Supreme Hero
posted October 08, 2017 09:09 AM |
bonus applied by Maurice on 08 Oct 2017. |
Edited by AlexSpl at 20:03, 10 Oct 2017.
newDisguise plugin
Now the spell lasts 2 turns (not days, but turns). Also you can fool your opponent by setting visible army strength to various values.
You can choose among the next modifiers (1/2 = half as big, 2 = twice as big, and so on):
2/3 - 1.5 on None/Basic Air Magic
1/2 - 2/3 - 1.5 - 2 on Advanced
1/5 - 1/3 - 1/2 - 2/3 - 1.5 - 2 - 3 - 5 on Expert
Works in multiplayer.
Famous Hero
posted October 08, 2017 11:27 AM |
AlexSpl said: newDisguise plugin
Now the spell lasts 2 turns (not days, but your turns). Also you can fool your opponent by setting visible army strength to various values.
You can choose among the next modifiers (1/2 = half as big, 0 = hide (0), 2 = twice as big, and so on):
0 on None Air Magic
2/3 - 0 - 1.5 on Basic
1/2 - 2/3 - 0 - 1.5 - 2 on Advanced
1/5 - 1/3 - 1/2 - 2/3 - 0 - 1.5 - 2 - 3 - 5 on Expert
Works in multiplayer.
AlexSpl, at this moment we did not produce final version of plugin
(I would not like that plugin work in incorrect way).
1)Effect at None Air Magic should be the same as at Basic Magic School
(because of in original game everywhere it is so)
2) Playing of WAV file should be in other place - after gamer hited button "Ok".
3) At this moment there is problem compiling issues with procedure
char* getArmyCountText(const _Hero_* hero, const int stackId, const int index = 0)
Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted October 08, 2017 12:51 PM |
I thought about Conflux and all their static specialities.
All Planeswalkers get a static bonus to elementals and 2 of the Elementalists get +350 gold, it's kinda boring.
I would like to change Lacus and Kalt bonus to a normal creature bonus giving them +1 speed and attack and defense at level up. Perhaps also for Ignissa and Fiur.
Thunar and Erdamon are already pretty good with +2 Attack, +1 defense and +5 damage and Pasis and Monere are also good and definitely don't need more speed for Magic Elementals.
But is it possible to change Lacus, Kalt, Ignissa and Fiur from a static to a standard creature bonus?
Also can Luna's Fire Wall bonus be changed to a normal +3% per level bonus?
Famous Hero
posted October 08, 2017 03:31 PM |
Edited by Ben80 at 17:39, 08 Oct 2017.
Known Hero
posted October 08, 2017 03:58 PM |
phoenix4ever said: I thought about Conflux and all their static specialities.
All Planeswalkers get a static bonus to elementals and 2 of the Elementalists get +350 gold, it's kinda boring.
I would like to change Lacus and Kalt bonus to a normal creature bonus giving them +1 speed and attack and defense at level up. Perhaps also for Ignissa and Fiur.
Thunar and Erdamon are already pretty good with +2 Attack, +1 defense and +5 damage and Pasis and Monere are also good and definitely don't need more speed for Magic Elementals.
But is it possible to change Lacus, Kalt, Ignissa and Fiur from a static to a standard creature bonus?
Also can Luna's Fire Wall bonus be changed to a normal +3% per level bonus?
For creature specialits, its quite easy I think.
I've not tested for now but the bonus are static creature bonus. You can change it to (not static) creature bonus... All's written on there :
Heroes' caracteristics :
- http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=42152&pagenumber=6 (for starting skills, characteristics, creature starting...)
- http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=42152&pagenumber=7 (for specialities)
You change the specialities (second link) starts from here 0x278420...
For Luna I fear its not written on heroes speciality. We already wrote some lines on this thread ; RoseKavalier told its adding the same damage for Luna and adding half for magic missile specialits Ciele.
I just have next idea : Add firewall speciality to someone else, normally I think it will add the 3% bonus. But Luna will probaby still have this bonus added...
That's some time so I got my "question of the week" if someone have time to answer :
I'd like to know where are stored the creature type you encounter on :
- shipwrek (there are two different ships and I hoped to make two kind of encounter if possible), deterlict ship,
- graveyard (if there are two different maybe we can makes two different types ?)
- Pyramid,
- cyclops stockpile, dwarven teasury, griffin conservatory, imp cache, medusa store, naga bank and dragon fly hive.
I know how to change the number but not the type of creature...
And on hota, the new ones are stored together ?
Just some thought... Many persons still want to make some work on one skill on some creature, on some artifact, on some spell...
Just a suggestion but won't it be intresting if we try to work together ?
Some example : For mysticism, its very nice to mod it because all know its bad as it was... Samly for eagle eye...
