
Famous Hero
posted January 05, 2015 09:07 PM |
Probably a HD mod bug...
When in combat i like hat you can see your hero and army at the left. But! after you refuse the results of the quick combat, the hero in the background shows his army after loses from quick combat.

Supreme Hero
Dragon of justice
posted January 06, 2015 10:43 PM |
Got a crash log, No idea what those numbers mean etc. The HD mod made the crash log, but i never had it with SOD and it is a HOTA map i was playing, so i think HOTA caused it .
P.s. Grrrrr, of course it had to happen after a very long battle
e-mail: baratorch@yandex.ru
start logging
compability_dir = C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete_HD3_DataCompability#hota
HOMM3 HD version: 3.807
HotA version: 1.3.5
01/06/2015 22:37:12
Module: h3hota.exe
Adress: 0x006057B9
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: read of address: 0x0000E760
Call stack
? called from before 0x0000F6BB
? called from before 0xFFFFFFFF
0x00400000: h3hota.exe (size: 0x002CB000, entry point: 0x00639C00) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Completeh3hota.exe
0x10000000: _HD3_.dll (size: 0x00290000, entry point: 0x10008DA8) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete_HD3_.dll
0x001F0000: smackw32.dll (size: 0x0001B000, entry point: 0x001FC0B0) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Completesmackw32.dll
0x002B0000: binkw32.dll (size: 0x0002B000, entry point: 0x002C1705) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Completebinkw32.dll
0x002E0000: IFC20.dll (size: 0x00023000, entry point: 0x002EF04E) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III CompleteIFC20.dll
0x71980000: patcher_x86.dll (size: 0x00029000, entry point: 0x7198F0FB) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Completepatcher_x86.dll
0x21100000: Mss32.dll (size: 0x0005F000, entry point: 0x2112F2E5) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete_HD3_DataMss32.dll
0x71630000: cursors.dll (size: 0x0004A000, entry point: 0x00000000) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete_HD3_DataCommoncursors.dll
0x71140000: hota.dll (size: 0x000BC000, entry point: 0x711C62EA) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Completehota.dll
0x26F00000: Mp3dec.asi (size: 0x0002A000, entry point: 0x26F0A805) - C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete_HD3_DataMp3dec.asi
0x77E30000: ntdll.dll (size: 0x00167000, entry point: 0x00000000) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ntdll.dll
0x77C20000: KERNEL32.DLL (size: 0x00140000, entry point: 0x77C39210) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32KERNEL32.DLL
0x76BF0000: KERNELBASE.dll (size: 0x000D0000, entry point: 0x76BFD98D) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32KERNELBASE.dll
0x72350000: apphelp.dll (size: 0x00099000, entry point: 0x72352C48) - C:WINDOWSsystem32apphelp.dll
0x6C360000: AcLayers.DLL (size: 0x00272000, entry point: 0x6C3610A6) - C:WINDOWSAppPatchAcLayers.DLL
0x76F30000: msvcrt.dll (size: 0x000BE000, entry point: 0x76F3A9CD) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32msvcrt.dll
0x778A0000: USER32.dll (size: 0x0014C000, entry point: 0x778B355D) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32USER32.dll
0x77AD0000: GDI32.dll (size: 0x00107000, entry point: 0x77AD7D22) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32GDI32.dll
0x759B0000: SHELL32.dll (size: 0x011B7000, entry point: 0x759B108D) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32SHELL32.dll
0x76EE0000: SHLWAPI.dll (size: 0x00041000, entry point: 0x76EE6392) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32SHLWAPI.dll
0x76FF0000: OLEAUT32.dll (size: 0x00095000, entry point: 0x76FF4CA0) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32OLEAUT32.dll
0x715D0000: MPR.dll (size: 0x00014000, entry point: 0x715D1030) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32MPR.dll
