Thread: Homm V Random Map Generator | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · «PREV / NEXT» |
Famous Hero
posted November 17, 2006 08:28 PM |
Good work you anywho who worked the ranom map generator.
Adventuring Hero
posted November 17, 2006 08:59 PM |
Edited by Tapani at 21:00, 17 Nov 2006.
Two months! Readers should note that this was on OMFG monster settings, and using that, you get what you asked for :-)
In multiplayer: using hairy and the higher settings, a significant competitiv advantage can be gained by conquering wood and ore earlier than your opponent. Strategies for doing this might include buying extra heroes and sacrificing them in order to cast a few extra spells on the guards.. we find that great fun at least :-)
Also, a HoF-version of the RMG is available here
It will not work using the basic version of the game. One day I might fix so you can select the game version in there.
Supreme Hero
posted November 18, 2006 02:29 AM |
- Sweet..
- @Tapani the link in the starting thread is that the latest for no HoF 'ers, 0.79 ?
- Guz
Who is this General Failure, and why is he looking at my disk ?
Tavern Dweller
posted November 18, 2006 03:02 AM |
Good work.
I tried it out (Still have to try the actual maps created though.) But I did find one problem. I don’t know if you already know this but...
If I select any other folder than the data folder you have set as a default to safe the map to when it’s created, your RMG crashes; at least with me. But if I leave it as to create them maps in the data folder, your RMG works just fine for me.
(Talking about the H5 RMG, not the HoF one, since I don’t have the expansion anyway.)
The RMG was version 0.79 Beta.
Thank you very much for the work. I’m very impressed.
The real intelligence of mankind is not measured in IQ, but in the results of actions taken.
Adventuring Hero
posted November 18, 2006 04:11 AM |
as Sphere hints in his post above, there is a more updated RMG for basic heroes. You can try that one, downloadable from here
The reason it is not on the first page is that it generates too large border guards on small maps.
When you say it crashes, does it crash immediately after you choose another folder, or after you start generating the map?
Tavern Dweller
posted November 18, 2006 05:15 AM |
Edited by alias-hw at 05:21, 18 Nov 2006.
Heehee, must have missed that one. I admit that after page 2, I started to scan the posts instead of reading them totally.
As for the crashing. Here is how it goes.
I open the RMG... all is fine.
I change the folder trough the browse option... all is fine.
I can also change all the rest before or after changing the ‘safe map to’ location; doesn’t matter, it all works.
Then I hit OK and I get the ‘please wait while map is being created’ message.
And THEN, after some time (depending on the size of map I selected) I get the famous, and totally useless, Windows error message saying: homm5rmg.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.
Interesting detail: when I restart the program and don’t change anything, the map is saved in the data folder again.
But when I restart the program, select browse, it then still shows the folder I selected before, even though, as I said it doesn’t actually save it there when I push the ok button.
And unrelated to the crash...
I just tried the program a couple of times, and one of the times was for making a ‘too big for you’ map. Took five minutes of waiting (which I consider fast) and I had my map. Sweet. I love huge maps and it’s great to see that now getting one of those is just the proverbial push of a button.
Truly, that’s some excellent work you delivered there.
Edit: I just DL and tried the new version. Same problem.
But I do have to say that what I thought was great... just got better. Lots of interesting extra option there.
The real intelligence of mankind is not measured in IQ, but in the results of actions taken.
Supreme Hero
posted November 18, 2006 06:19 AM |
- Well I dont know if this is just crap... but when I create a map, I just leave the browse, it always saves in my data folder anyhows. And I can just move the map to where-ever I want after that.. takes less time too.
- Guz
Who is this General Failure, and why is he looking at my disk ?
Tavern Dweller
posted November 18, 2006 06:28 AM |
Edited by alias-hw at 06:30, 18 Nov 2006.
I fully agree that it’s not a big thing, and that the saving in the data folder is fine by itself.
It’s just that he created the browse function for a reason and would like for it to work (I guess) and that’s the only reason why I mentioned it at all.
But yes, I fully agree that the saving in the data folder is fine, and definitely not a problem. After all, the RMG gives the maps names that are in no way confusable with the other things in the data folder, so it’s not hard to spot which ones are the newly created map.
The real intelligence of mankind is not measured in IQ, but in the results of actions taken.
Hired Hero
posted November 18, 2006 07:14 AM |
Edited by Genkaku at 07:15, 18 Nov 2006.
Here is the second object i promised(sorry for the delay)
It's a dwelling for recruiting Phoenixes(Only one a week )
I would recomend to be used with heavy guards
Here is the map that contains the object [url=http://etheral3d.googlepages.com/C-Buildings2.h5m]C-buildings 2[/url]
Adventuring Hero
posted November 19, 2006 04:17 AM |
I cannot reproduce that error of yours, for me, it works like charm to save the map to various locations with various names. It appears as if it creates the map, and then crashes when trying to save it down.
