Thread: Heroes 5.5 - Eternal Essence - Bugs and Known Issues" | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 · NEXT» |

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted February 22, 2011 04:39 PM |
bonus applied by VokialBG on 14 Jul 2011. |
Edited by markkur at 14:47, 16 Jul 2011.
Heroes 5.5 - Eternal Essence - Bugs and Known Issues
Edit= ***Important*** Please Do Not Report Bugs if you are currently using any Mod with the latest release of "5.5's Enhanced A.I." Only report problems if you have a clean install and only the current release of the new A.I. installed.
The latest release info:
Latest News
Please, Check this site to see if your problem has already been reported.
Known issues
Report problems here that are not already listed.
Thanks in advance, Markkur
To check out what work is underway on E.E.; go to:
Scheduled Tasks
"Do your own research"

Tavern Dweller
posted February 28, 2011 04:47 PM |
Hi Quantomas! I would like to report that some of the interfaces don't work correctly or broken. In the Haven town retraining hall has broken interface(ok button is broken and the right side of the table where you put creatures broken too, but left side works correctly )

Adventuring Hero
posted March 12, 2011 02:53 AM |
Quote: By the way I forgot to mention that sometimes some visual glitches start occuring. The game icons and graphics get distorted in a pretty bad way. It's very strange. I can provide screenshots if necessary. I never had these glitches before so it must be the mod. Usually it happens when I enter the castle. Then I must exit and re-enter a few times before thing get back to normal.
hmmm, and I would like to report some bugs too. I think this mod cant handle wide aspect ratio yet. The screen will be stretched. Here are some screenshots
I'm using 1360 x 768 resolution. The first one was taken without AI Mod, and the second was taken with AI mod.

Tavern Dweller
posted March 12, 2011 01:55 PM |
Some new bugs
Found a new bug with minimap. This is the last mission of elf's company in original game. Button "end turn" is also broken. In the other missions, such errors are absent.
Also, when I have a local battles in this mission, the ground and units have increased brightness. My system: Windows XP SP2.
save game file: http://rapidshare.com/files/452173612/save_11.sav


Hired Hero
posted March 23, 2011 10:25 PM |
Hi, I just wanted to announce that the graphical glitches I was experiencing were NOT from the Mod. It seems my video board is dying. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Tavern Dweller
posted April 03, 2011 08:06 AM |
Edited by Pushtiu at 08:07, 03 Apr 2011.
game issues
First of all, I must congratulate you for this effort and skills. It is great to see someone is able to do this. It is giving us hope a big project like WoG is possible again, this time for H5.
I know you said it works for XP. However, as a windows 7 user I found out that your splitted exe version works a lot better than the previous exe.
It still crashes, but only the small ai exe, not the modified 12Mb exe.
About some problems I encountered (using windows 7):
Interface issues
1. For necro town, the transformation to undead window (shrine_of_netherworld window) has OK button broken. It still works, because the game saves every transformation you make, so, when you are done, you can simply hit escape button on your keyboard.
The OK button does work on original 3.1 ToE however.
AI issues
1. As mentioned before, AI seem to get stuck in front of his boat, after building it. And this on Island hoppers map (problably every water map).
Hope I was helpfull

Known Hero
posted April 07, 2011 09:34 PM |
A few times I had a problem with the AI mod freezing during AI turn. According to Quantomas advice, I have uploaded an appriopriate saved game - it is available at my web page: zip with saved game. The problem disappeared in the version 3.1.4 but I think it will be helpful to analyze it under e.g. 3.1.3. The map is the Polish version of Questing for Peace.

Known Hero
posted April 07, 2011 11:56 PM |
Cannot use a random map generated using the normal client to play a lan game using AI client. (RMG Failed message, also noticed in the interface to join that it says version 3.00 which may be why the map is not compatible with a lan game, using a map generated through the AI client works but monsters generated are too weak)


Hired Hero
posted April 09, 2011 06:55 PM |
Here's the save file you've requested following your post on the main thread:

Known Hero
posted April 10, 2011 10:51 PM |
Edited by vitirr at 23:41, 10 Apr 2011.
I have a crash and can't go on with my game. I was playing "my home is my castle" map. Here is the save game, the game crashes in the next AI turn.
And great work on the patch!! It's incredible being able to play on normal with reasonable enemy forces and good game speed and at the same time having an AI that does things Had this come much before H5 would be a much greaterer success.

