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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: [Platform] Knightmare Kingdoms
Thread: [Platform] Knightmare Kingdoms This thread is 61 pages long: 1 10 20 30 40 ... 48 49 50 51 52 ... 60 61 · «PREV / NEXT»

Known Hero
posted January 09, 2021 04:03 PM

Aside from the play-through in which I switched to the 1-6 version halfway through, I've also now completed a full playthrough on 1-6 with no major issues. Great job!

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted January 12, 2021 07:48 PM

upgrades preview by Ice Knight.

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Known Hero
posted January 16, 2021 10:05 PM
Edited by Undeadgamer62 at 19:05, 17 Jan 2021.

It turns out there are still a few problems. One concerns the altar sacrifice script that relates to praising the gods of war for 22 mithril. That still crashes the game every time, but it's easy to avoid by saying no when the choice is offered. But what happens if the AI gets the choice? I'm seeing crashes during the AI player's turn that could be accounted for by that. I can't be sure because they happen early enough that the AI player involved is not visible. I do notice that crashes seem to be inevitable on some maps and not occur at all on others. I've tested the maps with this problem in games without Knightmare Kingdoms, and they seem to work fine.

Another possible issue concerns Sylfaen dragon spellcasting. When the dragon casts, I sometimes get an error message about answers from 0-20 being expecting but 21 occurring instead. This message can crash the game but doesn't always. However, in a situation like a dragon utopia, in which the Sylfaen dragons may not get wiped out immediately and thus might cast a few times, the odds of a crash increase. Now I know to wipe out the Sylfaens first, but an AI player might not do that. I'm assuming that anything that could crash the game for me could also crash it for the AI.

The first problem seems easy to solve by eliminating whatever script it is that sets up the praising the war gods routine (or fixing it, but elimination seems easier if you're short on time). The Sylfaen dragon issue is trickier. But if there is an easier fix for it, that would solve the problem.

The crashes I'm talking about seem to occur some time during the second month (when AI players might actually have 22 mithril to throw around). But it's also possible a lucky AI player might be strong enough to take a shot at a dragon utopia. However, every game I've played into the third month, I've been able to complete. If there were no accessible altars of sacrifice, then that issue wouldn't come up. I'd expect the Sylfaen dragon issue to come up more often in the later game, though. However, the utopia crash (and the suspect error message) don't happen every time.

I can send a debug file from either or both situations if that would be helpful.

Update: I may be wrong about the altar of sacrifice. I noticed that when the altar is visible and an AI hero visits it, I'm giving the choice of whether to offer the 22 mithril or not. Quirky as that is, I'm not surprised. The unmodded ERA-WOG has a few situations where messages intended for AI heroes come to me, such as trying to train a skill on which the hero is already maxed out. But if this behavior is consistent, it means crashes are not being caused by the AI saying yes to the mithril sacrifice, because the option is being given to me instead.

Sylfaen dragons may still be a possibility. I also notice that long battles can lead to crashes, though in every case I've come across, the crash isn't replicatable. In any case, I have no way of knowing whether the AI got into a long battle or not. I'll keep experimenting and see what I find out.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted February 20, 2021 02:33 PM
Edited by majaczek at 14:34, 20 Feb 2021.

there is new version of Knightmare Kingdoms to download at first page

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Known Hero
posted February 21, 2021 04:27 PM
Edited by Undeadgamer62 at 00:32, 01 Mar 2021.

majaczek said:
there is new version of Knightmare Kingdoms to download at first page

Downloaded. I'm looking forward to trying it out.

Just as much fun as always and stable for the most part. However, I'm still getting haunted by an error message about answers from 0-20 being expecting but 21 occurring instead. I associated that with sylfaean dragons only, but it appears it can happen with any spellcaster in either a dragon utopia or a temple. (I've seen it with dungeon guardians in the temple of the moon, for example.) it doesn't occur every time, and it doesn't crash the game every time, either. Of course, I can avoid the triggering situation, but I can't make the AI avoid it. Sometimes, when the AI gets it, it may take one, two, or three times before the game crashes. Occasionally, replaying from the last save will avoid the problem, but not always. It would be nice if this particular problem could be fixed at some point. Aside from the script about offering 22 mithril to the gods of war at the altar of sacrifice (which problem can be easily avoided), that's the only replicateable crash-causing event I've seen in three playthroughs.