0x773D0000: SETUPAPI.dll (size: 0x001AD000, entry point: 0x773D10CD) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32SETUPAPI.dll
0x72120000: sfc.dll (size: 0x00003000, entry point: 0x00000000) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32sfc.dll
0x735B0000: WINSPOOL.DRV (size: 0x0005E000, entry point: 0x735B1355) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WINSPOOL.DRV
0x777F0000: RPCRT4.dll (size: 0x000B0000, entry point: 0x778172FE) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32RPCRT4.dll
0x77580000: combase.dll (size: 0x0014E000, entry point: 0x77583B25) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32combase.dll
0x77140000: CFGMGR32.dll (size: 0x0003A000, entry point: 0x77141239) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32CFGMGR32.dll
0x75830000: SspiCli.dll (size: 0x0001D000, entry point: 0x7583AE56) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32SspiCli.dll
0x71FB0000: sfc_os.DLL (size: 0x0000D000, entry point: 0x71FB2555) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32sfc_os.DLL
0x75820000: CRYPTBASE.dll (size: 0x00009000, entry point: 0x75821005) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32CRYPTBASE.dll
0x77BE0000: sechost.dll (size: 0x0003E000, entry point: 0x77BE5F8D) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32sechost.dll
0x757C0000: bcryptPrimitives.dll (size: 0x00052000, entry point: 0x757C4815) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32bcryptPrimitives.dll
0x770B0000: IMM32.DLL (size: 0x00025000, entry point: 0x770B21BC) - C:WINDOWSsystem32IMM32.DLL
0x758B0000: MSCTF.dll (size: 0x000F7000, entry point: 0x758B10D4) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32MSCTF.dll
0x754C0000: VERSION.dll (size: 0x00008000, entry point: 0x754C1100) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32VERSION.dll
0x72020000: WINMM.dll (size: 0x00020000, entry point: 0x72023619) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WINMM.dll
0x71200000: DDRAW.dll (size: 0x000E7000, entry point: 0x712010D1) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DDRAW.dll
0x754D0000: WSOCK32.dll (size: 0x00008000, entry point: 0x754D10C0) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WSOCK32.dll
0x76B70000: ADVAPI32.dll (size: 0x00078000, entry point: 0x76B71005) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ADVAPI32.dll
0x776D0000: ole32.dll (size: 0x0010C000, entry point: 0x776D10C0) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ole32.dll
0x71BC0000: WINMMBASE.dll (size: 0x00020000, entry point: 0x71BC118D) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WINMMBASE.dll
0x770A0000: PSAPI.DLL (size: 0x00006000, entry point: 0x770A1005) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32PSAPI.DLL
0x71960000: DCIMAN32.dll (size: 0x00007000, entry point: 0x71961190) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DCIMAN32.dll
0x770F0000: WS2_32.dll (size: 0x0004D000, entry point: 0x770F10D1) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WS2_32.dll
0x73150000: DEVOBJ.dll (size: 0x0001F000, entry point: 0x731511DA) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DEVOBJ.dll
0x770E0000: NSI.dll (size: 0x00007000, entry point: 0x770E1589) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32NSI.dll
0x73CB0000: kernel.appcore.dll (size: 0x00009000, entry point: 0x73CB1399) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32kernel.appcore.dll
0x71BE0000: uxtheme.dll (size: 0x000DB000, entry point: 0x71BE3C84) - C:WINDOWSsystem32uxtheme.dll
0x751C0000: WININET.dll (size: 0x001D5000, entry point: 0x751C2A30) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WININET.dll
0x74E40000: iertutil.dll (size: 0x00232000, entry point: 0x74E43B60) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32iertutil.dll
0x74E20000: USERENV.dll (size: 0x00019000, entry point: 0x74E21C0A) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32USERENV.dll
0x74E00000: profapi.dll (size: 0x0000E000, entry point: 0x74E01945) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32profapi.dll
