Thread: Heroes 5 Campaigns: Academy Walkthrough | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Adventuring Hero
Defender of Light
posted December 19, 2006 12:43 AM |
They will prompt you if you want to keep your saved games. I have uninstalled and re-installed heroes 5 for quite a number of times by now

Tavern Dweller
posted December 19, 2006 12:52 AM |

Adventuring Hero
Defender of Light
posted December 19, 2006 12:57 AM |
Just remembered another impt thing...when you re-patch it to v1.3, you cannot load your saved game. Rather, select the mission from the mission menu to start. See you in HoF!

Famous Hero
posted January 27, 2007 09:28 AM |
At the start the 5 Djinns is propably the best choise, even though Fire Trap can be useful. This mission doesn't have a lot of creatures, so you must use Zehirs speciality to its fullest! Everytime a creature in your army dies Zehir summons elementals in their place. That means always having 7 stacks in your army, preferably single stacks of weak creatures (Gremlins, Skeletons).
NOTE. Try to have the big battle on swamp terrain, you wll be summoning water elemental then, the best ones.
Collect all the creatures from the creatured wellings and head for the town, that is located behind the Garrison you will find following the road. You have only 2 goals in this map, to reach level 10 and capture the necropolis town. If you take the town before reaching level 10, you can learn the spells that are in the guild. Very useful. If you reach level 10 and then take the town, the mission ends there.

Tavern Dweller
posted March 07, 2007 01:40 AM |
Anyone happen to have run into a problem in "The Alliance" where it fails to end the scenario after defeating Isabel?
I ended up fighting her with a humongous army (fun!). After I win, it shows the "Ritual" cut-scene, then takes me back to the map. I get the "Objective Complete" message but then it never ends the map. My guys are left to wander forever.
I haven't applied patches, so I assume that's the solution, but I really was hoping to not have to replay this whole map again.

Tavern Dweller
posted March 13, 2007 02:40 AM |
(Thought I'd answer my own question, in case anyone comes looking and runs into the same problem...)
What seems to have happened is that I used "Instant Travel" to hop to an area that fired off a cut-scene with Raelag before Raelag was actually on the map. This caused Raelag to *never* show on the map and since there are several objectives that don't pop up until he appears, I was missing out on objectives I didn't even know I had.

Tavern Dweller
posted April 27, 2007 06:50 PM |
The Triumvirate mission is just kicking my butt
1. tried hopping over first enemy bridge and taking first city really quick.
but the guys just keep coming with fully loading armies. i can win the first 3 or so but the city just doesn't renew creatures enough. I can't handle a 2/3 full attacks each month.
2. tried going underground first and taking over all buildings for more resources and the 3 army producing buildings. Left Godric in prison to avoid trigger. Went up stairs and took over city again. But the extra time i spent underground just allowed the bad guys to upgrade all the guys to archangels,paladins etc.
3. tried the underground method but released Godric so he could harvest monsters and replenish me ..... but he still can't bring them fast enough to face down the 6/7 bad guys each with a 20 archangels,50 paladins etc.
4. tried to sneak through and free the guys and just avoid the big fights but all the bad guys seem to have extended travel and can always easily catch me, even when i start out with a big lead.
anyway way to avoid this endless stream of armies? If i send Godric up to take the first city with they voluntarily join us like Zehir originally planned?
any help appreciated

Tavern Dweller
posted May 01, 2007 06:35 PM |
I got sick because of game bug on mission 3 with academy, i can't seem to get to solution to free godric from his prison so that there will be a cut scene so that i can kill markal. i tried all options but to re install game and don't install patch 1.01 but then i should start campaign all over and i don't have time or nerves to do that...
-just for info i have been playing 3 mission, academy camp for almost 2 days without any solution how to get cut scene from godric

Adventuring Hero
posted May 03, 2007 09:25 PM |
here is my super duper awesome (lol) mission 1 walkthrough on hard:
kill familiars to the east. get some xp (money is useless in this map). get some of those demon dudes in the dwelling to the north. head east, ignore all dudes you dont need to fight. dont bother getting skeletons, they lower morale. i think you have to fight some zombies. for times you do need to fight, summon water elementals and use their ice bolt spell or whatever its called.
try to get your mana up so you can cast two summon elemental spells ready when you assault the castle on day 1 week 2 (or day 7 week 1, thats what i did, but i only had enough mana for 1 casting which made the battle harder).
when i fought, the enemy troops were bunched together. i cast ring of ice. then i sent my djinn and gargoyles over as sacrificial lambs. when they died, i used the water elementals to cast ring of ice again. win.