But if we try to have some overview of what we try to do, maybe it shall be better ? Changing skill one by one is nice but having a thought of modification for all when we do may increase the probability we do something more equilibrated, no ?
I'll "soon" release my attempts of modification for artifacts. I didn't test graphics for now and I'm hex editing them (for characteristics).
Thanks for the sharing (even if for me plugin work is a bit cheneese for now ^^), have a good day,
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Supreme Hero
posted October 08, 2017 07:14 PM |
Cool plugin Ben & Alex!
HDmod plugin lets you do whatever you want really. To understand well you need to distinguish between hex patch and hook. Long story short:
*hex patch is what you've been doing
*hook is inserting extra code while keeping (or not) the original code
With a hook you can do whatever you please so long as you know how to code it. HDmod lets you do both.
For your requests I'll look in a bit. I know Pyramid works differently than the others (guards reset if you can't beat them all).
And regarding your big picture... that sounds a lot like an overhaul which should deserve its own topic and its own team.
BTW derelict ship and shipwrecks each have a single (different) type of fight.
Without looking, I'd say Fuzzy is right, you should be able to change static creature bonuses by modifying hero specialties.
Luna: sure it can be changed, then she'll be just as uninteresting as all other spell specialists
From memory there should be two changes needed:
one to tell the code to calculate the 3% bonus for Luna;
and one to skip the +100% bonus.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted October 08, 2017 07:35 PM |
The problem with Luna is I actually find her too powerful, since I buffed Fire Wall from power 10 -> 12, so that would be 24 in Luna's case.
Also AI never casts Fire Wall, so I actually find her starting spell and speciality a bit unfair to the AI, but I guess that's a NWC design fault. It's also like you will ever only use Fire Wall, if it's with Luna, which is also stupid imo, one spell for one hero.
Can you help me how to change her code to +3% per level and ignore the +100%? Or perhaps it's easier to give her a +50% bonus like Ciele?
Supreme Hero
posted October 08, 2017 07:52 PM |
phoenix4ever said: @RoseKavalier
The problem with Luna is I actually find her too powerful, since I buffed Fire Wall from power 10 -> 12, so that would be 24 in Luna's case.
Also AI never casts Fire Wall, so I actually find her starting spell and speciality a bit unfair to the AI, but I guess that's a NWC design fault. It's also like you will ever only use Fire Wall, if it's with Luna, which is also stupid imo, one spell for one hero.
Can you help me how to change her code to +3% per level and ignore the +100%? Or perhaps it's easier to give her a +50% bonus like Ciele?
Simpler than I thought:
0x4E6358 = 06 (instead of 00) (sorry mistyped first time)
[E6358h if you forgot -400000]
Changes the switch() case to that of (dmg * hero_level * 0.03) / (creature_level)
Creature Banks - Creature IDs
Don't have time right now to finish. It happens in the function that takes care of loading CrBanks.txt but didn't have time to finish isolating it.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted October 08, 2017 08:09 PM |
RoseKavalier said:
Sorry, I can't seem to find this address and why is 35 in bold?
Edit: -400000, LOL I did'nt know that.
But it seems to work, thank you!
Known Hero
posted October 08, 2017 09:41 PM |
RoseKavalier said: And regarding your big picture... that sounds a lot like an overhaul which should deserve its own topic and its own team.
Or you can also say that because I ask many things and get requests but not give many things to community. That shall be even a more sharp answer because of truth in it.
Your answer don't relly look to be a joke. If you think this, so be it. Your words hurt.
Anyways thanks for your nice help RoseKavalier. That was appreciated, I still want it to be said. I spend some "nights" of work with the tips you patiently wrote on there and still continue.
I already suggested (in this thread) what Serp have done (with AlexSpl's help) a mana regeneration of X% of mana max for mysticism. And that was done before in Wog.
It can't be easily be done with hex editing but with patcher it looks more easy. That's nice, now its done for everyone who has HD. But will it be a part of something more builded ? Or just a "patch" some persons shall randomly find before link is broken ?
I think many persons shall find this nice, if they find it in right time...
I do not have answer but the following question : what % to choose including reflexion about heroes' speciality. If its added a strong %, letting heroes specialist shall be too strong. Oppositely if value is weak, specialists won't be very intresting (as they are in normal game). And what to do with mana regeneration artifacts (and combo) is one other reflexion too.
The thing I try to say is : if some persons try to work together, its more probable to get a finished "mod", not just some "single modification". If not, we'll have some more personnal mod with few things changed (may they be good or not) but never a global work.
A team of programmers done this something like 17 years ago and I think they were smart and good programmers. So I don't think one person alone can do better. But some few modifications working together shall work...
HotA team made a mod and I think that was very hard but a very good job. If a proof is needed I shall say : At end they made a so good "finished mod" that we're making a thread on modding it... And not original game.