0x73D70000: Secur32.dll (size: 0x00009000, entry point: 0x73D71030) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32Secur32.dll
0x73D80000: SHCORE.dll (size: 0x00076000, entry point: 0x73D810B5) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32SHCORE.dll
0x71930000: ondemandconnroutehelper.dll (size: 0x0000A000, entry point: 0x719347D8) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ondemandconnroutehelper.dll
0x75100000: winhttp.dll (size: 0x00094000, entry point: 0x751010BC) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32winhttp.dll
0x73870000: mswsock.dll (size: 0x00045000, entry point: 0x738710D1) - C:WINDOWSsystem32mswsock.dll
0x751A0000: IPHLPAPI.DLL (size: 0x0001E000, entry point: 0x751A3765) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x74E10000: WINNSI.DLL (size: 0x00008000, entry point: 0x74E1109D) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WINNSI.DLL
0x75080000: DNSAPI.dll (size: 0x0007C000, entry point: 0x7508B211) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DNSAPI.dll
0x6EE70000: urlmon.dll (size: 0x0014A000, entry point: 0x6EE72B30) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32urlmon.dll
0x73860000: rasadhlp.dll (size: 0x00007000, entry point: 0x7386142D) - C:WindowsSystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x73810000: fwpuclnt.dll (size: 0x00044000, entry point: 0x7381A715) - C:WINDOWSSystem32fwpuclnt.dll
0x72AA0000: Comctl32.dll (size: 0x001E6000, entry point: 0x72ACC6BE) - C:WINDOWSWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.9600.17031_none_a9efdb8b01377ea7Comctl32.dll
0x76CC0000: CRYPT32.dll (size: 0x00188000, entry point: 0x76CC2720) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32CRYPT32.dll
0x777E0000: MSASN1.dll (size: 0x0000E000, entry point: 0x777E22AF) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32MSASN1.dll
0x737B0000: schannel.dll (size: 0x0005C000, entry point: 0x737C7520) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32schannel.dll
0x72040000: dwmapi.dll (size: 0x00018000, entry point: 0x72041C4B) - C:WINDOWSsystem32dwmapi.dll
0x71000000: nvumdshim.dll (size: 0x00131000, entry point: 0x71003341) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32nvumdshim.dll
0x715A0000: nvinit.dll (size: 0x00029000, entry point: 0x715AB842) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32nvinit.dll
0x6B860000: igdumdim32.dll (size: 0x00AF1000, entry point: 0x6B949896) - C:WINDOWSsystem32igdumdim32.dll
0x70C90000: igdusc32.dll (size: 0x00362000, entry point: 0x70F821AE) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32igdusc32.dll
0x779F0000: WINTRUST.dll (size: 0x00038000, entry point: 0x779F15A1) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WINTRUST.dll
0x74B20000: CRYPTSP.dll (size: 0x00018000, entry point: 0x74B219C9) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32CRYPTSP.dll
0x74AF0000: rsaenh.dll (size: 0x0002F000, entry point: 0x74AF13C2) - C:WINDOWSsystem32rsaenh.dll
0x74AD0000: bcrypt.dll (size: 0x0001D000, entry point: 0x74AD7B6F) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32bcrypt.dll
0x73790000: gpapi.dll (size: 0x0001E000, entry point: 0x737910E0) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32gpapi.dll
0x73770000: ncrypt.dll (size: 0x0001C000, entry point: 0x73771005) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ncrypt.dll
0x73740000: NTASN1.dll (size: 0x0002B000, entry point: 0x7375AA79) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32NTASN1.dll
0x720B0000: cryptnet.dll (size: 0x00025000, entry point: 0x720B10DB) - C:WindowsSYSTEM32cryptnet.dll
0x77220000: WLDAP32.dll (size: 0x00051000, entry point: 0x772210E6) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WLDAP32.dll
0x73720000: ncryptsslp.dll (size: 0x00017000, entry point: 0x73731650) - C:WINDOWSsystem32ncryptsslp.dll
0x77A30000: clbcatq.dll (size: 0x0007D000, entry point: 0x77A31425) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32clbcatq.dll
