
Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted September 20, 2022 06:37 PM |
deathstare said: Is there a way to get the battle to resume when you press 'R' on the battlefield?
If you mean something like "Battle Replay" you can press cancel when the battle is over. Requires the plugin however

Adventuring Hero
posted September 21, 2022 03:35 AM |
RerryR said:
deathstare said: Is there a way to get the battle to resume when you press 'R' on the battlefield?
If you mean something like "Battle Replay" you can press cancel when the battle is over. Requires the plugin however
I'm interested in editing Succession Wars. However, Succession Wars doesn't have these features, so I want to add them.

Supreme Hero
Researching Magic
posted September 21, 2022 12:52 PM |
Edited by RerryR at 12:54, 21 Sep 2022.
deathstare said:
RerryR said:
deathstare said: Is there a way to get the battle to resume when you press 'R' on the battlefield?
If you mean something like "Battle Replay" you can press cancel when the battle is over. Requires the plugin however
I'm interested in editing Succession Wars. However, Succession Wars doesn't have these features, so I want to add them.
Have you actually checked the link I gave you in the H3SW thread? Battle replay plugin is working in TSW

Adventuring Hero
posted September 22, 2022 02:13 AM |
RerryR said:
deathstare said:
RerryR said:
deathstare said: Is there a way to get the battle to resume when you press 'R' on the battlefield?
If you mean something like "Battle Replay" you can press cancel when the battle is over. Requires the plugin however
I'm interested in editing Succession Wars. However, Succession Wars doesn't have these features, so I want to add them.
Have you actually checked the link I gave you in the H3SW thread? Battle replay plugin is working in TSW
Yes, I checked. There are three exe files in Mods for H3 Successions Wars Mod, do you mean Quick Battle Options V1.0.exe?
Where should I put this file to work? I put it in the position below, but there was no change.
Succession WarsModsThe Succession Wars 0.8.1EraPlugins

Adventuring Hero
posted September 22, 2022 06:00 AM |
Thanks for your help. I resolved the problem about "battle replay". Now, I would appreciate it if someone could help me with the problem below that I asked before.
deathstare said:
bloodsucker said: @deathstare Then, is it complicated to edit so that the damage is halved if the flying unit moves more than 70% of its speed?

Adventuring Hero
posted October 14, 2022 01:45 PM |
What should I do if I want to edit various spell to cast in a range form according to skill level like berserk?

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted November 29, 2022 11:57 AM |
Why doesn't the script work in the ERA III?
Here is the script:
ERMS_ScriptName=Friendly village
ERMS_ScriptAuthor=Stephane Smirnow (aka Mamoru-kun)
_WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes!
ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2003.12.9.1210
** Rules to follow using this script: **
** 1) Each object with an entrance (including the random **
** cities themselves) haves to be placed 6 squares away **
** from each random cities. **
** 2) The object which represent a random city (when you **
** create your map) has to be an ERM 63/5 object. The **
** entrance of the final city will be at the square just **
** bellow the entrance of the object 63/5. **
** Data initialization
!#VRz173:S^Friendly village^;
** Transform all '63/5' object of the map into random cities
!!FU2611 v2896/v2897/v2898;
** What happens when a player enter a random city
!!FU2610&v2899=15/v2899<>98 v998/v999/v1000;
** PlaceRandomCity function
!!UN x1/x2/x3; [Remove the object]
!!UN:Ix1/x2/x3/32/0/63/7/; [Replace it with the random city]
!!OBx1/x2/x3:H173; [Set the frienly city name]
!!TRx1/x2/x3:E1; [Will move the entrance so it will fit with the cities entrance design]
!!TRx1/x2/x3 1;
!!POx1/x2/x3:N15; [Specify that this "gold mine" is in fact a random city
!!VRx1:-2; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0; [Prevent players to stand where the city will be!...]
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx1:+2; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx2:-1; !!VRx1:-5;
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx2:-1; !!VRx1:-4;
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
!!VRx1:+1; !!TRx1/x2/x3 0;
** SetRandomCityOwner function
!!IF&-159:M^The people of this village seem very peaceful and friendly. But when they see you enter their small place, with all your power and your wisdom, they begin to think and dream about a higher destiny for them and their children. After some hours resting among them, their leader finally stands up in front of you and declare:
"It's time for us to change our destiny. You seem wise enough. Permit us to follow your path from now…"^;
!!OBx1/x2/x3:M-1/1/; [Just in case of...]
!!UN x1/x2/x3/1;
!!CAx1/x2/x3 v2899;
!!VRv2899:S1 R12;
!!VRv2898:S1 R12;
!!VRv2897:S1 R12;
!!CAx1/x2/x3:B1/10; [Just in case of...]
!!DO2612/1/43/1 x1/x2/x3;
** CleanupAllBuildings function
Ok please give me a variation of the script that works for my map.
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 29, 2022 05:04 PM |
From a quick glance, I see a typo here:
Ghost said: Hello!
I would try :
Didn't look in-deep further, but such typo on start + same high vars being used over and over makes this script suspicious, probably never tested/worked
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted November 29, 2022 05:17 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 18:38, 29 Nov 2022.
Thanks I will test then.. Script from Freedom of Vanadia, map ran well, but my map didn't work.. Ok Sal.. 
I'm right that ERA III doesn't work.. I tested Freedom of Vanadia in ERA III, yes ERA II works well. And your suggestion, I haven't tested in ERA II.. ERA III didn't work too..
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted November 30, 2022 07:10 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 19:12, 30 Nov 2022.
Where do I get ERA II & III scripts? I'm using ERM help, player's maps.. It is not enough, thus player can play my maps in different version.. I always say "Decent ERA X version x.x", thus different playable or in the future.. Now I want one ERA script..
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted November 30, 2022 07:41 PM |
"Decent" Era means nothing. Nobody says Decent Era, why you keep writing again and again with every map? It only confuses the player.

