
Legendary Hero
posted February 04, 2008 08:47 AM |
ICTC III: Create a dream town for H6
The ICTC is open to all English language entries. This is how it works
1) The entries are to be posted in the Age of Heroes Coliseum of Heroes Community with a subject prefix ICTC: (International Create a Town Contest). For example: ICTC: The BoobolooTown
2) The visitors are welcome to post Suggestions - to help the contest participant improve his/her entry. The authors can edit their entries and keep improving them. This is the chance to learn from others or to help others. Threads will be kept free of spam.
3) All entries will be finalized at midnight {GMT} on the 19th of March 24th March - no more suggestions or editing.. Visitors will post their Ratings {details will come later}.
http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc {enter 23:59:59 24 march}
4) The threads will be closed on 29th of March - no more ratings. HC Judges will now view the entries. Based on visitor ratings and their own judgement, the judges will select the top three entries. The combined visitor ratings will be a 50% factor in the decision, while the other 50% will be the combined ratings of the HC judges. Note: Visitor judges score will vary in worth, depending on how many towns they judge. There’s a complex algorithm. This is to prevent fly-by judges, as there has been in the past.
5)The winners will be announced as soon as the final scores are calculated {asap}
At the moment, The Contest is sponsored by AOH, the judges and proffessional flagmakers you can find at Custom Flags And Banners. Thanks to all of you for your support!
Minimum Prizes:
1st Prize
Kings Bounty: The Legend for PC (set to be released in April 2008)
A custom made flag of the winner’s faction. {Printed and constructed by professional flagmakers} These guys rock , incase you missed it the first time here it is again: Custom Flags And Banners
Note: the artwork must be 200pi the size of the flag, we will enhance graphic as best we can, but if you have a big pic please keep a copy.}
The top 3 contestants will also receive a kooka made T-shirt with your faction’s logo!!!!
{hope you are excited lol }
People’s Choice Award
Chuck Norris
yes Chuck Norris 
{note people’s choice award will be the highest ranking entry from the visitor judges}
Contest Guidelines
Your entry should include:
- A Town: a town name and emblem
- The race: Unique features of a new race, what they look like, where they live, what they do in peace and war times. Tell us how your race appeared in the HOMM universe; describe the main events that happened to it – race history. You can expand on any of the HOMM universes, not necessarily Ashan.
Creature Line up: You decide how the army developement of the castle will be. You can use a system similar to H4 where players choose the creature but there are no upgrades, you can make it similar to H5, or you might choose a system that is totally original. The choice is yours but it must be well explained and seem workable/fun to play.
Creatures: – that will help your heroes on the battle field. Specify the main characteristics of each creature: strengths and the weaknesses, special abilities, magic qualities (if they have any) and how they fit into your history. It must be balanced and fun {exact numbers of hit points etc are not required unless you think it necessary to prove balance}. ei NO STATS REQUIRED! - although you should outline the basic skills - eg strong archer, weak defense/ slow - you don't need numbers though.
Fundamentals Fundamental game play of Heroes and Might and Magic.
If you alter the basic format of the game {as h4 did} from the standard set by H2/H3. The fun and playability of your creature system. Aspects such as: will the heroes fight in battle, can creatures move independently, caravans, upgrades, and supporting/original structures etc in the game – other than creature dwellings.
- You can enter as many times as you like, the winning entry is based on quality not quantity.
Towns will be judged using the following criteria:
Cohesiveness: 10 points
Imagination/creativity/originality/wow factor: 15 points
Back story how well it expands on one of the HOMM universes: 10 points
Battle facetsIs there a variety of special aspects for each creature? Is it balanced? Would it be fun to play?): 10 points.
Discretionary: 5 points.can be awarded for extra effort, a creative emblem, an interesting twist on gameplay, or anything else the judge wants.
The HC judges are the past 2 winners of the ICTC contests: FriendOfGunnar, and TDL, as well as myself. But everyone can be a visitor judge uhuh – you just can’t rate your own town.
It’s great to see some entries already, this page will be updated as time goes by.
I will try to keep up, but if you start a new entry thread could you please HCM me the link to it and I'll add it to an index, ta 
ICTC III Town Index
Note to contestants: During the first ICTC members got mega-irritated by the ICTCs flooding the boards - crazy I know. Anyway, the stealth edit has been created since then, so if you are just doing minor changes to your town- please use stealth edit, and only bump it when there is something major you want feedback on. Thanks

Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted February 04, 2008 01:04 PM |
I'm in!
How exactly is luck a skill?

Known Hero
Pimp My Box
posted February 04, 2008 01:19 PM |
I'm in as well but i'd just like to clarify something. Do you have to include graphics f.ex. town and creature avatars?

Legendary Hero
posted February 04, 2008 03:17 PM |

I'll join. 
Please give up more details.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 04, 2008 03:58 PM |
Great news I would volunteer as a judge again, it was fun last time
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Legendary Hero
First in line
posted February 04, 2008 09:50 PM |
Quote: Great news I would volunteer as a judge again, it was fun last time 
Yep same here Judging was fun last time.

Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted February 04, 2008 09:53 PM |
Edited by bixie at 21:53, 04 Feb 2008.
as you can guess, i'm in!
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

Legendary Hero
posted February 04, 2008 09:58 PM |
The judging will run a bit differently this time {more like the first ICTC} so don't contact me, I'll contact you 
I'd rather see more entries than judges, I want it to big, and a creative explosion. I hope those people who expressed interest will make an entry instead 
I'm still working on the details and trying to source some prizes, but start working on your dream town ideas.

Legendary Hero
able to speed up time
posted February 04, 2008 10:03 PM |
I think that whoever dishes up the prize should judge.

Supreme Hero
The weak suffer. I endure.
posted February 04, 2008 10:05 PM |
whoever judges the entries, if there are prizes, judges should declare neutrality and not get involved in the competition in any manner

Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted February 04, 2008 10:11 PM |
i'm in unless i have to create logos
Protection From Everything.

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted February 04, 2008 10:30 PM |
Ummm... I know no one would listen to me, but I have a suggestion: let's just declare TDL a winner and save ourselves a whole lot of time and effort.

Supreme Hero
The weak suffer. I endure.
posted February 04, 2008 11:08 PM |
Quote: Ummm... I know no one would listen to me, but I have a suggestion: let's just declare TDL a winner and save ourselves a whole lot of time and effort.
spare the details i am probably not gonna participate this time

Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted February 04, 2008 11:59 PM |
I think TDL should be a judge. And not be allowed to participate.
How exactly is luck a skill?

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted February 05, 2008 12:08 AM |
May participate if time allows
"Those who forget their history are inevitably doomed to repeat it." —Proverb, Might and Magic VIII

Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted February 05, 2008 03:06 AM |
This may be the dumb question but what does ICTC stand for?
How exactly is luck a skill?

Supreme Hero
Water-marked Champion!
posted February 05, 2008 03:30 AM |
Can I join?
And if so, can I copy-paste a faction idea I had for HOMMV a while back as my contest entry?
If you supposedly care about someone, then don't push them out of your life. Acting like you're not doing it doesn't exempt you from what I just said. - Winterfate

Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted February 05, 2008 03:51 AM |
It might need to be updated. And belive me the competition is feirce!
How exactly is luck a skill?

Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted February 05, 2008 06:28 AM |
Edited by Mytical at 07:07, 05 Feb 2008.
I'm going to give a tentative...in. However, never have successfully finished a single town. Loose interest, focus, or desire before it is finished. .
Just don't expect graphics.
Message received.

Legendary Hero
posted February 05, 2008 09:25 AM |
ICTC = international create {a} town contest 