0x71680000: DSOUND.DLL (size: 0x00079000, entry point: 0x71681199) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32DSOUND.DLL
0x74360000: POWRPROF.dll (size: 0x0003E000, entry point: 0x743621A3) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32POWRPROF.dll
0x71530000: MMDevApi.dll (size: 0x0004A000, entry point: 0x71543192) - C:WINDOWSSystem32MMDevApi.dll
0x70C30000: AUDIOSES.DLL (size: 0x00060000, entry point: 0x70C3F640) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUDIOSES.DLL
0x71710000: avrt.dll (size: 0x00009000, entry point: 0x71711010) - C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32avrt.dll
0x715F0000: dplayx.dll (size: 0x00037000, entry point: 0x7161E916) - C:WINDOWSsystem32dplayx.dll
Command Line
Data files:
Main INI
<Version> = 3806000
<Language> = "#en.ini"
<Fix.AutofixMap> = 1
<Fix.Cosmetic> = 1
<Fix.Crit.ArtMerchantDlg.Backpack> = 1
<Fix.Crit.DoubleDeleteNetMsg> = 1
<Fix.Crit.FirstStart> = 0
<Fix.Crit.MapsOver5000> = 1
<Fix.Crit.MpNotMeTownQV> = 0
<Fix.Crit.ReplayTurn.AI7DaysExpireLose> = 1
<Fix.Crit.RMG.AnyUnknownErrors> = 1
<Fix.Crit.ScenarioMgr.MapTime> = 1
<Fix.DefFrame.Draw.ExceptionHandlerOn> = 1
<Fix.DiskFreeSpaceCheckOff> = 1
<Fix.Font.HighlightedText> = 1
<Fix.LodNotFoundExeptionOff> = 1
<Graphics.Resolution> = 1180, 664
<Graphics.ColorMode> = 5
<Graphics.StretchFilter> = 2
<Graphics.SystemCursors> = 1
<HD+> = 1
<HD+.Settings> = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
<Misc.TournamentSaver> = 0
<Misc.Misc> = 1
<Misc.RenameRandMap> = 1
<Sound.Async> = 1
<Sound.Stereo44Music> = 1
<Sound.NewerLibraries> = 1
<Sys.MultiInstance> = 1
<Sys.ReduceCpuUsage> = 1
<Sys.WriteToIniInsteadRegistry> = 1
<UI.AdvMgr.SkipMapMsgs> = 1
<UI.ClipCursor> = 1
<UI.CombatMgr.CursorShadowAlwaysOn> = 1
<UI.Ext.AdvMgr> = 1, 1, 1
<UI.Ext.ArtMerchantDlg> = 1, 0
<UI.Ext.CombatMgr> = 1, 1
<UI.Ext.CombatOptionsDlg> = 1
<UI.Ext.HeroDlg> = 1
<UI.Ext.LvlUpDlg> = 1
<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr> = 1
<UI.Ext.ScenarioMgr.Settings> = 3, 72, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
<UI.Ext.SpellBook> = 1
<UI.Ext.SpellScroll> = 1
<UI.Ext.SwapMgr> = 2
<UI.Ext.TextEditBox> = 1, 1
<UI.Ext.TownMgr> = 1, 1
<UI.Ext.TownMgr.AvailableInsteadGrowth> = 1
<UI.Ext.TownPortalDlg> = 1
<UI.HiRezCore> = 1
<UI.HiRezCore.DlgExtraFlags> = 1
<UI.MainMenu.ShowSysMenu> = 1
<UI.MapGrid> = 1
<UI.MsgBox.DblClickSelect> = 1
<UI.QuickArmyManagementMode> = 0
<UI.RecruitDlg.AutoSet> = 1
<UI.RecruitDlg.AutoSet.Max> = 1
<UI.ReplayOwnTurn> = 1
<UI.ShowTimer> = 1
<UI.Suits> = 1
<UI.Tavern.InviteHero> = 1
<Update.CheckAtStart> = 1
<Show Intro> = 1
<AppPath> = "C:Program Files (x86)Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete"
<Music Volume> = 5
<Sound Volume> = 5
<Last Music Volume> = 5
<Last Sound Volume> = 5
<Walk Speed> = 3
<Computer Walk Speed> = 3
<Show Route> = 1
<Move Reminder> = 1
<Quick Combat> = 0
<Video Subtitles> = 1
<Town Outlines> = 1
<Animate SpellBook> = 1
<Window Scroll Speed> = 1
<Bink Video> = 0
<Blackout Computer> = 0
<First Time> = 0
<Test Decomp> = 0
<Test Read> = 0
<Test Blit> = 0
<Unique System ID> = "EAD"
<Network Default Name> = "Mark"
<Autosave> = 1
<Show Combat Grid> = 0
<Show Combat Mouse Hex> = 1
<Combat Shade Level> = 1
<Combat Army Info Level> = 1
<Combat Auto Creatures> = 1
<Combat Auto Spells> = 1
<Combat Catapult> = 1
<Combat Ballista> = 1
<Combat First Aid Tent> = 1
<Combat Speed>
<Main Game Show Menu> = 1
<Main Game X> = 10
<Main Game Y> = 10
<Main Game Full Screen> = 0
<Sys.NoCD> = 0
HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion
ProductName: Windows 8.1
CurrentVersion: 6.3
BuildLab: 9600.winblue_r3.140827-1500
PlatformId = 2
Version: 6.2
Build: 9200
CSDVersion =
ProductType = 1
SuiteMask = 768
Some ingame values
FullScreen Mode = 0
Game Type = 0
Network Game = 0
Me: Green
Active Player: Green
Active is Human = 1
Map file = [HotA] Gambit.h3m

