Thread: Heroes 5 Campaigns: Academy Walkthrough | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Tavern Dweller
posted June 30, 2006 09:53 AM |
I have the bug where I free godric and objective is still not complete. Is this because of the patch? It should fix things, not bring new bugs
Any solution here except reinstalling? Is there a way to uninstall the patch?

Tavern Dweller
posted July 01, 2006 11:20 AM |
mission 3
if sombody just could sendt a saved game, so we could pass this crap mission... please

Tavern Dweller
posted July 02, 2006 04:53 AM |
Edited by Magerain at 04:54, 02 Jul 2006.
It's hard to use puppet master on Isabel's paladins, she keeps cleansing it. I managed to outwait
her with Godric, then cast puppet master, but on initiative bar it was like: Godric,
Ballista, Paladins, Isabel. But it was enough, paladins killed 46 archangels, at
the same time running close enough to my marksmen, so the marksmen could make precise shot.
1k marksmen killed 184 paladins in one shot. Lucky one, though .
And that was the way I passed campaign the first time. Picture above is the result
of experiment: I was interested whether she can be outproduced.
Edit: 46 archangels, not 446 archangels ))

Known Hero
posted July 02, 2006 05:57 AM |
I got to Isabel on week two and beated her with Raelags starting units + some angels from Godric. She had like 13 archangels 20-30 paladins, and about similar amounts of other units. Empowered meteor showers with 32 spellpower wiped the floor with them.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 03, 2006 07:58 PM |
Quote: how does anyone beat the mission4: Alliance??
Isabel is just too mad: 900 squires, 200 gryffins, 500 archers, 40 arc angels and 200 paladins!!
i tried, the second time, to get to her as fast as i could (within 2 months), but i still found the same crazy amount of the units she got. so it was impossible for my poor heroes to beat her.
i tried using all heroes available, my level26 findan with 27 defense seemed not enough for her since her paladins seemed to slay my 90 paladins with ease (over 10,000 damages!!!)
Help please
Just curious, but how exactly did she get so much stuff? I've been doing the campaign on Hard, and when I got to her during the 2nd month she had something like 10 Angels and 50 Paladins, and other units in the 100 or so range. I beat her entirely using my starting force with Findan + the Hydra from Ralaeg and his companion.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 03, 2006 11:54 PM |
I'm starting to bet Isabel's troops are based on random generator.
On the start of month on Normal she had 300+ achers, some inquisitors, some griffins, 700+squires, 20 angels and 153 paladins.
When I got to her paladins number was 186 and they were killing any stack including 83 paladins I brought with ease.
Somebody above states that she had 560 (!) paladins in month 2. In gangel269 screenshot she has 339 inquisitors, but this is by the time she has 543 paladins. Varonel says she had 300+ inquisitors by the time she had 90 paladins.
At least it's good nobody encountered bug similar to the one in Sylvan campaign, when scripts gave markal 32k+ spectre dragons.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 04, 2006 12:37 PM |
I finished the first mission and I’m still searching for the winning skill combination + strategy for this campaign. I think artificer is very strong but, sadly, you can’t use the crafting skill in the last mission (thanks Vicheron’s info). Anyway Mark of the Wizard ability + Destructive Magic sound’s terrible…
I want to know if creatures (mages, elementals, genies, etc.) spell power is affected by hero’s spell power and magic school specialization(s). Thanks

Tavern Dweller
posted July 04, 2006 10:13 PM |
Sorry chorlton, your theory doesn't work out. I cleared all non-Isable players by the end of week 2 and by that time she had 153 paladins (looked it up in thieves guild). In month 2 week 1 she had 200+ paladins. In month 4, week 1 she had 303 paladins. No way she would have 50 at the start of month 5.
The game when I played to month 4, I captured heaven outpost by her castle, which was previously marked as blue. So you suppose she would slow down on growth, but she didn't. Or she did, but it went unnoticed

Adventuring Hero
posted July 05, 2006 05:21 PM |
One skill that makes the final battle with the Sovereign exceptionally easy is Banish. Since all the Sovereigns units are considered summoned, one Banish will wipe them all out. You still don't get the victory until all of his free units have gated in though.
This also works to a lesser extent with Markal.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 07, 2006 03:51 PM |
sorry. dosen't work
"Mission 3 free Godric
I had same bugs, system crash on laast part of it, but problem solved by let Zehil (your starting heroe), Findan (show up when you rescue Godric) Godric ( heroe you will rescue from under world).
You need 3 heores to have enough solider to fight, I when to last town where game crash with 3 horoes, used instant travel magic to get close to last enemy town let battle begin.
Each heroes will fight automatically by computer, if your heroes win end of game without bug.
!!!!!!!!!! "
sorry to say it, but it is not working. you have forgotten, that findan dosen't apear, when bugged. but i tried your trick anyway. sorry no findan and after eliminating the teal player, nothing happend... i'm not shore either if Markal showed up ay all.
i just hate this mission... it is overbugged.
if sombody could send me a saved game i would be greatfull

Tavern Dweller
posted July 07, 2006 04:02 PM |
my email is: keupajer@gmail.com
so please send me a saved game so I can get rid of this bug.
oh, and by the if anyone is sending me a saved game, i have no idea how to use it, so i would like some help whit that to.
and thanks to the one, who helps me.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 07, 2006 05:39 PM |
[url=http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=18044]here[/url] are the campaign.sav for both 1.0 and patch 1.1
I don't remember where you put it, I don't have heroes installed anymore. You can search c:\documents and settings\ for campaign.sav
Back it up, then overwrite it with the one from the link.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 11, 2006 10:36 AM |
plz help
hello fans of Heroes 5 nice job till now. i am sorry to ask but i have a problem whit campaign 6 - The mage...Mission 4.
the problem is i defed all the comp enemy even Isabele. Afther the Movie is Objectiv Complet but the mision is not over. i
dont have any enemy i am alone in there i dunno what to do to finish the mision... ((((
If someone plz help whit a hint or whit a solution i apriciate.. tk very much

