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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: Sanctuary
Thread: Sanctuary This thread is 11 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 · «PREV / NEXT»

Famous Hero
posted March 14, 2011 09:07 PM
Edited by Wckey at 21:16, 14 Mar 2011.

Very pleased. It's new, and don't have two creatures very similar (although it's ironic that the two elemental girls are more similar than the two Nagas).
But I like it. It actually seems like something new unlike the Dungeon of Dark Elves (which I hope it won't have any Dark Elves in H6, one faction for a specific kind of creatures is more than enough).

About the asiatic theme, I don't understand what is the problem with it. It's not much different from Haven, Necropolis, Academy, Stronghold, Dwarves...
I actually think it's nice to have an asiatic theme, although I would prefer one faction based on China, Japan, etc. and one more based on India...
Come back soon, Elvin!

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Hired Hero
posted March 14, 2011 09:10 PM
Edited by red_sparrow at 21:12, 14 Mar 2011.

I also get what you say...sure that there are 2 supporters, though?^^

no i'm not 100% sure, as i don't know what either of the creature abilities are...they just don't strike me as an offensive type of unit, and that coupled with the fact that the guys in the sanctuary intro vid said that the basic tactic of the sanctuary units are to focus support on the champion unit, and act best when focused on a single unit kinda make me think they're not gonna be high damage dealers

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Famous Hero
Townscreen Architect
posted March 14, 2011 09:19 PM

Very pleased.

It is a new faction and it turned out just fine. Of course that it has some flaws, because some persons expect too much, overall I am happy happy with it and I think that it's going to be one hell of a faction in any way possible.
"The age can be wicked to those who walk alone. When I look into the Mirror, I see myself as I might become..." -Freya

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Supreme Hero
Eats people with Ketchup
posted March 14, 2011 10:03 PM

Like every Heroes VI faction so far, it has a few anoying flaws, but overall, I'm pleased.
Water Spirit is the only creature in the line-up I really don't like.
And I wish they restyled the Pearl Maiden to look less like a medusa and more like the male elite counterpart.
Kappa and Samebito (shark man) are really great touches, very creative, some of my favorite core creatures so far.
Kirin is gorgeus, though I feel there were other candidates for the Champion slot, I'm not sure they would have turned out as fitting.

Now will people please stop going on about Warcraft Naga?!
As a dedicated Blizzard fan, you'd expect me to cry foul at this "plagiarism" but it's not, Might and Magic Naga only vaguely superficialy resemble the their Warcraft counterparts, culturaly and conceptually they are VERY different.

Both versions strongly show the oriental roots of the mythological creatures that spawned them, if they are guilty of anything it's being guilty of using real world mythology in a game, if you're going to cry about that then you shouldn't be playing 9/10 fantasy games in the first place.

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted March 14, 2011 10:20 PM


Kappa and Samebito (shark man) are really great touches, very creative, .

Are the sharks really called samebitos?

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Known Hero
posted March 14, 2011 10:37 PM

Personally, I am rather disappointed. I wish there was more of a spiritual return of H3 fortress with this faction. Inclusion of at least one of the H3 units instead of unimaginative ice maiden and Water Spirit and ridiculous shark warrior. (seriously where did that thing come from? It makes no sense. Instead of improving upon an already existing creature abandoned from the Might and Magic world, like say, lizard men, or gnolls, the basalisk, or gorgons, they gave us a FISH with two feet, arms and a big club. WTF).

I don't really have a problem with coral maidens themselves, but just call them medusas, that's what they are.

I also don't like the overall feel of the faction. For lack of a better way of putting it, its just too blue. I get that it's a water faction, but they barely fit the terrain they are on. The faction looks nautical, not jungle (Looking at you in particular Ice maiden and Shark boy). Add a bit of greens with the blue. A more swampy approach would have made a lot more sense.

Additionally, there has been a very vocal group that has wanted to see at least some sort of NOD to heroes 3 fortress, and this isn't it. The Naga influence could have easily been implemented into a faction with that feel. It would have made just as much sense based on lore, and we would have had diverse and interesting creatures that flat out made sense. Instead of the crap and coppy cats that are filling the ranks of this line-up.

That being said, rampage aside. I do REALLY like some of the units in the faction. As much as I hate the Ice maiden, River spirit and Sharkboy, I really love the Kirin, Naga warrior, and Kappa. I just wish it had a more concise and unified feel and idea. Not the hodge podge of copy cats.  

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 14, 2011 10:42 PM

Pleased for reasons I have already mentioned. I'd rate it higher if not for the overabundance of water spirits in the lineup - save for the nagas and shark warrior. Not a fan of the kimono girl dut to its ice-based nature - it's a jungle whether it's tied to an aspect of water or not - and all too human appearance but at least it has an original design. I actually like the spring spirit, it's quite lovely and fits the theme. Based on what I know and have seen of the gameplay I will be sure to enjoy it.
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Hired Hero
posted March 15, 2011 12:17 AM
Edited by maeerol at 00:18, 15 Mar 2011.