Tavern Dweller
posted January 09, 2015 10:43 PM |
I was playing multiplayer and when two human players' heroes would attempt to trade the game would crash for the remote player. The crash occurs at the time the trade window should popup showing both heroes with their armies and items. The crash only happens to the remote player, the player whose turn it currently is does not have the crash and can even give items or troops to the crashed player's hero. We are not using the HD mod. We are only using the heroes 3 complete install from GOG and this mod. This crash was not present in 1.3.3 and has only happened with the new 1.3.5 version. It happens every time we tried to trade, regardless of who initiates the trade. I hope this issue can be fixed. Thanks for the great mod.

Famous Hero
posted January 10, 2015 12:36 AM |
bigtom said: I was playing multiplayer and when two human players' heroes would attempt to trade the game would crash for the remote player. The crash occurs at the time the trade window should popup showing both heroes with their armies and items. The crash only happens to the remote player, the player whose turn it currently is does not have the crash and can even give items or troops to the crashed player's hero. We are not using the HD mod. We are only using the heroes 3 complete install from GOG and this mod. This crash was not present in 1.3.3 and has only happened with the new 1.3.5 version. It happens every time we tried to trade, regardless of who initiates the trade. I hope this issue can be fixed. Thanks for the great mod.
Crashlog would be useful. Hota_logs folder. The latest CRASH_LOG

