
Tavern Dweller
posted December 21, 2015 06:30 PM |
Does your amethyst mod only work on old WOG or does it work on ERA II as well?
I tried download the whole folder then run the exe, still doesn't work. How do I see the 3rd upgrade? Is it through the usual recruiting screen or do I have to click "Upgrade" button on an upgraded creature to upgrade it to the 3rd upgrade? Currently neither work.

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 21, 2015 11:28 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 00:02, 22 Dec 2015.
bbvsdd3 said: Hi,
Does your amethyst mod only work on old WOG or does it work on ERA II as well?
I tried download the whole folder then run the exe, still doesn't work. How do I see the 3rd upgrade? Is it through the usual recruiting screen or do I have to click "Upgrade" button on an upgraded creature to upgrade it to the 3rd upgrade? Currently neither work.
It requires era. For new erm commands and for binary codes. And of course for amethyst plugin. It may require WoG PLUS mod.
Yes you just click another upgrade, but it requires special building (built by rightclicking on city hall). It has wog option on first page.
Town Guardians guards city with capitol for free, for other towns you may buy it by rightclicking castle.

Tavern Dweller
posted December 22, 2015 07:00 AM |
What's the wog plus mod?

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 22, 2015 09:32 AM |

Tavern Dweller
posted December 22, 2015 10:33 PM |
Just to be clear, is the amethyst plug in the same thing as the amethyst mod? I tried running it and ear II crashes.

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 23, 2015 08:40 AM |
Amethyst plugin is made by OxFEA. Amethyst Upgrades uses this plugin. You need to copy amethyst.cfg and creatures folder to main data folder for it to work (you can do it by hand or use "install creatures.cmd" script). There is no werewolf crash because offending code is disabled.

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 23, 2015 06:00 PM |
Changed Mithril Script (You can now upgrade Adventure Map Dwellings twice)
fixed level 8 accumulation (it works like normal creatures)
fixed sacred phoenixes growth (were 1, is 2)
fixed santa gremlin accumulation (16 per week)
changed santa gremlin power (was count/64 is count/16)
set santa gremlin guards to upgraded, not dependently on exp rank.
Welcome to helping me make balance.

Famous Hero
posted December 23, 2015 09:37 PM |
Mithril Script error
Mithril Script give me this error:
ERM syntax Error.
File: erm
Line: 5212
"VNCopy"-internal error (source=0). Possible reason is wrong macro syntax.
Save all ERM vars to WOGERMLOG.TXT (may take time)?
!#IF&v1=0:V873/0; (Check for replacing)
*** Post-Instruction trigger ***
!!UN 36/?y-1; [Check if Mithril script is enabled: y-1]
!!VRz-2:S^%Z136090^; [User-defined section of WoG.ini.....

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 24, 2015 08:07 AM |
Edited by majaczek at 17:17, 24 Dec 2015.
Khadras said: Mithril Script give me this error:
ERM syntax Error.
File: erm
Line: 5212
"VNCopy"-internal error (source=0). Possible reason is wrong macro syntax.
Save all ERM vars to WOGERMLOG.TXT (may take time)?
!#IF&v1=0:V873/0; (Check for replacing)
*** Post-Instruction trigger ***
!!UN 36/?y-1; [Check if Mithril script is enabled: y-1]
!!VRz-2:S^%Z136090^; [User-defined section of WoG.ini.....
Amethyst Upgrades now require WoG PLUS.
it should be in this order in mod manager
Amethyst Upgrades
WoG Revised
Happy testing/playing! and Merry Christmass!
New Mithril Enchancements
- You can change digging hole into magic well for 5 mithril
- You can rise Hill Fort in mountains for 49 mithril
- You can rise redwood observatory in any type of trees for
1 mithril
- you can upgrade redwood observatory into hunting lodge for 3 mithril
- you can Summon Altar on lava terrain for 22 mithril (places Altar of Sacrifice and gives 3 level 8 creatures matching hero class - Sacred Phoenixed is 7 instead of 3)