Tavern Dweller
posted July 11, 2006 10:45 AM |
Edited by Rune_B at 11:31, 11 Jul 2006.
Quote: "Mission 3 free Godric
I had same bugs, system crash on laast part of it, but problem solved by let Zehil (your starting heroe), Findan (show up when you rescue Godric) Godric ( heroe you will rescue from under world).
You need 3 heores to have enough solider to fight, I when to last town where game crash with 3 horoes, used instant travel magic to get close to last enemy town let battle begin.
Each heroes will fight automatically by computer, if your heroes win end of game without bug.
!!!!!!!!!! "
sorry to say it, but it is not working. you have forgotten, that findan dosen't apear, when bugged. but i tried your trick anyway. sorry no findan and after eliminating the teal player, nothing happend... i'm not shore either if Markal showed up ay all.
i just hate this mission... it is overbugged.
if sombody could send me a saved game i would be greatfull
I had the same problem!
In my case the problem was generated by the fact that I WASN’T searching the nearby dungeon immediately (like you were SUPPOSED to do …when you see the strong defended gate) and free the other two heroes.
I used the instant travel spell so Zehil crossed the gate without fight and I attacked very quickly all the Heaven towns. When I attacked Markal, without freeing the other heroes, my game crashed every time after the first battle …because there were no (free Heroes) Godric and Findan to start the next battles.
Anyway, if you want to win the mission without much trouble you have to attack quickly all heaven towns (before rescuing the other heroes and using instant travel) and then when is quiet you can free the other heroes. The armies in the gates join Godric so don’t bother with them.
IMO you should not be allowed to cross the gate without rescuing the other two heroes;)

Tavern Dweller
posted July 11, 2006 02:37 PM |
Quote: hello fans of Heroes 5 nice job till now. i am sorry to ask but i have a problem whit campaign 6 - The mage...Mission 4.
the problem is i defed all the comp enemy even Isabele. Afther the Movie is Objectiv Complet but the mision is not over. i
dont have any enemy i am alone in there i dunno what to do to finish the mision... ((((
If someone plz help whit a hint or whit a solution i apriciate.. tk very much
I think you have to start over . I saved (luckly) right before fighting Isabel and had a hard fight. I won, yet it said "you loose". So i reloaded, brought all my heroes close to Isabel and fought her again. This time it was easy as hell...
Game is unfortunatly bugged somewhere/sometimes.
Last map can be a freaking nuciance! Findan kicked sovreigns ass pretty fast (expert warmachines = smashy smashy on magic wall). Zehir almost got killed cause of the damn nightmares (12 nightmares kill 2 titans with each hit?!?!). Only reason i won was because of the conjure phoenix spell (wow, that's an overpowered spell in campaign :S. 70 att, 70 def 400 - 600 dam and 1.5k hp for 1 phoenix :S)

Tavern Dweller
posted July 18, 2006 08:20 AM |
hi guys how do i complete campaign 6 mission 3 i search the whole map but dont have any sign of the prison and when i finally defeat the enemy the game just hang can any one tell mi what is the order i should do to win this mission

Known Hero
posted July 18, 2006 09:38 AM |
The prison is underground. The stairs are just east of your starting position.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 18, 2006 10:44 AM |
Quote: hi guys how do i complete campaign 6 mission 3 i search the whole map but dont have any sign of the prison and when i finally defeat the enemy the game just hang can any one tell mi what is the order i should do to win this mission
If you read through the pages, you'll even see a detailed photo . Do a bit of work

Adventuring Hero
posted July 24, 2006 07:42 PM |
... Zehir almost got killed cause of the damn nightmares (12 nightmares kill 2 titans with each hit?!?!). Only reason i won was because of the conjure phoenix spell ...
Use Banish with Zehir. You don't even need a phoenix.

Known Hero
posted July 24, 2006 08:27 PM |
Quote: hello fans of Heroes 5 nice job till now. i am sorry to ask but i have a problem whit campaign 6 - The mage...Mission 4.
the problem is i defed all the comp enemy even Isabele. Afther the Movie is Objectiv Complet but the mision is not over. i
dont have any enemy i am alone in there i dunno what to do to finish the mision... ((((
If someone plz help whit a hint or whit a solution i apriciate.. tk very much
I think you have to start over . I saved (luckly) right before fighting Isabel and had a hard fight. I won, yet it said "you loose". So i reloaded, brought all my heroes close to Isabel and fought her again. This time it was easy as hell...
Game is unfortunatly bugged somewhere/sometimes.
Last map can be a freaking nuciance! Findan kicked sovreigns ass pretty fast (expert warmachines = smashy smashy on magic wall). Zehir almost got killed cause of the damn nightmares (12 nightmares kill 2 titans with each hit?!?!). Only reason i won was because of the conjure phoenix spell (wow, that's an overpowered spell in campaign :S. 70 att, 70 def 400 - 600 dam and 1.5k hp for 1 phoenix :S)
Look at the sovereigns stats. He has both attack and defense like around 50 which is why his troops are so tough.