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Heroes Community > Heroes 3.5 - WoG and Beyond > Thread: [Official Thread] HoMM 3: Horn of the Abyss - Announcements, Questions, Features
Thread: [Official Thread] HoMM 3: Horn of the Abyss - Announcements, Questions, Features This Super Thread is 566 pages long: 1 70 140 210 280 350 ... 354 355 356 357 358 ... 420 490 560 566 · «PREV / NEXT»

Hired Hero
posted May 04, 2019 09:45 PM

I'm loving the forge faction so far.  My only complaint is that the aesthetic of the Outlaw dwelling makes the city feel too busy.  Hopefully the rest of the dwellings blend the town together better, or the Outlaw dwelling gets touched up with details to bring it in line with the rest of the town.  I think even just scooting it further under the cliff next to it would do the trick.

Otherwise, I love the idea of more tech added.  The Mech Dragon is an awesome idea (peeps already have cool stuff posted in the wishlist thread).  I hope it's non-flying.

Speaking of tech, I'm still going to argue for the Outlaw upgrade to have an ability to "run the gun", instead of first strike.  This would have an animation of the outlaw running the hammer on his rifle, like with revolvers in old west movies to achieve rapid fire.  In game, it would behave like chain lightning.

Here are some googles of action ideas that look to fit the unit:
Lorenzoni pistols

Turret Wheel Rifle

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Supreme Hero
posted May 04, 2019 09:49 PM
Edited by Gandalf196 at 21:51, 04 May 2019.

timmysoboy said:
I'm loving the forge faction so far.  My only complaint is that the aesthetic of the Outlaw dwelling makes the city feel too busy.  Hopefully the rest of the dwellings blend the town together better, or the Outlaw dwelling gets touched up with details to bring it in line with the rest of the town.  I think even just scooting it further under the cliff next to it would do the trick.


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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted May 04, 2019 11:01 PM

My complaint is that usually you find Outlaws in Saloons. It's cool and all, but there is a tavern right next to it

And holy cow that skull is probably from a Dragon-cow monster, look at the size of it...

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Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted May 10, 2019 08:45 AM

So about that summary...

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted May 10, 2019 09:30 AM
Edited by blob2 at 09:37, 10 May 2019.

timmysoboy said:
Speaking of tech, I'm still going to argue for the Outlaw upgrade to have an ability to "run the gun", instead of first strike.  This would have an animation of the outlaw running the hammer on his rifle, like with revolvers in old west movies to achieve rapid fire.  In game, it would behave like chain lightning.

The initial concepts showed Outlaws having pistols. But if you ask me the decision to give them a rifle is better: it's more menacing. Also I'm actually happy they decided to make it tier 6. Well, it's hard to imagine a human with a gun being on par with a Cyclops throwing a rock, but at least we finally get another ranged tier 6 faction unit.

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted May 10, 2019 10:28 AM

where are you guys getting the outlaw stuff? I can't find any info on the units of Factory anywhere.

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Supreme Hero
posted May 10, 2019 12:41 PM

Because only few of them were revealed?

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted May 10, 2019 02:35 PM
Edited by blob2 at 14:41, 10 May 2019.

Doomforge said:
where are you guys getting the outlaw stuff? I can't find any info on the units of Factory anywhere.

It's on page 338 of this thread. Also, I don't know what the units final name will be: Outlaw/Gunslinger/Bounty Hunter or different.

Btw I still think they should have some even more over-the-top weapon to show their tier 6 placement. Though the current design is pretty neat (trailer).

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted May 10, 2019 06:24 PM


I recall reading about Hota wanting to implement WoG commanders like... two years ago. I guess it was dropped? I mean those things were ludicrously OP but with proper balancing it could be... interesting I guess.
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Supreme Hero
posted May 10, 2019 06:42 PM

Doomforge said:

I recall reading about Hota wanting to implement WoG commanders like... two years ago. I guess it was dropped? I mean those things were ludicrously OP but with proper balancing it could be... interesting I guess.