The only clues I can give to why that happens is:
- The map is created in uncompressed form in your temp directory
- Then it is zipped up to the destination location
So if there is something fishy going on with your temp dir, like write permissions, that would explain it.
that looks nice - finally a purpose to the crystal mana :-) I'll add that to the RMG when I get some time over. I can promise to make an attempt at it before friday. (Heck, I need some time to play the game too! :-)
Oh and btw,
The HoF RMG seemed to put out a bit too large monsters even on very strong or hairy settings. In our last night game we had to pound through 2k spectral dragons or 20k enforcers (or die trying, as my opponents did :-)
I have put up a new version where the monster sizes has been adjusted a bit. Also a bug with one of the dwarven units not appearing in the game has been fixed.
Download it here.
Tavern Dweller
posted November 19, 2006 05:14 AM |
Well, as I said, I don’t really mind either way. I find it more important that there actually IS a RMG.
At the moment I am playing a map I created with the latest version of the RMG; six factions, six terrains, on a ‘we really didn’t want to make this map size but we had to from Ubi because the fans were complaining’ size... oh, wait, Nival calls that ‘too big for you’; my mistake.
So, as I said, I really couldn’t care less WHERE the map is places; I’m more then happy that it’s actually made. And on that note, excuse me; I got to go, I got a game waiting.
The real intelligence of mankind is not measured in IQ, but in the results of actions taken.
Tavern Dweller
posted November 19, 2006 08:48 AM |
what is a template?
hey does anyone know in the new RMG in Hammers of Fate what the templates are (what they mean how to make them)?? I really like maps with a whole bunch of detail and interaction not the deserts you know? thanks alot
Hired Hero
posted November 24, 2006 03:41 AM |
A new version of the new buildings.[url=http://etheral3d.googlepages.com/NewBuildingsbeta.h5m]New Buildings map[/url]
And here are the images of the buildings included:
Supreme Hero
UHU!! supreme!
posted November 24, 2006 04:01 AM |
Quote: hey does anyone know in the new RMG in Hammers of Fate what the templates are (what they mean how to make them)?? I really like maps with a whole bunch of detail and interaction not the deserts you know? thanks alot
a template is base to make a map with some specifications and maybe some standard shapes... but with losing the random flavor...
Dig Out Your Soul
Adventuring Hero
posted November 24, 2006 06:42 AM |
Edited by Tapani at 19:37, 24 Nov 2006.
thank you - I have added the Phoenix dwelling to the RMG, I'll add the death knight dwelling tomorrow. It is easy to do.
EDIT: Done. I also took the liberty to correct things like the language in the dialogs (that is, as much I was able to).
There is a new version of the RMG, this one should be able to generate maps both for the expansion and the basic game. Just remember to uncheck the HoF expansion checkbox if you do not want a HoF map.
It is downloadable from here
Also changes include tweaked creature levels (less lvl 7s and more lower level creatures), reduction in number of gold mines and the addition of some more visual candy (like roads).
EDIT: That version from Thursday night was buggy, it would generate the same map over and over again (a debug setting was left on). The link points to a new version, where this is fixed. Also objects Genkaku made can occur on the maps.
Famous Hero
posted November 30, 2006 06:45 PM |
Quote: I'm a programmer too
Heh Suddenly Everyone's a progammer
Seriously Tough u make some ok points but some are not so good , in either way i think the best advice is go open source on this editor teach the community how to develop it and share man power with all respect to tapani's skills 1 programmer will never match to 5-10.
Maybe even co-work on the next version of the RMG i think with power of programmers in homm community working on it it can be better then the ubi rmg (ofcourse after they fix it cuz right now it is better ).
Adventuring Hero
posted December 02, 2006 04:19 PM |
Edited by Tapani at 16:34, 02 Dec 2006.
thank you for all the comments and suggestions. I agree with many of them, but disagree with some.
a small bug: the building which gives a hero +1 SpellPower was generated right on the edge between the sea and the land, and it was not accessible (v.0.77b)
the second problem is looking for the Heroes V folder in "European" folder in the Windows Registry. I have Russian version and your program doesn't find the game this way. Please, use the alternative way to search for the game or look in the "Russian" folder too.
and I would like to help you creating new templates or (maybe!) templates generator. please, open the templates info!
The earlier (0.7x) versions can have bugs treating the edge of the map and water tiles. (Having to do with some tiles being blocked in the map editor/game despite being accessible in the underlying data structures). The 1.x versions should not have these problems.
I would happily add support for the Russian version. It currently checks the InstallPath registry value, and it's location varies depending on the game version.
I have thought about loading RMG templates. Currently the template information is randomly generated when needed. It is not stored in a single data structure, instead different parts of it is stored in different places, and some refactoring would be required in order to read template files.
