

Hired Hero
posted March 27, 2003 02:24 PM |
It's a pleasure to notice that I am not the only one still playing homm3 XL SP maps!
Last week I stumbled across a relatively new map on AW, not yet mentioned in this thread: "The Gholam"
I would rate it one of the top 5 maps ever, close to Lord of War and kill4pwr! It feels much more realistic than for example EmpWorldI/II, and doesn't get as tedious or even boring in the second half - perhaps due to the large oceans and the consistent, well driven storyline.
Another incredible feature of The Gholam is the uneqalled useage of the 5 travelling spells (TP,DD,WW, SummonBoat, Fly). They ALL become available at certain points, and they ALL are needed to access new areas - while perfectly embedded into the storyline.
(EDIT: TownPortal is actually *not really* needed to access new areas )
The difficulty of the map is not overwhelming, some battles are indeed too easy IMO. The final battle however is a blast, it took me over a dozend serious tries to win against the 1k killer dragons commanded by an all-99-guy without the orb of vulnerability...
(PS: Does anyone remember the name of that original map where you start with tower, the story was all about greek gods, with a large underworld/hades section...must have been L or XL, but I can't recall if it shipped with ROE, AB or SOD?!?)

Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted March 27, 2003 07:09 PM |
Quote: ...the game crashes at the orange player, before the rangers land. any clue why?...
If it happens before you reach the Rangers (Green), I'd guess it's still fairly early into the game. Never seen this happen before - on what month does the game crash? What OS and hardware system are you running the game on?
@Karminax: I think the maps you're referring to are Myth and Legend (RoE, XL) and Pandora's Box (AB, XL).

Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted March 27, 2003 07:30 PM |
Quote: Hi commando, I played MIU for a while and I couldn't believe what I saw. By month 2, week 3 I had 21 AA and 5-6 Azure dragons. I had 10+ unrecruited AAs. But an AI hero(namely, Tazar the terrible) rushes into my territory. I had 68 Azure dragons there but Tazar had 5000+ (yeah, 5k+) MGs and 700+ chaos hydras. What can I do? I think the ONLY thing I can depend on is berserk. Maybe I should restart? I can still survive casue I already captured two twons on other islands and I had 5 heroes. If only I can get berserk in time. Maybe I should use Save/Load method to find the town where I can get berserk.
Hello Ironfist,
Sorry for the late reply - getting senile That's no bug you've come across: the map has been planned to be like that. You need a fair bit of luck to win this map without having to rush from one town to the other as the enemy takes yours... my suggestion is that if the enemy comes after you in the early game and you're sure you can't defeat him, then you should take the two-way portal to the south (guarded by Azure Dragons), near the lighthouse, and look for Blue (Tower). You can win most major battles with neither blind nor berserk, provided you manage to lure the enemy to attack your castle and have plenty of ranged troops. And, as I said, you may have to abandon your castles every now and then as you wait for your forces and treasury to grow elsewhere...
Quote: BTW, I am thinking of writing some feedbacks for UtB too. I assume you prefer SoD one. It's much harder to write.
That would be wonderful! Yes, I'd prefer feedback on the SoD version - that's the version I'll update provided I ever get round to doing it
May I ask you what you thought of the storyline in ViM? That's what I'm most concerned about with regards to that map...


Hired Hero
posted March 28, 2003 11:27 AM |
I've already stopped playing it due to month of plague. I defeated Tazar (he is NOT the boss. oh, you should know that). His army: 5700+ Might Gorgons, 700+ Chaos Hydras, 1000+ wyvern monarch plus something else. My army: 14 Azure dragon, 40+ Archangel, 250+ zealots plus ammo cart. #1 round berserk MG, CH and WM, kill everything else. Keep casting berserk till only 5000+ MG remains. Then I used the "berserk & shoot" tactics: cast berserk & slow on MGs. They will chase after the nearest creature. I use Azure dragon to lure them away from my shooters and clone zealots,
cast bless, presion.... The MGs will remain in berserk state cause they can't catch up my dragons(I have spirit of oppression). It still took me several dozen turns to finish them (no archery skill). The "blind & attack" tactics won't work here since I don't have enough mana.
I've defeated blue(tower) and orange(rampart). Right after I had two treasuries, the month of plague happened. There were 400+ titans and 50+ AAs in my towns but I had no money nor gems to buy them.
Fortress's REAL main hero was trapped in stronghold. I guess he has no logistics. (I captured a skyship and it's really cool). Anyway, the map design is a little bit boring. I can't see any difference between the two layers.
May I ask you what you thought of the storyline in ViM? That's what I'm most concerned about with regards to that map...
Actually there are some parts of the story that I am not quite clear. When & where is Lord Drax..... first introduced? The final boss "darkness" is first introduced very early in the game by the dragons. Lord Drax..... seems to be first introduced when CD approaches his castle. Am I right about it?
I think the story is pretty good. I like the ending poem and the gold/rust dragon quest. Hates: the to-be necro. I am in such a shortage of heroes and finally find a prison & a tavern. But the tavern in inaccessible & the prison holds a dummy. I tried a thousand ways to get him back...
BTW, have you played "the adventure of wren"? The battles in it are tiny but quite hard.
I am going to try "Gholam". Wanna share some ideas later (after I finished it)?

