Supreme Hero
posted May 07, 2015 07:18 PM |
It looks much better, but the buildings outside the walls are still a problem.
Known Hero
posted May 07, 2015 07:21 PM |
I love all new changes and features to the interface (which has been generally good- but now it is even better)!!!
Everything is now a lot more clear, easy to follow and much more functional. Changes are exactly those that were needed.
Townscreens are great, Haven finally loks like human settlement- good walls and access by foot to townportal (although still behind walls but in closed area)
All in all, great article and features!!!
Adventuring Hero
posted May 07, 2015 07:22 PM |
Edited by cori14 at 19:24, 07 May 2015.
Looks much better than the older one. Btw I don't like the style of the Townscreens. It looks like a painting, but anyway hurray for the new TS!
And I like the interface very much, It looks easy to navigate and easy to use. Btw why no 3d models of creatures while hiring them? I loved that so much in the older games.
Known Hero
posted May 07, 2015 07:25 PM |
Edited by leiah2 at 19:27, 07 May 2015.
New Article
Townscreen Interface
This article actually got me kind of happier about MMH7, atleast some parts of it look really good!
Famous Hero
posted May 07, 2015 07:25 PM |
my first impressions:
i am really amazed to see such detailed article, seems like ubisoft really trying to adress the issues: first more communication with fans, now article with videos! i said that a couple times but i didnt have any hope to be heard. necessary allience in diplomacy and this.. 2 times my feedback is heard, now, how awesome is that big thumbs up to ubisoft from me.
btw i noticed the town screen upgrade, and im impressed that they really reworked on it... walls really look much better, also we have bunch of civilian buildings.. sadly that giant yellow pokemon still exists, town portals position seems not accesable considering there are no roads connected to the main gate... a little bit drawing skills needed there to be shaped.
icons of town developement seems really usefull and clear, liked graphical function of it.
im gonna edit my post after i read all the content. today im a happy man!
Adventuring Hero
posted May 07, 2015 07:37 PM |
In general, I don't place much value on the town screens. I have already said in the thread that I view them as fancy menus. That said, the Haven town screen looks much improved thanks to feedback from the SC.
The Inscriber feature interests me. I wonder how useful that might be. Can we inscribe spells outside our allowed schools? If not, then how useful are the spells for might heroes?
Finally, I hope the delete button in the construction menu requires confirmation. I could see accidentally clicking it at the wrong time and cursing my monitor a lot.
Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted May 07, 2015 07:37 PM |
Excellent article detailing the Townscreen and how it works, that's a job well done
Supreme Hero
Fryslân Boppe
posted May 07, 2015 07:45 PM |
Wow! The reworked townscreen looks so much better, well done.
Menus seem solid overall.
Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa? - 'The Wanderer'
Known Hero
Ubi is love
posted May 07, 2015 07:49 PM |
Sligneris said: It looks much better, but the buildings outside the walls are still a problem.
Dear, where do you get these thoughts that all buildings should be behind the walls?
Famous Hero
posted May 07, 2015 07:49 PM |
That mage guild screen is an Academy one, so I assume it has the extra spells via the Library, which I assume to be the bottom row, but still: 5 level 1 spells upon first Mage guild, 4 at level 2, 3 at level 3, and 1 at 4. It's kinda like the H3 guild, except they had 2 at 4 and a 5th with one spell. Still, this system is pretty close, with only 2 spells dropped compared to H3 capacity. Pretty nice.
The Town Building screen looks a bit, well, fat, to be honest, but it does resemble the H5 system very closely.
I am confused as to why the Recruit tab has a rather random order to units. Djinn, then Simurgh, then Cabir? Strange.
Warfare units also cost special resources. Interesting.
I am a little unsure in what's going on in the Hiring Hero tab. Do they only allow 4 to be recruited? If so, this is kinda like H3/5, but a bit bigger, with 4 instead of 2. Or maybe I am misinterpreting it.
Looks like the resources look different, baring the red resource that just looks like gold, differently colored. Better than before, I suppose, but not as good as each actually looking different.
Non greedy spies. Novel.
Ah, Fortifications. It seems that yes, it is indeed like the Fortress structure in Heroes 5, to a degree, but for all factions. There are indeed local guards, and, there already is elite units, at least at fort level 2! The strange thing is, they provide only 2 types per tier (and 1, perhaps, if Champions can be "local guards") It is nice that, at least, the Haven units are the ones more geared for defense (Legionaire, Justicar and Abbot all have defensive abilities, and of course Abbot and Marksmen shoot.) And is that... a mana limit for a fortification? It seems fortifications are much more varied than before.