I get the occasional error message that doesn't crash the game, so I don't worry about those. There are also two combo artifacts that don't get created, but assembly effort causes all the parts to disappear: Surcoat of Lloth and Mandola of the Bard. (There may be others I haven't encountered yet, but those two I've seen a few times.)

The only other problem I've seen is that AI-hired wisdom specialists don't use the controls you provided to redistribute the primary skill points, with the result that when they hit 120 or so in spell power, spell power drops down to one.

Oh, actually that reminds me of two other things, one good and one not. The good one is that you've obviously fixed the items in the character pane so that they line up properly--good work on that. I don't know whether it's related or not, but in the most recent version, the secondary skill scrolling no longer works. (That ends up producing a lot of "hidden skills," as you can imagine. I can usually keep track of what I've got, but it's impossible on the hidden ones to tell what the benefits on being on that particular level are.)

All of that said, considering the complexity of the mod, it's a tribute to your skill that it works as well as it does. It's extremely hard to make that many changes to gameplay without having some issues.

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Famous Hero
posted March 02, 2021 02:53 PM

Hi! There is a problem with Astral Spirit creatures summoning. Look here: https://easyupload.io/pe73cj
Astral Spirit summon negative number of creatures. That group of creatures moves just one tile and stop. Then I can not use them.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted March 04, 2021 03:16 PM

Khadras said:
Hi! There is a problem with Astral Spirit creatures summoning. Look here: https://easyupload.io/pe73cj
Astral Spirit summon negative number of creatures. That group of creatures moves just one tile and stop. Then I can not use them.

well I would need to fix this. could you send me savegame? could you tell me steps to reproduce?

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Famous Hero
posted March 04, 2021 03:24 PM
Edited by Khadras at 15:39, 04 Mar 2021.

majaczek said:

well I would need to fix this. could you send me savegame? could you tell me steps to reproduce?

Here is the savegame: https://easyupload.io/abn7mi
Enter in battle with any cratures grup on the map and summon with Astral Spirit an elemental over any of his army and the negative number grup of creatures appears.

Please reduce the number of scouts generated by Scouting Secondary Skill because is very very unbalanced. How can I disabled it?

Olso, can you reduce the number of Town Guardians, because it is too big? I is very very difficult to conquer a city after some months.

There is a very high probability of finding some reward with any tile went by the hero with scouting at level 15. So high that you must read a text almost every step.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted March 04, 2021 04:39 PM
Edited by majaczek at 16:52, 04 Mar 2021.

Khadras said:
majaczek said:

well I would need to fix this. could you send me savegame? could you tell me steps to reproduce?

Here is the savegame: https://easyupload.io/abn7mi
Enter in battle with any cratures grup on the map and summon with Astral Spirit an elemental over any of his army and the negative number grup of creatures appears.

Please reduce the number of scouts generated by Scouting Secondary Skill because is very very unbalanced. How can I disabled it?

Olso, can you reduce the number of Town Guardians, because it is too big? I is very very difficult to conquer a city after some months.

There is a very high probability of finding some reward with any tile went by the hero with scouting at level 15. So high that you must read a text almost every step.

okay I may nerf the scouting if you wish so. I cannot find the cause why your commander makes negative summon, it works okay from new game with pasis, but from your save it is 100% repreoducible to get the bug. weird

EDIT: I can reproduce your bug on another hero on your save. It seems either your save is broken or you use some very old save and it managed to load somehow

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Known Hero
posted March 04, 2021 05:33 PM

majaczek said:
Khadras said:
majaczek said:

well I would need to fix this. could you send me savegame? could you tell me steps to reproduce?