Tavern Dweller
posted January 10, 2015 08:31 AM |
Here is the latest crash log
[HotA CRASH INFO file]
Time: Sat Jan 10 01:29:18 2015
HotA.dll version: 1.3.5
HotA.dll test version: 0
HotA_Settings.ini version:
Test features disabled
HotA internal map version: 0
HotA internal savegame version: 2
HD version: without HD
Module: hota.dll
Adress: 0x6C396851
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: read of address: 0x01610128
Call stack
0x6C396810 called from 0x02F88341
0x00406410 called from 0x00406262
? called from before 0x6C3C3C57
? called from before 0x00557C7A
? called from before 0x004087C0
? called from before 0x004B0C39
0x004B0BA0 called from 0x004F0516
? called from before 0x6C375A19
(spliced) 0x004EEA70 called from 0x004F824A
? called from before 0x6C375A81
(spliced) 0x004F80C0 called from 0x0061A95F
? called from before 0x0018FFD4
? called from before 0x7EFDE000
0x77919F4B called from 0x77919F40
? called from before 0x00000000
EAX: 0x0325F1B8
ECX: 0x01610128
EDX: 0x0325F1B8
EBX: 0x03283370
ESP: 0x00189E78
EBP: 0x00189E8C
ESI: 0x032837EA
\ main module:
0x00400000: h3hota.exe (size: 0x002CB000, entry point: 0x00639C00)
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\
0x00220000: BINKW32.DLL (size: 0x0002B000, entry point: 0x00231705)
0x00400000: h3hota.exe (size: 0x002CB000, entry point: 0x00639C00)
0x6C350000: HotA.dll (size: 0x000BC000, entry point: 0x6C3D62EA)
0x002E0000: IFC20.dll (size: 0x00023000, entry point: 0x002EF04E)
0x22000000: MP3DEC.ASI (size: 0x00027000, entry point: 0x22007FC0)
0x21000000: MSS32.DLL (size: 0x00058000, entry point: 0x2102FCB0)
0x6D490000: patcher_x86.dll (size: 0x00029000, entry point: 0x6D49F0FB)
0x10000000: SMACKW32.DLL (size: 0x0001B000, entry point: 0x1000C0B0)
Command Line
"C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Completeh3hota.exe"
HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion
ProductName: Windows 7 Home Premium
CurrentVersion: 6.1
BuildLab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.140303-2144
PlatformId = 2
Version: 6.1
Build: 7601
CSDVersion = Service Pack 1
ProductType = 1
SuiteMask = 768
Some ingame values
FullScreen Mode = 1
Game Type = 2
Network Game = 1
Me ID = 0
Active Player ID = 1
Active is Human = 1
Map Name = random_map_5.h3m
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\BINKW32.DLL
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\EULA.txt
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\GameuxInstallHelper.dll
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\gfw_high.ico
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\gog.ico
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\goggame.dll
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\gog_homm3.sdb
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\h3ccmped.cnt
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\h3ccmped.exe
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\H3CCMPED.HLP
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\h3hota.exe
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\h3hota_maped.exe
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\h3maped.cnt
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\h3maped.exe
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\H3MAPED.HLP
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Heroes3.cnt
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Heroes3.exe
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\HEROES3.HLP
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Heroes3_AB_Manual.pdf
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Heroes3_Manual.pdf
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Heroes3_SoD_Manual.pdf
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Heroes3_Tutorial.pdf
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\HotA.dat
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\HotA.dll
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\HotA_launcher.exe
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\hota_me.dll
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\HotA_Settings.ini
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\HotA_Update.dll
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\IFC20.dll
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Launch Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete.lnk
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\MP3DEC.ASI
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\MSS32.DLL
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\patcher_x86.dll
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\patcher_x86.ini
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\README.TXT
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\SMACKW32.DLL
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Support.ico
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\unins000.dat
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\unins000.exe
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\unins000.ini
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\unins000.msg
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\ver.sion
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Data
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Datadiff.dat
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataH3ab_ahd.snd
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataH3ab_ahd.vid
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataH3ab_bmp.lod
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataH3ab_spr.lod
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataH3bitmap.lod
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataH3sprite.lod
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataHeroes3.snd
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataHiScore.dat
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataHotA.lod
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataHotA.snd
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataHotA.vid
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataHotA_lng.lod
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\Dataorig.dat
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataRMTMM1RC.BIN
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataRMTMM1SC.BIN
C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete\DataVIDEO.VID
HKLMSOFTWARENew World ComputingHeroes of Might and MagicŪ III1.0
AppPath: C:GOG GamesHeroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete
CDDrive: C:

Famous Hero
Game ranger, HotA Player
posted January 11, 2015 11:28 AM |
malax83 said: When i launch the map editor, i ve got a fatal error cause it need "editor.txt". I have full 1.3.5 version. Do i miss something ?
Then when i update - error#12 No persmission to write Hota.sync

Legendary Hero
posted January 11, 2015 11:43 AM |
Try running the programs as an administrator, that did it for me.

Famous Hero
Game ranger, HotA Player
posted January 11, 2015 03:18 PM |
Tkx it works fine, i get a crash do you know where txt is ?

Famous Hero
posted January 12, 2015 12:31 PM |
malax83 said: Tkx it works fine, i get a crash do you know where txt is ?
For a start - try to update manually using given installers in main thread. If error still occurs (with admin on) crashlog should be in Maps folder

Famous Hero
Game ranger, HotA Player
posted January 12, 2015 08:55 PM |
Edited by malax83 at 20:55, 12 Jan 2015.
nik312 said:
malax83 said: Tkx it works fine, i get a crash do you know where txt is ?
For a start - try to update manually using given installers in main thread. If error still occurs (with admin on) crashlog should be in Maps folder
OK. The crash log has not been saved in a none-administrator game. No need to details i mean, i don t remember exactly when my cpu crush but i was attacking angels.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 14, 2015 10:54 AM |
Edited by memeldor at 18:58, 14 Jan 2015.
Hi guys, my HotA (the lastest version)+HD mod crashed last night on the 1st campaign 3th mission when i visited an object on the map (i dont remember if it was a dwelling or luck/moral object).
Unfortunately right now i dont have an access to that PC for the Crash log. I will provide it later.
here is the crash log https://www.dropbox.com/s/ge5pacrt3taagu3/CRASH_INFO_TUE_JAN_13_21-30-38_2015_0.txt?dl=0

Supreme Hero
Dragon of justice
posted January 18, 2015 02:41 PM |
Found another bug, the screenshot does not work but it is easy to reconstruct.
Earth elementals have 'meteor shower vulnerability'. However when using meteor shower, they don't get extra damage (as they are supposed to)

Famous Hero
posted January 18, 2015 04:14 PM |
memeldor said: Hi guys, my HotA (the lastest version)+HD mod crashed last night on the 1st campaign 3th mission when i visited an object on the map (i dont remember if it was a dwelling or luck/moral object).
Unfortunately right now i dont have an access to that PC for the Crash log. I will provide it later.
here is the crash log https://www.dropbox.com/s/ge5pacrt3taagu3/CRASH_INFO_TUE_JAN_13_21-30-38_2015_0.txt?dl=0
It's original bug connected with outdated music libraries. Try either running in compatibility mode with Windows 98 or, if it doesn't help, playing with music level at 0.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 23, 2015 06:26 PM |
Hey guys,
So, I've been playing a LAN game with my roommate and encountered a nasty bug. When my garrison was attacked (by a CPU enemy) on a 7th day of the week, after the fight my gold would be set to zero. We managed to reproduce the bug and it seems to occur only during CPU turn at the end of the week.
This leads to an assumption that (since I had a Rampart with Treasury built) it's somehow connected with the weekly 10% income.
Not sure whether it's fault of the recent updates, for we haven't played for a while.
Here are some pics:

As you see, when my friend ended his turn (1st pic) a brown hero attacked my garrison and wrecked it (2nd, 3rd pic), after which my gold was nulled (4th).
Happy to help, hope it get's resolved soon.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 30, 2015 11:37 AM |
jacktrades_nbk said: Using a standard resolution, for the normal view of the adventure screen, and going in a tavern, after pressing the thieves guild button, and then closing the thieves guild window, the tavern window keeps moving to the right, at every press of that button. (open thieves guild/close)
This only happens on ati cards, no problems on nvidia.
[URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/xfiles_nbk/media/Screenshot2015-01-30112638_zps9d473b30.png.html] [/URL]
[URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/xfiles_nbk/media/Screenshot2015-01-30112708_zps862dc7a1.png.html] [/URL]

