Thread: Heroes 5 Campaigns: Academy Walkthrough | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted October 08, 2007 10:09 PM |
Banish with Zehir is it very easy to defeat Markal so give more troops to Findan. Use as long time as you want for it isn't the army in the castle Markal use, it is aleready set by Nival

Supreme Hero
Blind Sage
posted October 09, 2007 07:54 AM |
thanks for the tip i will try that. oh and by the way i got the world of light spell with zehir but i can't manage to get it with godric.
Why can't you save anybody?

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2007 02:08 AM |
Edited by xerox at 02:08, 13 Oct 2007.
Okey so i am on the fourth map and i just checked the Thieves Guild...
I heard Isabel is has a nasty army so i just hoped that i should be normal for me...
What i saw was 600 Champions, 60 Archangels, and some more...
How the hell am i supposed to beat her?
Or is their anyway to cheat past that map? Because i wanted to finish the orginal game tonight ;P
Or atleast that was the plan ;P

Famous Hero
The Pathfinder
posted October 13, 2007 02:27 AM |
That's the one where all the heroes meet & combined forces right? What skills do u have? If u have Expert Dark rely on Puppet.
But now I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it.

Legendary Hero
posted October 13, 2007 02:42 AM |
Quote: That's the one where all the heroes meet & combined forces right? What skills do u have? If u have Expert Dark rely on Puppet.
For me, the opposite option worked better. Expert Light Magic with Resurrection. She has a lot of army, but it's easy to beat it when you resurrecte your creatures.
But try both ways, if one doesn't succeed, and tell us which one went better.

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2007 02:45 AM |
Edited by xerox at 02:46, 13 Oct 2007.
No i was stupid in the very begining... i choosed Destruction, Summoning and light and i never use desturction... 
I did never level up Godric so his only lvl 21 with expert dark magic and light magic (but he has no other skills in dark magic yet).
Findan also has summoning and light.
Zehirs phoenix is very overpowered, but i dont think it will survive against Isabel.
The problem is, i have an mini army right now.
i have like 15 Angels, 10 Champions, 200 Marksmen, 60 Imperal Griffins and 30 Zealots.
And i hate to wait ;P

Legendary Hero
posted October 13, 2007 02:51 AM |
Start the game again. Develop mainly Godric, although his large army will come only in the rushing, when you capture all the Havens. Give him Light or Dark Magic. If you choose Light Magic (I recommend it), build 5th level spell towers on the Hevans, until you get Resurrection. If you choose Dark Magic, build 5th level spell tower on one of the Necropolis towns, until you get Puffet Master.
I think these are the ways to win. If you invest away too much on Zehir and Findan, it won't work...

Famous Hero
The Pathfinder
posted October 13, 2007 03:03 AM |
Edited by Duncan at 03:13, 13 Oct 2007.
Oops, chances are that you may need to redo the map (hopefully not the campaign) and try to win your creepings with min casualties. But if you don't have Expert Light+Dark like GL said, I think you're screwed
I approached with Findan having Expert Light+Dark. His arrow barrage immediately crippled the marksmen. Then I puppeted her Archangels & Palas back & forth. I did use Resurrection at the latest stages of the battle. Always use this with caution tho, don't overdo it otherwise the creatures' stats quickly diminishing.
Zehir with Conjure Phoenix sounds also promising. I'm sure there are other players used him and succeeded.
But now I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it.

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2007 12:08 PM |
All heroes have expert light magic, two have expert summoning and one has expert dark.
I think i will cheat instead ;P

Famous Hero
posted October 13, 2007 12:20 PM |

Famous Hero
The Pathfinder
posted October 13, 2007 06:21 PM |
Quote: I think i will cheat instead ;P
That's not the spirit True, some maps are frustrating (esp if wrongly played) but otoh challenging and actually always beatable if we can find the loophole.
Anyway, welcome to HoF campaigns!!
But now I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it.

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 13, 2007 07:09 PM |
I have not cheated on any other mission so i think i deserve it ;P
I heard that the last mission is very easy.

Supreme Hero
posted October 13, 2007 07:36 PM |
are you talking about C5M4? I remember i rushed through the map(i only captured one city with Zehir) and against Isabel, i gave all the good troops to Raelag and sat it on auto-combat. Guess what, i won

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted October 14, 2007 01:38 AM |
Last time I played that mission, I knocked out all Necropolis within week 1 and all Haven towns before the end of week 2 and after that I went on a collect & harvest run on resources and Dwellings around the map.
You have 4 Haven Towns and 4 Necropolis towns producing creatures, with a load of mines and Dwellings, against just 1 measily Haven town. You can even walk up right to Isabel's front door, capture the two Barracks on either side of the city and wave hello to her, without any risk - she won't leave the town, period.
The army you describe makes me think you must be having an older version of the game. Are you using patch 1.5? The game I described above was with 1.5 and her army wasn't anything stellar; not nearly as tough as what you describe.

Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted October 22, 2007 02:11 AM |
I am new (only in the community. not the game. Just got this account, blah, blah, blah,)
Not to ignore the past few posts, I'd like to say that the Djinn Vizier and Rakshasa Kshatra's are my favs in TotE.
Steel Yourself for War
Next Set: Mirrodin

Supreme Hero
Scouting the Multiverse
posted October 22, 2007 02:13 AM |
And now i've said that, how about Zehir's missions. Seems kind of non-wizard to me. It pains me deeply at the death of Markal.
And on further, I never got past Isabel in Campaign 5 Mis. 4. I used different strategies. Bombshells (disposable heroes w/ lots of units) and bringing up reinforcements from the S. That takes 4ever, so i got really bored. I kept to HAven Reinf., but that whittled her army down slowly (I'm better [not to say awesome] at Necro.) & w/ necro heroes down there 2.... yeah.
Steel Yourself for War
Next Set: Mirrodin

Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted October 22, 2007 10:27 AM |
Quote: I have reached the 5th campaign with Arantir(in the Tribes of the East expansion)...and i just don't know how to pass the magical barrier to continue ending the objectives. please help!
You need to place a Necromancer on each of the four locations near the towns you've captured. Yes, that includes Ornella too.

Famous Hero
posted November 25, 2007 04:36 PM |
make godric attack and then you'll figure out that you can put them in godrics army, well served troops then go take the first town as soon as possible and then just raise an army, the other towns shouldn't be that hard.

Adventuring Hero
posted December 22, 2007 06:34 PM |
Academy Mission 4 it just isn't fair: first those super hyper mega goddamn age-continue AI turns , then only haven towns and for my furstration when i fought isabel with zehir i frenzied her 250 paladins and her 1000 squires with 40 spelpower and this snow isabel simply cleasned the frenzy with seven spellpower      HOW THE HECK!?!?!?!?!


Hired Hero
posted January 20, 2008 09:04 AM |
Edited by kcwong at 09:05, 20 Jan 2008.
Bug in vanilla Academy campaign final map, version 1.6
I'm stuck in the vanilla campaign C6M5, Zehir's Hope. I started C5 and C6 under patch 1.6.
I need help. 
I defeated Biara with all four heroes and got teleported. Then I broken the demon sovereign's barrier four times, and defeated him four times. Then the cut-scene started, and Zehir said he would open a portal back. But then nothing happened and I just got dumped back to the map. I checked the armies and the amount was before fighting the demon sovereign.
Here's a thread about the same problem on the official forum: http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/1851065692/m/9061069454
Is that the end of the vanilla campaign? Are there more cut-scenes to watch, and is there a fix?