All in all, nice info.
Supreme Hero
with the perfect plan
posted May 07, 2015 07:55 PM |
The difference between H5 and H7 is, is that in the former there are a whole lot more buildings outside the walls. It makes it look far more coherent and natural. In H7's screen, it's just three seperate buildings standing there like they don't really belong to the town. Hence why Sligneris, and me as well, think they fit better on the 'good' side of the walls .
Known Hero
Ubi is love
posted May 07, 2015 08:08 PM |
@Dies_Irae, yes in H7 there were no any civil buildings there. But I won't mind if there will be some like on the screenshot (not just this three).
Famous Hero
Adventuring Hero
posted May 07, 2015 08:10 PM |
leiah2 said: Townscreen Interface
My comments on the article...
1. Why does it say "X creatures/day" in the fortification menu? Do we receive population every day this time and not just on Mondays?
2. Spy screen seems kinda nice There is even a "available spies" count in the bottom right corner. Probably mean that you can send them for 100 gold to gather the info shown in the table above it pretty nice
3. The building icons seem way too small and similar looking... I think its really difficult to recognize the building without clicking them... reminds me of the H5 build menu... not too nice
4. Caravan units seem to be moving around the adventure map on their own using their creature icons... I hope this doesnt make me confuse caravan units with neutral guards and such... also i think i will have so many heart attacks while minding my own business and suddenly realizing that there is a stack of behemoths running at my castle (before i realize they are my caravans)
Overall nice details and videos about actual gameplay functions!
Famous Hero
posted May 07, 2015 08:19 PM |
ThatRedSarah said:
1. Why does it say "X creatures/day" in the fortification menu? Do we receive population every day this time and not just on Mondays?
Hmm. The actual recruitment tab says "per week", but yes, the guards say "per day". It's interesting.
This, really doesn't make sense. Though it is less than the recruit number, it is per day, so it ends up to be 3 times the amount of recruitment. Though it seems you choose between guards and towers (that's what I assume is going on in the Level three bit, a choice.) that still means buying these guard producing buildings very early in the game would allow your guards to outnumber your enemies completely, in addition to your own bought units. This is weird.
Supreme Hero
with the perfect plan
posted May 07, 2015 08:20 PM |
ThatRedSarah said:
leiah2 said: Townscreen Interface
My comments on the article...
1. Why does it say "X creatures/day" in the fortification menu? Do we receive population every day this time and not just on Mondays?
You can see a max number of units under each portrait. I read on the blog that this is not creature production, but the guard units you will get that defend during a siege. Their numbers increase by x a day until they've reached the max amount. Apparently you can also assign these guards to a specific location: wall, gate or towers.
Famous Hero
Adventuring Hero
posted May 07, 2015 08:22 PM |
ThatRedSarah said:
1. Why does it say "X creatures/day" in the fortification menu? Do we receive population every day this time and not just on Mondays?
Also im an idiot
It does say "X/week" in the recruiting menu... its just the fortification menu that has "per day" which probably refers to the amount of guards the city will have if it gets attacked... and it has nothing to do with the weekly population growth.
Nice system in my opinion... daily growth until the maximum capacity depending on the fortification level... Might work against those nasty one unit heroes stealing your home every time you go for an adventure
Famous Hero
posted May 07, 2015 08:26 PM |
Dies_Irae said:
Their numbers increase by x a day until they've reached the max amount.
Oh. Well, never mind, those numbers aren't so big. Town Protector, the Novice defense ability, seems to increase this capacity.
Famous Hero
Adventuring Hero
posted May 07, 2015 08:27 PM |
Thanks for the comments!
Dies_Irae said: Apparently you can also assign these guards to a specific location: wall, gate or towers.
Now that sounds pretty nice too! I'm actually looking forward to this addition to the game, i hope it works
Famous Hero
posted May 07, 2015 08:27 PM |
Now this is amazing.
Makes Heroes 6 look like a casual phone game.
Really complex town management here, so so great to see.
Known Hero
Ubi is love
posted May 07, 2015 08:34 PM |
Edited by Sempai at 20:35, 07 May 2015.
Offtopic, sorry. Just for the sake of beloved ubisoft:
I just think that people will start dying soon after AC overdose. Hell, I'm afraind that HOMM franchise waits the same destiny.