Here is the savegame: https://easyupload.io/abn7mi
Enter in battle with any cratures grup on the map and summon with Astral Spirit an elemental over any of his army and the negative number grup of creatures appears.

Please reduce the number of scouts generated by Scouting Secondary Skill because is very very unbalanced. How can I disabled it?

Olso, can you reduce the number of Town Guardians, because it is too big? I is very very difficult to conquer a city after some months.

There is a very high probability of finding some reward with any tile went by the hero with scouting at level 15. So high that you must read a text almost every step.

okay I may nerf the scouting if you wish so. I cannot find the cause why your commander makes negative summon, it works okay from new game with pasis, but from your save it is 100% repreoducible to get the bug. weird

EDIT: I can reproduce your bug on another hero on your save. It seems either your save is broken or you use some very old save and it managed to load somehow

I have mixed feelings about nerfing scouting. At first, I felt the same way as Khadras. However, the effect of the extra rogues depends largely on luck, as so many things in H3 do. Who is the first to get a hero who has initially or develops scouting? How many artifacts does that character have that also enhance scouting? How many battles does the first scouting hero get early on? (Enough early casualties can slow down the accumulation of rogues, allowing someone else to overtake the initial leader. Someimes, I end up with the most rogues, sometimes not. Maybe a switch to enable players to adjust how scouting works if they wish would be a better approach than an absolute nerf.

On town guardians, I'm going to disagree with Khadras. Yes, they do make it less likely that capitols or former capitols can be conquered in mid-game, but if one plays long enough, the commander's strength outruns the growth in town guardians. By that point, I easily beat the town guardians. (It's not uncommon for the commander to take half of them down in one round, sometimes even more.) The AI had also been able to conquer some of my towns at that point, so I know it can be done.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted March 04, 2021 05:39 PM

Undeadgamer62 said:
majaczek said:
Khadras said:
majaczek said:

well I would need to fix this. could you send me savegame? could you tell me steps to reproduce?

Here is the savegame: https://easyupload.io/abn7mi
Enter in battle with any cratures grup on the map and summon with Astral Spirit an elemental over any of his army and the negative number grup of creatures appears.

Please reduce the number of scouts generated by Scouting Secondary Skill because is very very unbalanced. How can I disabled it?

Olso, can you reduce the number of Town Guardians, because it is too big? I is very very difficult to conquer a city after some months.

There is a very high probability of finding some reward with any tile went by the hero with scouting at level 15. So high that you must read a text almost every step.

okay I may nerf the scouting if you wish so. I cannot find the cause why your commander makes negative summon, it works okay from new game with pasis, but from your save it is 100% repreoducible to get the bug. weird

EDIT: I can reproduce your bug on another hero on your save. It seems either your save is broken or you use some very old save and it managed to load somehow

I have mixed feelings about nerfing scouting. At first, I felt the same way as Khadras. However, the effect of the extra rogues depends largely on luck, as so many things in H3 do. Who is the first to get a hero who has initially or develops scouting? How many artifacts does that character have that also enhance scouting? How many battles does the first scouting hero get early on? (Enough early casualties can slow down the accumulation of rogues, allowing someone else to overtake the initial leader. Someimes, I end up with the most rogues, sometimes not. Maybe a switch to enable players to adjust how scouting works if they wish would be a better approach than an absolute nerf.

On town guardians, I'm going to disagree with Khadras. Yes, they do make it less likely that capitols or former capitols can be conquered in mid-game, but if one plays long enough, the commander's strength outruns the growth in town guardians. By that point, I easily beat the town guardians. (It's not uncommon for the commander to take half of them down in one round, sometimes even more.) The AI had also been able to conquer some of my towns at that point, so I know it can be done.

okay, so I currently would put attention on fixing rather than balance. it seems third upgrades in castle/dwellings are set wrong way for conflux

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Famous Hero
posted March 05, 2021 01:52 PM
Edited by Khadras at 13:57, 05 Mar 2021.

