Tavern Dweller
posted June 13, 2012 02:08 AM |
Edited by Azreon at 05:25, 13 Jun 2012.
ok so here's the deal i need help editing the files for heroes of might and magic 5 version 1.6 i need a lot of help i need to know where the files are where to put the changes and how to save them once i do i already tried this once and it didn't work so i uninstalled the game and re installed it when i tried it the first time i couldnt save the autoexec file i need step by step directions i have a vista if that makes any difference
Tavern Dweller
posted June 13, 2012 02:37 AM |
Edited by Azreon at 23:59, 13 Jun 2012.
sorry if the answer is already on here i didnt have time to wade through 25 pages of replies
edit i got the console to work i just need to figure out how to change the number of monsters i have
Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted June 14, 2012 01:15 AM |
Quote: edit i got the console to work i just need to figure out how to change the number of monsters i have
Can you give some detail about what you're wanting to do? Monsters where?
Tavern Dweller
posted June 14, 2012 01:50 AM |
i want to get dragons lots of them to fight the bad guys what do i type and where
Known Hero
posted June 14, 2012 02:29 AM |
Quote: i want to get dragons lots of them to fight the bad guys what do i type and where
If you want to have dragons then type this in the console (open it with whatever key you declared for it):
@AddHeroCreatures("Heroname", Creature_name, #)
where Heroname is for your Hero
Creature_name is for the desired creature
and # is for the number of creatures
here it is in detail: Adding Creatures
And the name list for the heroes: Hero Name chart
Tavern Dweller
posted June 14, 2012 02:46 AM |
Edited by Azreon at 02:47, 14 Jun 2012.
Tavern Dweller
posted June 14, 2012 05:25 AM |
It didn't work
Known Hero
posted June 14, 2012 12:50 PM |
Quote: It didn't work
What did you type in your console?
Tavern Dweller
posted June 15, 2012 03:10 AM |
i typed in character name creature name and number
Known Hero
posted June 15, 2012 01:06 PM |
tell me exactly
otherwise i can't see what you may have done wrong
Tavern Dweller
posted June 17, 2012 08:41 AM |
Edited by OEA at 10:39, 17 Jun 2012.
first let me say i am really glad that curio and the rest on this thread are open to the whole "cheat code" which if not used against another human isn't cheating.
in point of fact you have helped to save my enjoyment of the h5 campaign! while playing the inferno campaign i was trying to get the ultimate; but after some bad choices, due to lack of a useable manual provided by the game, i crapped out on level 28 where my only choices became resourcefulness and soulfire (what an almost completely useless perk). but thanks to cheat codes i can now give myself the perks i wanted.
i do have a question or two.
first is their a code to remove a skill?
second how do you go about seeing the lines in console that are above those shown on the screen? i just figured out that page up will allow you to see some, but after typing help and paging up i can still only see about 20 out of 460 commands (which if listed might have helped me with my first question).
for those in posts above me one thing that i almost did wrong in getting the console enabled was adding the lines into the wrong profile folder. the correct profile folder is not inside the game folder, it is inside my documents folder. if you are using win7 select library, then documents and my documents (edit:actually it is in the my games folder at this point not the my documents folder) will finally appear.
another thing my game is from the heroes collection set (homm1-5 complete). so my homm5 is version 1.5. i was not able to use the @ commands but instead had to use the add_skill command. this might help some, try it at least.
funny thing after looking around in my start menu there is actually a list of some of the none @ cheats bundled into the game! also included was the fan manual! awesome manual thanks to all who contributed, wish games would still include their own manual as i am a big "read the f@#$ing manual" freak. unfortuanately the manual is for tote which is why i got into problems with my character build (why the frak is it not giving me flaming arrows! lol), luckily while looking around trying to find the proper cheats i also found a h5 1.5 version of the manual which i promptly downloaded so hopefully i wont have problems with character builds in the campaigns i actually want to play.
anyway thanks for you time and hope what i wrote can help some others.
Tavern Dweller
posted August 24, 2012 07:52 PM |
hi... I'm new to the forum so I want to say hello to you all and ask for your help
first of all... my cheat console IS working... but when i put in cheats it doesn't do anything.... when I put in add_army 3,1 it only sends mi this message:
"Usage: add_army nTownID, bUpgrade
Replace current hero army by all creatures from nTownID"
but I don't get any army... I have followed all the rules for this and cheats just dont work.... please help me
Tavern Dweller
posted March 31, 2013 09:40 PM |
I have spent FOREVER trying to get this to work on my Mac.
I found the autoexec.cfg file no problem, and altered it. In the mac version, there's no game_folder. The file route is:
Heroes of Might and Magic.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/Ubisoft/Heroes of Might and Magic V/profiles
The only issue is that I can only find one input.cfg file, which I altered but there doesn't appear to be any changes in the game when I load it. The file route for the input.cfg file is:
Heroes of Might and Magic.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/Ubisoft/Heroes of Might and Magic V/profiles/default_profile
I even tried moving the line of code around to a few places to see if it would help if it was located in a different section (general, adventure, etc). Nothing.
I normally don't use cheats, but I am SUPER stuck and just want to get past a this campaign and start on the next one. Help???
Tavern Dweller
posted August 30, 2013 05:22 AM |
Hi. I would really appreciate any help that I receive. I'm new to this thing, so here goes. Curio, I've done many of the things that you all recommended or tried, but the console still won't appear. I have version 1.4, and it is on a Mac with OS X 1.6. I need these cheats because the puzzle map tho the tear of asha in the last haven mission is broken. All you can see is a blank blue map, with the shadows of trees. Plus, each time you open the puzzle map, the location changes. Might you have any advice?
Tavern Dweller
posted October 25, 2013 07:46 PM |
Tribes of the East V3.1
GiveHeroSkills function no longer seems to work for adding more than 6 skills, 3 abilities per skill. It also now doesn't bypass any of the restrictions.
Is there any way to around this? Anyone know a mod to make it work like it did in older versions?
Hired Hero
posted January 27, 2015 03:43 PM |
dont know if anyone can help me or not.
I am trying to add the lines needed to be able to use the cheats, but its not working, game keeps crashing on me.
i get the pre load screen then its back to desktop
i only have MM5 no expacks on it, can anyone show me a copy of the line of what they have and where they put it on both file so I can make sure its in the right place?
Tavern Dweller
posted February 24, 2016 10:03 AM |
Sorry for my bad english, necroposting and sorry if somebody wrote this:
216 - barbarian Fire Resistance
217 - barbarian Mana Burst
218 - barbarian Distract
219 - barbarian Dark Revelation
220 - barbarian Mentoring
Tavern Dweller
posted March 29, 2016 10:36 PM |
Great work! It's quite interesting to improve your heroes's attributes or give them artifacts!
Ilya Rysenkov
Tavern Dweller
posted June 12, 2022 07:43 PM |
Sorry, maybe someone has already asked this, but anyway: how do I add artifacts to hero which input for name I don't know? For example, if this is a custom hero or something like that...
Tavern Dweller
posted June 12, 2022 10:26 PM |
Hello guys I need a little help. It's about @AddHeroCreatures cheat. I cant get this cheat to work. No matter which hero I try. I always get script error NIL. Oddly enough, on one scenario map, the cheat worked with Jezebeth.
To me it looks like there is something wrong with Hero chart.
Does that maybe have something to do with the version? I use the Gold Edition 1.6. Does the language play a role?
Other cheats like add_army or @win work.
I wanted to have some fun with phoenix and dk.
Thank you for your help.