I don't care of being a pawn in a good chess game. But here, I think energy of "good pieces" is wasted because some are doing two or three times "same" thing.
When AlexSpl told me he will make a plugin for spell duration for me (few weeks ago), I searched all players here to get opinions on what shall be done on this to not ask too much changes to him and to make some decent proposition. I hadn't answer at the moment he made this proposition but I was sure of one thing : spell duration is not good as it is. But I've not seen any proposition of change before that...
All know the overpower of blind for example and combo with resurrection or shoot/blind one heavy slot of creature... And so blind is kinda overpowered, it even may block your own units... With 50 turn of duration (or even 10-15 if you got some spellpower) it strictly "delete" a creature on fight. Against IA its even more strong because they don't handle it well. And that's one sample for one single spell...
So I tryed to suggest solutions. If someone have better ideas, that shall be good too...
But I think a reflexion for all spells may be done "at same time"... And that require more than one brain I think and opinion of better players I'm shall be required.
The quesion who helped me was "what spells are everytime played" by good players... Haste/Slow, Blind, Curse/Bless, Cure/Dispell... So I try to make those spells a little less strong for other options of playing shall be nice and so increase strategy.
Now one attempt is done (but not finished, I think about not letting haste, bless,... be global spells at expert), maybe it shall be found nice or intresting and maybe used by other persons ; maybe not. Anyways I hope it will make things advance.
Here the link of AlexSpl's work :
I tested it and it works perfectly. Thank to him.
The description of all spell duration is on this table (and a copy of the .dll he made) :
Now all can do what he wants with it. Just ask to AlexSpl if he agrees. My ideas are free to use.
The main idea is spell duration depends on spell power and knowlege (so knowlege is intresting "on day" too).
The general function on there is :
Spell duration = 1 + Round_down [(2 x SpellPower + Knowlege) / w]
Where w depends on spell. For strong spells like blind w is heavy value (10) and for "weak" spells a low value is choosed (example : protection from element : 3).
Anymore, the duration artifacts (of conjuring) adds respectively +1, +1 and +2 turns (combo adds +2 so +6 in total). But these artifacts are "more nice" because it includes a duration on firewall and force field. I hope I didn't made those spells too strong. Now I hope "remove obstacle" be of use in game.
To use it you need HD mod by barotroch :
- 1 - Create a folder (example : SpellDuration) in _H3D_Data/Packs
- 2 - When you use launcher (HD Launcher) activate the mod
- 3 - Launch game and normally it works.
If I'm crazy ? Sure, because its madness to be normal...
Supreme Hero
posted October 09, 2017 05:37 AM |
Creature ID address
Cyclops Stockpile
Dwarven Treasury
Griffin Conservatory
Angel Reward: 0x670384
Imp Cache
Medusa Store
Naga Bank
Dragonfly Hive
Wyvern Reward: 0x670394
Derelict Ship (Water Elem)
Shipwreck (Wight)
0x670354 (Skeleton)
0x670358 (Walking Dead)
0x67035C (Wight)
0x670360 (Vampire)
Dragon Utopia
0x670368 (Green)
0x67036C (Red)
0x670370 (Gold)
0x670374 (Black)
HotA stuff - didn't look.
As you can see from the sequence, each bank has 0x14 bytes. I guess you can use this in conjunction with CrBanks.txt to modify add combinations of defenders. I didn't look to see how the various Crypts are handled.
FfuzzyLogik said: Or you can also say that because I ask many things and get requests but not give many things to community. That shall be even a more sharp answer because of truth in it.
Your answer don't relly look to be a joke. If you think this, so be it. Your words hurt.
Anyways thanks for your nice help RoseKavalier. That was appreciated, I still want it to be said. I spend some "nights" of work with the tips you patiently wrote on there and still continue.
I'm sorry you feel this way, it is not what I meant.
Maybe blame a language barrier.
The point that I tried to put across was that discussing balance of skills does not seem to be the objective of this one particular thread; instead this thread aims to show people how to edit stuff. Rather, discussing skills and balance is another topic that leads more to a separate mod of the game. If you find enough people that want to discuss balance and people able to translate these ideas from paper to game - then you've got yourself a nice mod that is also easy to distribute.
wrt to hex patching, my suggestion to you would be to start a HDmod plugin and use WriteHexPatch(int address, string patch) function. If you're intimidated by VS, you can always hand out your file to someone who can compile it for you.
// Dragonfly Hive rewards Archangels instead of Wyverns
_PI->WriteHexPatch(0x670394, "0D");
It's advantageous for many reasons as you said yourself, and I think in the long run it can help you save a lot of time.
