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Heroes Community > MapHaven Guild > Thread: Heroes 5 Map Editor Help and Tips...
Thread: Heroes 5 Map Editor Help and Tips... This thread is 43 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10 20 30 ... 39 40 41 42 43 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted April 28, 2015 11:15 AM

Condemanyard said:
I can't find all the heroes in the tribes of the east map editor, like findan, agreal, veyer etc. Any help appreciated.

Open View/Map-Properties

Put a Hero on the Map and select that Hero. The Object property list will show then. Go down to the "Shared" line and click on the line. Then click on the small box on the left in the window.

A file structure appears branched into the different factions; just pick the one you want and that one will replace the one you put on the map surface. ***This works for all objects too***

Do not bother with any object that has empty image files.(in the right window)

Condemanyard said:

Also how do you edit the preexisting maps? Thanks in advance!

Edit what?

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Tavern Dweller
posted April 28, 2015 01:48 PM

Condemanyard said:

Also how do you edit the preexisting maps? Thanks in advance!

Edit what?

First off, thank you for your fast and detailed reply, I appreciate it.

I meant like the maps added by the devs, like rise to power, warlords, windrose etc. Thanks again for your reply!

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted April 28, 2015 10:11 PM

Condemanyard said:
First off, thank you for your fast and detailed reply, I appreciate it.

If you have any more questions I can help. If you've not copied my text guide you should. It's not pretty but a lot of info is in there.

Condemanyard said:
I meant like the maps added by the devs, like rise to power, warlords, windrose etc. Thanks again for your reply!

I figured that. I mean what are you wanting to do with the map? i.e. Make a single player map for teamplay?
"Do your own research"

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Tavern Dweller
posted April 29, 2015 01:04 AM

markkur said:
I figured that. I mean what are you wanting to do with the map? i.e. Make a single player map for teamplay?

For example for teamplay yeah, or change locked factions on some maps. Just generally play around with them

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted April 29, 2015 01:36 PM



Go Here:

General Map Set-Up

View/ then Map Properties

Have fun
"Do your own research"

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Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted July 27, 2015 06:23 PM

I'm sorry for bumping topic, but How can I edit campaign maps? I would like edit some original and hof campaigns.

I used All Campaigns Mod btw. I would make little changes in maps like add TotE map objects and change level cap for Haven(Vanilla) Campaign and HOF Campaigns(Level Cap 29).

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted July 28, 2015 04:31 PM
Edited by markkur at 16:35, 28 Jul 2015.

You say you have the Campaigns Mod,(I only have TotE installed) can you see/access the map-folders for each campaign, Vanilla, HoF, etc.?

I ask because I created my own Campaign of my own maps and it worked fine but where the TotE maps are located IDK.

Anyway, in my case, if I wanted to mod the original Campaigns and then play them again, I'd copy all the camp/maps from the original maps and then create my own new folders etc. and create the "new" Campaigns in the Editor. It should work fine.

The only thing I found in Win7 is that the game will save the campaigns as you play (in the my games profile)and if you make changes you have to delete those saves or your new work will not override the previous version of the maps in the saves. So, every time I made changes to a map, the first thing I did was delete Camp-saves in the profile-folder and reload the Campaign at game-start.
"Do your own research"

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Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted July 31, 2015 03:38 PM

Converted maps works normally, but do i need export All_campaigns.data to be able edit them?

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted July 31, 2015 05:38 PM

Sorry can't answer that one. I would think if you can access the maps you could make your minor changes you talked about and the Data folder would not matter. But as I have not worked with the Mod I can't say for sure.


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Famous Hero
posted April 01, 2016 06:46 AM

Confused on how to edit

Hey, I'm just using the editor for the first time - I'm confused because I can't figure out any way to do simple things like edit the number of Griffins in a pile, or whether the stack grows, or whether a Crypt regularly re-stocks its defenders or only applies once in the game.  How do I edit these things?  (I'm used to the Heroes 3 editor where these things were pretty self-evident through the use of a double-click.  Clearly, it doesn't work, here...)


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Famous Hero
posted April 14, 2016 04:05 PM

Simple question:  when placing the Tear of Asha on the map, how do I make it so it shows up on a random accessible tile instead of a specific point?