Tavern Dweller
posted March 29, 2003 12:28 AM |
@commando: no, i don't know what month, but i'm going to play it myself. it seems that i have some time to play h3. i'll tell you if anything goes wrong

Adventuring Hero
posted April 04, 2003 04:32 AM |
Wow, didn't know you can read chinese
You can find Monster Island Ultra here:
Anyway, I like the lord of war very much. Several flaws though:
1) A few lighthouses from the map are unreachable. Not a problem if one uses map editor.
2) An event from the jungle land allows EVERY HERO to get 999 mana points.
3) After half of the map, the rest becomes ridiculously easy.
4) The hill fort(s) + TP made the financial management too easy.

Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted April 05, 2003 12:24 AM |
Quote: 1) A few lighthouses from the map are unreachable. Not a problem if one uses map editor.
Actually, using Water Walk you can reach all of the lighthouses

Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted April 05, 2003 12:35 AM |
Back from Tuscany - got some replies to catch up with
Quote: I've already stopped playing it due to month of plague. I defeated Tazar (he is NOT the boss. oh, you should know that). His army: 5700+ Might Gorgons, 700+ Chaos Hydras, 1000+ wyvern monarch plus something else. My army: 14 Azure dragon, 40+ Archangel, 250+ zealots plus ammo cart. #1 round berserk MG, CH and WM, kill everything else. Keep casting berserk till only 5000+ MG remains. Then I used the "berserk & shoot" tactics: cast berserk & slow on MGs. They will chase after the nearest creature. I use Azure dragon to lure them away from my shooters and clone zealots, cast bless, presion.... The MGs will remain in berserk state cause they can't catch up my dragons(I have spirit of oppression). It still took me several dozen turns to finish them (no archery skill). The "blind & attack" tactics won't work here since I don't have enough mana.
I've defeated blue(tower) and orange(rampart). Right after I had two treasuries, the month of plague happened. There were 400+ titans and 50+ AAs in my towns but I had no money nor gems to buy them.
Fortress's REAL main hero was trapped in stronghold. I guess he has no logistics. (I captured a skyship and it's really cool). Anyway, the map design is a little bit boring. I can't see any difference between the two layers.
True, the top and bottom part are basically the same but after all it is a picture map of a grimacing monster, isn't it? If I'm not mistaken, Fortress' boss is Adrienne - you can always edit the map to make it harder
Quote: Actually there are some parts of the story that I am not quite clear. When & where is Lord Drax..... first introduced? The final boss "darkness" is first introduced very early in the game by the dragons. Lord Drax..... seems to be first introduced when CD approaches his castle. Am I right about it?
Lord Draxinusom is introduced shortly before the very first rampart.
Quote: I think the story is pretty good. I like the ending poem and the gold/rust dragon quest. Hates: the to-be necro. I am in such a shortage of heroes and finally find a prison & a tavern. But the tavern in inaccessible & the prison holds a dummy. I tried a thousand ways to get him back...
Tee hee, the necro dummy is meant to drive players around the bend That part *is*, after all, an Easter egg...
Quote: BTW, have you played "the adventure of wren"? The battles in it are tiny but quite hard.
Isn't it a H4 map?


Hired Hero
posted April 07, 2003 06:15 AM |
If I'm not mistaken, Fortress' boss is Adrienne
Right. Tazar would be a much better/harder choice. I will play it again when I have time. I am still thinking of an easy way to avoid month of plague.
Quote: BTW, have you played "the adventure of wren"? The battles in it are tiny but quite hard.
Isn't it a H4 map?
There is a H4 version and a H3 version. If you've played the H4 version, no need to play the H3 one.