Adventuring Hero
posted May 09, 2007 08:41 PM |
Edited by fishjie at 20:42, 09 May 2007.
dude wtf i just posted right above you how i beat it (on hard)
cap the castle by week 1
use summon elementals, get some demons to bolster your army, i didnt even use the skellies.
again let me reiterate
dont bother getting to level 10 until AFTER you have capped the castle

Adventuring Hero
posted May 09, 2007 08:47 PM |
anyway guys, i feel like i am getting ripped off in terms of difficulty. i am making sure i am playing on hard difficulty, v 1.3 patch, but the missions have been easy.
on mission 2, i got attacked twice, and then didnt get attacked for about 2 months.
on mission 3, it was difficult capping the first castle, but after that it was a cakewalk. none of the enemy heroes left their castle.
on mission 4, i was so stoked because i heard from all you guys that isabel would have a huge army. but instead i see a meagre army of about 10 angels, 30 paladins, 50 griffins, 100 archers, etc....
it was pathetic. is this some kind of sick joke? did they nerf the 1.3 difficulty? the AI is hideously bad. at least in h2 and h3, the enemy heroes attacked you........
the elven campaign was much harder than this.

Adventuring Hero
posted May 09, 2007 08:50 PM |
oh btw mission 3 walkthrough:
rescue godric asap. dont bother cappin resources, wastes time. after you get him, use him to bypass the first garrison. then fight for the first castle. use summon elementals. zehir should have spell power in the 20s by now, so it should turn the tide. if you have summon phoenix (i didnt) then its over. after the first cap, then the rest is easy. dont rest, replenish your troops, and just continue taking over castles, i met with minimal resistance.

Legendary Hero
posted June 15, 2007 12:14 AM |
@BushidoJoe you haven't explored enough that's all. It's not cheating.

Supreme Hero
If all else fails, use Fiyah!
posted September 15, 2007 10:48 PM |
Quote: dude wtf i just posted right above you how i beat it (on hard)
cap the castle by week 1
use summon elementals, get some demons to bolster your army, i didnt even use the skellies.
again let me reiterate
dont bother getting to level 10 until AFTER you have capped the castle
I already tried this before I came looking for help, but earth elementals really don't help.. it is all I am getting.
I am playing on hard 1.5
I found that part requires a LOT of luck.
This is what I did:
- Pick 5 Djinns (duh!)
- Head north than west, get the demons on the way and head to the artifact selling cart (beat up the zombies in front of it), and buy any good artifacts it has. This is where some luck plays a decent part, if you're lucky you get decent artifact.
- Attack the gate. Your main problem is the combination of those skelly archers and ghosts. The incorperal status is a real pain, and it's hard to exit with minimal casualties. Save your game before you attack. Summon elementals. If you don't get water elementals, reload. Use the water elementals to attack the ghosts (1 or 2 ice bolts should do the trick), while your MGs and hero can then concentrate on the skellies first. The later zombies are easy fish for your elementals, then djinns. Try to get out of it with as minimal casualties as possible.
- Head north and get the zombies. Then head south and head for the castle. Again, save your game. First thing for your hero to do is to summon elementals, and again, if you don't get water elementals, reload. You NEED those water elementals, otherwise those miss-attacks on ghosts are seriously going to do you in. I was extra lucky when my Djinn behind the gate died, and I got a second stack of water elementals out of it. 2 / 3 circles of winter do that stack of 80 skel archers in easily.
That's what I did anyway.
My current Zehir built is Summoning, Dark, Destructive, Sorcery, and Enlightment. So far it's working out very nice

Tavern Dweller
2Cs + 2H2O -> 2CsOH + H2
posted September 18, 2007 07:51 PM |
Edited by CesiumCZ at 22:48, 18 Sep 2007.
Map 1
Guys, i had to laugh.
This is how i did the first map "The Defiant Mage" on HEROIC difficulty in v 1.5. It takes me i thing 2 minutes of playing.
1) Set combat to AUTOCOMBAT
2) Picked Genies
2) Headed straightly for 15 demons
3) Headed straightly to the gate, on the way killed only one skeletons guarding treasure chest (took exp)
4) Headed straightly to the castle, maybe day 5 or 6 i don't really remember. Lost almost all army, remains few demons only...
I reloaded it 4 times to get skills as i wanted. In each case, the castle autocombat at day 5 or 6 wins.
So altogether 8 minutes of playing, all with autocombat, no worry about tactics, mana, type of summoned elemental, enemy player. And no cannon fodders, one stack per one type of unit.
Of course when i beat the castle, i played 20 more minutes, but with no enemy, just wanted to build all mage guilds, and boost as much as possible, before reaching Level 10. (Had Expert Light Magic on level 9 but no Resurrection Mage Guild LVL 5, shame :/)
Skills i have chosen: Light Magic and Luck. DON'T INVEST SKILLS FOR ARTIFICIER, ITS USELESS BECAUSE ONLY IN MAP 2 YOU HAVE ACADEMY UNITS. (Except Mark of the Wizard)
Tired of ordinary Diablo II? Wanna fresh new experience? Than try Cesium Mod - www.cesiummod.wz.cz