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 25, 2015 07:16 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 21:13, 25 Dec 2015.
I am working on Knightmare Levels script (part of Knightmare Heroes Mod)
It gives premmies dependent on Hero speciality on heroes above 20/40/60 level.
Currently Specialities are
Lighting/Chain Lighting/Titan's Thunder/AStromancy Specialists
20 immune to lighting spells
40 immune to Hostile Air Spells
Armageddon Specialists
40 Armageddon Immunity
60 Immunity to Hostile Fire Spells
Summon Elementals Speciality
20 Free summon at beginnning of battle
40 Another Free summon at beginnning of battle
60 Another Free summon at beginnning of battle
Eagle Eye SPecialists
20 Champion Charge
40 strike and return
60 No Retaliation
Scholar/Wisdom Specialists
20 Advanced Magic Mirror
40 Basic Antimagic
EDIT: Made more progress, too much to list. Please some suggestions, what to make for what speciality. Currently only monster specialists are finished (summons Stack of monsters at beggining of battle, additional monsters every 20 levels)

Legendary Hero
posted December 25, 2015 09:08 PM |
Edited by Baronus at 21:40, 25 Dec 2015.
Interesting. Adding new abilities is important question to upgrade game. Especialy boosting eagle eye, health and scholar which are mistakes. I wish you succes.
Powodzenia :-)
health = first aid :-)

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 25, 2015 09:31 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 21:44, 25 Dec 2015.
Baronus said: Interesting. Adding new abilities is important question to upgrade game. Especialy boosting eagle eye, health and scholar which are mistakes. I wish you succes.
Powodzenia :-)
There are currently some new Secondary Skills in Knightmare heroes for long time. Those are Astromancy (replaces Navigation) and Life Magic (replaces Luck), both adds power to matching spells.
There are new Specialists including Wisdom Specialists (+1 Spellpower every level), and Scholar Specialists (learn random 5th level spells). Life Magic and Astromancy also haves its specialists. New spell specialists also. And there is also overpowered a bit Learning specialists (experience daily). Nice also is Pathfinding specialist (XP every step, stronger pathfinding bonus, note that pathfinding adds now Hero Movement every battle).
EDIT: Which Health? do you mention First Aid? It is already powerfull in WoG as First Aid Tent currently ressurects units.
EDIT2: Baronus do you like Town Guardian feature? there are extraordinary monsters that protects Siege in Capital City (the one with Capitol) and may guard another cities if you pay 44000 gold and 25 Mithril. Inspired by Disciples series.

Legendary Hero
posted December 25, 2015 09:53 PM |
Thanks for explanation. So if all failed skills are boosting, now is to do ballancing them and ad new options :-)

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 25, 2015 09:58 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 22:40, 26 Dec 2015.
Baronus, I already Boosted Eagle Eye specialists, Scholar specialist is nice also, however non-specialists Eagle Eye and Scholar are a bit weak but managable (in wog they add new spells). I hated Luck and Navigation so I replaced them (however they adds both new and old bonuses). Diplo were nice but I upgraded it to Nobility (additional premmy to commander). Do you have any Ideas what else to replace with what?
EDIT: Fixed critical errors in Knightmare levels
EDIT: Changed Knightmare Levels. Now they are 20/35/50 as 60 was too late game, and 50 is pretty obtainable but still hard to achieve.

Legendary Hero
posted December 27, 2015 10:31 AM |
New ideas?
Leadership - bonus to action. 12,5 % chance to dual action NO 3 to morale!
Luck - bonus to damages. 12,5 % chance to dual damages NO 3 to luck!
Artillery - Helth of the ballista = (hero defence + 1) x (basic ballista health)
Ballistics - catapult can attack units.

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 27, 2015 03:21 PM |
Baronus said: New ideas?
Leadership - bonus to action. 12,5 % chance to dual action NO 3 to morale!
Luck - bonus to damages. 12,5 % chance to dual damages NO 3 to luck!
Artillery - Helth of the ballista = (hero defence + 1) x (basic ballista health)
Ballistics - catapult can attack units.
Leadership - nope
Luck - nope, also already replaced with life magic
Artillery - interesting, but we already have upgrades to ballista, also Ogre Leader gives additional ballistas. May look into but ratio is too big (it may be i.e. (defense/10+1) * (normal ballista health) or something) won't make it soon.
Ballistics - nice but they are already in WoG scripts (War Machines III script).
also in my scripts there are possible multiple Catapults and multiple Ammo Carts.