Famous Hero
AI Wizard
posted April 11, 2011 07:20 PM |
Ok, I tested the savegames you guys provided , but I couldn't detect anything suspicious going on, no crashes or anything. Although, this could be because I tested it with a newer build that had already a couple more bug fixes.
Save 37 from Stachnie: I run this for 3 game days. No problems detected.
Save 1 from Vitirr: Test over 2 game days didn't detect any problems.
Save 2 from Proxeeus: I couldn't load this savegame because the map was missing.
I updated the beta to 3.1.6, it would be great if you guys could test whether this solves the reported bug.
Two things are important here: the game can only load a savegame if it has the right map in the /maps folder; so if you check maps that are not coming with the standard game (or our reference maps) please remember to include the map in the zip. The other thing is, if you have a bug and a savegame, please reload the savegame and make sure that the bug persists.
Another question, what is the situation regarding Win7 compatibility? Any complaints?
Reference maps:
Heroes 5.5 - Eternal Essence - reference maps
Current build:
3.1.n beta release (11.0 MB)


Hired Hero
posted April 11, 2011 07:24 PM |
Edited by proxeeus at 20:02, 11 Apr 2011.
Wow, I'm an idiot, I totally forgot to include the map in the zip file.
Anyway, this directly relates to the Win7 compatibility issues, these AI crashes were on my regular Win7 partition. The same savegame, launched from my separate XP SP3 partition, works like a charm. The build is pretty solid on XP, I haven't seen a crash yet even on Impossible maps with max players.
Gonna try the new build on Win7 just to be sure. If I get another crash, I'll re-upload a save *with* the map, this time 
edit: here's the link with my latest try
There is the map, the save, and a set of logs. It's the same savegame I talked about in my other post. It loads fine on XP, but on Win7 even with the 3.1.6 build, the AI crashes. Running the mod on XP works like a charm so far.

Known Hero
posted April 11, 2011 08:54 PM |
Save 37 from Stachnie: I run this for 3 game days. No problems detected.
I renamed it to save1. It freezed under 3.13 and 3.14, 3.15 was O.K. I added also save2 - it freezed under 3.15, longer explanation is in my last post in the AI mod thread.

Famous Hero
AI Wizard
posted April 13, 2011 11:15 PM |
Big thumbs up for the saves and logs. 
It made it easy to diagnose the problem which appeared when caravans or ships appeared on the map. In this case Windows 7 did us a service, because it appears to check the validity of memory pages in the application memory space, while XP apparently serves a zero page.
The bug and some others have been fixed. I also tested the save1 from Stachnie on Win7, and it crashed for the same reason (save2 somehow did not load here).
I did another round of tests and both your savegames run fine now with the new 3.1.7 beta release.
Now that we know that Win7 is apparently more strict, I recommend to run tests primarily under Win7 so that we can get the remaining bugs worked out and have a rocksolid release that runs on all platforms.
The 3.1.7 beta also adds support for border guards. They should work but this still requires testing.
Keep up the good work.
Current build:
3.1.n beta release (11.0 MB)


Hired Hero
posted April 14, 2011 09:15 AM |
Yay great news! Thanks for fixing this!
I'll D/L the new build tonight and run some tests - I'll keep you posted 
Thanks again!

Known Hero
posted April 14, 2011 09:10 PM |
Quote: I also tested the save1 from Stachnie on Win7, and it crashed for the same reason (save2 somehow did not load here).
Hmmm... interesting about save2. Maybe the map is too big? It is 320x320, no underground. If you want, I may include it in the zip file - or a more recent save.
Anyway, I downloaded 3.1.7 and I will start to test it 

Adventuring Hero
posted April 14, 2011 09:39 PM |
2 Bugs
Using WindowsXP + no other mods.
1>This bug was in 3.1.6 (probably 3.1.7 too) and definitely in ToE3.1.
If an AI has a very narrow path/hallway to it's town then 1 or more heroes can get trapped/blocked by a caravan.
The AI doesn't know how to get out of this situation. Instant Travel sometimes is not possible to use or completely banned. Town Portal could fit both Heroes in the Town, but if both heroes have all 7 creature slots full (and/or the town is full) then they're still stuck. Even if the AI dismisses a weak stack to escape it would be better than being trapped & doing nothing.
Many map makers aren't aware of this AI flaw so it's not uncommon for some to design tight/narrow areas.
2>I haven't tested 3.1.7 yet, but in 3.1.6 (and some earlier versions) players are no longer notified when an AI player is completely killed off. Hero vs. hero victories/defeats are still announced.

Known Hero
posted April 14, 2011 09:45 PM |
Edited by vitirr at 21:45, 14 Apr 2011.
Quote: Save 1 from Vitirr: Test over 2 game days didn't detect any problems.
Tested with 3.1.7 and works like a charm. I'll go on with my game and see if I find any other problem.


Hired Hero
posted April 19, 2011 12:11 PM |
Edited by mfdoom at 12:11, 19 Apr 2011.
Get a crash [url=http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FRW6ZHU3]here[/url] everytime during yellow player's turn.Using Windows 7 64.
[CENTER][URL=http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm] [/URL][/CENTER]

Tavern Dweller
posted April 27, 2011 02:56 PM |
Hello, I hope this is the right place to post this. I really like this mod that you have here, much faster game and and experience much more like Homm 3, which was my favorite.
I am having some issues with the lastest patch though. I am on windows 7 64 bit with some pretty beefy harware and the new patch makes the turns take a very long time. (Maybe 10 minutes on turn 1).
I was wondering if there is anything I need to do to get this going faster like the (less stable) 3.1 patch.
Thanks for any light you can shed and awesome work here, I really like it.