
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 16, 2021 09:00 PM |
You don't need that condition at all (remove it, you will get same results). In my map that condition made the script work for only one player, purple. Now that I think, I didn't need it neither. The flag 1000 ensures object acts regular for AI but custom for human.

Legendary Hero
posted November 16, 2021 09:35 PM |
Salamandre said: You don't need that condition at all ... The flag 1000 ensures object acts regular for AI but custom for human.
But that's what I was already doing and you object.
But it's done.
Is it possible to change building dependencies, what the horde building increases and most of all the prices of buildings, when building a town?
I ask cause I think a Genies dwelling should cost something besides wood.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 16, 2021 09:58 PM |
I don't object lol, you kept complaining script doesn't work/AI does not visit the dwellings, I noted there was a syntax error in this OW line but that had nothing to do with AI behavior.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 17, 2021 09:05 AM |
bloodsucker said: Is it possible to change building dependencies, what the horde building increases and most of all the prices of buildings, when building a town?
I ask cause I think a Genies dwelling should cost something besides wood.
I don't know any way for changing dependencies.
Horde growth and creature ID should be done by a weekly timer
Prices for buildings can be modified in Buildings.txt

Legendary Hero
posted November 17, 2021 10:31 AM |
1. I was reading the thread and I found this:
*** Dancing Iron Shield by Valery Rogacev AKA Salamandre
!?BR&1000/v7238<>1/v997>-1; every battle round
;shield 163 gives up to 6 spells
!!BA:H0/?y1 H1/?y2; check hero attacker:defender
!!HEy1:O?y3; !!HEy2&y2>-1:O?y4; check their color
!!HEy1:A2/163/?y5/?y6; check if they have the shield equipped
!!DO15378421/0/20/1&y3=0/y6>0:Py1; do a loop through both heroes stacks
;x1 hero id
!!BMx16:T?y1; check battle stack type
!!if|y1<145/y1>149:; here it skips war machines
!!IF:Wx1; check hero w vars (129 hold number of battles won)
!!BMx16:M43/999/3; bloodlust add spells
!!BMx16&w129>99:M41/999/3; bless
!!BMx16&w129>199:M48/999/3; prayer
!!BMx16&w129>299:M27/999/3; shield
!!BMx16&w129>399:M58/999/3; counterstrike
!!BMx16&w129>499:M53/999/3; haste
Is this v7238 a random variable unclaimed or a parameter from another part of the script, that isn't shown?
Disclaimer: I don't want to use this, I'm just collecting scripts that do things I may want to look for in the future, to lose less time searching for them.
2. I want to build a special building inside the Castle town to act like an Emerald Tower (already found a script of my/our own that does this) and I need an useless building to do it. It happens Castle has one that in a map without water fills the needs. So, what I want is to automatically build the light house in player's starting town at the start of the game and somehow manage to build it on the others too (it will be a lot less fun, but maybe I can build only the one in starting town and then offer upgrades to it accordingly to the number of Castles owned, if it works better.
I've tried to manually do it with an action on a local event, just so I could start coding the stuff in it but it returns an error saying !!CA not a castle but I'm sure I used the correct yellow square.
Command was this:

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 17, 2021 11:45 AM |
I don't mind people using my scripts, we use all the time scripts made by others - entire WoG scripts.
You don't need that variable, it sets difficulty in my map. But will not work if not combined to script tracking won battles by each hero.

Legendary Hero
posted November 17, 2021 12:15 PM |
That part I don't want, I want it to work like Builder, all battles from all heroes accumulate to a single pile, after 300 for the first one (Prayer), it will increase for all other spells and so on. At least it's my idea at the moment.
For the second part of it I've found this (also yours).
**** Casts Bless if Grail is Present
!?BR&v997=0/1000; first battle round
!!BA:H0/?y1 H1/?y2; check heroes left/right
!!HEy1:O?y3; check owners
!!UN:U98/-1/?y-1; cycle all towns
!!DO776645/0/8/1&1:P; apply bless left side if grail found
!!SN&1:Pz1; play bless sound
!!if&y2>-1:; do same for right hero, if any
!!CA1:O?y1 T?y2;
!!FU&y1<>x2:E; check owner
!!FU&y2<>1:E; check for rampart
!!BMx16:M41/999/3; apply bless for 999 rounds
!!BMx16:V36; play animation

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 17, 2021 07:24 PM |
bloodsucker said: it returns an error saying !!CA not a castle but I'm sure I used the correct yellow square.
Command was this:
It depends on where CA command is processed. Show the trigger.

Legendary Hero
posted November 17, 2021 07:44 PM |
I don't have it anymore. I used it in a local event, like that, after a battle trigger.
P.S. Glenn from GlennYouTube is playing TDS right now.