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted November 30, 2022 08:18 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 20:20, 30 Nov 2022.
An example Santa Gremlin.. Do you know your friend Bersy changed..
Not important! Can I get ERA II & III scripts? Where?
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted November 30, 2022 08:34 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 20:35, 30 Nov 2022.
Ok for ERA III, I want Skeleton transformer transforms all creatures into Ghosts. I heard Bersy made Hell Hydra into Mummy. So possible Ghosts. Give full scripts, thanks
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 01, 2022 07:38 AM |
I have no idea how to make such transformer. Ask Bersy.

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 01, 2022 04:10 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 22:08, 01 Dec 2022.
I changed my mind.. But I haven't succeeded:
60 Wight, 61 Wraith and 159 Ghost..
60 and 61 are growing 7 per week and 159 grows 1 per week without guard..
Give full script, thanks again..
I think ERA III can't do dwellings in ERM script, we need newer script. I've tested Corribus' and some Russian script, both don't work in ERA III. Yes ZVSE2 aka ERA II was able to change dwelling name, but not a Wight, Wraith and Ghost.
So I replace Decent WoG/ERA III Version 3.9.3.. It can't play newer version, when scripts don't work..
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 02, 2022 04:41 AM |
!!DW34/176/1:M0/60/7 M1/61/7 M2/159/1;

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 02, 2022 08:39 AM |
Edited by Ghost at 08:41, 02 Dec 2022.
Yes your script works well.. I don't know why other's scripts didn't work, maybe 3.58f.. Those are an old maps..
Ok later I'll build ghosts for computer opponents.. Now we know your script is good..
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Tavern Dweller
posted December 02, 2022 11:20 AM |
Making a caster unit
Hello everybody!
Recently I took up modding H3WoG and made some minor changes into one of maps.
Right now I'm struggling with making a non-caster unit (sharpshooter) cast a certain spell (aim) on a stack chosen by player. This is what I've tried:
Making SS be able to cast spells 3 times:
Adding XP lines for casting (aim) as it was shown in Erm-help tutorial:
It didn't work. I thought the reason was lacking the cast animations and added them.
Soooo I have some questions for you as far more experienced users:
1. Is it possible to make a non-caster unit cast spells?
1.2. And do it directly on a certain stack chosen by hero in combat (as some elementals do)?
2. If yes, which recievers should i use - is writing a proper XP line enough or not?

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 02, 2022 07:37 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 19:38, 02 Dec 2022.
!?OB5/164; ok
!!ARv998/v999/v1000; ok
!?AE1&v998=164; ok
!!HE-1:Fd20/d20/d0/d0; ok
!?AE0&v998=164; ok
!!HE-1:Fd-20/d-20/d-0/d-0; ok
!?OB35; ?
!#UN:A164/9/625; ok
!#UN:A164/10/626; ok
I tried Ring can update troops.. I made Homecoming, but I reject an idea, and I saved for other maps, but I haven't written notepad.. Ok when you press Ring, and it shows Hill Fort..
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 03, 2022 07:45 AM |
Someone translate pls.
Ghost said:
So, why two z vars if text is same.
Era II mods and utilities