
Hero of Order
Part of the furniture
posted December 23, 2015 07:18 PM |
nik312 said: We are definetely looking into this as it would a long-requested and interesting feature. Which doesn't mean, that it will appear any soon though.
Ah, ok, that's nice to know in any case . I would personally love such a feature, so I hope you guys can figure it out . Good luck!

Tavern Dweller
posted December 25, 2015 10:51 AM |
hy there. i have two questions:
1. how can i convert a map that i made by my self for WOG to HOTA ? because i cannot open it with the HOTA map editor.
2. does any of you guys knows something about a release date for a new HOTA patch ?

Known Hero
posted December 25, 2015 11:12 AM |
Cip016 said: 1. how can i convert a map that i made by my self for WOG to HOTA ? because i cannot open it with the HOTA map editor.
You will have to delete or replace all WoG objects and scripts from your map as they are not supported by HotA.
Then in WoG editor use File -> Save As..., and save map selecting Shadow of Death map file type. After this you will be able to open it with HotA map editor.

Tavern Dweller
posted December 25, 2015 11:19 AM |
Tks. i will try

Supreme Hero
posted December 30, 2015 06:10 PM |
Does HotA team have any versions of blank creature backgrounds in towns (like these which were made by me)?

I was wondering If someone here managed to make better versions of them (for all towns).
Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted December 31, 2015 01:08 PM |
Wonder if we can celebrate New Years with a brand new HotA update...

Tavern Dweller
posted December 31, 2015 01:14 PM |
phoenix4ever said: Wonder if we can celebrate New Years with a brand new HotA update... 
i sure hope so

Famous Hero
posted December 31, 2015 05:45 PM |
It's tradition, isn't it? ;-)

Tavern Dweller
posted December 31, 2015 08:17 PM |
Hey there! I wanted to ask whether or not there is any english board especially for balance/improvement suggestions. Can anyone help me out? Figured itd make no sense posting suggestions here.. ?!
By the way! Great snowing Work! Hota made me start play Homm3 again with some friends. We all think its brilliant and would like to see some (obvious needed) changes, which maybe could be triggerable at the start of each game (apart from the Multiplayer >2p Sim Turns which would be huge!)
e.g. expert slow(/shield/stoneskin/bless/needs discussion on each spell) covers AOE and not all Enemies.
Huge Debuffs on Townportal, DD and Fly, so they are actually not auto banned every MP game
I understand that one doesnt want to change the feels about Homm3 too much (like Wog did/does), but i really think some things need some tweaking (which could be optional as i said. Then again, i know nothing about programming and whether or not such options are possible without the possibilities of WoG)

Legendary Hero
posted December 31, 2015 09:15 PM |
I've been playing it for a few days and would like to ask why were the Shacles of War made so rare in the mod?
This forces me to have a single main hero with a gigantic army that can one hit kill every enemy hero, so I can catch the artifacts. Me at least I would like to have another hero, both with smaller armies from different towns, battling more evenly and progressing in different directions of the map but unless I'm very lucky with Diplomacy and early creeping, I can only sustain one "one hit-kill" army.
Loved the new banks and heroes, not so much the new grail. I have mine in Tower right now and please, for this templates is even more OP then it is for SoD.

Famous Hero
posted December 31, 2015 11:41 PM |
Eudoxus said: Hey there! I wanted to ask whether or not there is any english board especially for balance/improvement suggestions. Can anyone help me out? Figured itd make no sense posting suggestions here.. ?!
As u stated yourself... it's kinda useless, nik said he would skip the stuff about balance always in reading. 'coz he gets bored by it. New plot/units/towns concepions are somethign different afaik. Else jsut use the HotA Suggestion Thread for it, maybe u're lucky. But the Townportal, Dimensional Gate, Necromancy combo artifacts, Angel Wings stuff is well known and it's banned for lots of reasons. Maybe they'll deal with it sooner or later. We'll see

Famous Hero
posted January 01, 2016 12:42 AM |
Edited by nik312 at 00:44, 01 Jan 2016.
Quote: Huge Debuffs on Townportal, DD and Fly, so they are actually not auto banned every MP game
I suggest watching some real high-competetive plays). Townportal, DD, Fly, Angel Wings e.t.c are not banned on all most played templates (L and higher).
As for suggestions - if you have some not concerning balance and/or new towns/creatures/cool stuff for the sake of cool stuff - you can post them here. If it will be of any use, we will be glad to take it into consideration 
Quote: I've been playing it for a few days and would like to ask why were the Shacles of War made so rare in the mod?
They weren't made any rarer apart from the fact that there are more artifacts in the game now and => shackles have lower chance of appearing on a place of a random one. However, there are now more ways to get major artifacts, so on most templates shackles are actually more easily found than in SoD

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted January 01, 2016 12:47 AM |
Dear Nik is there an update under way? Last time it was here by this time...
Happy New Year to you.

Legendary Hero
posted January 01, 2016 01:58 AM |
nik312 said: They weren't made any rarer apart from the fact that there are more artifacts in the game now and => shackles have lower chance of appearing on a place of a random one. However, there are now more ways to get major artifacts, so on most templates shackles are actually more easily found than in SoD
Are you saying they didn't mix with artifacts values or something? Cause I end all my games with almost all eight heroes with the Wizard's Well and the Armour of the Damned and basicly have no relics other then those and the Ring of the Magi...

Known Hero
posted January 01, 2016 10:05 AM |
Something's coming guys...


Famous Hero
posted January 01, 2016 10:08 AM |
bloodsucker said:
nik312 said: They weren't made any rarer apart from the fact that there are more artifacts in the game now and => shackles have lower chance of appearing on a place of a random one. However, there are now more ways to get major artifacts, so on most templates shackles are actually more easily found than in SoD
Are you saying they didn't mix with artifacts values or something? Cause I end all my games with almost all eight heroes with the Wizard's Well and the Armour of the Damned and basicly have no relics other then those and the Ring of the Magi...
Well, blame the templates you are playing. If you are rolling a random one each time, you can get a few in a row, where there are little to none relics possible.
Happy New Year to everyone! Don't worry, the update is on its way, but we had some troubles, so it will be mistimed a bit (probably no more than a day or 2)

Known Hero
posted January 01, 2016 10:25 AM |
Edited by darkem at 12:45, 01 Jan 2016.
If so, may we get a sneak peek ? A little one? Pozhaluysta!
Happy New Year to you too!

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted January 01, 2016 12:25 PM |
Happy New Year to the HotA team as well! I'm eagerly waiting for the next version


Hired Hero
Map Renovator
posted January 01, 2016 05:26 PM |
Happy new year!
I'm sorry if this was asked but I only recently tried to research this, without success. Question: Is there any ETA on when the HotA campaign editor will be released? I never noticed that the campaign editor didn't work with HotA maps. And that's my problem. I recreated the HoMM2 Archibald campaign maps in HoMM3 and wanted to bundle them up in a campaign file. Is there something I can do about that right now?

Adventuring Hero
posted January 01, 2016 05:27 PM |
Happy new year guys. Best of luck to all here!