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted April 15, 2016 04:06 PM

Gidoza said:
Simple question:  when placing the Tear of Asha on the map, how do I make it so it shows up on a random accessible tile instead of a specific point?

Highlight it and go down the list; sometimes you have to explore and not always with success. Many things like that have to be done by scripting alone.

Did you figure out the previous question? If not, same thing, click on the object and hit space-bar and options pop-up. Any object that can be edited works the same and even some that cannot.<L>

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Tavern Dweller
posted April 18, 2016 05:42 AM

Where are the RMG maps?

Hi, couldn't find any posts about this so I'm asking here:

Where does HOMM5 TotE put the RMG maps? To clarify, my objective is really simple...

1) create a RMG map the way I like (not using map editor at all).
2) find the .xdb file for the created map and tweak it (set up alliances and a playable Tear of Asha, both of which I've figured out how to do fairly easily).
3) enjoy playing a map that has an alliance with my friends and I vs. whatever, and if we find the Tear of Asha we can actually use it instead of it just being an instant win.

The only thing in my way to achieving this, is that I can't figure out where the maps are being saved! There is a folder in the data file labeled "RMG" but that's not where they are, and they aren't showing up in the "Maps" folder either. I'd also like to be able to delete some of the RMG maps I've made because of mistakes and such. Can anybody help me? All the posts I've found talk about the editor and that's great and all but I'm hung up on something that should be totally simple and it's bugging me. Thank you in advance for anybody that has an answer.

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Famous Hero
posted April 19, 2016 04:21 AM

markkur said:
Gidoza said:
Simple question:  when placing the Tear of Asha on the map, how do I make it so it shows up on a random accessible tile instead of a specific point?

Highlight it and go down the list; sometimes you have to explore and not always with success. Many things like that have to be done by scripting alone.

Did you figure out the previous question? If not, same thing, click on the object and hit space-bar and options pop-up. Any object that can be edited works the same and even some that cannot.<L>

Thanks!  This helps - didn't know about the space bar thing!  I set the Tear Of Asha radius to 300, which I presume means that it could show up anywhere the hero can walk.

Is there any way to make a specific skill show up in a particular Witch Hut?  Space bar does nothing for this.

Furthermore, I'm a bit confused about how to make map objectives and limitations - and same deal with Seer's Huts.  I want the objective to be kill specific monster (for game win), and game lose is when the day hits Month 6, Week 1, Day 2.

As for the Seer's Huts - some of the awards are obvious, some aren't (e.g. bring resources is obvious, but not sure how to just detect a hero's level on its own, or acquiring a certain set of primary skills).

Anyways, assuming I've assigned a castle to each player, and made things computer-playable, and all the proper tiles are passable and such - the map will just...work, right?

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Famous Hero
posted April 20, 2016 12:56 AM

OKAY, so...I've fiddled around a little and think I've figured out a few things regarding quests, objectives, and the like.  But I've run into a few hitches and am looking for a little help.

1.  All the AI players simply "ponder" when it is their turn.  Why aren't they doing anything?

2.  My one-way monoliths say they have no exit.  All the one-way entrances are of the same type, and all the exits are of the same type (this is how I intend it) - 8 entrances, 3 exits.  But it says there's no exit - what's the deal?

3.  I was able to set objectives for a Seer's Hut, but the objectives seem limited and I'm not sure how to get beyond it.

For example, I want one hut to demand 50 Wood, 50 Ore, 20 Sulfur, 20 Mercury, 25 Crystal, 20 Gems, and 5000 Gold.  But only the 50 Wood actually shows up.

I imagine similar things might happen with other Seer's Huts where I've demanded an army that includes various types of unit, or various types of skill, etc...

Also, the Seer's Hut quest does not appear anywhere that I can see in the quests menu?

4.  I have the following objectives for the map, but I don't think I put them in right.

Objective A - Defeat a specific group of Neutral Creatures for victory.  (this shows up in the Map Info when selecting the game, but not when actually playing)

Follow-up - I do NOT want the player to have victory if he/she defeats all opponents - Objective A should be the only way to win.

CONDITION:  If the game lasts past 141 days, the player should lose.

It doesn't seem like these are working properly, so I'm not sure where to go from here.

5.  I can't remember if Whirlpools kill troops in Heroes 5, but if they do - is there any way to remove that feature?

Thanks, I think that's all for now.  Take care.  