I have to disagree with you, I'd keep everything WOG-related away from the official Heroes (as I said before, I regard HotA as the official Heroes, as if NWC were back on track, polishing their masterpiece even more).
That said, I must say I respect the efforts of those who created (and those who still work with) WOG, but that thing is nothing short of a terribly displeasing pastiche of some good ideas from an aesthetical point of view. The way I see it, NWC created the Sistine Chapel, the HotA crew revitalized it and WOG created something akin to Jeepers Creepers' House of Pain. That is not to say some people won't find joy in playing it (just as the Creeper enjoyed stacking up corpses in that horrible place ), but that it is a poor and ugly imitation of a true work of art.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 10, 2019 06:52 PM

Stop this nonsense about bad art, Wog is easy access to code handling, no city, expansion or graphics. An alphabet. All graphical features coming with Wog had the purpose of showing what is possible, not how it should look.  If Hota is the Sistine Chapel of graphics, WoG is then the Alexandria library of modding.
Era II mods and utilities

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted May 10, 2019 07:07 PM

HotA could simply use different art for commanders. it's "just art", anyway. Could be a black rectangle gameplay wise, and it would work just as well

What I like about the commander is that it allows for some "force projection" of our hero on the battlefield.

However, since it impacts the game in a massive way (commanders in WoG were broken for many reasons, allowing super fast creeping for everyone was a part of it), it would probably be insanely challenging to incorporate without breaking the game completely.

Then again, it could be an option banished from tournament rules, intended for single player. However, many maps aren't really created with a commander in mind and it would (again) break many maps in early game. A free, powerful and versatile unit for free, available right at the beginning changes everything...
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Supreme Hero
posted May 10, 2019 07:23 PM

Doomforge said:

What I like about the commander is that it allows for some "force projection" of our hero on the battlefield.

That is a very good argument, I agree. Back in 1999, when I played Heroes III for the first time (btw, Heroes III was my first Heroes game), I tended to find the Hero position in the battlefield a tad dull "what about the dude on the horse, won't he take part on the actual battle?", but that feeling decayed exponentially, as my love for the game grew.
However, since we are revisiting the game, one could, as you very nicely put, "allow for some force projection of our hero on the battlefield", by making the Hero more active on the battlefield, by giving him/her access to attacks (in a Heroes V or Heroes VII fashion), something like HoMM3: The Succession Wars Mod seems to be aiming at (correct me if I am wrong, Orzie):

And by giving him/her some trait, a la WOG commanders; Knights could bestow "knightly grace" on their troops, so that they can do double damage whenever morale triggers, Wizards would be able to cast 2 spells per turn (because they are the ultimate supreme masters of magic, we all shoud know that by now...). The thing is, if we are striving for that goal you mentioned, there's no need for an intermediary; let's make the hero more active by making him more active.

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Famous Hero
posted May 10, 2019 07:39 PM
Edited by planetavril at 19:41, 10 May 2019.

I do not see the utility of the commander,is the hero who runs the army,the commander what it is used for,they could let the hero participate, but for me it is perfect as it is now, why change?

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Supreme Hero
posted May 10, 2019 08:06 PM

Gandalf196 said:
Doomforge said:

And by giving him/her some trait, a la WOG commanders; Knights could bestow "knightly grace" on their troops, so that they can do double damage whenever morale triggers, Wizards would be able to cast 2 spells per turn (because they are the ultimate supreme masters of magic, we all shoud know that by now...). The thing is, if we are striving for that goal you mentioned, there's no need for an intermediary; let's make the hero more active by making him more active.