Tavern Dweller
posted April 16, 2003 09:24 AM |
Try '221.b. Baker st.'
very difficulty SP map yet amazingly nice looking and fun to play again & again.
make sure you try it.
and another one is 'the Lone Knight' by Hans.C, this guy's a pro, and maps/campaign he made are quite good.
pip the wizard slayer

Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted April 21, 2003 05:01 PM |
Hi all
Ironfist, I'd love to hear - uh, read - your tactics for completing UtB in 183 days. I know every single square by heart and still can't complete it in less that ten months...
Thanks and best wishes


Hired Hero
posted June 03, 2003 04:19 PM |
Quote: Hi all
Ironfist, I'd love to hear - uh, read - your tactics for completing UtB in 183 days. I know every single square by heart and still can't complete it in less that ten months...
Thanks and best wishes 
I am very sorry for this very late reply. I was playing H4 (I got it long time ago but didn't even finish the campaign)
and I found that I need to play UtB again (my 183 was for AB version). It took me quite some time to finish the campaign.
Starting option:
Artifact of course. I prefer SoO (spirit of oppression) or necklace of swiftness.
Starting Requirement:
Get expert earth before fighting battle dwarfs.
1. The early dats
Get the bonus on day 1 then return. Come out again with 1 T-bird and all cyclopes (Not the kings!). Beat the battle dwarfs with expert slow then take the boots and beat the grand elves. Go all the way back. Abadon starting town on day 10 and hurry to the rampart. There are five wood elf dwelling along the way. Ignore the single one and take the other four. Take the rampart and get the creatures and movement artifacts then go back to the hill fort. Stop right in front of the quest guard.
for AB version: no need to upgrade stonghold creatures. You can take fortress towns before day 22 then give them back to AI.
2. Fortress
If everyting is fine, you can take the first fortress on day 22(23?, anyway, the first day in your design). Defeat AI main hero in a siege battle (easiest one). Hunt down every hero and take very town. Then beat the alchemist.
The key here is: do not cast slow.
Get the necklace, rescue Yog/Kyrre and let him take the lighthouse then go back to get reinforcement. Take the gold mines guarded by the dwarfs then land in the snowland.
Buy an ammo cart If you want to beat the 1000+ chaos hydras.
You should try to get to snowland ASAP in AB version because you can defeat AI WITHOUT any reinforcement.
3. Tower
Your first goal is to learn ressurection spell. Take advantage of the sanctury. (Note: you may have a very hard time if AI got both boots and gloves in black market. Since you have no pathfinding, AI may outrun you)
Finally it should be like this: AI's main hero(Theo) stays in bihirus(not sure about the spelling) and you take the two upper towns. Now take everything except the gremlins(leave them to Yog) with titan(s) only (maximize movement). You can make it with only one titan + summon spell. Be sure to end your turn with all your troops in a town so Theo will not come out. When the reiforcement arrives, beat Theo.
Tactics of fighting Theo, assuming a siege battle with you on the offense side(the hardest one):
Your troops: some dragon flies (enough to destroy the ammo cart), baits(say, T-birds), chaos hydras, MGs, grand elves, cyclope kings, one dragon fly.
Place the bait within the range of titans in the tactics phase. Dragon flies destroythe ammo cart and block the titans. If the size of the bait is okay, titans will ignore the dragon fly and come out to kill the bait... (what are you waiting for). After the titans are down, everything is easy.
Go back via the monolith and get the helm. Now the event which gives you 60 CHs should be close. Head for bloodthirsty. It is quite easy to beat 180 titans+golden bow with the additional troops in that event (otherwise it would be a very tough battle).
you can beat Theo in AB version using expert berserk without reinforcement.
4. Rampart (Assuming we just take the rampart town with tonw portal spell)
Bring titans and dragon flies only for the maze and leave everything you can to Yog. Now Yog should head for the rampart towns and stay right in front of the border guard. Beat the garrison and take the first rampart on the next day. Around the same time, Dessa should finish the maze and get double mana then T-P here to beat AI main hero (A very tough battle, use force-field to your advantage).
Then Dessa should hunt down the remaining rampart heroes & towns while Yog getting the vial of mercury.
There are two ways fighting the unicorns:
a. Get everything you can and fight.
b. Use some cheap-and-tough troops (battle dwarfs, greater balistiks, etc) to protect your shooters. Only three stacks of unicorns can engage in battle. So first weaken these three group. You can end up with losing only troops you do need any more.
5. Inferno
Beat the dog (very easy in AB version). Stay in front of the border guard. Take the town with purple tent next day. Then Yog should run for your starting town with grand elves + fast creatures while dessa stay fighting the main hero (try to find a fiery field for this battle. It will make your life a lot easier)
Dessa TP to starting town to fight the 1000+ ghost dragons while Yog landing on that small island to take the necropolis. Yog should capture the 27 behemoth lairs (not necessary in AB version) while Dessa fighting th archangles.
TP to the first tower town and head for the castle. This is a very easy battle in AB version with expert berserk. If you do hurry in SoD version, you may not have enough troops to hold on while you blind enemy one by one (you need some luck here). Then Yog should go to take the four necro towns(be aware of the ambush) while Dessa visisting power-up places missed before (for example, the 1000+ chaso hydras)
6. Dungeon
After you go into the conflux territory, try to beat the weak hero first.
I have a question here: I played UtB-SoD for four times and I always got the four orbs from those weak heroes. For AB version 3 out of 4 times. I wonder whether it is your designed way. If you got to fight the main hero to get the orbs, it would be by far the toughest battle.
Anyway, assuming you get the the orbs. Then Yog should head for dungeon territory to capture a town (he has navigation and pathfinding) Dessa TP there and head for the two tents (with archdevil and titans only) while Yog try to rescue dragon slayer.
Now with a few (thousand) ancient behemoths under your command, everything is quite easy except the dragon master (SoD version).
In AB version, expert beserk+force field will do the job. While for SoD version, I could not think of a way other than H&R. It will cost me about 10 days.
Here my question is: what is your designed way to fight dragon master?
Apologize again for the late reply.


