
Supreme Hero
posted August 24, 2006 06:24 PM |
@pajinka: it seems the hotkey is the always the key in the upper left corner (just left to '1' and above Tab). It's a "`" on english keyboards, a "²" on french. Just try with this one, without touching the input.cfg file.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 24, 2006 10:51 PM |
Edited by Udo at 22:00, 28 Aug 2006.
got the file all is good now

Tavern Dweller
posted August 25, 2006 11:04 AM |
@sfidanza: Unfortunately, for me the upper left key left to 1 is 0 (zero) . Even worse, I didn't back up the original input.cfg, but the command was "`" so I can't try it this way. Thanks for the help anyway !
By the way: do you know anything about the hacker attack against this homepage?


Hired Hero
posted August 28, 2006 07:24 AM |
I'm back! Though I'll be gone again 29-31 (sigh) to help my sis move, and then in Sept, it's back to school on the 6th.
Udo: I sent you one a while back, Aug. 17th, in fact. I've sent it again if you missed it.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 28, 2006 09:04 AM |
Edited by pajinka at 09:45, 29 Aug 2006.
pls help
Hi Curio,
it's good to see the master of cheats back again. Now apart from compliments could you please send those files tom me as well, please ? Thx in advance!


Hired Hero
posted August 29, 2006 08:54 AM |
It's been sent, pajinka. 
Thanks for the compliment, but I almost wince with each one, because we musn't forget sfidanza's great work and helpfulness regarding the cheats and their execution.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 30, 2006 08:04 PM |
hi, ive tryd about everything, the console just wont show up (or it's realy small and i didn't see it) i changed the key to open it a few times but it does't work.
help plz or i wont be able to continue the campain (stupid niccolai always had 200 - 10K dragons )

Tavern Dweller
posted August 31, 2006 09:59 PM |
um....if you are talking about the last misson in the haven campaign, then you are not supposed to defeat niccolai. your supposed to let him fight agareal and die


Hired Hero
posted September 01, 2006 12:28 PM |
I'm sure he meant the last mission of the Sylvan campaign, that's the only other mission Nicolai appears in (as a vampire lord).
To allkiller:
Did you edit the correct file? Check again if you followed all the steps from this site:
If everything fails, you should check the walkthrough for basic help:

Tavern Dweller
posted September 01, 2006 04:30 PM |
yes, first i followd the walktrought but becous niccolai always apears with a undefeatable force (some time he even had 20K spectral dragons on about week 3 - 4 ) i wanted to cheat, i followd exactly everything from the first site u sad but it doesn't work (how does the console looks like ?)
PS: i got version 1.1 and putting the difculty harder gave him even more dragons


Hired Hero
posted September 02, 2006 05:10 AM |
When the console appears at the top of your screen, it covers about one third of your screen. It's just white letters on a grey background, at its bottom there's the line where you can enter text, just like at a DOS prompt.
But from what you said it really sounds as if the console doesn't even appear for you. Again, try to follow these steps:
1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Go to the directory in which Heroes V is installed
(For example in my case this is a folder named
"Heroes of Might and Magic V Collector Edition" (without
quotation marks, of course)
Don't look in the folder where your save games are stored!
3. In your Heroes folder, go to the subfolder named "profiles"
4. Look for a file named "autoexec.cfg"
5. Open "autoexec.cfg" in Notepad or any other simple text editor
6. Scroll down to the very end of the text in that file
7. The last two lines look like this: // Startup
8. Move the mouse behind "mainmenu" and press enter
9. In the new line, add exactly the following text (just copy it):
setvar dev_console_password = schwinge-des-todes
10. Save the file (don't change the format, in case you're asked)
11. Run the game and start/load a single player mission/scenario,
in your case a save game from the Vampire Lord mission
12. Press the key right below the "Esc" key (to the left of the "1"
and above the "Tab" key.
Does the console turn up now? If not, did you do anything in a different manner?
Good luck!

Tavern Dweller
posted September 02, 2006 03:53 PM |
finaly got it working ! i replaced the autoexec.cfg with my backup and it worked (must been a small change i made somewhere without knowing)
ty very much
cheating nicolai burn !

Tavern Dweller
posted September 03, 2006 05:30 AM |
Hi again Curio, i think idea:
What about Cheat codes will be work again in single-player campaign
when Hammers of Fate Expansion is installed?
is reworked or not worked? Thank you

Tavern Dweller
posted September 03, 2006 08:19 AM |
Edited by sfidanza at 17:34, 04 Sep 2006.
EXPANSION PACK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mod Edit: Fred, please keep it polite. This will make it a better place for everybody.


Hired Hero
posted September 03, 2006 02:38 PM |
Quote: hey there, i was wondering what i am doing wrong using the @ commands because i get an error code that says "attempt to call a NIL value". that happens with all of my @ commands, and the add_army command ohly half works. i get script that makes it look like the code worked, but then my hero never has the army, and it is no where else. any help would be greatly appriciated.
First: add_army isn't supposed to work with version 1.2 of the game. Are you still running an older version?
Second: "attempt to call a NIL value" is AFAIK the error message you get when you misspell the hero name, because then the game tries to perform a command on a hero that 'isn't there'. Make sure you spell the hero's name correctly and take a look at the hero names chart to check the in-game name of your hero. E.g. Isabel is spelled Isabell, Markal goes by the name Berein and Findan is called Heam. HTH

Tavern Dweller
posted September 04, 2006 03:10 PM |
I have some trouble since patch 1.2 with the codes. When ever i used the @GiveHeroSkill("HeroName", #) and set the 6th primary skill(Example: Classskill, Offence, Logistics, Leadership, Dark,- Destructivemagic) i can`t add any ability like battlefrenzy or howl of the banshee. Before i reached the 6th skill i can add as many abilities as i want, but before 1.2 i could set as many skills and abilitys as i want and can form my Hero without any bad suprises.
Can anyone tell me what i have to do to set more than six primary skills and add the abilitys...?
I apologize my bad english but i am not native...
best regards and thanx for the help

Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2006 05:37 PM |
kritscha, it indeed seems that as soon as your 6 skill slots are filled, you cannot add any abilities (even when there are free abilities slots).
AFAIK, there's no way around, except not filling the 6th skill slot.

Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2006 09:35 PM |
Yes it is.
As for the first 3 levels, you just @GiveHeroSkill() one more time, and you'll be Ultimate.
In game, the only way I know of is to get the artifact "Pendant of Mastery" while being Expert in the racial skill.


Hired Hero
posted September 05, 2006 11:23 AM |
Quote: Ok..question 2( sorry im a noob) whaty is all of this @ commands.. how does this work and if someone could send me a list of commands and how to use them? my e-mail is IrishKnight1970@aol.com.. thanks
This is all explained in detail at the website below (check the various chapters for all the things you can do).
As for you being unable to start the console - make sure you follow the steps on this page precisely:
(Or look for the step-by-step list posted here only a couple of days ago, it should help you to find out if you missed a step).

Tavern Dweller
posted September 06, 2006 01:13 AM |
Um, Sfidanza?
if i install v1.12, how my cheat code can be reworked for my "Single-player Campaign"?