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted April 20, 2016 03:27 PM
Edited by markkur at 15:34, 20 Apr 2016.

Posted this first one here since others might wonder about it too.

 Also an additional question - in the H5 Editor, what does it mean when an object intersects with a Craig?  I have hundreds of these all over the map...I look in the Craigs tab, and it only has options for stuff (walls) that I've never placed on the map.  So I'm not sure what these intersections are referring to? Cheers, -Gidoza

The only time you will see that, is when you use the "Raise" tool or brush. If an object intersects (including the raised land if not done properly) you will see a blank triangle on the ground or i.e. the object's corner not looking correct "in-Game". I seldom use Raise. They are fine around rivers or quick and easy treasure-sites but I prefer forming the entire land myself.

 Is there any way to make a specific skill show up in a particular Witch Hut?  Space bar does nothing for this... Furthermore, I'm a bit confused about how to make map objectives and limitations - and same deal with Seer's Huts.  I want the objective to be kill specific monster (for game win), and game lose is when the day hits Month 6, Week 1, Day 2...As for the Seer's Huts - some of the awards are obvious, some aren't (e.g. bring resources is obvious, but not sure how to just detect a hero's level on its own, or acquiring a certain set of primary skills).

Witches Huts I've never done a thing with because it needs to be triggered and a script set. Seer's huts I've had minor success with kill monster but its not a simple thing if you don't Script.

 Anyways, assuming I've assigned a castle to each player, and made things computer-playable, and all the proper tiles are passable and such - the map will just...work, right?

Absolutely, I only made basic maps hugely rich in detail and they worked fine. I originally wanted to team-up with others (scripters) but H5 mapping died early due to the underbuilt Editor UI. Had H5's been set up like H3's there would be a large living community of mapmakers even today. Seems that is NOT what UBI has wanted ever since the took over...three strikes and out for me!

1.  All the AI players simply "ponder" when it is their turn.  Why aren't they doing anything?

You must be using a "Q-A.I." that is NOT "J". I saw the ponder-bit in previous iterations of his work but not in "J". You can take the further step to make sure you set all A.I. types to anything but "victim" but I'm not convinced that some of the Exe.s are not over-riding the mapmakers-intent and you can get fodder-factions anyway.

 2.  My one-way monoliths say they have no exit.  All the one-way entrances are of the same type, and all the exits are of the same type (this is how I intend it) - 8 entrances, 3 exits.  But it says there's no exit - what's the deal?

You really should read my H5 Mapmaking Beginners Guide. (In the Mapmaking Forum) I give an easy example of how to do that and easily cover nearly all future needs by using a simple system of numbers. I put many things in that Text-Guide. Copy it to your PC for reference till you know it all like the back of your hand.

  4.  I have the following objectives for the map, but I don't think I put them in right. Objective A - Defeat a specific group of Neutral Creatures for victory.  (this shows up in the Map Info when selecting the game, but not when actually playing)  Follow-up - I do NOT want the player to have victory if he/she defeats all opponents - Objective A should be the only way to win...

Objectives are tricky if you do not script. I had no help and just had to discover what worked w/o scripting and what did not.

5.  I can't remember if Whirlpools kill troops in Heroes 5, but if they do - is there any way to remove that feature?

H5 blows in that regard. However many 1st level creatures you take into the WP - you'll lose half. I just take 2 and lose 1.

I think it would be good for you to read my Guide and then gather a collection of Maps that have the various "Objectives etc. that you are interested in and open then up and "take PERFECT notes." i.e. It is easy to copy a working script from an existing map and put it into your own.
The Editor is very touchy though...so SAVE a lot. And when it comes to inserting Scripts, only do one action at a time. i.e. Delete an existing script and close the Editor before Opening it again and adding the new Script.

Btw, at CH there is a Scripting guide that can help you with some stuff.

Have fun. I loved using the 3D Editor and still do but it needed to have all the features that the H3 Editor had for ease of use.

Edit= Nevermind about finding the Guide I just saw you have.
"Do your own research"

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Famous Hero
posted April 20, 2016 05:10 PM

markkur said:
Posted this first one here since others might wonder about it too.