Tavern Dweller
posted November 19, 2021 05:58 PM |
Help to me to fix all this mess please...
Hello people, as you can see im new here and i need some help...
I got Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete Edition, so i got the main game and the 2 Expansions (GOG version), a few days ago i heard of ERA and i downloaded, but its the version 1.02.
Also i heard there are others 3 fanmade (so far i know) expansions, Wake of Gods (WOG), Horn of the Abyss (HOTA) and Master of Puppets (MOP).
Now my problems are: According to another websites there's a version 4.0 of ERA but dont know where to download it, also i dont know which one of the 3 EXP are the last and which one its better, the 1.02 version of ERA got a "updater" but i doesnt work, because it too old i think...
So please help to "fix" all this mess please...

Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted November 20, 2021 02:21 AM |
Edited by Rerryr at 02:23, 20 Nov 2021.
Punk2000 said: Hello people, as you can see im new here and i need some help...
I got Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete Edition, so i got the main game and the 2 Expansions (GOG version), a few days ago i heard of ERA and i downloaded, but its the version 1.02.
Also i heard there are others 3 fanmade (so far i know) expansions, Wake of Gods (WOG), Horn of the Abyss (HOTA) and Master of Puppets (MOP).
Now my problems are: According to another websites there's a version 4.0 of ERA but dont know where to download it, also i dont know which one of the 3 EXP are the last and which one its better, the 1.02 version of ERA got a "updater" but i doesnt work, because it too old i think...
So please help to "fix" all this mess please...
Use the launcher, and install the game in a new and empty folder, that's all you need.
Hope that helps

Tavern Dweller
posted November 20, 2021 03:04 PM |
Quote: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=46111&pagenumber=19
Use the launcher, and install the game in a new and empty folder, that's all you need.
Hope that helps
Sorry but im still confused, its the same Launcher that i downloaded from another website, when you tell me that i have to install the game in new folder you mean that the launcher will auto-detect the game?

Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted November 22, 2021 12:10 PM |
Punk2000 said:
Quote: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=46111&pagenumber=19
Use the launcher, and install the game in a new and empty folder, that's all you need.
Hope that helps
Sorry but im still confused, its the same Launcher that i downloaded from another website, when you tell me that i have to install the game in new folder you mean that the launcher will auto-detect the game?
for Launcher support, please write in the appropriate thread here on HC or best join our discord group for fast help: https://discord.gg/4JxQYS8y
When it says install game you must specify your game folder. Or you can just install it in an empty folder, it will contain all necessary files to run the game from there.


Hired Hero
posted November 22, 2021 04:56 PM |
Hello everyone,
I would like to ask for help for some object and hero functions which I need for my project.
1) How can I make an object upgrade some creatures to another one, in this case 3-4 species to another? I would also like to set the cost for the transformation.
2) Same as above, but not with an object but through a hero speciality.
3) Is it possible to give a creature (in case Soul Eater) the ability to cast spells (like AA or Ogre Magi)? Second issue on the Soul Eater is that there are two codes for it, 178 (attacker) and 187 (defender). How does that work if I want to manipulate its stats and experience gained abilities?
4) Is it possible to have creatures maintain experience gained stats and abilities without the experience ranks being active? Like either simply having or not the buff/ability despite their current rank.
5) Say I use a monster, eg Nightmare that has "innate" abilities such as death stare, fear/mind spell immunity. Those remain with their hardcoded proc chance, even if all 8 experience gained skills are filled with other stuff?
Thanks in advance!

Legendary Hero
posted November 23, 2021 11:00 AM |
2. There is an hero in Artu's mod (Heroes Renovated) that does that. Cost is the difference between the cost of the original creature and the upgraded one like it happens with Gelu.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 23, 2021 05:37 PM |
You can modify the cost of transformation by changing the cost of the creature.

Legendary Hero
posted November 28, 2021 12:41 PM |
Sorry for such a noob's question but I'm finding hard to find an example...
Is this correct according with the new Era III syntax?
to renew something every seventh day or should I still the old routine to pick the day of week, month, etc?
Does it mean I can't no longer have something happening in other periods of time, like "every two days"?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 28, 2021 12:50 PM |
Era 3 allows old syntax as well. Now for that code, someone familiar with Era 3 will surely answer.

Legendary Hero
posted November 28, 2021 12:56 PM |
I know but since I'm writing this for the first time, I wanted to do it in a way I can learn something out of a tedious task...

Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted November 28, 2021 01:05 PM |
@ Bloodsucker
go to ERM Framework mod and open 9999 era -stdlib.erm
search for:
this should answer most of your questions
!?FU(OnEveryDay)&i^timerIsAi^=0/i^timerOnce^=1/i^timerDay^>1/i^timerWeekDay^=1; [Trigger each monday starting with second week]