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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: Downhill Times
Thread: Downhill Times This thread is 27 pages long: 1 10 ... 20 21 22 23 24 ... 27 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2010 03:41 PM
Edited by Fauch at 15:44, 13 Oct 2010.

and, according to your experience, isn't it the attitude of 99% of girls?

the 1% of remaining girls being all maried

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted October 13, 2010 03:46 PM

Not really.. Not all act like spoiled princesses. Some have the empathy to realize letting off steam by acting like a ***** is simply stupid.

But there are more women that are ready to "unleash the fury" of their "bad day" on you than men... true. I try not to deal with such people no matter what their gender is, I hate when someone calling him/herself a friend or even mate treats you like garbage for no apparent reason. We aren't slaves to our moods, after all...
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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2010 04:40 PM

But you can't expect people to eat all their frustrations and smile at you when they could actually puke and hit something.
Being just there so someone can vent off frustration, is simply part of having a somewhat honest relationship.
Of course, this should last only a limited time - the venting should help someone feeling better, and after feeling better, things should switch to normal after a heartfelt, umm, not apology, but a word of appreciation.

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted October 13, 2010 04:48 PM

They don't have to act like everything's ok, but acting like an *** is also unnecessary... A bad mood may mean you're not really willing to talk or just want to be left alone, and that is fine. However, talking to someone about it and starting an argument because someone said something I "don't like" (because I'm in a bad mood) sucks.
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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2010 04:59 PM

In these situations I find a little leeway ok. People are not always controlled and may react harshly before they know it.
I find that excusable.

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Supreme Hero
posted October 17, 2010 12:53 PM

(Ah, my Downhill Times thread.  The only corner of the OSM where I can make posts and not get laughed outta town or pelted with a hundred terroristic death threats.)

Thank you, everyone, for your comments on my little issue.  Well, it's almost been a week since I made those despicable, heartless, and truly obscene remarks to that girl.  Long story short, she's ignored me ever since.  Not a word; no apology; not even a reassertion that I was the one at fault.

I had a feeling in my gut that it would play out this way.  Some foolish part of me was hoping that she'd have the decency to at least acknowledge my apology and resolve the issue in some acceptable way.  I suppose I'm either senile or a really poor judge of character.  Three years of history drifted out the window, as it were.

I've taken this more personally than I should, and I'm trying to stop it now.  If little miss self-righteous is going to leave me in the dirt once again, then I couldn't be happier.  I'm so thankful that we've never been romantically involved.  But I do regret one thing, however, and that's paying those $5 cover charges to watch her perform several years ago.  I seriously doubt that she'd ever do the same for me.  I tried my best to be friendly and supportive of her musical efforts all this time, and all I got was a chewing out over nothing.  I'm sure her Lord Buddha would approve.

I don't need her anymore.  I have much cooler people around who are actually willing to work with me.  I know who my true allies are.  (I know I must be sounding like a spiteful kid right now, but man, this was a long time coming.)


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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 17, 2010 01:15 PM

I have been in a similar situation.. Sometimes no matter what you do the other can simply decide to cut all ties. In my case it was a matter of some past experiences and psychological issues but at the very least she had the decency to have some sort of 'closure'. I respected her decision and moved on. Later on a string of coincidences brought her back into my life. At the time I did not care if we'd be the same way again but it was a relief to speak openly about what happened and resolve any unfinished business.

If your friend is messed up in this period of her life I wish that she has the opportunity to make amends later. But if she is as cold as you think you are better off.
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Known Hero
posted October 17, 2010 02:14 PM

It's good to hear that you're not letting it get to you as much as it would. You really don't need such people in your life and yeah, you're better off. If you had of let it get to you then you'd probably be doing what she set out to achieve. Throughout all these experiences with people, you truly do realise who your better friends are aka the ones who stick by you. I know that only too well.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 17, 2010 06:08 PM
Edited by Fauch at 18:08, 17 Oct 2010.

in my case, she emphasized the fact she was happy and she even said she was probably happier than me
she was reacting to my comments on her way of living, probably a way to say, "my life doesn't suck but yours probably does"?