 Also an additional question - in the H5 Editor, what does it mean when an object intersects with a Craig?  I have hundreds of these all over the map...I look in the Craigs tab, and it only has options for stuff (walls) that I've never placed on the map.  So I'm not sure what these intersections are referring to? Cheers, -Gidoza

The only time you will see that, is when you use the "Raise" tool or brush. If an object intersects (including the raised land if not done properly) you will see a blank triangle on the ground or i.e. the object's corner not looking correct "in-Game". I seldom use Raise. They are fine around rivers or quick and easy treasure-sites but I prefer forming the entire land myself.

I only used raise because the map is primarily water, so I started out by watering the whole map and then undoing it all with "raise."  Should I have used a different tile instead?

Anyways, since it doesn't cause problems I guess it isn't a big deal - but is there a decent way of correcting the issue?

 Is there any way to make a specific skill show up in a particular Witch Hut?  Space bar does nothing for this... Furthermore, I'm a bit confused about how to make map objectives and limitations - and same deal with Seer's Huts.  I want the objective to be kill specific monster (for game win), and game lose is when the day hits Month 6, Week 1, Day 2...As for the Seer's Huts - some of the awards are obvious, some aren't (e.g. bring resources is obvious, but not sure how to just detect a hero's level on its own, or acquiring a certain set of primary skills).

Witches Huts I've never done a thing with because it needs to be triggered and a script set. Seer's huts I've had minor success with kill monster but its not a simple thing if you don't Script.

Absolutely, I only made basic maps hugely rich in detail and they worked fine. I originally wanted to team-up with others (scripters) but H5 mapping died early due to the underbuilt Editor UI. Had H5's been set up like H3's there would be a large living community of mapmakers even today. Seems that is NOT what UBI has wanted ever since the took over...three strikes and out for me!

Yeah, it does seem like the H5 editor is hugely complicated for little reward, whereas H3's editor seems to do more with less trouble.

Anyways - my map currently is just a flat world with all impassible tiles marked with masks.  Once I remove the couple kinks there is, all that's left to do is to decorate the map with trees and such.  If you like making maps in detail - would you be interested in tree-planting?  

1.  All the AI players simply "ponder" when it is their turn.  Why aren't they doing anything?

You must be using a "Q-A.I." that is NOT "J". I saw the ponder-bit in previous iterations of his work but not in "J". You can take the further step to make sure you set all A.I. types to anything but "victim" but I'm not convinced that some of the Exe.s are not over-riding the mapmakers-intent and you can get fodder-factions anyway.

Hm...I AM using QAI that is J, and I set all the AI types to Warrior.  Or maybe it's because I set them to Warrior and it's J at the same time?  In either case - how do you set the AIs to something that isn't Victim while still randomizing them to anything but Victim?

 2.  My one-way monoliths say they have no exit.  All the one-way entrances are of the same type, and all the exits are of the same type (this is how I intend it) - 8 entrances, 3 exits.  But it says there's no exit - what's the deal?

You really should read my H5 Mapmaking Beginners Guide. (In the Mapmaking Forum) I give an easy example of how to do that and easily cover nearly all future needs by using a simple system of numbers. I put many things in that Text-Guide. Copy it to your PC for reference till you know it all like the back of your hand.

Well, I don't plan to make more maps than this one because it's a reproduction of my H3 favourite, and I rarely played anything else after I discovered it.     I read what you said about teleporters, though, and I think I understand, so I'll try that.

  4.  I have the following objectives for the map, but I don't think I put them in right. Objective A - Defeat a specific group of Neutral Creatures for victory.  (this shows up in the Map Info when selecting the game, but not when actually playing)  Follow-up - I do NOT want the player to have victory if he/she defeats all opponents - Objective A should be the only way to win...

Objectives are tricky if you do not script. I had no help and just had to discover what worked w/o scripting and what did not.

Bleh!  Who designed this thing??!??

5.  I can't remember if Whirlpools kill troops in Heroes 5, but if they do - is there any way to remove that feature?

H5 blows in that regard. However many 1st level creatures you take into the WP - you'll lose half. I just take 2 and lose 1.

I guess two questions, then.

