Thread: There WILL be a 2nd Add On! | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Legendary Hero
posted December 21, 2006 01:55 PM |
Don't mind the city at the Coast... You know when Raelag has been with the orcs, he visit Tieru AGAIN! And then he says:
(Go west) Life is peaceful there
(Go west) In the open air
(Go west) Where the skies are blue
(Go west) This is what we're gonna do (taken from the pet shop boys song: Go West )
Well he will be saying something like that...
Or maybe the coast town thinks their domain is to small so they venture in to the forests of the elves and get in trouble there.

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted December 27, 2006 07:43 AM |
Edited by radar at 07:55, 27 Dec 2006.
remember new spells discussion? they work! all you must to do ist change in data file magic_scool_psecial to other, accordly to spell. and... enjoy it in mod!

Known Hero
Strike first, Strike Hard
posted December 28, 2006 12:26 PM |
Quote: remember new spells discussion? they work! all you must to do ist change in data file magic_scool_psecial to other, accordly to spell. and... enjoy it in mod!
Radar can you explain more about this. So if we cahnge some spells with others we will lose the other set?
and just a question: why would HOF come with new spells which are not included in the game? ( for new add on?)

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted December 28, 2006 12:54 PM |
Edited by radar at 13:08, 28 Dec 2006.
i am so sad, only divine vengeance works... but, if you want to have it, open your dataa1 folder, then open a1-data.pak with winrar for example. then unpack 'game mechanics' folder to '%/h5/data' (disc/h5directory/data [not dataa1]) folder. then right-click on it, and unsign 'only for read' option. confirm by ok. next: open edited folder, go to: game mechanics/spell/combat_spells/LightMagic/DivineVengeance.xdb open with notepad, find line MAGIC_SCHOOL_SPECIAL and change to MAGIC_SCHOOL_LIGHT. save changes. then go to (~~will chanage inq spells for example~~) game mechanics/creature/creatures/haven/cleric.xdb and change one line with SPELL_%%%%% to SPELL_DIVINE_VENGEANCE . save changes and launch duel mode to try if this works. if game willn't launch (not duel, but h5), you did a mistake with letters. be sure you write spell name corretly. it is like spell's configuration file, but instead of space there is '_'. but file name indeed doesnt have spaces. example - file DivineVengeance.xdb, spell Divine Vengeance, spell code DIVINE_VENGEANCE. i dont now if this works in magic guild

Known Hero
Strike first, Strike Hard
posted December 29, 2006 10:48 PM |
thanks Radar!!!

Legendary Hero
posted December 29, 2006 11:49 PM |
I've been playing Dark messiah now... And you get to kill orcs, lovely And then i thought: Hmm... maybe their town would be like this? So for you to know what i'm talking about i can say: The orcs here are living on a island, in little cottages. And their are old ruins(though that might be ancient demon, necropolice Buildings) Actully because it could be those other ruins it might be wrong what im saying. But well a island typed based town, with cottages, sand beaches, mountains, old ruins... as i see it, it could be a newly decorated orcish town, just like Heroes III just new'er ...
For the creatures: We meet several creatures here, Orcs, Goblins, Pao kai (a flying wyvern looking thing just weirder), Flying lightning things(can't remeber what they are called), Cyclops (maybe also some harpie looking ones, just a bit blury now sorry)
Well maybe the line up could be somewhere between this:
1lvl Goblin(though they seem to be angry at the orcs, but well they never seemed to like eachother)/Or maybe the lightning things...
2lvl either Goblins or lightning things
3lvl Maybe those harpies but since i don't remember dont count on it, so that could be a mysteri
4lvl Orc shaman, warrior thing
5lvl Maybe two orc creatures so as 4 lvl shaman or nasty warrior
6lvl Cyclops, in Dark messiah they are melee units (I don't think Pao kai will be lvl 6 since it seems way nastier then cyclops )
7lvl Pao kai, this desert wynern cousin seems cool, lightning based if i remember right! (but here is the: Maybe not. Because everyone fears it in the game! so maybe not :S)
In Dark messiah you also meet, Spiders(big and small), GIANT WORM(very ugly and it was spitting poison), undead cycplops and Gnouls (the last two are undead so they are properly not encounted)
Remember this is based on my oppion and the few things from the game...

