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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: Downhill Times
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Supreme Hero
Almost there.
posted October 22, 2006 06:44 PM

    Hey William may I suggest to you that some therapy may help you to resolve some of these feelings that are taking over your sanity. First off the girl that you are speaking to will become one of two things. She will either help you in your search for a more serene piece of mind or hinder that search. Pay close attention to which one is more prevalent and get out if it’s the hindering that she is participating in. Women can be very toxic to a man that is in a transition stage or a weakened state of mind. They smell the open wound and then they start to tear at the flesh that surrounds that wound.  

     Find a good therapist to go to and just find the core of the issues before you get older and look back at all the things that you have destroyed due to this build up. I was a bully and I have been on the other side, both sucked. Good luck to you…

Learn how to duck and weave because I will throw truth at you all day!

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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted October 23, 2006 12:56 PM
Edited by Aculias at 12:57, 23 Oct 2006.

Yea but he is very gullible.
He would believe that jumping off the Aussie bridge somewhere would bring him fortune if he was told that.
Make sense out of the situation before you make haste decisions.

Dreaming of a Better World

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Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted October 23, 2006 01:38 PM

my life during the past 2 moutnhs:

As school started with loaded scheduals and all,i began studing,during also i continued volontering in the police depratment.
One time I met there a cute 24 year old women,she speeked russian good but not too well hebrew,so i helped translate to the policeman,and i asked her phone number after 5 min of interduction,she gaveme,the next i called her and we met,talke here and there..
i got to know her,she was very sweet and kind,good looking too,and i could talk with her for HOURS,not like my ex's that after 5 min of converstion all u can do is kiss..=\
so one thing let to another and me and her,accidently kissed..
she appologised the next day,telling her mind couldnt not let her be with a sixteen years old kid..despite how much good he kiss,which busted my ego alot.
after couple of days she told me she loves me..
we dated
after 1 week she calledme,all crying,her mother died.
As costumed i ware withher brother and father drinking vodka,for couple of days,which she also intreduced meto her frindes.
and then a week after she began doing something really annoying..
she called me names,like a not-so-fun-of-a-tease.
She called me 'Malafka' which translates to littlekido.
thats insulting esspecily infornt of there frindes,in raction i tell her sex-ralated jokes. like 'stain rakom letzom kstenoi' stand on four face to wall,and she began too fight about it,she said like,what no normal guy would do it and i said no normal girl would do what u did either,she said ok ill stop lets stay frindes ,i said no thenk,i yelled at her the F word in russian and ran away.
in the morning her best frinde called,i cam over and we sorta made peace.
at the evening i came to her and she said i need to talk to u
but first i need to tlak with 'yosi' a frinde from the police..
they went 'talking' for an hour both cellphone's not answering. i got mad,and i sended an sms 'good luck,im off dont wait for me' for both,just then they apeard,she said come i need to talk to you.
i need to breake up,i cant continue,
i love another man
i said who, yosi?
she said that yes..
i figured it out,cried abit,and took of,i wished her good luck in a yeal.
then i came home,closed the cell,went for 45 min of shower in the bathtob,came out all angery in bob thread..=\

types in obscure english

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Legendary Hero
posted October 23, 2006 10:59 PM

I can really feel your pain here Boris *sigh*.  How do you feel about it all now?  Have you seen her or Yosi lately?

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Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted October 23, 2006 11:03 PM

im more trying to avoide them,but yosi feels guility,and mixed emotions too,he trys to make amends by buying me to food and smokes.Hes also in quite of dispair latly becouse hes Ex,who he been wit for 3 years,going to get merry with he best frinde..dammn females in israel are not ok..
types in obscure english

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Legendary Hero
posted October 24, 2006 12:15 PM
Edited by TitaniumAlloy at 09:25, 31 Oct 2006.

boris, love is a *****. sorry to hear about her, but don't let her get you down, you're now in the 'rebound' which is the most important part of a mans social life, so try think of it that way mate.

willy, same thing, but hope things turn out well with that girl, just keep trying, and then it will all be worthwhile. oh and about the other guy, you don't need to get angry at him, or hit him or anything, but personally I would just talk to him, or get a message across to him somehow. you will find out how much more effective a stern word is than say a faceful of fist.