1.  Do computer players lose units?

2.  Does it only kill level 1 units, or units of any level?

I think it would be good for you to read my Guide and then gather a collection of Maps that have the various "Objectives etc. that you are interested in and open then up and "take PERFECT notes." i.e. It is easy to copy a working script from an existing map and put it into your own.
The Editor is very touchy though...so SAVE a lot. And when it comes to inserting Scripts, only do one action at a time. i.e. Delete an existing script and close the Editor before Opening it again and adding the new Script.

Btw, at CH there is a Scripting guide that can help you with some stuff.

Have fun. I loved using the 3D Editor and still do but it needed to have all the features that the H3 Editor had for ease of use.

Edit= Nevermind about finding the Guide I just saw you have.

Ugh...well I'll do my best.     If I don't understand and can't figure it out, though - who would I ask, if there is anyone?

Thank you!

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted April 21, 2016 01:32 PM
Edited by markkur at 13:45, 21 Apr 2016.

Gidoza said:
a. I only used raise because the map is primarily water, so I started out by watering the whole map and then undoing it all with "raise."  Should I have used a different tile instead?

b. Anyways, since it doesn't cause problems I guess it isn't a big deal - but is there a decent way of correcting the issue?

a. No that's fine just make sure you have no actual objects, like a Thieves-Guild overlapping or that corner will look bad in-game.

b. As far as spots where you can see the black and cannot get it out, just place some rocks there and cover it up. I've done that more than once. The Crag-errors are only about "looks".

Gidoza said:
 Anyways - my map currently is just a flat world with all impassible tiles marked with masks.  Once I remove the couple kinks there is, all that's left to do is to decorate the map with trees and such.  If you like making maps in detail - would you be interested in tree-planting?  

I DID reply back about sending me "both" maps, your H5 and the H3 you want it to look like. I made a couple of H3 reproductions and as long as the scale is correct it works out pretty well.

Gidoza said:
 Hm...I AM using QAI that is J, and I set all the AI types to Warrior.  Or maybe it's because I set them to Warrior and it's J at the same time?  In either case - how do you set the AIs to something that isn't Victim while still randomizing them to anything but Victim?

Can't be done. It's probably best to let them stay Random and then set them at start-up. Although it can be game-ending when the victim bit happens most of the time it does not.

Gidoza said:
 Well, I don't plan to make more maps than this one because it's a reproduction of my H3 favourite, and I rarely played anything else after I discovered it.     I read what you said about teleporters, though, and I think I understand, so I'll try that.

It's very easy. If you have say 4 factions then use 1, then 11, then 111 for portals that are for the 1st faction. For general portals go with 100-1000 or 100,101,102 etc.

Just make sure you are pairing the two correct "related-portals" with the same number and do this one-pair at a time. You can also put in mixed-one-ways. i.e. 3 entrances and 1 exit or 1 entrance and 3 exits for fixed result or random result. But again that "set" needs to be using the same assigned number for the set.

Btw, if you have done this and find a error with an "0" Gate or Portal identified, then the "double-placement-glitch" happened and you will need to delete it. If you rotated the portal (R) when placing it the 2nd will be obvious.

Gidoza said:
I guess two questions, then.

1.  Do computer players lose units?

2.  Does it only kill level 1 units, or units of any level?

Sorry, never investigated 1. When playing on a water map I'd never chance losing something greater than a level-1 creature. It would be easy to test though. Just add 2 temporary Heroes w/ armies on your islands and send them through a nearby WP and see what happens. If you do not change the settings of the 2 Heroes you place, just remember to test the game as player-1. Any placed Hero will belong to Player-1 till 8 are placed and then it will be Player-2 and so on.

Gidoza said:
 Ugh...well I'll do my best.     If I don't understand and can't figure it out, though - who would I ask, if there is anyone? Thank you!-Gidoza

Don't know that answer. Sorry However, if you are only making this one important map, you might get some help to get it finished.
"Do your own research"

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Famous Hero
posted April 21, 2016 03:14 PM
Edited by Gidoza at 04:43, 22 Apr 2016.

markkur said:
Gidoza said:
a. I only used raise because the map is primarily water, so I started out by watering the whole map and then undoing it all with "raise."  Should I have used a different tile instead?

b. Anyways, since it doesn't cause problems I guess it isn't a big deal - but is there a decent way of correcting the issue?

a. No that's fine just make sure you have no actual objects, like a Thieves-Guild overlapping or that corner will look bad in-game.

b. As far as spots where you can see the black and cannot get it out, just place some rocks there and cover it up. I've done that more than once. The Crag-errors are only about "looks".

