Thread: Heroes 5 Campaigns: Academy Walkthrough | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · NEXT» |

Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted May 17, 2006 11:49 PM |

Known Hero
posted May 20, 2006 11:41 PM |
Some info about the Academy campaign:
- You only get an Academy town for the second mission so artificer is pretty useless.
- There are two missions where you can't get any towns, the first and the last.
- You get the Findan, Godric, and Raeleg for the last two missions.
- In my playthrough, I didn't get access to a lot of destruction spells, the best one I had was fireball. However, since you get Raeleg in the last two missions, if one of your heroes has scholar, you could get access to all the destruction spells.
- Visit every learning object you can find, high primary stats are a must for the last two missions.
Skills I would suggest you that get for Zehir:
Attack, archer, tactic, battle frenzy. You'll really need this in the later missions.
Defense, evasion, vitality, protection. Again, you need this in the later mission.
Light magic, master of abjuration, master of blessing, master of wrath.
For the last skill, I would suggest either enlightenment or sorcery. The extra stat points you get from enlightenment will be very helpful in the end and sorcery lets you bless or resurrect more often.

Known Hero
posted May 21, 2006 03:26 AM |
Edited by Vicheron at 03:26, 21 May 2006.
Bottom of the map. There's only one way down and it's guarded by a garrison.

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted May 21, 2006 09:12 PM |
Uh, anyone encountered dreadfully slow AI turns in mission 4? Just played 6 turns and almost an hour passed.

Known Hero
posted May 22, 2006 05:25 AM |
Quote: Uh, anyone encountered dreadfully slow AI turns in mission 4? Just played 6 turns and almost an hour passed.
I got that too. I would suggest that you defeat the AI factions as fast as possible. It shouldn't be too hard to with your uber heroes. Just follow the roads and you'll find the enemy castles.
The AI also seems to slow down dramatically after it gets access to the instant travel spell.

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted May 22, 2006 05:29 AM |
Yeah, did that already. I think turns might have been 10 minutes long...gah. When I left only blue, they turned down to about 30 or so seconds.
Map was terrible though, AI did nothing but stayed in towns, such a breeze until final fight with Isabel. Which was hard for my Academy hero, but again breeze with Findan.
Thankfully, I liked #5, though again might've been easy for all heroes but poor Godric. 
Stayed alive with just 10 or so Archies.

Famous Hero
with warm hands
posted May 31, 2006 12:16 PM |
I can't find Godric in 3rd map, even though I've completely explored it. Could someone tell me where the prison is?

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted May 31, 2006 03:20 PM |
Godric is in underground prison.
As for that not ending mission 4, sadly, I have no other guesses but to replay. Or trying with earlier save.

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted June 01, 2006 10:39 PM |
Here's exact position of prison. Check the minimap.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 06, 2006 06:58 PM |
I have a problem with the third mission (triumvirate). Ive met Findan and cleared the area up to Markals city in the left corner. They said I should first weaken Markal, taking the cursed garrison, something that gives unlimeted mana and ashas tear. But where the hell is that? Ive been everywhere (except Markal of course), but I cant find it. If I attack Markal now, its almost impossible because every half-turn a undead spawns somewhere on the battlefield (incredible tough, like a skeleton archer with 30 attack and defense ) and all creatures are like 4 time stronger than normal.

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted June 06, 2006 07:01 PM |
Edited by Nebuka at 19:03, 06 Jun 2006.
That's it actually. You'll have to fight Markal three times, once with Godric, once with Findan and once with Zehir. And those fights represent 'garrison', and those other things...
You have 4 haven castles though, have nice army for all heroes. Also, fight first 'original' creatures that come with Markal. Plus, Banish skill if you have is quite useful here (I think so atleast...).

Adventuring Hero
posted June 08, 2006 11:34 AM |
Edited by Exekutor at 11:20, 09 Jun 2006.
Quote: That's it actually. You'll have to fight Markal three times, once with Godric, once with Findan and once with Zehir. And those fights represent 'garrison', and those other things...
You have 4 haven castles though, have nice army for all heroes. Also, fight first 'original' creatures that come with Markal. Plus, Banish skill if you have is quite useful here (I think so atleast...).
Thanks, it wasnt as tough as I thought. The first battle was the toughest, but after killing all the starting creatures all the spawned creature "die". The second and third battle was a joke 
But Im really starting to dislike the Academy Campaign, the second mission with an academy town, and mission 3 and 4 with haven-towns (and some necros I dont use), the first academy units are crap, but the rest is just cool (still weaker than other factions though, titan rules ). Thats no Academy-Campaign, thats a Haven-Campaign with Mage lol (like inferno-campaign). Not only I cant play with academy units, the artificier skill is completely useless, it just wastes one of my skill-slots 
Edit: Oh damnit, I think I just found my first mapbug. Im in the 4. mission and Ive finished of the brown and the blue (?) player. I went to talk with Raelag, I see their conversion, he joins me and in the same moment I get the "You lost" screen ???? What am I supposed to do? Use a special hero to get to Raelag or just bugged?
Edit2: Seems like I had too many hereos and Shadya couldnt join me.