John says to live above hell.

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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted October 24, 2006 12:43 PM

Like I said before, women are basically the same.
It dont matter if they are from AMerica,Israel,Australia or the Philipines.
They all are never satisfied orless they got somethang to #@&*% about.
If they dont got somethang to *&@#$ about,then they will make it up.

Yea there are those bad apples but we are no exceptions either.
It's not just men or women faults but our bringings & needs in a relationship.
It is easy to manipulate a situation.

Dreaming of a Better World

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Supreme Hero
posted October 27, 2006 12:45 AM


Way back on page 2, I wrote about my mom's eczema from hell.  It has returned, although fortunately not with the virulence it had before.  The cause is probably seasonal pollen and work-related stress.  It will pass with time.  For the moment, though, the household is in chaos, and the bulk of responsibility falls on me.  My own illness, depression, slipped its leash again months ago.  I'm trying to lasso it -- I found a good therapist, and my previous medication level was sub-theraputic so that's been adjusted as well -- but this stuff takes a while to work.  So things are rather touch-and-go here.

That is why my posting is sporatic and mostly limited to fluff.  I'm just not up to thoughtful or quality writing.  Patience is appreciated.  
disguised as a responsible adult

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Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted October 27, 2006 01:39 AM

I hope she feels better.
I remember hearing that almost a year ago & was worried but when i heard the same day she was feeling better I was glad.

I can relate to depression.
I wish I knew you in real life so I can try to cheer you.
Get better.
Dreaming of a Better World

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 31, 2006 09:34 AM

Yeah I have been going a little better now, Talking to the girl on the phone and msn, and also talking to the kid in my class, who is also doing a film with me so we are all good now.
Home life, ahhh a little bit bad but not that bad really.
Me and my mum arguing but I just try and avoid that by not talking

@ ACulias I am not gullible, if that is who you were directing that to, if the post is still there
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 01, 2006 07:16 AM

My Life Recent Times

Well I have been going better nowadays.
At school is kinda hard, well sorta.
I got in trouble today, but that does not really matter.

There is a kid I have been helping, he has some of the same problems as me, anger problems, and all that.
When I see him getting picked on by virtually everybody except not me, I feel very sorry for him, and there should be something done about it.
The kid comes and plays handball with me and my group, and this kid is in Year 7, and me being in Year 10, I stick up for him.

Today, he was getting picked on by several people at once, and everyone staring at him and all of that, people continously touching him and trying to get him angry, which happens very easily with both me and him, and with that in mind, I understand what it is like for him, as I have been down the exact same road before and that is why I am helping him, because I have changed all that, and I control my anger much much better now.

Well back to the story, he kept on getting angry and people kept on pushing his buttons, so I went told a teacher, may sound a bit stupid, but I did it anyway, I was NOT going to see a friend get treated like this.
The teacher came over sent the kids that were annoying my friend away, then when that teacher went away, the kids came back and started all over again.
I had had enough of this continous teasing and bullying.

I started swearing to one of the people, calling him quite a few bad names, and right nearby was my Year Coordinator, who knows that I get angry very easily.
He talked to the boys, and they got in trouble.
The Year Coordinaator came over and started talking to me and I told him that they were not trying to push my buttons, because the year coordinaotr thought they were trying to make ME angry, but what they were doing to my friend was in fact making me angry, so I told him all of that and the other year coordinators talked a little bit I think, because I saw some of them talking a little bit afterwards.

I felt good inside sorta after that, because I helped my friend, who may have tried taking justice into his own hands and that would have resulted in violence, which is what I do not want to happen, because this kid, who is new to the school, been here for maybe 3 weeks or something, is already getting teased, harassed, bullied and the like, and that absolutely must be stopped.
He is new to the school, and already gets treated like absolutle crap by virtually the entire school, except I am there to help him, me and my friends well some of them are there to help aswell, but I am the main one, as they do not know him that entirely well.

I am sick to death of seeing other's suffer just because they have anger problems and get angry very very easily, and everytime, every bloody time it is the person getting picked on/bullied/teasedand the like, that ends up in trouble.
Now where the hell is the justice and fairness in that?