Tavern Dweller
posted February 13, 2015 07:47 PM |
can you help me with this crash error?
Quote: [HotA CRASH INFO file]
Time: Thu Feb 12 21:27:23 2015
HotA.dll version: 1.3.5
HotA.dll test version: 0
HotA_Settings.ini version:
Test features disabled
HotA internal map version: 0
HotA internal savegame version: 2
HD version: 3.807
Module: h3hota.exe
Adress: 0x004FD280
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: read of address: 0x0000001E
Call stack
0x0040E2C0 called from 0x004089C1
? called from before 0x1007122E
? called from before 0x1003DDA5
? called from before 0x004B0C39
0x004B0BA0 called from 0x004F0516
? called from before 0x10071151
? called from before 0x6DE75A19
(spliced) 0x004EEA70 called from 0x004F824A
? called from before 0x1005063A
? called from before 0x6DE75A81
(spliced) 0x004F80C0 called from 0x0061A95F
? called from before 0x0018FFDC
? called from before 0x7FFDE000
0x77CDB580 called from 0x77CDB575
? called from before 0x00000000
EAX: 0x00000000
ECX: 0x00000000
EDX: 0x00000062
EBX: 0x00000009
ESP: 0x00189E48
EBP: 0x00189E68
ESI: 0x0365C848
EDI: 0x00000012
main module:
0x00400000: h3hota.exe (size: 0x002CB000, entry point: 0x00639C00)
0x00270000: BINKW32.DLL (size: 0x0002B000, entry point: 0x00281705)
0x5DF00000: DPWSOCKX.DLL (size: 0x00013000, entry point: 0x5DF05B20)
0x00400000: h3hota.exe (size: 0x002CB000, entry point: 0x00639C00)
0x6DE50000: HotA.dll (size: 0x000BC000, entry point: 0x6DED62EA)
0x002A0000: IFC20.dll (size: 0x00023000, entry point: 0x002AF04E)
0x26F00000: MP3DEC.ASI (size: 0x0002A000, entry point: 0x26F0A805)
0x21100000: MSS32.DLL (size: 0x0005F000, entry point: 0x2112F2E5)
0x6D8B0000: patcher_x86.dll (size: 0x00029000, entry point: 0x6D8BF0FB)
0x00250000: SMACKW32.DLL (size: 0x0001B000, entry point: 0x0025C0B0)
0x10000000: _HD3_.dll (size: 0x00290000, entry point: 0x10008DA8)
Command Line
HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion
ProductName: Windows 8.1 Pro
CurrentVersion: 6.3
BuildLab: 9600.winblue_r7.150109-2022
PlatformId = 2
Version: 6.2
Build: 9200
CSDVersion =
ProductType = 1
SuiteMask = 256
Some ingame values
FullScreen Mode = 1
Game Type = 2
Network Game = 1
Me ID = 1
Active Player ID = 1
Active is Human = 1
Map Name = Saviour vs Speedemon, Frantsa.h3m
G:ИгриH3SoD_PC Manual.pdf
G:ИгриHeroes III Tutorial.pdf
G:ИгриHeroes of Might and MagicŪ III.isu
G:Игриpatcher_x86 dump.txt
G:Игриpatcher_x86 log.txt
HKLMSOFTWARENew World ComputingHeroes of Might and MagicŪ III1.0
AppPath: g:игри
CDDrive: D:

Tavern Dweller
posted February 22, 2015 08:24 AM |
Edited by Bob9001 at 08:32, 22 Feb 2015.
Bug with the display for the Imp growth per week, when you build the birthing pools without upgrading the Imp Crucible, you get this, once you upgrade it the problem fixes itself with the correct text.

Famous Hero
posted February 22, 2015 09:43 AM |
Bob9001 said: Bug with the display for the Imp growth per week, when you build the birthing pools without upgrading the Imp Crucible, you get this, once you upgrade it the problem fixes itself with the correct text.
Aren't you playing with HD mod feature of showing amount of available creatures instead of weekly growth? It is on by default since some version

Tavern Dweller
posted February 23, 2015 08:20 AM |
Yes I am, is that where the bug comes from, but I thought it wouldn't make a difference since the HOTA team made the HD Mod haha, well how do I turn it off?

Famous Hero
posted February 23, 2015 09:29 AM |
Bob9001 said: Yes I am, is that where the bug comes from, but I thought it wouldn't make a difference since the HOTA team made the HD Mod haha, well how do I turn it off?
Firstly, we did not make HD mod. Baratorch is a member of our team, but this is his personal project.
Secondly, this is not a bug, this is how it is intended to work, so I don't see why there should be any difference in HotA compared to SoD
And lastly, though seeing the actual numbers available is much more informative you can always disable that feature by changing <UI.Ext.TownMgr.AvailableInsteadGrowth> tweak to 0 (Tweaks tab in HD launcher)