I don't know why she got the idea I was trying to tell her how to live, as if it was my problem. if ever she made the bad choices, I'm not the one going to regret it.

weirdly, she told me I was annoying, I agreed to stop and things seemed to be fixed, and a few months later she tells me she doesn't want to hear about me anymore.

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted October 17, 2010 07:00 PM


I mean, not great that you lost contact with someone deemed as a, well, friend of sorts... but she doesn't deserve your interest. If she doesn't want to talk, so be it. The world is big and full of people, you can find much better friends around )
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Legendary Hero
Free Thinker
posted October 18, 2010 03:58 AM

Have you ever experienced a real down point in your life (thus far) where you felt like everything was going downhill?  That you were losing everything you every loved and cared for?  That your sense of familiarity and security in life had suddenly crumbled to pieces?  That you had very little or nothing to look forward to?

Well, of couse I've had down points in my life.

Believers may wish to research the "dark night of the soul."

Life goes on in good times and in bad for those who just keep on putting one foot in front of the other. Laying down in a mud puddle when you stumble solves nothing. There is a country and western song that is relevant.


And of course theists have God to turn to.

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted October 18, 2010 07:01 PM

(Ah, my Downhill Times thread.)


still playing...guitar?

"Do your own research"

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Supreme Hero
posted September 29, 2011 04:05 PM

To whoever may care...

Wow, I can't believe how quickly the year has gone by.  It seems like just yesterday, I was complaining about how that former friend went off in my face.  Well, after all this time, she's shown no signs of warming up to me again.  I can finally say good riddance, because her friendship wasn't worth it in the end.  I'm not going to waste my time with people who operate that way.  I could've sworn I wrote all of this already, but hell, it's worth repeating.  May her teaching and musical careers go down the toilet.

What've I been up to?  Not much, besides studying and playing music.  Not much has changed since last year, to be honest.  Given my relatively new tendency towards being goal-oriented and studious, I'm trying to do my best in college.  There are plenty of tough mountains to scale, so to speak, but there's no turning back now.

My biggest concern right now is, again, my health issues.  My body hasn't been "normal" in roughly two years, and it's taking its toll.  Long story short, I'm battling issues involving stomach problems, equilibrium (nausea), and anxiety attacks.  Let me just state that it can get awful sometimes, since virtually every aspect of my life is impacted.  It tends to take a lot of pleasure out of eating, sleeping, working, and playing.  Right now, there's not clear sign of a cure in sight.  In that regard, it's almost nightmarish.  The whole thing might be traced to an anxiety disorder, and fixing problems with the mind isn't as simple as you might think.  In any case, I have more doctors visits coming up.  Don't get too optimistic, though, because I've been seeing various doctors since 2009.  At the very least, I hope I can contain my acid reflux.  Of my other ills, I won't go into detail about them right now.  I'm fighting to get better, but let's be honest here, the prospects of improving my condition look rather bleak.  For both my doctors and myself, we're moving into uncharted territory.  We can try certain measures, but nothing is guaranteed or warranted.  The challenge is living my life with all of this going on.  How can anyone function like this?

Which brings me to a final point.  For a long while, I undoubtedly mentioned being Christian and trying to live that sort of lifestyle.  Well, to condense another massive story, I've basically given up the faith.  This happened for several reasons, but my health problems have been a major factor.  It's hard to worship and love a God who subjects people to numerous traumas and misfortunes.  My Christian friends are going to give me a hard time with this, but I cannot come to grips with such flimsy concepts as prayer and faith.  They won't see things my way, because they haven't suffered as I have.  My ordeals have given me a new perspective, and I'm adjusting to this different frame of mind.  I wish it never came to this, but so much as been outside my control.

Well, that's basically my story right now.  I had to get this off my chest since I lack a decent outlet for sharing my thoughts.  Yeah, I'm grumbling, but wouldn't you say I'm somewhat entitled to it?