Hired Hero
Newbie to MP, but learning ;-)
posted June 22, 2003 07:17 PM |
AD trick :/
How can I defeat those gold dragons ? I raised force field. When goldies fly to me I shoot them and hit with Archdevils. But I can kill about 100 of them in one turn :-(( Enemy cast slow on me or Prayer on his troops. At the end of second round he cast blind on my Archdevils and start 3rd turn. And Force Field last only 3 turns :/ He hits with almost everything before I can do something


Hired Hero
posted June 23, 2003 08:08 AM |
you need the cape of velocity.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 23, 2003 09:39 AM |
Could you help me with my problems about UtB?
Firts of all, i have to say, that i tried it 3 or for times. On my first time, i was killed by the fortress hero, because he got me not in a siege but in open field and it was a little bit late i think (middle of month 2) and i lost my hero, without any chance to reload and so i lost motivation for the first time.
On the next try, i saw some of your comments here in this thread and so i tried it again...
What should i say, it took me a much longer time to reach the rampart area, because there was NO resurrection in the tower-towns (i looked in the map-editor, where there was res.+prayer in the mage guild of the tower-town on the top of the map near the one-way-teleporter as "MUST appear" declared, but on my experiences, this ALSO has to be choosen on the right side where it says "MAY appear").
So without resurrection, the game is very hard, i think nearly impossible...
I tried the game third time and the same procedure....., no resurrection.
Forth time i edited the map, by doing a resurrection-spellscroll on the "beach" of the snowland near the green border guard.
But at this time, i couldn´t win the fight against the main rampart hero (the one with the "elleshar"-character).
Our attack and defens skills were nearly the same, his power was about 70 and mine about 55, he had 999 spellpoints and i had 1160.
Hi´s army: 780 golddragons, 3980 silver-pegasi, 1625 warunicorns, 2630 dendroids, 6250 battledwarves, 5400 grandelves and 8200 centaurcaptains.
My army: 185 titans, 480 chaoshydras, 399 behemots, 1600 mighty gorgons, 230 archmagi, 280 nagaqueens
I think you know, that my opponent has expert tactics, so he walked his whole army, except the grandelves, near my gate and started with his goldies and swoshed my behemots complete away...
No i tried many tactics, clone the mightygorgons to kill the dragons fast (one attack with the MG´s killed 80 + 157 goldies), berzek the Warunicorns, Battledwarves, Dendroids and Pegasi (the aura of resist. DID a good job for him ) blind the warunicorns and the dendroids and the pegasi, but at that time, i had only 250 CH´s and 135 titans left, after that, he sacrified his rest of about 800 grandelves and got ALL of his 4000 silverpegasi back, next time he spelled expert dispel... , frenzy on the pegasi and all my CH´s were gone....nothing else to say.
Even if could win this fight, i don´t have enough spellpoints, to resurrect many of my death army (i could resurrect 12 CH´s per round, by 12 points spellcost i need nearly 500 points only for my CH`s and what about my behemots, titans, nagas, MG´s and magis???
I have to say, that i tried this on first day of month 6, and it was a siege with me in the first rampart as the defender...
Was i only too late, or was there a chance to win this fight, without too much losses?
Perhaps you´ve got some tips?
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Hired Hero
posted June 25, 2003 10:12 AM |
There is a Rust Dragon Dwelling along the way to rampart territory....
So you can cast spell first.
Naga queens are quite useless. A single fast-moving creature (e.g., dragon fly, to absorb retaliation) may be more useful than 200 nqs.
Good Luck!
Btw, I think u are playing UbT_AB. There is a UbT_SoD at maphaven(which is better, I think)
Very Important!!!
If you'd like to play UbT_AB, make sure that the badge of courage is disabled. There is a bug in H3 that badge of courage will make troops IMMUNE to mind-influncing spells (e.g., blind, berserk...).

Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted June 25, 2003 11:59 AM |
Sorry to everyone for this long-due reply. Ironfist, thank you very much for the UtB tactics. I can finally see how it is possible to finish in so little time, although I still think that the average player will still require 12-15 months, especially for the SoD version. For example, the inferno guard (hellhound-cerberus special) makes a single stack of dogs in the AB version, whereas in the SoD version she's much craftier and splits them into six stacks.
To answer your question: on my pc the AI usually gives the four orbs to the strongest elementalist, although sometimes it splits them between the four. I've played the map dozens of times and I can tell you that it's all very random here.
In my plans, Dragonmaster was to be confronted with thousands of ancients, a black dragon to resist the effects of the armour of the damned and regain initiative, four stacks of fodder for distraction and sacrifice and as many archangels as possible to cut down mouse-and-keyboard wear from abuse of resurrection
I take it that you're referring to Lord Draxinusom (Thorgrim identity). You need the cape of velocity from the small island just south-east of the inferno called Destard (use water-walk to go island-hopping).
This is very strange: I've played the map dozens of times and have never encountered this problem. The spells are set as "Must appear" - this has always worked in every map I have made or played. I wonder if you're playing an official version...
As for Cagoni (Elleshar), follow Ironfist's suggestions and you'll win easily 
@Ironfist (again): I replied to your message - let me know if it gets through.


Hired Hero
posted June 25, 2003 12:39 PM |
In my plans, Dragonmaster was to be confronted with thousands of ancients, a black dragon to resist the effects of the armour of the damned and regain initiative, four stacks of fodder for distraction and sacrifice and as many archangels as possible to cut down mouse-and-keyboard wear from abuse of resurrection
I had about 4500 ancients which were not able to kill all the 7200 scorpicore when curesed ...
BTW, I know that one Chinese player (ustcer from the gamerhome) can beat UtB_AB in 105 days. Personally I don't like his way because it is based on tons of reloading (waiting for high morale,... ,etc), expert berzerk and something REALLY should not be there - Combo artifacts.
I can translate his way into English if you want.

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 25, 2003 12:46 PM |
I´ve done some maps by myself too, and i´ve made the experiences on these map also.
You have to choose the spells, that you like to appear on
BOTH sides.
BTW, every versions of HOMM that i have, are official and i´m registered at 3DO too!
Edit: Is the time (start of month 6) too late?
thanks for your comment, but there are still some facts unanswered:
When i take one Rustdragon, surely i will start, but which spell would help me most? shield? curse? forcefield at the titans? haste? berzerk? blind?
I think i still can´t prevent my whole army before death and i´m still not having enough points to resurrect them all, btw, is the forcefield gone, if my opponent casts expert dispel?
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Hired Hero
posted June 25, 2003 01:15 PM |
When i take one Rustdragon, surely i will start, but which spell would help me most? shield? curse? forcefield at the titans? haste? berzerk? blind?
I will leave the pleasure of solving problem to u...
As I remember, force-shield, berzerk and blind (at least one of them) will work.
I think i still can´t prevent my whole army before death and i´m still not having enough points to resurrect them all, btw, is the forcefield gone, if my opponent casts expert dispel?
Yes, it is gone. But AI will not cast dispell if you have that white orb.