Known Hero
Strike first, Strike Hard
posted January 03, 2007 10:22 AM |
do you guys think if there is an orc Faction will they be on the good side or the evil?

Adventuring Hero
*cookie magic*
posted January 03, 2007 05:29 PM |

Tavern Dweller
posted January 03, 2007 06:21 PM |
hugh? Sorry, but there was a question "good or evil" and you answer "neutral"

Adventuring Hero
*cookie magic*
posted January 03, 2007 06:26 PM |
'neutral' evil. lol

Legendary Hero
posted January 03, 2007 06:40 PM |
They were neutral in HoMM3, evil in HoMM1 and 2... and I guess Evil in HoMM4. and since Raelag will go see them i think they'll join sides with him? but most of all they will stay neutral

Legendary Hero
First in line
posted January 03, 2007 07:06 PM |
Edited by VokialBG at 19:13, 03 Jan 2007.
Quote: They were neutral in HoMM3, evil in HoMM1 and 2... and I guess Evil in HoMM4. and since Raelag will go see them i think they'll join sides with him? but most of all they will stay neutral
No! The answer is in Dark Messiah:
In DM the orgs are neutral they are on clans, all clans are leaded by Arantok --->> kind of org chief and the most famous hero from the race of the orgs, the orgs live in the desert and they guard some religious and magical temples. The orgs use cyclops for hard work and in time of war. In the lands of the orgs are the goblins too, but they are stupid and cowardly, the orgs hate the goblins but they are like brother for the orgs...in part of the lands (of the orgs) they use small, blind (no eyes) dracons called Poi-Cai (or something like that ).
The orgs in DM and maybe in HoMM5 are not like the orgs from Lord of the Rings and the old series of Heroes, they are high-minded, intelligent, and free thinking (maybe good too) you can see the interesting history of the orgs:
The orgs are artificial created creatures by the wizards, they are half humans, half demons (demons soul and human body) the wizards make them for gift for Haven, the orgs are created for warriors, and later are used by the humens for everythink - work, wars, they are slaves they are torment by the humans (like the black people in America 200 ago but by the european)
But the orgs make many bloody rebellion for the freedom they flee to east and create own kingdom, the orgs hate the humans and kill all mans who go to their lands...

Hired Hero
posted January 04, 2007 01:19 AM |
this is heroes V right? the topic was a second add on. what was the first? i never heard of any upgrades to the game. only patches.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted January 04, 2007 01:26 AM |
Hammers of Fate is the first and only add-on sp far.We are just speculating there will be more!
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Known Hero
Strike first, Strike Hard
posted January 05, 2007 09:57 PM |
I agree with Zielony. I asked for evil or Good and not neutral!!!
plus I think that they will be on good side but there are always some evil ones within.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 14, 2007 09:20 PM |
I am still waiting for the first informations about the new addon. Surely there will be another one! But the only information i have, is the information, that there will be orcs in it

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted January 14, 2007 09:27 PM |
Nobody said that unless you have inside information. At any rate do not expect news so fast as Ubi would wait until a significant number of fans has finished the original and bought HoF. In a few months maybe.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Tavern Dweller
posted January 15, 2007 08:13 PM |
Ugh, I hope its not orcs. That would just ruin the game. And besides...I hate orcs.

Undefeatable Hero
with serious business
posted January 15, 2007 08:17 PM |
You hate green-style orcs or LotR orcs?
I like Orcs with shamans and stuff
The above post is subject to SIRIOUSness.
No jokes were harmed during the making of this signature.

Famous Hero
of the Deep
posted January 15, 2007 08:21 PM |
I think the chance we see orcs in HOMMV is pretty much close to 100%. Whether it's consistent with Dark Messiah or not is another question.
Let me shoot a guess:
Goblin-Wolfrider-Orc warrior -Orc Shaman-cyclops-PaoKai.
Ogres? Thunderbirds? Who Knows. Would be a shame to losse some of the real old "veterans"