For scouting, i think it is better to set an weekly amount (20-40 per week) to a maximim (with other bonuses) of 70 per week.
For Town Guardians, maybe you can make a menu that appear at start of the game to choose how strong the town defense will be: weak, poor, medium, strong and insane, every one of them with own formula for calculate the number of town guardians. Every player will be able to choose the level of town defense he wants.

There is also a problem with combo artifacts. I made Bow of the Sharpshooter and dissappear when i want to move it in another slot. I think this problem appears because of the 5th slot. The solution is the implementation of "one slot for combo artifacts" plugin (every combo artifact will occupies one slot on hero).

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted March 05, 2021 02:04 PM

Khadras said:
For scouting, i think it is better to set an weekly amount (20-40 per week) to a maximim (with other bonuses) of 70 per week.
For Town Guardians, maybe you can make a menu that appear at start of the game to choose how strong the town defense will be: weak, poor, medium, strong and insane, every one of them with own formula for calculate the number of town guardians. Every player will be able to choose the level of town defense he wants.

There is also a problem with combo artifacts. I made Bow of the Sharpshooter and dissappear when i want to move it in another slot. I think this problem appears because of the 5th slot. The solution is the implementation of "one slot for combo artifacts" plugin (every combo artifact will occupies one slot on hero).

I disagree for any maximum. scouting arts should give rogues, also there is a scouting combo. anyway I may decrease rougues per level of scouting. note that if I include scouting specialist he/she could get even more

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Known Hero
posted March 05, 2021 04:32 PM

Khadras said:
There is also a problem with combo artifacts. I made Bow of the Sharpshooter and dissappear when i want to move it in another slot. I think this problem appears because of the 5th slot. The solution is the implementation of "one slot for combo artifacts" plugin (every combo artifact will occupies one slot on hero).

Interestingly, you and I get somewhat different results. I've never had bow of the sharpshooter disappear on me when I move it around, but I have had the components disappear when creating some of the new artifacts. Oddly, my combo artifacts all fit in one slot already, though I know that's not what's supposed to happen. I'm using the latest version of KK and 3.3.4 version of ERA.

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Tavern Dweller
posted March 05, 2021 07:02 PM

Hey! Im really trying to get this mod to run, its an amazing job! Can anyone decipher this error?

Failed to read data at 0.
EIP: Era.47FD4 (Erm.PutVal + 76 in Erm.pas on line 5026 offset 3). Code: C0000005

> Registers
EAX: 00000000 (int: 0)
ECX: 00000000 (int: 0)
EDC: 00000004 (int: 4)
EBX: 00000004 (int: 4)
ESP: 1CB6DC00 (int: 481745920, pint: 0x00000000)
EBP: 1CB6DC14 (int: 481745940, pint: 0x1CB6DC34 = 481745972)
ESI: 00000000 (int: 0)
EDI: 1CB6E008 (int: 481746952, pint: 0x00000008)

> Callstack
Era.48310 (Erm.Hook_ZvsApply + 104 in Erm.pas on line 5140 offset 35)
Era.4A692 (Erm.Hook_UN_C + 318 in Erm.pas on line 6315 offset 25)
H3era.007493CC (wog_start + 295884)
Era.4909E (Erm.ProcessErm + 2290 in Erm.pas on line 5569 offset 11)
H3era.0074D22B (wog_start + 311851)
H3era.0077497E (wog_start + 473470)
H3era.00774958 (wog_start + 473432)
H3era.0061A63A (_threadstart(x) + 87)