Known Hero
posted June 09, 2006 07:53 AM |
I just freed Godric in M3, but nothing happens. I don`t get objective completed or a cutscene. Is that normal?
Truth may be out there, but lies are inside your head.

Known Hero
posted June 09, 2006 07:59 AM |
No, you're supposed to get a cut scene where Zehir makes some snooty remarks and Godric joins you.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 09, 2006 01:52 PM |
Quote: how does anyone beat the mission4: Alliance??
Isabel is just too mad: 900 squires, 200 gryffins, 500 archers, 40 arc angels and 200 paladins!!
This was a tough battle - my Isabel had even more units: about 1200 squires and 250 paladins. I had to use my strongest hero (lvl 31 Findan), loaded with artifacts from the merchant near the Inferno towns, and with combined Haven army from several months of gametime (about 450 squires, 100 paladins, 50 archangels, etc) plus 100+ Master Hunters. I thought her army was so outrageous only because I was playing so slowly, but from what you describe, it doesn't make a difference how quickly you get to her.
Here is my experience with the battle: her paladins will wipe the floor with any of your stacks if you allow them to charge all over the place, and her squires are incredibly difficult to whittle down because they only take half damage from shooters.
What I did was pin down her paladins first at the castle-gates using sacrificial units (basically, my 100 paladins, buffed and constantly resurrected, and then summoned phoenix when the paladins ran out), and shoot them down with my marksmen and inquisitors. My griffins battle-dived the 500+ archers, then switched to battle-diving the paladins. Meanwhile, our two archangel stacks basically killed each other, and her griffins took out 200 of my marksmen via battle-dive before getting cut down by my squires.
Once her paladins were gone, I had to repeat the process with her squires, this time using my squires - here, the griffin battle-dive was crucial, since the squires take so little damage from shooters.
Besides resurrect, summoning, and phantom forces, I think my hero also had to Cleanse several times. I'm not sure if that was a good strategy, but Isabel's mass-buff spells were really killing me.
I was annoyed that I had to use Findan for this - I really wanted the experience to go to Zehir (who was about to get some good abilities on level up), and I thought it was a shame that Findan's Avenger abilities were useless on Isabel. But neither Goric, Agrael, nor Zehir was up to this battle because of their stats.
I'd be interested to hear other battle-strategies - mine is probably flawed but I re-loaded several times and it was the only way I succeeded. Good luck!

Adventuring Hero
posted June 09, 2006 02:08 PM |
Edited by Exekutor at 16:55, 09 Jun 2006.
Quote: how does anyone beat the mission4: Alliance??
Isabel is just too mad: 900 squires, 200 gryffins, 500 archers, 40 arc angels and 200 paladins!!
Lol thats nothing. I have to fight against 700 archers 250 imp. griffins, 65 archangel, 80 inquisitors, 1k squires (dont know the exact number) AND 560 Paladins OMFG now thats ridiculous ! Im in month 4 week 2 or 4. I attacked her two weeks ago (she only had 460 paladins) but I hadnt a big enough army (only 60 paladins). In 2 weeks she got 100 paladins extra the other units didnt increase that much. I recruited everything I got (now im totally broke ^^) and managed to get "only" 160 paladins, 85 archangel, 800 archers, 300 im. griffins and 130 or 150 inquisitor. First fight against her was a massacre, my angels got one-hit killed by her paladins, 25k damage with luck lol Defense, attack, luck, leadership, everything a might heroe need she has (thanks to me ^^). Next time I fight her I will use phantom army all the time, that should make it (phoenix and resurrection is pretty useless, I can resurrect 1100 hp lol ).
I had a strange bug with findan. In mission 3 he was lvl 31 (like he should be), but now he is only lvl 25 But he kept his skills and his stats are still way better than anyone else. But I will use Zehir, lvl 27 and light and summon magic, Findan only has destructive magic.
Edit: I managed it, barely.

I started with 300 imp griffins, 170 paladins, 222 inquisitors, 800 archers 55 archmages, 82 archangels and 200 squires.
lol lost all but 480 archers and 50 archmages. Casualties you see above +222 inquisitors. Phantom Army saved the day, these paladins just onehit-killed anything I threw at em ^^

Tavern Dweller
posted June 10, 2006 01:24 AM |
Exekutor inspired me to replay this battle with Zehir - I spent another 2 weeks grabbing all the armies I could and training my peasants into archers. Here were the numbers going in:
Me - 3775 Marksmen, 154 Archangels, 342 Inq., 532 I. Griffin, 964 Sq., 295 Paladins
Isabel - 71 Archangels, 339 Inq., 280 I. Griffins, 380 Paladins, 1893 Sq., 298 Footmen
Obviously Isabel had also been training her troops, converting archers and peasants to Squires, it looks like (I know this from having previously attacked her 2 weeks earlier.
This time, I tried Executor's way: nothing but Phantom Images. I only phantom imaged my marksmen, since they were the most substantial stack. My battle-strategy was similar to my earlier post: I pinned down the Paladins at the gates using my own Paladins, resurrected twice by my two stacks of Archangels, and used my shooters to decimate the rest of her army. Zehir's ability was useful, since after my Paladins got killed, they turned into a big stack of Air Elementals that blocked the gate for one more turn.
There was lots of shooting and battle-diving. At one point, at close range, my marksmen killed about 1000 squires in one shot. Here is the final result:

I especially like the "15048" Marksmen death-toll (Thanks to Phantom Image).
In hindsight, this was probably the most entertaining battle in all the 5 campaigns - Nicolai was a big let-down for me, and the battles in Mission 5 of the Academy campaign were just silly.
PS: I, too, had Findan lose his levels going into the mission, but not his skills and stats.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 11, 2006 11:14 AM |
Edited by Exekutor at 11:22, 11 Jun 2006.
Quote: well. i eventually beat Isabel out of pure luck (well both Findan's ability and mine personally)
the only reason i beated her after being ass-kicked so many times was that my 1k markmans had his lucks shone on him when he shoot at 450 paladins within close range...killing all 450!!!!!!
after the fearsome paladins were all gone, it was just a piece of cake since my phantomed markmans pinned down 2k squires with ease.
It's true tho that the last mission was anti-climax, both the action and storyline..... it was so lame and pretty much pathed a way toward the expansion
Precise Shot of the marksman is really good, I took out 150 paladins (down to 70), that saved my ass 
That was the toughest battle of the whole campaign, I never had so many casualties (I lost basicly my whole army ). Only the second battle with Gilraen comes close.
@gangel: Thats strange, why I had so many Paladins? She has more troops than in my game, but only half the paladins (and not a single archer). Great balancing Findan loosing some of his lvl (but not his skills or stats) must be because of the lvl cap of mission 3. Lvl 25 was max I think.
Attention Spoiler
The last mission really was boring and not very logical (and easy). Like Raelag starting with 45 Black Dragons lol nobody is gonna beat that ^^
I am really starting to like Findan, he isnt as stupid "elfish" as it seemed in his campaign. They should have killed Isabel right there, why should Kha-Beleth let her go when she isnt sort of possesed? BTW how did she managed to get a child in 2 minutes ? And that B**** Biara survived again, thats the fourth time in game she didnt get killed I was looking forward to her death, lets see if we can kill her in the addon ...
Great ending, Kha-Beleth got his messiah and we get the stupid (and now even possesed ^^) Isabel, just great. And the great Archmages dont even see it. The campaigns are addictive, but the ending is just disappointing. I hope the next ending will be more satisfying (sp?).


Hired Hero
posted June 11, 2006 12:14 PM |
Edited by RedFury at 12:24, 11 Jun 2006.
Quote: how does anyone beat the mission4: Alliance??
Isabel is just too mad: 900 squires, 200 gryffins, 500 archers, 40 arc angels and 200 paladins!!
What I did was pin down her paladins first at the castle-gates using sacrificial units (basically, my 100 paladins, buffed and constantly resurrected, and then summoned phoenix when the paladins ran out)
Ya people, you just underestimate the marksman abbility Precise Shot (When shooting at close range (less than 3 tiles from target), creatures inflict heavier damage because the target's defense is not effective..)
My gratest problem was that her attack and defense stats were 10 higher than mine, so taking defense out of the equasion with Precise shot is a biiig bonus!!
Firts of all it's some time since I played this mission but if I remember correctly, i had around 1500 marksmen and cca 60 angels, and the other units according to that .. in addition i took the Druid elders since their Stone spikes did kill all her 450 phantom paladins
(Phantom forces was her favorite spell, besides mass slow).
I made a bunker in the right corrner. Simply put this was my setup:
D,0,G,G,0,A,A,P,P,/S,M,0 - 12 Grid, / = 1 tile up(nothing behind them), 0 = free tile
In the first steps i battle dived his archers and moved the angels next to the squires, in front of the marksmen, leaving the Marksmen in a bunker with 2 free slots at each side of them (for Phantom Marksmen) ... the Druids are usefull the 3 rounds they kill of the Phantoms, so no big worrys about them.
As withnesed countles times before ( ) she stormed out with her paladins(after positioning them at the gate), kiling all of mine, but leaving them in the Markmens range. So the marksmen killed, instead of only 20-40, around 120-250 ... and with a little bit of luck only aroudn 30 remained... My Paladins were replaced with elementals, leaving the bunker intact...
The angels were as bold as the paladins were and suffered even worse then the poor boys in shining armour...
So ... there were some loses, but with the same ammount of units, but just a different strategy, i won easly of what I first thought of as imposible...
Hope that helped ya all, and that i got my english in the right order!

Tavern Dweller
posted June 14, 2006 08:16 AM |
I have a problem on scenario 3..
I did not receive a cutscene or objective cleared message when I freed Godric.
Also, I am unable to find Findan, where is he?
Even when Zehir is defeated, the game continues?! Ya a bug I know.
I tested it in the very beginning, game over when Zehir is defeated. After freeing Godric, game resumes even when Zehir is defeated (bugged!)
Could anyone who has cleared this stage please enlighten me with the order of things that should be done? Getting really tired of restarting over and over again in the hope of getting a "clearable" map..