Plus you can include code from other plugins you like and get the effects without having to load 15 different plugins at once
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted October 09, 2017 06:49 PM |
I also think that it does not matter if any change is good or not. With Plugin-feature everyone is able to create a Plugin which anyone can combine with other plugins, so people can play the heroes they would like to
So just develope plugins and upload them,regardless if there are many or only few that also like the changes. Everyone can decide for him/herself if he/she awants to use it
I saw your "SOD singleplayer Plugin" Project. Do you also have source code? Or is it possible to port some of the features to single HotA HD Plugins (at least those that are not part of hota HD yet) ?
Especially I'm interested in the "extended creature status" feature I just had a big fight with 8 or more spells on every unit and was not able to see how long my "slow" spell is lasting... or is this already somehow possible with hota+hd?
Known Hero
posted October 09, 2017 06:59 PM |
And "Numeric display of Morale, Luck and Spell duration" also sounds intersting, while we already have numeric display for spells in hota, right?
I saw you link to a plugin of igrid http://forum.df2.ru/index.php?showtopic=30848&st=20&p=731203&#entry731203 is this compatible to hota? Or should I remove the spell part? Just want to make sure it is not changing something that needs no changes.
And btw... is more moral than 3 even possible? I mean does it change something if I have 3 or 7 morale?
I just enabled this dll from igrik and in my recent fight I had +4, while the AI had +9! I hit autofight and saw that my units had much more often morale boost. So I guess it does not matter if I have +4 or +9, chances are the same? So the numeric display is only informative to see that a "-2" won't help to reduce the morale of the AI ?
Supreme Hero
posted October 09, 2017 08:06 PM |
You can have more/less morale than +3/-3, but the game caps it at +3/-3 for calculation. That part of the code is from igrik, you can use his dll, it's available on DF2 iirc.
Source code is not public because I don't want it to be used for multiplayer.
I don't really have intention to port to HotA at this time, maybe when I run out of ideas for SoD I will make it compatible with HotA single player. Right now, SoD exe is enough work as is
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted October 09, 2017 08:42 PM |
Thank you.
How about the "extended creature status" ?
I would like to be able to see all spells at my and also at enemy units.
Also it is not possible to let the "pop up", that shows creature status in combat, stay open for enemy units, right? So it is not possible eg to see where the morale comes from. So a plugin to make them stay open would also be nice (that way the "numeric morale" plugin would not be necessary)
Supreme Hero
posted October 11, 2017 04:30 PM |
Edited by AlexSpl at 21:00, 11 Oct 2017.
A new version of highly anticipated newDisguise plugin is now available for free download
Quote: Now the spell lasts 2 turns (not days, but turns). Also you can fool your opponent by setting visible army strength to various values.
You can choose among the next modifiers (1/2 = half as big, 2 = twice as big, and so on):
2/3 - 1.5 on None/Basic Air Magic
1/2 - 2/3 - 1.5 - 2 on Advanced
1/5 - 1/3 - 1/2 - 2/3 - 1.5 - 2 - 3 - 5 on Expert
Works in multiplayer
Direct download link (updated):
You are welcome to discuss this and other plugins here.
Famous Hero
posted October 11, 2017 04:50 PM |
We made it, great work !
Known Hero
posted October 11, 2017 08:06 PM |
Other topic:
Unfortunately it seems one or more of my plugins is not multiplayer compatible... Nothing obvious, but my MP game today crashed after ~3 months of playing.
It started when we encountered the first AI player. We killed him and next day there was again a hero with small army at same position, although he was not near in the round before. Only first plaer saw him. I did not saw him. When hitting next round it crashed. We loaded the game and now both saw the hero which should not be there. But hit crashed again when hitting next turn, so was not playable anymore...
Since I never experienced this without plugins, I assume it was caused by them... or by recent HD updates...
Supreme Hero
posted October 11, 2017 09:08 PM |
Edited by AlexSpl at 21:18, 11 Oct 2017.
The link to newDisguise plugin has been updated.
Quote: Other topic:
Unfortunately it seems one or more of my plugins is not multiplayer compatible...
Sometimes they aren't. Though, newEagleEye + newDisguise is 100% compatible in multiplayer. And I must assure you, they are damn good plugins which deserve to be included in the next version of HotA Of course, with some enhacements by the HotA team.
Known Hero
posted October 11, 2017 09:56 PM |
AlexSpl said: The link to newDisguise plugin has been updated.
Quote: Other topic:
Unfortunately it seems one or more of my plugins is not multiplayer compatible...
Sometimes they aren't. Though, newEagleEye + newDisguise is 100% compatible in multiplayer. And I must assure you, they are damn good plugins which deserve to be included in the next version of HotA Of course, with some enhacements by the HotA team.
I only have the plugins I uploaded and plugins of you and ben (townportal, quicksandmines, learning, eagleye).
Could you take a short look at those and my uploaded plugins if they can cause any trouble?