> Stack
1CB6DBEC: 000002E4 (int: 740)
1CB6DBF0: FFFFFD34 (int: -716)
1CB6DBF4: 000002CC (int: 716)
1CB6DBF8: 00000019 (int: 25)
1CB6DBFC: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC00*: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC04: 1CB6E224 (int: 481747492, pint: 0x00000003)
1CB6DC08: Era.2CF41 (GameExt.FindMemoryRedirection + 117 in GameExt.pas on line 214 offset 19) (int: 98488129, pint: 0xF685F08B)
1CB6DC0C: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC10: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC14: 1CB6DC34 (int: 481745972, pint: 0x1CB6DC80 = 481746048)
1CB6DC18: Era.48310 (Erm.Hook_ZvsApply + 104 in Erm.pas on line 5140 offset 35) (int: 98599696, pint: 0x0000D3E9 = 54249)
1CB6DC1C: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC20: 00000004 (int: 4)
1CB6DC24: 1CB6E008 (int: 481746952, pint: 0x00000008)
1CB6DC28: 1CB6DC8C (int: 481746060, pint: 0x08F906E2 = 150537954)
1CB6DC2C: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC30: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC34: 1CB6DC80 (int: 481746048, pint: 0x1CB6DDA0 = 481746336)
1CB6DC38: Era.4A692 (Erm.Hook_UN_C + 318 in Erm.pas on line 6315 offset 25) (int: 98608786, pint: 0xC710C483)
1CB6DC3C: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC40: 00000004 (int: 4)
1CB6DC44: 1CB6E008 (int: 481746952, pint: 0x00000008)
1CB6DC48: 00000002 (int: 2)
1CB6DC4C: 1CB6E31C (int: 481747740, pint: 0x1CB6FF60 = 481754976)
1CB6DC50: Era.4A6C0 (Erm.Hook_UN_C + 364 in Erm.pas on line 6320 offset 27) (int: 98608832, pint: 0xFBA07BE9)
1CB6DC54: 1CB6DC80 (int: 481746048, pint: 0x1CB6DDA0 = 481746336)
1CB6DC58: 08F906E2 (int: 150537954, pint: 0x00004E55 = 20053)
1CB6DC5C: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC60: 08F8CB6C (int: 150522732, pint: 0x00000000)
1CB6DC64: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC68: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC6C: 00000002 (int: 2)
1CB6DC70: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC74: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC78: 00000003 (int: 3)
1CB6DC7C: 00000000 (int: 0)
1CB6DC80: 1CB6DDA0 (int: 481746336, pint: 0x1CB6E308 = 481747720)
1CB6DC84: 06703D57 (int: 108019031, pint: 0x840FC085)
1CB6DC88: 1CB6DC8C (int: 481746060, pint: 0x08F906E2 = 150537954)


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Famous Hero
posted March 06, 2021 01:24 PM

Undeadgamer62 said:

Interestingly, you and I get somewhat different results. I've never had bow of the sharpshooter disappear on me when I move it around, but I have had the components disappear when creating some of the new artifacts. Oddly, my combo artifacts all fit in one slot already, though I know that's not what's supposed to happen. I'm using the latest version of KK and 3.3.4 version of ERA.

Yes. It's weird.

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted March 15, 2021 06:35 PM
Edited by majaczek at 21:42, 12 Apr 2021.

Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-03-22 prerelease + bugfix
unpack to Heroes3/mods (you need era 3.3.5 or newer) (you need one version of KK at once)

new prerelease as of 2021-03-22


Knightmare kingdoms prerelease-2021-04-11

Updated Again

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted April 14, 2021 01:46 PM

majaczek said:
Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-03-22 prerelease + bugfix
unpack to Heroes3/mods (you need era 3.3.5 or newer) (you need one version of KK at once)

new prerelease as of 2021-03-22


Knightmare kingdoms prerelease-2021-04-11

Updated Again

edit: and again updated

Knightmare Kingdoms 2021-04-14 13-40

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Hired Hero
posted April 19, 2021 11:19 PM

Hi I'm new to this mod, I thought it would be level 3 of all creatures, but I could not upgrade them in town. What did I miss? Or what should I do to upgrade the creatures to 3rd form?

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Supreme Hero
Work at Magic Dimmension
posted April 20, 2021 09:17 AM

mrryu2312 said:
Hi I'm new to this mod, I thought it would be level 3 of all creatures, but I could not upgrade them in town. What did I miss? Or what should I do to upgrade the creatures to 3rd form?

right click on Town Hall, there is additional building to be build (it allows additional upgrades which you want)

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