I just do not understand the actions that some people do, like for instace, picking on people that have anger problems.

Those idiots deserve to be punished or atleast recieve counselling, because what they are doing is not only wrong, it is unjust and unfairtowards another individual.

I will not take this crap anymore, I have kept my cool with having my friend teased and stuff, but I do not think I can control it anymore, something must be done to teach these numbskulls a lesson, if it wont be the teachers that teach them a lesson, then it will be me, and believe me that lesson will not be pretty for them at all.

I hope that you all understand where I am coming from, and understand exactly what I am saying, and although this may not seem like a sad time, it is for me, seeing a friend getting bullied and teased, and nothing is getting done about it, it makes me sad.

I just thought I should share that all with you, maybe someone can give me some advice that might help my friend.

~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

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Legendary Hero
posted November 26, 2006 05:04 AM

Glad to see you sticking up for someone Will. But when you start swearing and insulting the other kids, it puts you in the wrong. You need to find a way to stop them with you staying in the right, so you can't get in trouble.

I don't know why I post in here, I always end up deleting my posts anyway

but atm I wake up every morning, look around, and feel depressed because I know it won't last. It was sometime last week when it was 1 month until I leave here.

Everytime I talk to my friends, I have to know that I will never see them again.
Everyone is making plans for after christmas and new years, and I know that I won't be here. Everything I know is being taken away from me.

But the worst thing is, that most ppl don't realize how soon I'm leaving. I only told my best friend so far. I made a promise to myself that when it was 1 month I would tell everyone, because by then it was too soon.

That day came and went, and I still can't do it.

John says to live above hell.

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 26, 2006 06:59 AM
Edited by ruby at 07:05, 26 Nov 2006.

It just makes me so angry when nothing is done about this, with younger kids being bullied by older kids, yet the younger kids get in trouble, like totally WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?

Something seriously needs to be done, and sometimes I just can't help swearing because I myself need to let out my anger on a particular issue that has been going on around me.

I can see where you're coming from, as I read what you wrote about the kids getting bullied and nothing being done. You might want to check out my thread from a while back, sort of a sad story, but it shows the aftermath of bullying that isn't dealt with. You might find it interesting-


(and if the link doesn't work, that's probably because I'm not good at linking)

I realize that bullying is a problem, because I am actually in high school as well. I see bullying constantly and I can now go back to an experience I had with a friend that had anger problems, due to the fact that he was bipolar. His name was Jared. He was constantly picked on and people would intentionally push his buttons to see if he would snap, which he certainly would. He was sort of weird, which made it so much more entertaining for the people that bullied him and with the way he dressed and talked, he was easy prey.

Now don't get me wrong, I certainly don't support what they did but in a case such as this, there is not much that can be done but support and encourage. I do think it was wrong of you to swear and insult the people bullying, and I know it's hard not to (I have done so myself a couple of times under my breath), but how can we advertize love and peace if we're not setting the example? We're getting down on our knees together with the bullies if we stoop anywhere near their level. The best way to deal with bullies is a warm smile and a gentle turn of the cheek. That's what I have found most affecting. Now I don't mean to be quiet about it and just ignore it. For some people, that's the case, but if the bullied one can't handle the pressure, it is more than right to tell the higher authority, if it may be a teacher or a counselor or maybe even the principal. This definately concerns people such as my friend Jared, because having disorders like for example bipolar, a mind can't handle the stresses of bullying. I know my mind wouldn't be able to if I was to be bullied.

I am proud of you that you are standing up for what's right, because I'll have to admit, it's very hard sometimes. Keep your feet planted because you never know what might come to kick you in the butt later when you're not looking. Strength and courage is what the bullied need, so keep giving them that, and don't feed evil with evil words. Feed them with warmth. It's what they would least expect.
The Darker the Sky--
   The Brighter the Stars-

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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 26, 2006 07:06 AM
Edited by william at 07:09, 26 Nov 2006.

Thanks for you're input Ruby.

It is hard for me to help him at times, because he ignores what I say, and ALOT I should say.

He is looking for fights, I know he is, if someone looks at him or says something to him, he chases them around the school, and everyone laughs at him.