Famous Hero
posted December 28, 2015 07:35 AM |
Edited by Khadras at 08:33, 28 Dec 2015.
majaczek said:
Khadras said: Mithril Script give me this error:
ERM syntax Error.
File: erm
Line: 5212
"VNCopy"-internal error (source=0). Possible reason is wrong macro syntax.
Save all ERM vars to WOGERMLOG.TXT (may take time)?
!#IF&v1=0:V873/0; (Check for replacing)
*** Post-Instruction trigger ***
!!UN 36/?y-1; [Check if Mithril script is enabled: y-1]
!!VRz-2:S^%Z136090^; [User-defined section of WoG.ini.....
Amethyst Upgrades now require WoG PLUS.
it should be in this order in mod manager
Amethyst Upgrades
WoG Revised
Happy testing/playing! and Merry Christmass!
New Mithril Enchancements
- You can change digging hole into magic well for 5 mithril
- You can rise Hill Fort in mountains for 49 mithril
- You can rise redwood observatory in any type of trees for
1 mithril
- you can upgrade redwood observatory into hunting lodge for 3 mithril
- you can Summon Altar on lava terrain for 22 mithril (places Altar of Sacrifice and gives 3 level 8 creatures matching hero class - Sacred Phoenixed is 7 instead of 3)
Why? Please tell me where is the conflict because your verions of Amaethyst Upgrades mod was worked fine until the last version. Perhaps the mithril enchancement script is who generate the problem. Wog PLUS has nothing to do with this.

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 28, 2015 12:09 PM |
Edited by majaczek at 12:17, 28 Dec 2015.
WoG PLUS contains new wogify script, which is required by Mithril Enchancements scripts. the error you shown is missing macro. The macro you don't have is defined in WoG PLUS, SU Patch but not in WoG Revised nor plain WoG. Mithril Enchancements script from Amethyst Upgrades is based on Mithril Enchancements script from WoG PLUS.
Don't say it has nothing connected before you check. Yes error fired in Mithril Enchancements, but is related to wogify script. Mithril Enchancements is new script in Amethyst Upgrades, so dependence on WoG PLUS is also new.
EDIT: Forgot to mention - you can upgrade Adventure Map Dwellings twice.
EDIT2: I am working on new version of Knightmare Heroes mod

Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted December 28, 2015 11:25 PM |
would you like me to create pack with all my mods which work out of the box? (let's name it knightmare kingdoms, and it would contain WoG Revised, WoG PLUS and all my present mods)
it would help me making order this way, since there are intersections between mod but still I used to want have them working solitairy.

Famous Hero
posted December 29, 2015 08:16 AM |
majaczek said: WoG PLUS contains new wogify script, which is required by Mithril Enchancements scripts. the error you shown is missing macro. The macro you don't have is defined in WoG PLUS, SU Patch but not in WoG Revised nor plain WoG. Mithril Enchancements script from Amethyst Upgrades is based on Mithril Enchancements script from WoG PLUS.
Don't say it has nothing connected before you check. Yes error fired in Mithril Enchancements, but is related to wogify script. Mithril Enchancements is new script in Amethyst Upgrades, so dependence on WoG PLUS is also new.
EDIT: Forgot to mention - you can upgrade Adventure Map Dwellings twice.
EDIT2: I am working on new version of Knightmare Heroes mod 
Thank you very much for this information. I copy those scripts into a mod placed under Amethyst in mod list and now worked. I can not use Wog Plus because there are mods in my list that not working with some scripts in Wog Plus. For example reinforcements-eng script, xxl maps and resolve battle is not working for me. I use this list of mods that are modified to be compatible between them>
Morn battlefields
Secondary Skills Scrolling
Fast Battle Animation
Composed objects and NPC
New Objects Patch
Heroes 2 Objects
WoG graphics beta
Animated trees
WoG Revised
Undead Ghosts
Training Facility
Smuggler's Hideout (JM)
Big Spell Book
Revisitable Cartographers
Master of Craft
New Upgrades
Disposable Spell-Scrolls
Another flags
Estates displayed
Rename town
Advanced Battle Hints
Usain Bolt
Upgrade ALL
New Interface Mod
LotRD Music
new difficult button
GAMEPLAY_Neutrals split
[GRAPHICS] Various Pandora boxes
A Game of Universe
Underground fixed
Mithril Smelter
Neutral Units PLUS
amethyst upgrades
ERA scripts ENG 1.19
ReMagic Eng 1.7
Damage related to health
Bounty Hunter
Army Management
Upgradable Silos
random hero plus
Knightmare War Machines
Enhanced Magic Skills
So Era Scripts ENG 1.19 and ReMagic Eng 1.7 works just in this position and if I put other mod in top of them are not working.