Ah ok all good, then.

 Anyways - my map currently is just a flat world with all impassible tiles marked with masks.  Once I remove the couple kinks there is, all that's left to do is to decorate the map with trees and such.  If you like making maps in detail - would you be interested in tree-planting?  

I DID reply back about sending me "both" maps, your H5 and the H3 you want it to look like. I made a couple of H3 reproductions and as long as the scale is correct it works out pretty well.

That's funny - I never received this response from you.     Well, pass me your E-Mail then and I'll send them both to you - I've basically finished absolutely everything at this point save the artistry and the scripts, so I figure it should be easy.     I'll send them to you when I get home!

EDIT:  Or rather - when I know where to send it to you!

Gidoza said:
 Hm...I AM using QAI that is J, and I set all the AI types to Warrior.  Or maybe it's because I set them to Warrior and it's J at the same time?  In either case - how do you set the AIs to something that isn't Victim while still randomizing them to anything but Victim?

Can't be done. It's probably best to let them stay Random and then set them at start-up. Although it can be game-ending when the victim bit happens most of the time it does not.

Setting them to Random apparently didn't help - however, loading Heroes 5.5 seems to have made the AIs responsive again.  However, all the stupid water is WHITE in Heroes 5.5!  BAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Gidoza said:
 Well, I don't plan to make more maps than this one because it's a reproduction of my H3 favourite, and I rarely played anything else after I discovered it.     I read what you said about teleporters, though, and I think I understand, so I'll try that.

It's very easy. If you have say 4 factions then use 1, then 11, then 111 for portals that are for the 1st faction. For general portals go with 100-1000 or 100,101,102 etc.

Just make sure you are pairing the two correct "related-portals" with the same number and do this one-pair at a time. You can also put in mixed-one-ways. i.e. 3 entrances and 1 exit or 1 entrance and 3 exits for fixed result or random result. But again that "set" needs to be using the same assigned number for the set.

Btw, if you have done this and find a error with an "0" Gate or Portal identified, then the "double-placement-glitch" happened and you will need to delete it. If you rotated the portal (R) when placing it the 2nd will be obvious.

I got it to work.  I think the issue was that the one-way exits were facing the wrong direction, and so it was treating the issue as if there was no exit (there was one or two free tiles near the exit, but I guess it needs to be on the correct vector to work).

Gidoza said:
I guess two questions, then.

1.  Do computer players lose units?

2.  Does it only kill level 1 units, or units of any level?

Sorry, never investigated 1. When playing on a water map I'd never chance losing something greater than a level-1 creature. It would be easy to test though. Just add 2 temporary Heroes w/ armies on your islands and send them through a nearby WP and see what happens. If you do not change the settings of the 2 Heroes you place, just remember to test the game as player-1. Any placed Hero will belong to Player-1 till 8 are placed and then it will be Player-2 and so on.

Gidoza said:
 Ugh...well I'll do my best.     If I don't understand and can't figure it out, though - who would I ask, if there is anyone? Thank you!-Gidoza

Don't know that answer. Sorry However, if you are only making this one important map, you might get some help to get it finished.

Right, I guess I can just test this.  In H3, computers didn't lose units.  Perhaps I can ask the H5.5 community if negating the Whirlpool loss effect is possible.  It just seems kinda lame to replace losing units with losing 1 unit by separating into groups of 2 when all the thing really is is a two-way teleporter.

I will run tests...

Again, thank you!

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Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted April 22, 2016 04:19 PM

Gidoza said:
Right, I guess I can just test this.  In H3, computers didn't lose units.  Perhaps I can ask the H5.5 community if negating the Whirlpool loss effect is possible.  It just seems kinda lame to replace losing units with losing 1 unit by separating into groups of 2 when all the thing really is is a two-way teleporter.

Again, thank you!

A workaround would be to create several small islands up and down and just put Teleporters & Shipyards together on each. Some could pass down/up, others east-west and north-south. Seafaring at its best!

Note: make sure no trigger-cell for a teleporter is located next to water (red)- that bug where you might find...a Hero-in-boat sailing on land. Strangest HoMM chase I've ever had.
"Do your own research"

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