It must be very hard in his position, and I tell him not to do it, but he keeps doing it and that's why people keep bullying him and teasing him.

He sometimes goes and tells "the higher authorities" but not all the time, he usually goes face to face and says stuff to them like "you're a piece of ****" or some other things that may get the other person fired up and try to make them bash him up.

I will admit, I have been bullied, and I have been the bully alot of the time.

It is hard either way, when you get bullied, you feel really bad inside, and you feel like taking days off school just so you wont have to see that bully.

And on the other hand when you are a bully, you come to school and try to pick on someone, maybe because you are having a hard time at home or with parents or whatever.

Me and my parents sometimes get along, but when we don't, it is like an Apocalypse, so much shouting, hate and anger goes around, and it, at times, is quite scary.

I try and stick up for other people now, but I am no God, and I wont always succeed all the time, but all I can do is try my best, and continue helping people as best I can


ruby with the links you can do it like this:

firstly put it like this {url}http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=19286{/url}

But replace { with [

Now if you want it to look a little different like this:
Rubys thread is here

Then do this:

{url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=19286}Rubys thread is here{/url}

But replace the { with [

Hope that helps you, just a little offtopic but yeah.
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 26, 2006 07:15 AM

Thanks for you're input Ruby.

It is hard for me to help him at times, because he ignores what I say, and ALOT I should say.

He is looking for fights, I know he is, if someone looks at him or says something to him, he chases them around the school, and everyone laughs at him.

It must be very hard in his position, and I tell him not to do it, but he keeps doing it and that's why people keep bullying him and teasing him.

He sometimes goes and tells "the higher authorities" but not all the time, he usually goes face to face and says stuff to them like "you're a piece of ****" or some other things that may get the other person fired up and try to make them bash him up.

I will admit, I have been bullied, and I have been the bully alot of the time.

It is hard either way, when you get bullied, you feel really bad inside, and you feel like taking days off school just so you wont have to see that bully.

And on the other hand when you are a bully, you come to school and try to pick on someone, maybe because you are having a hard time at home or with parents or whatever.

Me and my parents sometimes get along, but when we don't, it is like an Apocalypse, so much shouting, hate and anger goes around, and it, at times, is quite scary.

I try and stick up for other people now, but I am no God, and I wont always succeed all the time, but all I can do is try my best, and continue helping people as best I can

See, what my friend Jared was looking for, was just attention. He did have anger issues but he never wanted to fight them out of his system. He just constantly wanted people to see him.

I can see where you're coming from when you say you bullied before. I did it in a more quiet way, like I would intentionally ignore some people in a group just to make them feel left out and I would just intentionally screw with the younger student's minds to make myself feel better in my situation with my parents. I've learned throughout the years that even as it felt good, it hurt like hell in the end, and now I don't feel the need to see people suffer for something that's not their problem. I guess some people still find it to be a form or relief, to take things out on others that definately don't deserve it, a rash form of bullying.

The people that I know bully, are just plain, rude, whimpy boys that call themselves men. I know a few of them and I try to talk sense but I see what they go through and it's nothing compared to the ones they bully. For some, it's just plain entertainment in their boring, rich kid's life. It's sickening.

But in either way, I'm rooting for you. You may not be God but you can be a great rolemodel. Keep it up.
The Darker the Sky--
   The Brighter the Stars-

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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 26, 2006 07:20 AM

I agree with you, he may just be doing it for attention.
Sometimes when somebody comes to my handball court and when the kid I am helping is there, my friend will just start swearing at the random kid, and I look at my firned and he is smiling, and I then know that he is just doing it for attention.

What is the point of that, attention seeking?

It may be good for you, but he may not realise that he is actually hurting the other person's feelings inside, and all my friend may care about is the amount of attention that he wants.

When I used to bully, I used violence, and Swearing.

It was stupid of me to do it, but I was kinda "hardcore" back then, but nowadays I do not want to get into trouble anymore, and I have now recieved some respect from friends and other people, like older kids, and also from some teachers.

I do not get into trouble that much nowadays, which is good, because I want to go as far as I can in life, and now screw it all up just cos I wanted to hurt someone who made me feel perhaps a little bit angry, that is just plain stupid and idiotic behaviour in my opinion.

