mod. So look for .def files inside folder _hd_data and replace them also.

Adventuring Hero
posted February 24, 2022 06:38 PM |
You are absolutely right, found it! It was in a folder by the name “fix.cosmetic”. Damn, do I feel stupid right now
Ssssshhhhhhhpp!! Ah! (crimson cloud and I'm gone)

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted March 03, 2022 03:10 PM |
Just saw this thread and installed latest ERA version.
Up to now I had ERA 2.9.13 Hd installed and could play my favorite rmg in "G" size (esp. "Coldshadow Fantasy" rmg).
With new ERA HD (5.2 R78 launcher), I can only chose XL map size when chosing that specific rmg...when clicking "G" or anyhting else bigger than "XL", it shows typical message "could not create map that fits current choices"...
What can I do?
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Supreme Hero
posted March 03, 2022 03:12 PM |
Not all templates can generate H and G sized maps, only few of them.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted March 03, 2022 03:22 PM |
Edited by angelito at 15:30, 03 Mar 2022.
Just saw that it seems there are 2 versions of this rmg in my older ERA version...the 2nd one is called Coldshadow fantasy XXL....that could be the reason....now I have to see how I get this rmg into new ERA folder (I installed new version of ERA in new folder....to keep all the stuff of older version if installation of new version would not work properly...)
Update: Nevermind...found the rmg and saved it in new ERA folder...now it works again
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Known Hero
posted March 04, 2022 10:34 AM |
the Orb of Inhibition artifact script (Orb Of Inhibition may be traded to modify a creature's abilities) may not work in the current version of ERA 3 Launcher. The creature does not receive the special ability.

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Heroes 3 Wake of Gods Portal

Known Hero
posted May 14, 2022 12:05 AM |
Liso1 said: the Orb of Inhibition artifact script (Orb Of Inhibition may be traded to modify a creature's abilities) may not work in the current version of ERA 3 Launcher. The creature does not receive the special ability.

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Thanks, i will check.


Hired Hero
posted June 10, 2022 08:49 PM |
Here is a youtube video on the launcher from a member of the Hota multiplayer community:

Known Hero
posted June 26, 2022 11:03 AM |
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.55 (06.26.2022)
[+] Updated ERA platform to version 3.9.3: huge list of changes aimed at fixing PvP online games - thanks to Berserker:
- in short, rewritten random number generation engine - don't use VR:T in multiplayer or anything
- brought back a function call on a remote PC "!!FU(Foo) ";
- added events:
- "OnBeforePlaceBattleObstacles" - triggered after "OnBeforeBattlefieldVisible";
- "OnAfterPlaceBattleObstacles" - triggered after ALL obstacles are placed;
- Map editor now uses "*.msk"-files instead of "*.msg";
[+] Updated HD mod to version 5.3 R4 - thanks to Baratorch:
-¯_(ツ _/¯;
[+] Added new gameplay mod "Human AI" (enabled by default) - thanks to Ameranth:
- The AI now uses some typical human strategies;
- Improves AI behavior in certain situations like:
- exchange of armies and artifacts;
- minimizing combat losses;
- demon and skeleton farming;
- selecting better secondary skills;
- choosing better heroes;
- all parameters of the mod are adjusted in "AMER_HumanAI.ini" inside the mod folder;
[+] Added new gameplay mod "NewSpells" (disabled by default) - thanks to AlexSpl, Sokiee:
- Adds 18 new (and not so new) spells to the spellbook and all game tables;
- full support for spell research by the mod;
- AI is excellent and eager to use new spells;
[+] Added new graphical mod "Stalker Spells Mod" (enabled by default) - thanks to Helgta, Sandris;
- Changes the appearance in the spellbook and Mage's Guild;
- New and high quality spell effects;
- new sounds;
[+] Completely rewritten most of the "ERA Scripts" and WoG Scripts mod options" - thanks to Archer30, igrik;
- mandatory or useful WoG options are now enabled by default and removed from the WoG options list;
- the order of the options was slightly changed;
- transferred most texts to json format;
- many options were rewritten to ERM 2.0 and direct memory handling from 0;
- increased compatibility with other mods;
- in many places repetitive and inconvenient dialogs were replaced by native interface or removed as unnecessary;
[+] Localizations of most mods were updated, moved to json format and moved to "WoG Rus" mod;
[+] Updated mod "TrainerX" to version 3.4 - thanks to Archer30:
- added almost full translation;
- added GUI for adding artifacts and creatures from other mods;
[+] Updated mod "Wog Graphic Fix Lite" to version 2.8.3 - thanks to Grossmaster;
- fixed most of WoG objects' graphics;
- some creature graphics fixed - thanks to Dalion;
[+] Updated Advanced Classes Mod to version 1.081 - thanks to PerryR:
- all dialogs now display 5 levels of secondary skills in both text and picture;
- added "Mobile Time Market", allowing you to forget any Secondary Skill for a fee;
- lots of fixes and other innovations (more info in changelog.txt inside mod folder);
[+] Updated "Advanced Difficulties Mod" to version 1.036 - thanks to Archer30, PerryR:
- added new Squire settings dialog;
- added new "Third Upgrades Mod" settings dialog;
- added two new "Neutral Stats gain" levels;
[+] Revamped squires mod - thanks to Archer30;
- added new options;
- squires parameters are now properly transferred to the network game;
[+] Updated translation for "Advanced Classes Mod Rus" - thanks to PerryR and Daemon;
[+] Added new dialog in city window which will hold all city options in future:
- supported scrolling options with the scrolling wheel and via scrollbar if they don't fit all on screen at once;
- supports adding your own options with a single trigger function "!?FU(gem_OnOpenButtonDlg);":
!!FU(gem_AddTownButton) ^defName.def^/(bttnWidth:y)/(bttnHeight:y)/(text:z)/(hint:z)/(rmcHint:z)/(FunctionId:y)/(arg1:y)/(arg2:y)/(arg3:y);
- Tilda hotkey;
- conveniently close by pressing any point outside the dialog;
[+] Changed dialog to display research spells in Mage's Guild:
- now places all spells on PCM and LCM;
- spells themselves are now clickable;
[+] Changed battle interface window - it may look a little familiar to some:
- New button has been added, allowing you to switch between battle modes by pressing it and pressing Alt;
- multiplayer is supported, excluding attack and return (to be refined in the future);
- creatures from any mods are supported - the check is based on Stack's parameters on the battlefield;
[+] all functions that affect DlgItem objects support new update parameter:
- previously it was "0" (don't update) and "1" (update the whole dialog), now the option "-1" (update only yourself) has been added;
[#] Dialog displaying additional stack parameters in battle moved to Ctrl+RMC;
[-] removed plugin "Badluck.era", because it caused synchronization problems in online battles - I recommend to use "Badluck" option from ES mod;
[#] mod load priority slightly changed when installing game, so that there will be no problems with their interaction;
[#] dialogue shadow fix from "BattleQueueue" mod - thanks to RoseKavalier;
[#] just hundreds of fixes and optimizations in mods "ERA Scripts" and "WoG Scripts", there is not enough time to list them - thanks Archer30:
- but here's a link with detailed changes, if you're interested: https://github.com/daemon1995/era_gaming_mods ;
[+] Most options and mods should now work safely in multiplayer;
[+] In some mods added a lot of png graphics to increase the quality of pictures 
[+] Most texts are now taken from client-side game files and not stored in save file;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher


Known Hero
posted June 28, 2022 08:29 PM |
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.56 (06.28.2022)
[+] "Transfer owner" option now works on Shift+LMB and does not require activation on the text input field - thanks to Archer30;
[#] fixed impossibility to change commander class - thanks to Archer30;
[#] fixed inability to buy military vehicles III - thanks to Archer30;
[#] fixed missing translation of the "Improved squires" mod;
[#] fixed doubling the size of units on the battlefield - thanks to Archer30;
[#] fixed negative morale for creatures with the "undead" flag after visiting the Emerald Tower - thanks to Archer30;
[#] fixed transfer of artifacts to other heroes - thanks to Amaranth;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted June 29, 2022 04:14 AM |
Woohoo! Awesome. I noticed some Wog Scripts are by Donald X Varcarno. Is that a username or does the creator of the Dominions card game also mod heroes?