Supreme Hero
If all else fails, use Fiyah!
posted September 18, 2007 11:51 PM |
What version did you play then? Because I'd REALLY like to know how auto combat handled the stacks of 80 skel archers and roughly 20+ ghosts behind the castle walls. With your crap army, you can hardly take them on without water elementals boosting the killing with spells. I tried over and over again, the EXACT same way you did it, but each and every time, I lost or suffered too many losses when I didn't get water elementals. So I'd love to hear what happened 
No duh you didn't get resurection, necro guides give dark and summoning xD

Tavern Dweller
2Cs + 2H2O -> 2CsOH + H2
posted September 19, 2007 08:35 AM |
Edited by CesiumCZ at 08:48, 19 Sep 2007.
I tryed once more for testing purposes: (I'm playing last update 1.5), and it worked again
Day 1: Picked 15 Demons
Day 2: Picked Campfire 400 Gold, 4 sulfur
Day 3: Autocombat Skeletons: Lost 1 Djinn, picked Basic Light Magic. 1000 Exp on treasure chest -> picked Master of Wrath. Autocombat Gate: Lost 2 Djinn and 6 Gremlins
Day 4: nothing, just went close to the castle
Day 5: Autocombat Castle:
You Hero gains 2355 Experiences:
LOST UNITS: 40 Master Gremlins, 2 Djinns, 24 Gargoyles, 15 Demons, 10 Golems
DESTROYED UNITS: 28 Skelly archers, 45 Skelletons, 9 Ghosts, 5 Vampire, 24 Zombies, 16 Plague Zombies.
Picked Advanced Light Magic and Advanced Summoning Magic
Remaining Units: 2 Golems, 2 Gremlins, here are screenshots:
The ammount of loss doesn't take matter, because without enemy you are not limited by time. But in this case you don't have to build army, wait for some skelly archers and vampires, and beat monsters guarding powerups like Planetarium and Arena. Other things such as artifacts, mines, resources are good-for-nothing. Only building Mage Guilds is important, but you can easily do this by trading gold-to-resources, because you have plenty of gold...
Tired of ordinary Diablo II? Wanna fresh new experience? Than try Cesium Mod - www.cesiummod.wz.cz

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted September 19, 2007 09:39 AM |
Good idea
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Tavern Dweller
2Cs + 2H2O -> 2CsOH + H2
posted September 19, 2007 03:56 PM |
Edited by CesiumCZ at 15:58, 19 Sep 2007.
Map 4
The ALLIANCE, v 1.5
Is it the fourth map incredibly easy or i have something wrong? The enemy don't even bother to left towns. When i took all four necro town, i was shocked, becase enemy builds lot of buildings but NO TOWN HALL. So all towns have income 500 gold per day. Is this bug or not??? Because fighting again static enemy in towns is quite boring...
Btw: same behaviour on human town, no town hall at any town....
Tired of ordinary Diablo II? Wanna fresh new experience? Than try Cesium Mod - www.cesiummod.wz.cz

Supreme Hero
If all else fails, use Fiyah!
posted September 22, 2007 01:04 AM |
..... I'm really confused how autocombat managed to do that. I found my gremlins dying way too fast and leaving me fully crippled and unable to beat their 80+ skel archers. You're probably running a different version.
Anyway, finished the game, weeee xD
What struck me (somewhat as annoying) was that Zehir's destructive spells were actually far supreme to Raelag's EMPOWERERD spells.
- Expert Irresistable magic
- Expert attack
- Expert defense
- Expert Destructive magic
- Expert Sorcery
- Expert Luck
- BASIC (xD) artificer
- Expert Summoning Magic
- Expert Dark Magic
- Expert Destructive Magic
- Expert Sorcery
- Expert Enlightment
I think the Enlightment made a serious difference. That and the fact Zehir probably got a bit more spellpower per level up than Raelag. Or perhaps just visited more planetariums, meh.
I kinda liked having Zehir so diverse and capable of different magic strategies. Even though I never even used Summoning Magic, and his special plain SUCKED.