Thread: Heroes 5 Campaigns: Academy Walkthrough | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Tavern Dweller
posted January 15, 2009 09:01 PM |
in the ToTe expancion for the academy, KEEP that tear od asha for the final mission, it carries over with the hero.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 19, 2009 11:02 PM |
Quote: I tried attacking early, it still doesn't help. The enemy has indeed a smaller army, but still larger than mine.
That's why when I go underground I capture all buildings, so that I could recruit enough units to fight him. Is that something I shouldn't do, and rescue Godric first and only then take all the dwellings?
Godric will help you get along with the first garisson,as the army that lies at the first gate will join your army only if Godric himself steps in.Thus,you will have a nice start-up army that will help you conquer the second casttle.Beware and dont send Godric any further,cause Zehir is much more suitable for conquering the rest of the castles.Just give him all the troops you gathered and it will be easy.I personally lost much of my army during the first battle.It wasnt a siege of a castle,an enemy hero walked throught the second gate and moved towards my town.I had to stop him.His army was stronger,but conjure phoenix and dark magic came in really handy! :-) I lost many troops,but i gathered one week's troops and then invaded.It was a piece of cake!
PS.Try to capture the castle that lies in the middle of the map(second castle) and then the one that lies in the north (third castle) that is totally upgraded and gives you nice,upgraded,chocolate-tearing troops!!!

Tavern Dweller
posted February 05, 2009 02:26 PM |
Help !
The game crashes everytime after i defeated markal the first time in mission 3 (attacking first with Zehir) everything else in this game has run smooth until i got to this missin please help !!!

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 05, 2009 02:35 PM |
Is the game fully patched? If so there's not much I can help you with, maybe if you use the cheat console to move to next mission..
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Tavern Dweller
posted February 05, 2009 03:32 PM |
Quote: Is the game fully patched? If so there's not much I can help you with, maybe if you use the cheat console to move to next mission..
I don't know i haven't installed any patch yet but i have tried to install patch 5 and 6 and when i'm about to install it it stops and says "heroes of might and magic IV is not installed" what should i do ?

Supreme Hero
Allez allez allez
posted February 05, 2009 03:39 PM |
What version do you have? Check the SW corner of the screen, in Main Menu, and tell us the number.
If you have 1.0, it's normal those patches can't be installed.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 05, 2009 03:59 PM |
Quote: What version do you have? Check the SW corner of the screen, in Main Menu, and tell us the number.
If you have 1.0, it's normal those patches can't be installed.
Yes i have 1,0 so i can't get pass this mission then ? Or should try to attack with the two other heroes before.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 12, 2009 06:55 PM |
When I decided to attempt a replay of the game, I realized that I had last played it a LONG time ago and had no patches. I downloaded each patch individually and upgraded 1 at a time all the way to 1.61. It has run flawlessly since then without one single crash or bug rearing it's ugly head.

Tavern Dweller
Implosion Queen
posted April 02, 2009 03:50 AM |
Quote: The game crashes everytime after i defeated markal the first time in mission 3 (attacking first with Zehir) everything else in this game has run smooth until i got to this missin please help !!!
You should first find the prison of Godrict and release him. After that a scene would appear and Findan will exist near the garrison. If you defeat Markal before that, your game will crash.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 16, 2009 02:33 PM |
Hi. IN dark ways and deeds (tote campaign) I accidentally sold the dwarven smithy hammer. Now I can't complete that secondary quest. Does dragon tooth necklace transfer? If it does and I don't get it, can I get it later (for example from artifact merchant) and will it transfer then?
I really don't want to restart this campaign just to be able to get the whole dragon set.

Famous Hero
Imbued Ballista
posted July 16, 2009 03:14 PM |
From what I've seen so far you can't get any dragon artifacts from the merchants in any of the TotE campaigns. I did get parts of the Necromancer set in the second mission from the Artifact Merchant (the one underground, not Zehirs town), but for the Dragon set most pieces can only be found once. You'll have to redo the mission if you want the entire set (which is incredible for the last mission since you'll be running around with limited forces for a long time. 4 Storm Titans for exp? Nah, I'll take the 7 I get for free).
In ur base killing ur doods... and raising them as undeads.