Well, if they change the ice maiden, it'll look perfect to me. But, what's done, it's done... so, I'm neither pleased or disappointed... if I could judge the sanctuary creatures, 1 - 10, I would give 6 or 7. But, the storyline, the idea, the architecture, are all 10.  

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Famous Hero
posted March 15, 2011 01:15 AM
Edited by Wckey at 01:16, 15 Mar 2011.

shark warrior. (seriously where did that thing come from? It makes no sense. Instead of improving upon an already existing creature abandoned from the Might and Magic world, like say, lizard men, or gnolls, the basalisk, or gorgons, they gave us a FISH with two feet, arms and a big club. WTF).

I don't want to create a discussion, but I really don't understand why is a Sharkman worse than a lizardman or a dogman...
Come back soon, Elvin!

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 15, 2011 01:22 AM

Sure it makes sense, it is part of Ashan's lore as you will soon see.
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Adventuring Hero
Problem Drinker
posted March 15, 2011 01:24 AM

I kinda agree with Nightterror- mainly with the spring spirit. could've put something less bland like maybe a Giant turtle or a Hydra. I don't really have a problem with the coral maiden.

Outside of the stupid Spring Spirit I don't really have much of a problem with Sanctuary.
I'm taking my talents to South Beach. I'm leaving my brain in Cleveland though.

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Supreme Hero
Former Chessmaster
posted March 15, 2011 02:59 AM

Pleased in general as faction concept goes.

Some concerns though (mostly already mentioned).
It is one of just 5 factions.  Very dissapointed in that part, and i doubt it will cope with this burden as many will blame naga for removal of their favorite factions.

Also agreed on spirit, it seems like overkill of similar units by keeping that one.

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Famous Hero
Lord of Image Spam
posted March 15, 2011 04:00 AM

lizard men, or gnolls, the basalisk, or gorgons

But none of those fit in an Asian-theme faction..

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Known Hero
posted March 15, 2011 05:31 AM

I don't want to create a discussion, but I really don't understand why is a Sharkman worse than a lizardman or a dogman...
well lizards first and for most, actually have legs, arms and breath air, and would fit quite reasonably into a jungle faction. Also there is already a president for them in the faction. I don't support dogmen either.

Sure it makes sense, it is part of Ashan's lore as you will soon see.
Unless sharkmen are a vital part of the plot line, I sure that they could have used lore to justify a different creature instead.

But none of those fit in an Asian-theme faction
I disagree. Cows are revered in India, and a H3 type gorgon is a cow with scales. Lizardmen could be made oriental much like the "coral maidens"(medusas)Same with the basalisk really. Plus I think that a faction can draw from multiple cultures, like heroes 3 rampart for instance.

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Famous Hero
Rakshasa Commander
posted March 15, 2011 06:12 AM

Thankfully they've buried that ridiculous HOMM3 Fortress. It has no place in the world of Ashan. Nothing ties those creatures together. The sharkman is cooler than the lizard, the kappa kicks the gnoll's ass. The hydra belongs to dungeon and wyvern to stronghold, so there's no way i want to see any of those creatures in the sanctuary line up. The serpent fly and basilisk could fit in the line up, replacing the spring spirit and ice maiden. the gorgon could make an appearance for the academy albeit a mechanical one.

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Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted March 15, 2011 08:59 AM

This is just perfect...
Every topic becomes the same sooner or later.
First all the unthankfull and moody haters write, do nothing else than complain and judge something they saw 7 minutes of video an a dozen of pictures. Not having any actual experience with enything that is really important.
Then comes the sobbing. Just one thing they dislike (mostly because someone hurt there poor little egos.) and all the hard work of the game dsigners has the badge of rubbish.
Limited by not knowing all the facts and drunk with the thought that only they can have the right opinion they jump to conclusions that just confuse all the other readers and later they find out they were wrong.
And then comes the worst part. Each and every one of these b******s dugs up an old skeleton preaching it like a saint or pointing out all its prose and cons.
How many times do I have to read "My beloved H3 fortress/stronghold/rampart! Conflux H3/Fortress H3/Fortress H5 was the biggest mistake ever. They will never top H4/H3/H2, this is just rubbish." How many times will I have to read that the producers are not creative and find as an example of creativity a creature that the person has copied from D&D, way to go, that so creative. Don't copy it form one game, but from another.
Its repetiv and boring ever topic ends in this meanegles cuarel that cannot by seteld because its an individual opinion.

I like Heroes V fortress - you don't have to.
You like Heroes IV game system - I don't have to.
I Like the way they did the naga, but would welcome a more Ledriot style, Elvin on the other hand thinks that Ledriots concepts are owerfilled with unnescesary details, but its our own opinion

All this hate around makes me feel like I'm talking with teenagers, with mostly is not the case here, so please act your age.
(p.s. Cool and dumb are not the only words that can emphesies your mood towards a unit)
I'm just a Mirror of your self.