Thanks Ruby for you're comments
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

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Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted November 26, 2006 09:58 AM


Yeah defintly no one like bullys,but why do you so rush to jump for conclusions,this bully might come from a broken house himself,what if he has problams with parents and this is hes way of letting hes anger out,on 'infirior' being.Ussally someone younger\smaller.
whats the treatment? heart to heart talk,ussaly to someone older,mostly female,those kind of boys prefer it this way,not nessery teacher,praphes just a frinde,can you make something like that?

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Undefeatable Hero
posted November 26, 2006 10:05 AM

Yeah defintly no one like bullys,but why do you so rush to jump for conclusions,this bully might come from a broken house himself,what if he has problams with parents and this is hes way of letting hes anger out,on 'infirior' being.Ussally someone younger\smaller.
whats the treatment? heart to heart talk,ussaly to someone older,mostly female,those kind of boys prefer it this way,not nessery teacher,praphes just a frinde,can you make something like that?

The bit in Bold is absolutely stupid I must say.
My friend an Inferiour Being?
Just because he may have some problems does not class him as an Inferiour Being, no human is Inferiour, that is just absurd to even hear or even say that.

Bullies don't have a right to take their anger out onto other people, and I have now learnt that, and I will not hurt anyone, unless I have an extremely good reason to.

For example:

If someone said something bad about my family, like "you're mums a fat *****" then I would go up to that guy and try and knock him out.

Now if they said that about me, that I am a "fat *****" or whatever or a "fat piece of ****" I wouldn't necassarily care, I may just walk away from them, and if they continue I would tell a teacher on someone else.

This is NOT what my friend does.
He usually goes up to them and says stuff to them and tries to hit them on the head or kick or knee them, or sometimes he just chases them when the other kid that said something to my friend, runs away and then my friend runs after them, which is a little bit silly.

But yet again, if there is a teacher nearby, what do they do?
They do nothing, because this is the stupid world we live in, people getting treated unfairly and that is just cruel.

What should give them the right to treat someone else differently and treat my friend completely opposite, like say for this:

I get in trouble for punching someone in the face, next day the same teacher is there, and the other kid punches me in the face.

You know what get's done about that?

Nothing, because this school teaching system is corrupt!!!

People getting into fights and all that, and nothing get's done.

This is exactly what angers me, is that the people we look for help, often ignore it and do not help the situtation whatsoever.

Sad, but true.
~Ticking away the moments that
make up a dull day, Fritter and
waste the hours in an off-hand

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Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted November 26, 2006 02:27 PM

im not excusing,im just saying you shouldnt jump to conclusions
types in obscure english

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Known Hero
crazed swede
posted November 26, 2006 06:16 PM

Most bullied kids don't recieve the attention they crave, which is sort of why they're bullied. It's sort of like a cycle, a very repeated cycle. In the case of bullying, I feel that both recieve attention but in two different aspects. The bully gets attention from being "cool" and "strong," while the bullied gets attention from being..well...bullied. It's pretty sad, but I can understand the whole attention seeking thing because I went through a similar phase when I was cutting.

I'm glad you don't want to get in trouble anymore. I never got in trouble with my bullying because as most girls, it was all done through silent bullying. I'm sure you know what that is, from gossip, whispers, glares...stuff like that. But it can be just as serious as a punch to the face.

I stopped for various reasons, respect from others being a main reason. I enjoy recieving respect from peers and with the way I act and think now, I hope I don't deserve less.

I do not get into trouble that much nowadays, which is good, because I want to go as far as I can in life, and now screw it all up just cos I wanted to hurt someone who made me feel perhaps a little bit angry, that is just plain stupid and idiotic behaviour in my opinion.

I do wish some of my male friends could hear you say that, because it's a dire trait in life to want success in some form. They don't necessarily bully people but they make stupid choices that only pull them down, like for example, smoke pot on a daily basis. I've convinced some of them that it won't get them any farther in life, because they are smart boys with good grades, they're just misled. Doing drugs, I feel, is one of the most idiotic choices one can make, but I guess that's just my opinion.

No, william, thank you.

(especially for the URL advice. I'm semi-code retarded )
The Darker the Sky--
   The Brighter the Stars-

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