Also othe issues would be:
- The RMG strives for realizing the maps without using teleporters. It is possible to have zones and connections between them in a way that teleporters are necessary to create tha map. For such templates, the generator fails. This would be a huge change in philosophy for the planarizer. (Or facing the complaints from people failing to generate non-planar maps).
- A complete template format is likely to be quite complex, and containting huge amounts of info on what objects can be present in what area. Since I doubt anyone is willing to create such complete templates, some simpler format could be the way to go. Would the use of HoMM 3 rmg templates be sufficient?
1. remove this small window "Done". Just close the program or the progress screen.
2. generate the map in a separated thread, so the generate windows will not become "(not response)".
3. add a progress bar. Let it be simple (for example, if there are 3 steps of generation make each a 33%), but it must be!
4. let as generate more maps with the same settings at a one time!
5. show the map preview (optional, checkbox)
6. make the ".h5m" default and the path to the "Maps" folder the default path too.
7. let us choose our castle (not only the ground type).
8. make a button "Run the game" (maybe, with the generated map, or just the game)
9. make a help!
10. make a water percentage choose
11. make a heights choose (how far the highest point will be from the lowest)
12. make the grail (optional, checkbox) and the following mission objective (also optional, checkbox)
1. Actually that has been for debugging, so I know that the map was made and not that the program closed due to some bug..
2. I have never done any threading in Windows :-) Maybe it is time to learn... The RMG has been developed using linux I have only slabbed a hello-world GUI on top of it (my 3rd windows program :-). I am also trying to keep the RMG portable so I have chance to debug it properly (guess I just lack the experience and knowledge of what tools one should use in Windows).
3. I don't think it would be informative. Maybe a count of restarts would be meaningful to some.. I would say there are five steps: and 99% of the time is in one of them. So a progress bar would just say "planarizing" and occasionally increase a counter for the number of restarts.
4. I had no idea anyone would be interested in any of those type of features. What type of information would be interesting to have in a preview?
5. Not all versions recognize h5m or have a Maps folder. The RMG works even for those choosing to play with patches 1.0 -- 1.2
6. Why isn't choosing the castle in the game enough?
7. Hmm. This would make sense in single-player games, but for multiplayer gaming you'd need to send the map to the other player(s).
8,9,10,11. Agree with the help, and sortof with the water percentage. Even if water is mostly for looks. I cannot see the point of a heights selector.
12. Hmm. I disabled the grail since it is an unfair advantage in multiplayer. But maybe I should have a checkbox as you say.
I have tried to keep the number of checkboxes down, RMG:s (for other games) tend easily to be a feast in settings. I have attempted to keep the interface clean from uneccesary settings.
1. Make the guardians of the Wood and Ore mines non-shooters and lower power (optional)
2. Set low priority to set a resource+guard in open field, the same thing is for buildings: it's more realistic to set them near the mountains of the water.
1 ..or make it dependent on the monster setting. We actually like having a swarm of skel. archers in front of the ore pit :-)
2. I think it is already skewed in that way. The objects are placed by maximizing the Haudorff distance between the locations and the objects already present in the zone (that is as far away from the closest trigger as possible). This tends to push new objects to the edges of the zone.
and thanks for the great job!
Thanks for the comments, happy that you like it! :-)
Famous Hero
posted December 09, 2006 03:25 AM |
Quote: Would the use of HoMM 3 rmg templates be sufficient?
If you can read or convert the essence of the H3 RMG templates, you are tapping into a great resource. If you convert Midnight Mix for example, you have over 30 reasonably balanced templates instantly, more than Ubi have with their RMG.
Reading the topology of the template is the starting point.
Tavern Dweller
posted December 09, 2006 08:25 AM |
Hello. Not sure if this is only with me or not, but Im experiencing problems with the 1.0 version of this thing. I try to make a map of any size, with 4 players. But when I click make map, it crashes with one of those 'send error report' things. Not sure if its the specific settings I want for monsters and such for it, thats doing it or not, but help would be appreciated.
Settings: OMFG monsters, Very Rich Resources, Super fair, or whatever that is, non HoF map, and the fly and such is enabled. I know its not the HoF or the fly. Nor is it the fairness. I honestly dont know what the problem is. Might even be that the new 1.0 doesnt support US version anymore for all I know.
Adventuring Hero
posted December 09, 2006 12:33 PM |
it should work with more than four players. If you are trying to push it to some sort of extreme (Tiny map, 6 players, ultimate fairness, ...) the generation might take some time.
version 1.0 (I think) had a mispelling of one of the objects, which can cause crashes when that object appears on the map :-(
This has been remedied in 1.02 (at least). If you already have that, then I'd need that map to investigate it further.
The link at the top of this thread links to the latest (1.02) one.