Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted September 02, 2013 10:20 PM |
Hey.. people I think you might be a bit to much overfocused
Look at herold. Many people thought that fire will be the most played magic school and disliked the numbero of heroes using fire magic... but the expansion introduced such cards that changed one of the "not so much played" spell school into "one of the most played".
One stupid spell and now water magic has such a potential that it surpassed even prime in use and ended up i the top 3(4) od spell schools
They might add such cards that can again change the balance of spell school very fast.
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Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted September 02, 2013 10:52 PM |
Top 4 of 6 isn't much.
Famous Hero
MSN can go to hell
posted September 03, 2013 01:44 AM |
The Forbidden Flame is still a gamechanger. You overcommit, put 5 creatures on the board and they get wiped clean. Now you have only two cards in your hand and the other guy has 7, half of them being Soulreavers and/or Fireballs, Phantom Images, Puppet Masters. I agree The Strength of the Sea is good, but it can easily be dispelled.
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted September 03, 2013 07:49 AM |
Yeah Forbidden Flame should cost more...that and Might of Nature can be real game changers.
Nonetheless, I can't wait for Myranda. Champion with 2/1/0 is a nice change, and access to Prime & Air is superb for a champion. Lightning strike and town portal and her own teleport ability will give great advantages in hurting enemy heroes quick!
Wondering if it's going to be easier to get heroes in next expansion...like Heroic packs....
Supreme Hero
posted September 03, 2013 12:44 PM |
DoubleDeck said: Yeah Forbidden Flame should cost more...that and Might of Nature can be real game changers.
Nonetheless, I can't wait for Myranda. Champion with 2/1/0 is a nice change, and access to Prime & Air is superb for a champion. Lightning strike and town portal and her own teleport ability will give great advantages in hurting enemy heroes quick!
Wondering if it's going to be easier to get heroes in next expansion...like Heroic packs....
I think that Champion will be "balanced" just because Academy won't have strong units for rush, if it would have, this Champion would be uncontested for rush. Two, strong Magic Schools, with her sick ability that is always useful, together with her starting stats really makes her amazing champion.
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.
Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted September 03, 2013 04:57 PM |
I think you people overestimatte fire magic. It's good but there are to many ways to stand against it.
Orcs have magic ressistant ccreatures like crushers..
Nagas have water magic and Mizu-kamis
One single monsoon can turn you Forbiden flame to an avarage card.
Two of them played turn half of your deck to a pile of worthless cards.
This goes for Earth magic as well.
I spoke about the one spell that made water a usefull school. But the trutth is, that its the number of options it has to lower the impact of other schools, this versatility that makes it shine.
Supreme Hero
posted September 03, 2013 06:17 PM |
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted September 03, 2013 10:21 PM |
So Space Elephant confirmed that the "way to get a single card" is going to be called Altar of Wishes. It won't be like the Infernal Pit and it will be available to anyone regardless of ELO or money, so no "pay-to-win" vibe. Leaves me to think that it might be based on player level....
Expansion will be the biggest: 150 new cards.
He mentions that it will be released in a few weeks/months...
Hmmmm....I don't like the "/months" part I must say....thought it would be September for sure, now not so sure..
Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted September 03, 2013 10:29 PM |
He's messing with us A little below you can read that The bad news is that it will be fixed on the live environment only with the new expansion, in a few weeks.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted September 04, 2013 08:10 AM |
Phew! A few weeks....please!
Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted September 04, 2013 10:42 AM |
If they plan a Third expansion this year. They are overdoing it. and I dislike it.....
Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2013 12:12 PM |
The more the merrier in my opinion.
3-4 Months for expansion is cool, the game is constantly changing and I like changes.
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted September 04, 2013 01:17 PM |
As long as the bugs don't keep changing
Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2013 01:41 PM |
Well, there will always be bugs, Ubisoft is not Blizzard Entertainment.
Give a man a mask, and he'll
become his true self.
Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted September 04, 2013 02:08 PM |
As a person growing up with cloase connections to TGCs i know how much I hated MtG 3 months and a new expansion policy. It benefits hard-core gamers to much, limits casual ones, and discurages "collectors". (Me beeing the third groupe)
@RMZ1989 you make it sound like blizzard had no bugs......
Famous Hero
posted September 04, 2013 02:23 PM |
If Ubisoft was like Blizzard we'd have pay-to-win button long ago, not even talking about expansions every 3 years
Supreme Hero
posted September 04, 2013 03:19 PM |
Edited by RMZ1989 at 16:06, 04 Sep 2013.
No, they do have bugs, which are resolved in a few days. I can't believe that something simple as Week of Austerity bug can take months to be fixed, not even talking about crashing bugs in Swiss, delay, Lag, Grey Screen, Discarding Shi-no-Shi or anything else that is gamebreaking. The Diablo Fiasco was the only Blizzard game that I had terrible experience with.
There are also bugs in WoW, that are pretty hard to find which goes with the nature of WoW and how big the game is. Those bugs still don't completely destroy gaming experience like they do in DoC.
Oh, so you are saying that WoW, Starcraft 2 and Hearthstone are pay-to-win games? Didn't know.
About expansions, if the DoC was big game as Starcraft/WoW/Diablo, we certainly wouldn't have expansions every 4-5 months, but every 1-2 Years. Those games also have constant patching, something is almost non-existent in DoC.
I am quite positive that Hearthstone will have a lot of expansions in a short time, just like DoC, as games aren't as complicated and difficult to change.
Was talking with a lot of guys about Hearthstone, game is in Beta, it is almost bug-free(I say almost because I didn't play it and am not sure about it, they say that it is completely bug-free).
Post from Space Elephant:
"Hi guys! Thanks for your great comments and suggestions! Don't hesitate to mail me or Aza if you have any questions! Regarding the "Base Set" , a base set is generally a core game set composed of cards from all factions. In DoC, the Base set 1 was released at the start of the game. Base set 2 will be the second generation of DoC cards, with cards from the previous expansions, and it will be some kind of a second meta-game. It will increase the rarity of older cards, and we'll be able to do, for example, a Base set 2 tournament, etc. We will keep you in touch of any development regarding it, as it's still early. "
Looks nice, second base set means that we will get a tons of new cards when it hits, and they said that they have plans for it before the new year.
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted September 04, 2013 04:39 PM |
Will Base set 2 be new cards?
They might be older cards "redone" (will be the second generation of DoC cards, with cards from the previous expansions).
Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted September 04, 2013 08:37 PM |
New card art from matrix stream:
Name: Crusader Chaplain
-Can't be targeted while at full health
-As long as it's in play, it prevents any card from any graveyard to be targeted by anything. Bye-bye Atropos loop, Shantiri Ruins et al!
Stats: Not revealed
Requirements: Not revealed
Rarity: Not revealed.
Legendary Hero
Look into my eyes...
posted September 04, 2013 08:38 PM |
New Haven creature cards revealed:
Crusader Chaplain
- Prevent graveyard recycling
- Un-targetable (when at full health)