Known Hero
posted June 29, 2022 10:20 PM |
Edited by daemon_n at 02:33, 30 Jun 2022.
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.57 (06.29.2022)
[+] Changing attack types "Attack and return" and "Attack and stay" now works in multiplayer!
[#] Fixed description of spells with "ReMagic" option in Mage's Guild;
[#] Added missing translations of WoG options;
[#] Small changes and fixes;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher
LordCameron , mb. Tbh, idk

Tavern Dweller
posted July 03, 2022 03:46 AM |
Is there no way to download everything without using the launcher? Do I have to use the launcher for an "update"?
This is an incredibly inconvenient way to provide new patches. First of all, my launcher is failing to download anything at all, giving me the simple statement:
"The patching process was aborted."
Secondly, I don't like that if I want to install this on older machines that don't have internet capability I can't because they need to be able to "update".
I hope I'm missing something or it's all just a misunderstanding because right now this feels a lot like a very Blizzard-Activision approach to updates.
I've searched the forums, heroes3wog.net, search engines... None have given me any means of downloading everything without the launcher. On heroes3wog.net, it states the launcher data size is anywhere from 26MB to 1GB; I can only surmise that the 1GB is the totality of all the files assuming the launcher update was actually working.
If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted July 03, 2022 07:30 PM |
My advice would be to get the launcher running.
There was a hosting problem today, which is resolved now.
If you are still having trouble you can join the discord and you will get help:
Some of the mods can also be found on the git repository

Tavern Dweller
posted July 03, 2022 09:38 PM |
RerryR said: My advice would be to get the launcher running.
I don't mean to come off as rude but that's a very disappointing answer. It implies that the direction of this project is heading towards eliminating stand-alone downloads, a pursuit that is similarly shared by very large tech businesses (who end up alienating their client base).
Do you happen to know if there is a good reason for why this is the case? I can't imagine I'm the only individual who would prefer not to use an internal launcher (i.e., a program) simply to download something.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 03, 2022 09:56 PM |
Got the launcher to run, did the updates, and tried to install WoG and it just hangs. Noticed that my "mod manager" is grayed out, whereas I used to have a very nice mod manager before. I'm sure there's a reason that it's not working properly, but that's the problem: these complications didn't exist before.
This may work for the Heroes community overall, but I had no troubles whatsoever before. Hopefully something will be done for those of us who disagree with this approach. If not, I'll just stick with past versions and be grateful for what I have.

Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted July 03, 2022 10:05 PM |
Edited by RerryR at 22:07, 03 Jul 2022.
Phaxujishi said:
RerryR said: My advice would be to get the launcher running.
I don't mean to come off as rude but that's a very disappointing answer. It implies that the direction of this project is heading towards eliminating stand-alone downloads, a pursuit that is similarly shared by very large tech businesses (who end up alienating their client base).
Do you happen to know if there is a good reason for why this is the case? I can't imagine I'm the only individual who would prefer not to use an internal launcher (i.e., a program) simply to download something.
There were plenty of reasons to have this launcher. It greatly facilitates our work and saves us time. I believe many players are grateful to have such an easy way to get the most up-to-date WoG/ERA there ever was.
Only several people are contributing to this project, but the community is still strong and very active on the discord server.
The goal of the launcher is not only to keep the players game updated, we also want to give them access to some of the best mods for ERA3, which they may not find otherwise.
Standalone downloads proved to be cumbersome to maintain, especially when there are many fixes and development. You have to upload them in different languages, on different hosting sites and many links are shared and then soon outdated.
On the Russian H3 forum you can still find links to assemblies from Panda or Igrik, these will most likely work on their own. But there are already plenty of new versions from various mods, good luck collecting them each on their own.
The assembly from Daemon will not return as a standalone download, but I linked you to the repository where most is to download.
Edit: If the installation process does not work I offered you to join the discord and ask for help. So far it always worked out.