Adventuring Hero
posted July 16, 2009 03:44 PM |
Edited by lumpor at 15:46, 16 Jul 2009.
Oh ok, guess I'll have to cheat :/

Tavern Dweller
posted May 07, 2010 09:27 PM |
The Liberation - Part 2
Hi everybody! I am new to Heroes Community, but definitely not new to Heroes. I have a question regarding the second part of this campaign. I already managed to reach Lorekeep and I have eliminated most enemy heroes on my way so that the enemy is no longer a threat, but I have not yet conquered Al Safir. As soon as I conquer Lorekeep, I get a video scene with an elven messenger and after the scene ends, I receive a completed objective about capturing Lorekeep, but I have not even discovered such an objective yet Can anybody tell me whether capturing Lorekeep before Al Safir is a problem and will that affect the game and cause some bugs (by bugs I also mean bugs in the rest of the campaign)...?


Hired Hero
posted August 24, 2010 10:48 PM |
Edited by Theouinn at 22:51, 24 Aug 2010.
I really don't see why people struggle so much with Isabel, in fact I was looking forward for a real showdown with her as I entered the fourth mission (Heroic). Never had an easier fight really, the whole mission was a joke. Conquered all 8 enemy towns in 12 days and could've beaten Isabel by then, but I wanted to visit the stat bonuses so the fight took place later, but she wasn't very strong still.
You probably wwait too long, rush all the enemy towns in the first two weeks and they can't feed Isabel troops (only explanation I can find as to why Isabel could end up with such a legion), then boost your heroes if you like and then simply beat her. Even if she's strong she's probably easy to beat if you build Zehir correctly, I went for both light and dark magic and really did glide through the whole campaign (escept for mission 5 which I will take on tomorrow). Mark of the Wizard + Frenzy added with mass haste, resurrection and other light spells can get you out of any battle with few losses, I did that in the Triumvirate mission as I let the AI grow stronger in order to get exp (could've cleared the whole map except Markal with the garrison troops you're given early thanks fo MoTW + Frenzy).
Last mission remains though, hoping that the Demon Sovereign can offer a real challenge, going to take him on with Zehir.

Tavern Dweller
posted September 28, 2010 05:48 PM |
sylvan scen1
quick question..in sylvan scen1..the objectives disallows u to cross the border..HOWEVER..after parts of the map is revealed u can actually see powerups on the other side of the other..can we actually cross it to visit those powerups..if not what a waste..i there is a +2attack/+2defense powerups..clarify me please

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted September 28, 2010 10:11 PM |
AI has feelings too you know. Do you want it to feel neglected?
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Hired Hero
posted October 01, 2010 01:34 AM |
Not again!!
Ok, stuck on Academy mission 4. As soon as Zehir captures the 3rd gold mine, it immediatly goes to a citadel assault battle with Wulfstan, in which I invariably get thrashed! ( I've tried 20 times now.) In the previous mission, I used Wulfstan almost not at all, and he has no artifacts. Am I doing something wrong, or must I restart mission 3 and buff up Wulfstan to give him a fighting chance? (No pun intented, I swear!)
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat!! 

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 01, 2010 02:15 AM |
Check the last 1-2 pages of the questions FAQ, someone was having trouble and he sent me his saves. Turned out the battle could be turned around with some tricky rune usage, I think I'd posted the replay and the save after battle.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
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Hired Hero
posted October 01, 2010 04:38 PM |
Quote: Check the last 1-2 pages of the questions FAQ, someone was having trouble and he sent me his saves. Turned out the battle could be turned around with some tricky rune usage, I think I'd posted the replay and the save after battle.
Meh. Can't find them. Oh well...rune magic...rune magic. I wonder if I even have any? *L* Well, I shall try yet again! Thanks!
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat!! 

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 01, 2010 04:55 PM |
Send me your save before the battle. Upload it to speedyshare.
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