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Legendary Hero
able to speed up time
posted September 29, 2011 11:03 PM

Errr, are you an athiest now?

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Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted September 29, 2011 11:23 PM
Edited by Tsar-Ivor at 15:13, 08 Jan 2012.

I dare-say he is, but there's a few hundred, if not thousands of religions to choose from to suit ye'r needs , I recommend Alah myself, since the Christians have no name for god

"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted September 30, 2011 12:16 PM

Guitarguy, nice to see you again. On topic of health problems: to be honest, I understand you very well. I too had two years of non-stop battle with extremely annoying illnesses, most not really "serious" (not life threatening) but most were very annoying. I had like two years of the most annoying illnesses ever combined, and I might sound like a jack*** here but I did not give up my faith on this and actually, after two years, the doctors were actually amazed about two things that miraculously self-healed (minor things, but they said it will never really get better). Also, the knee nobody knew what's wrong with actually healed completely after two years and I could start biking and sports again, albeit with lots of care. I still have a few health issues, some of which aren't actually things I'd rather share on a public forum, but most are either improving, or really too minor to bother. So, what I wanted to say is: don't really go to pieces now, you're too young and the body is capable of pretty wicked self-healing the doctors are amazed about, I'm pretty sure. I won't really start on religious faith here but it helped me to keep an easy mind about this, so I'm actually happy I kept being a Christian, it has already paid off.

As for your friend: yup, good riddance. I'm glad it's done, such "friends" don't deserve being talked to.
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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 30, 2011 01:33 PM

Guitarguy, I'm sorry to hear what you've been going through and I know it must be tough to give up on faith. Look, you know what my skype is or my msn, if you ever need to talk, just let me know. I know it may not mean much given what's happened in the past but I can have a listen and I'm good to rant to. So if you need me, I'll be there.

~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

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Legendary Hero
Scourge of God
posted September 30, 2011 02:31 PM
Edited by Tsar-Ivor at 14:34, 30 Sep 2011.

My right hand is/was crippled by dermatitis (my hand had open wounds with puss oozing out) and both my feet with severe athletes foot. Doctors actually said that my dermatitis is genetic, I lol'd so hard, since I thought that was utter *******.

I had it on my hand for 3 1/2 years now (it's almost ****ing gone so I can finnaly intergrate back into society thank-god )  One week it was okay next week it flared up, though it was a constant pain in the ***, atleast I had brief times of respite, and since july It's almost completely gone, so I'm happy.

The athletes foot I had for 3 months, then I got hospitalised , it was so much agony, doctors fixed me up in just 3 days, and my feet looked like nothing had happened.
"No laughs were had. There is only shame and sadness." Jenny

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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 30, 2011 05:40 PM

wow, looks like many people here have severe health problem. I almost never have health problem, and when I do, it is only minor.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted January 07, 2012 11:44 PM

so there is that friend I have known for almost 2 years on the internet and I'm not sure how it is going to turn out...

we used to trust each other and she shared her (many) problems with me until she got really depressed and attempted to suicide. since then she is getting progressively more distant and colder. we can occasionnaly still have short normal talks, but overall she refuses to talk and if I insist too much on knowing how she is, she gets angry at me, even though she often tries to apologise right after.

we've been trying to meet for about a year, to maybe start a romantic relationship but never managed because of her problems always getting in the way. very recently I've learnt that she may have found a boyfriend, though she didn't confirm it and it wouldn't be the 1st time she tries to make people believe such a thing.

what's suspicious is that she told me that she is very angry these days, which just seems very weird if she has just found a boyfriend...

she could very well have found a boyfriend, and knowing that I love her, she doesn't dare being honnest to me but prefer gradually pissing me off until I get out of her life myself.

or on the contrary, she has some serious problems but she doesn't want people to worry. usually her friends don't ask her about her problems. since she has just moved away from them, she could easily make them believe that everything is right by inventing a boyfriend.

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