Tavern Dweller
posted March 23, 2012 03:58 AM |
Just a quick question, I have the GoG version of HoMM3 Complete, and the opening cinematic (Erathia one) doesn't play when you start the game with HD Mod, after the 3DO/New World videos it just skips it to the main menu.
I have no problem with the campaign briefings with subtitles, they play. Anything I can do to make it play in the HD Mod?
Adventuring Hero
posted March 26, 2012 07:45 PM |
Fraps does not work on this - hope this can be fixed.
In the mean time, this is how HD mod looks combined with Gigamight Resize Mod on 1600X1200 resolution:
Tavern Dweller
posted April 29, 2012 12:32 AM |
I noticed some really weird resolutions in setup... I have a 1920x1080 display and had never heard of 864x664 and 1180x664 (the 16:9 equivalent) before, but these fill my screen properly vertically and look native. They don't mathematically make sense to me as they're not cleanly divisible, but look flawless. I have an AMD card and lock aspect ratio. Can someone explain the logic of the strange resolutions in setup and why they manage to work so well?
Also, every time I start the game, I find video quality has been reset to low. Any ideas?
Tavern Dweller
posted April 29, 2012 09:02 PM |
I'm having a few issues with this (very lovely) patch. I bought the GoG Complete version of HOMM3, but when I open it using the latest patch (2.98) there seems to be content missing. For example, I don't have the option to play an Armageddon's Blade Campaign, only the other two. However, Armageddon's blade scenarios are available to select from if I want to play those. In addition, in single scenarios, I don't have the option to play a Conflux town. These features are all there if I open the game normally as I got it from GoG, but if I open it using Heroes3HDSetup, they're gone. Any help is appreciated, thanks for all the work!
Tavern Dweller
posted April 29, 2012 09:14 PM |
There's very odd. You have GoG Complete selected in HDsetup, right? I'm on the same version as you and have none of those problems. Try reinstalling the game maybe.
Tavern Dweller
posted April 29, 2012 11:25 PM |
Uninstalled and reinstalled, same problem. The most probable thing I can think of is that perhaps I installed the patch improperly. I just open the patch file in 7zip and move the four files (HiRezData folder, Heroes3HD.exe, Heroes3HDSetup.exe and HiRez.dll) into the main heroes 3 folder. Is there a subfolder I need to put them in perhaps? Also yes, I am selecting GoG Complete when I launch the game. I really appreciate any help
Tavern Dweller
posted April 30, 2012 09:40 PM |
Ahh I think I know... Maybe the archive containing the mod that you downloaded isn't complete, or the GoG configuration file is off? Go to D:\games\Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete - Vanilla\HiRezData\Packs\GoG_Complete\Pack.ini and see if it says:
Armageddon's Blade is installed = 1
If you don't have that file at all, it sounds like an incomplete mod package.
Known Hero
ig chr0meice91
posted June 29, 2012 05:33 AM |
i have an idea for a feature, not sure how easy to implement
inferno: castle gate - auto recruit upgraded creature from any gated base assuming upgrade built on at least 1 base
for example..
if you have castle gate built at the bases, automatically let those bases be able to recruit upgraded versions of creatures at other bases (assuming at least ONE of your bases has the upgrade built obviously)
this would save tons of time of having to manually buy un-upgraded creatures from non-main base and gate them back home to upgrade them
thanks for the awesome mod
Adventuring Hero
posted June 29, 2012 03:02 PM |
I would already be happy with a "buy every creature" button...
Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted July 19, 2012 09:58 AM |
Baratorch has posted new version with PASSWORDS for saved games and other enhamcements.
This feature is incompatible with SOD. I haven't yet tested this version.
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-
Tavern Dweller
posted July 19, 2012 10:46 AM |
The new version still doesn't fix the "no cd" issue I've been having.
Question for people who run HoMM3 HD 2.98f with the gog.com version of the game. Do you get the full "cutscenes" between each campaign mission with the text, animated background, music, and voice over?
Supreme Hero
posted July 19, 2012 10:51 AM |
You probably should not use the "no cd" option to see all the cutscenes.
Tavern Dweller
posted July 19, 2012 11:14 AM |
Quote: You probably should not use the "no cd" option to see all the cutscenes.
Both options don't solve this issue. Future comments about it should be directed in this thread: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=36838
I've accepted the fact that I can't have the cutscenes and HD Heroes 3 at once as long as I play by CD. This is why I ask the question above:
Quote: Question for people who run HoMM3 HD 2.98f with the gog.com version of the game. Do you get the full "cutscenes" between each campaign mission with the text, animated background, music, and voice over?
Tavern Dweller
posted July 30, 2012 09:09 PM |
Love the additional buttons and ctrl/shift click options! They help me play so much faster.
Has anyone had success using the HD_mod.exe with game ranger? I tried obviously changing the name to Heroes3.exe but it doesn't like it and won't start the game with it.
Supreme Hero
WCL owner
posted July 31, 2012 08:26 AM |
Quote: Has anyone had success using the HD_mod.exe with game ranger? I tried obviously changing the name to Heroes3.exe but it doesn't like it and won't start the game with it.
yes, i always played HD 2.98 with Gameranger. just renamed exe file.
I play HoMM3 at www.heroes-
Tavern Dweller
posted August 02, 2012 07:10 PM |
This mod is amazing! Thanks so much, can't imagine playing Heroes 3 without it now.
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted August 23, 2012 03:59 PM |
while using Heroes 3 hd under Wog, when i get warfare skill all my skills disappear. This happens instantly if i click my warfare skill, but even if i don't all my skills are gone except the first one. Any ideas for the cause of this problem, any solutions?
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted August 24, 2012 03:27 PM |
after various experiments, i've been able to fix the problem by turning off autofix map from the "more options (ini file)" button. btw, is it only me or is there anybody else having this problem? i am using hd mod with latest version of wog installed in h3 complete (the drag n drop version without installation). hd mod version is also the latest (v3).
Supreme Hero
posted August 24, 2012 05:24 PM |
I have not heard of a drag-and-drop version of WoG, use ERA 2.3 from this thread, it is the latest
About that bug, I'm not sure since I never use the Warfare skill..
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted August 24, 2012 06:11 PM |
not wog, the heroes 3 complete that it is installed over is drag drop version. thanks for the link