Expanding a bit on this, I've come up with this:

Knights - Retaliation strike (as in Heroes V);
Clerics - Sanctuary - protect a single stack from all forms of harm, as long it does not move or attack and it is not the single stack on your side of the battlefield;

Druids - Entangling roots (like the dendroid one, but dealing damage per turn);
Rangers - Precise shot ( a hero attack that ignores defense and that always kills at least one unit);

Wizards - 2 spells per turn (as long as their combined cost it not greater than x) or spell point regeneration;
Alchemists - convert dead enemies into precious resources;

Heretics - Heresy (mark an enemy to unit to take double damage from fire spells);
Demoniacs - Gating (Heroes V);

Necromancer - Instanteneous conversion (raise skeletons from a dead corpse, but lesse than necromancy and the dead stack won't be available for necromancy);
Death Knight - Chiling blades (a la Heroes V);

Warlocks - Spend twice the mana to cast a damaging spell for twice the damage (2 times per battle);
Overlords - Killing a stack gives the troop another turn;

Barbarians - Humanoid creatures can enter berserk mode, losing defense in order to increase attack and attacking the nearest creature (or enemy);
Battle magi - Killing a stack rewards the hero with some spell points (nice, ain't it? Fits the class very well, imo);

Witches - Indestructible First Aid Tent that can be used to poison, curse or petrify enemies;
Beastmasters - Issuing the defend command causes "beasts" you control to regenerate and gives them 1 more retaliation strike;

Elementalists - casting one spell each turn from a different school, ensues the next is cast with +x spell power (so, if you start with slow, as long the spell you cast next turn is not from the earth school, it will be cast with +x spell power and, in the third turn, in order to get the bonus again, but +2x this time, you must cast a spell from the 2 remaining schools of magic);

Planeswalkers - elementals you control have special abilites (earth can move to any space on the battlefield, fire leaves a burning trail...);

Navigators - Water spells casted on turn x are "echoed" on turn x+2, so, for example, is you cast bless on turn one, it will be automatically casted again on turn 3 (for free);

Captains - Cannons are indestructible and fire twice as long as there are pirates or crew mates nearby;

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted May 10, 2019 08:15 PM
Edited by blob2 at 20:17, 10 May 2019.

Commanders, while a cool idea in itself, is not a core mechanic, and as such does not belong in HotA.

WoG, while definately a sandbox and something that kept the game alive, is not something I would call a pure Heroes 3 expierience.

No, HotA is about building upon the core expierience by adding new stuff and some tweaks. It is how it might've been done if 3DO was still around (or even better). In my eyes it is the prime example of how fans can contribute to a game. It is a masterpiece of modding, and the only "mod" I play.

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Undefeatable Hero
Retired Hero
posted May 10, 2019 08:28 PM

3DO actually went straight into the "more battlefield presence of heroes" idea in HoMM IV, so I'm not sure that's a valid argument

But I agree that it does change the experience a lot. Which is something the HoMM3 community doesn't take well in general.

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Supreme Hero
posted May 10, 2019 08:41 PM

Doomforge said:
3DO actually went straight into the "more battlefield presence of heroes" idea in HoMM IV, so I'm not sure that's a valid argument

But that is, in my point of view, an extreme position to take, for one can make the Heroes way more present, as I have exemplified, without making them simply "non stackable" creatures.

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Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted May 10, 2019 08:42 PM

Doomforge said:
3DO actually went straight into the "more battlefield presence of heroes" idea in HoMM IV, so I'm not sure that's a valid argument

Yeah, but we're talking Heroes 3.

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Supreme Hero
Grandmaster of the Hunt
posted May 11, 2019 12:34 AM

blob2 said:
So far it's HotA teams quality that makes me trust their choice, but I'm still not convinced how it fits the game. Cove fits the game as it is simply Regna. If Factory was heavy on the "automata" and Artificers side it would fit better, but so far I only see heavy Wild West with a twist, and I'm not particulary fond of this direction.

Kromwerk and Cathedral seemed to at least have fitted the game better if you ask me.
I agree. Factory as of right now looks more like a Wild West town with Steampunk elements thrown in. It bugs me that is is lacking on the automatons and true steampunk elements, gears, steam, arcing electricity, metal buildings and framework.

This is what I envision when someone say Steampunk. Obviously this is a bit more complex and over the top for HoMM3, but I think you get my point.
"Just slide her down a bit farther. I could wear her like a hat." - Gnomes

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