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Legendary Hero
No longer on vacation
posted March 15, 2011 09:06 AM
Edited by Avirosb at 09:08, 15 Mar 2011.

Haters will be haters, No
chance of conwerting them.

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted March 15, 2011 10:16 AM

This is just perfect...
Every topic becomes the same sooner or later.
First all the unthankfull and moody haters write, do nothing else than complain and judge something they saw 7 minutes of video an a dozen of pictures. Not having any actual experience with enything that is really important.
Then comes the sobbing. Just one thing they dislike (mostly because someone hurt there poor little egos.) and all the hard work of the game dsigners has the badge of rubbish.
Limited by not knowing all the facts and drunk with the thought that only they can have the right opinion they jump to conclusions that just confuse all the other readers and later they find out they were wrong.
And then comes the worst part. Each and every one of these b******s dugs up an old skeleton preaching it like a saint or pointing out all its prose and cons.
How many times do I have to read "My beloved H3 fortress/stronghold/rampart! Conflux H3/Fortress H3/Fortress H5 was the biggest mistake ever. They will never top H4/H3/H2, this is just rubbish." How many times will I have to read that the producers are not creative and find as an example of creativity a creature that the person has copied from D&D, way to go, that so creative. Don't copy it form one game, but from another.
Its repetiv and boring ever topic ends in this meanegles cuarel that cannot by seteld because its an individual opinion.

I like Heroes V fortress - you don't have to.
You like Heroes IV game system - I don't have to.
I Like the way they did the naga, but would welcome a more Ledriot style, Elvin on the other hand thinks that Ledriots concepts are owerfilled with unnescesary details, but its our own opinion

All this hate around makes me feel like I'm talking with teenagers, with mostly is not the case here, so please act your age.
(p.s. Cool and dumb are not the only words that can emphesies your mood towards a unit)

Thank you for statig this. It is something I have felt very often ever since HoMMVI was announced. And it is something I have voiced a few times earlier. I am glad someone agrees with this/me. Over the whole it stops me from posting a lot more on this corner of the forum.
I have called this phenomenon "Opinion-spamming" earlier and I dislike the flaming and trolling it evokes. And it stops me from voicing my own opinion often. Basically I could not give a flying monkey for your opinions, just as much as you don't care for my view on things.
And we will get flamed and trolled for this, just as much as when I would have stated that I like the Naga in general and like to see how they play in the actual game.
But we are on a video-game forum and there will be Fanboys/girls. And there are many different kinds of Fanboys/girls, all of whom have an equally valid opinion. However some are more acidic then others and these are often the vocal minority. And as Alcibiades has stated oft, there are few fanbases who are as divided as the HoMM-fanbase. This will not change and as much as we try to get along, the effort may just be invain.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Hired Hero
That's a lady?
posted March 15, 2011 10:38 AM

I suppose I would've preffered to see less humanoid creatures. What's more important is how it plays though, and there's more to how it plays than just attaching stats to art. The creatures have been designed and grouped together to work together. Abilities, roles, strategic balance, there's a lot in play here that we have seen little to nothing of.

Also in terms of straight up visual appeal, we have also seen very little of how they will play off each other and the surroundings in the game. Something that seems to have consistently yielded pleasant surprise for this game so far.

I don't know, I do kind of want to unleash water lizards and battle turtles at my enemies instead of humanoid female #6 in blue though.

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Famous Hero
posted March 15, 2011 12:00 PM

I'm very pleased. Outside the Snow Maiden, I can't nitpick anything. And personally I'm very glad there's no "H3 Fortress nod" and it's really a brand new concept and theme for a Heroes town. From what we've seen of Sanctuary, it does make up for cutting Academy & Sylvan.

Unless sharkmen are a vital part of the plot line, I sure that they could have used lore to justify a different creature instead.

A while ago Elvin had already confirmed the Shark Warriors are beast-men, there's your lore explanation. Had they used lizardmen, the bashing would have mounted with "why not the rest of the Fortress lineup? it's so unfair!"...

I have called this phenomenon "Opinion-spamming" earlier and I dislike the flaming and trolling it evokes. And it stops me from voicing my own opinion often. Basically I could not give a flying monkey for your opinions, just as much as you don't care for my view on things.

I agree with this in general, however this particular thread does ask for our opinion and nobody can do anything else than write down how they feel about Sanctuary, so it's not exactly a "real" discussion going on here.

But as far as the discussion thread goes, I entirely agree with you and I really don't see the point of certain relentless posters constantly going on about "but I'd prefer this or that" as if the developers would actually hear their own individual criticism and take it into account. I much prefer the speculation based on the news we get instead of the "Ubi lost the plot" and such.

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