
Supreme Hero
posted August 25, 2017 06:47 PM |

Famous Hero
posted August 27, 2017 02:04 PM |
Creature list.
I am expecting some comments on the names, skills, and anything.

Known Hero
posted August 28, 2017 09:42 PM |
Awesome stuff i can't wait to try the new version!

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted August 28, 2017 09:47 PM |
I'm not native english but I suspect several dwelling to sound just poor and uncreative, ex: huge woods, hulu mountain, mark of mountains, chamber of swords. I know how hard is to find something original, so just saying.
Era II mods and utilities

Known Hero
posted August 29, 2017 12:40 AM |
Yeah some of the names need work.

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted August 29, 2017 02:21 AM |
I would use the name "Refuge", its calm but also defensive and it goes with other town names

Famous Hero
posted August 29, 2017 11:53 AM |
How about changing
huge woods -> magnificent woods?
mark of mountains -> summoning mark?
I need more suggestions and choices to choose from, please!

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted August 29, 2017 12:35 PM |
Well, out of luck you also can google for fantasy name generators. If you scroll you have thousand of options to click on. For exemple, mountains generator:
The Ancient Tips
The Symmetrical Hill
The Snowy Heights
The Shadowed Hill
qyx Slopes
bahm Highlands
pawth Highland
clibass Volcano
kyjums Pinnacle
movyms Highlands
Swamp names:
The Rocking Mangrove
The Sleeping Abyss
Green Slough
Lucent Quagmire
dyhn Marsh
clirf Cove
stes Mire
braarb Marsh
gigysk Glades
truraps Marsh
Waterfall names:
Emperor Falls
Dual Branch Cascades
Twin Sisters Falls
Triplet Falls
Grizzly Creek Falls
nohn Cascades
yz Falls
ilasp Falls
iyhr Falls
proult Falls
and so on, keep regenerating until you find one which sounds interesting. Also you can make a thread in VW forum and, asking help from native english users, then you give tips and explain what you seek for. I did it once and was vert helpful.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted August 29, 2017 05:16 PM |
The generators are quite helpful. Thanks.
sword chamber -> hall/tower of trials?
(when apprentices pass the trial, they can own a sword that can carry them to fly. I also want to change the creature name sword servant to apprentice, but I feel it has no link to sword rider.)
huge woods -> white deer woods?
(this is straightforward)
huge woods -> enchanted woods?
(the deer in this woods have the power to enchant people, making them crazy. that is why they cast berserk.)
mark of mountains -> summoning sign?
(this is straightforward. I am not including the 'dragon', because the name would be too long.)
hulu mountain has to keep the hulu. hulu is calabash in chinese. it is where the creature is born.

Famous Hero
(Andruids for short)
posted August 29, 2017 08:44 PM |
IMO Vine Yard is fine and can stay.
Temple of Monkey King could be changed to just "Monkey Temple".
"Hall of trials" is simple and good.
Wall of Carvings looks like a waterfall of sorts. And the monks are able to become buddhas. So maybe change it to "Spring of Ascension"?
The statue of the goddess is the only strange structure. In original Heroes 3 dwellings are places where creatures dwell. And statues, monuments etc. are special buildings that often buff heroes. So maybe give Snake-bearers some kind of shrine? The statue can be a part of the horde or upgraded building.
If the woods are what make people mad, they should be named "Enchanting Woods", or even more fitting "Bewitching Woods".
Mark of Mountains sound too plain. How about "Mark of Eminence"? It means "high place", but also "something great". Alternatively "Dragon's Mark" doesn't sound too bad.

Adventuring Hero
posted August 29, 2017 09:19 PM |
Actually Monkey Temple sounds like a amusement park or zoo attraction, whereas Temple of the Monkey King sounds reverent to me. Just my opinion.
I like Mark of eminence, and LOVE Spring of Ascension

Supreme Hero
posted August 29, 2017 09:32 PM |
Long names look bad in town hall icons

Famous Hero
posted August 31, 2017 06:18 AM |
Nice suggestions. I like them.
But the spring is a background object. And the grail is called Gate of Ascension. So I think the monk dwelling will remain Wall of Carvings for now.
The snake dwelling. The town screen is already done, and the def is a statue. It will be hard for me to add another dwelling.

Famous Hero
posted September 03, 2017 06:57 AM |
Edited by xericsin at 09:08, 03 Sep 2017.
The new version is done.
I will update the link in the first post of this thread.

Famous Hero
posted September 03, 2017 04:29 PM |
in version vcmi write Zulu Town?

Famous Hero
posted September 03, 2017 07:59 PM |
Download link is updated in the first post.
If you have downloaded before this post, please download again.
The town now has the type name Retreat to be on par with Rampart and Fortress. This may be a better in-game name.
And I will usually refer to my town as Zulu Town, which is more about the meaning behind the town.
And I guess you or someone is going to help me port this to VCMI.
I have sorted out the resources.
Download Zulu Resources
I don't know how many of my creature and hero abilities can be done in VCMI. And I would like to hear your opinions.
In case the ERA designs can't be done, I have designed normal specialties for the heroes as shown in the table of heroes.
Thank you.

Famous Hero
posted September 06, 2017 06:34 AM |
xericsin you can give the x y z coordinates of the buildings

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted September 06, 2017 06:42 AM |
Retreat is the imperative of "Retreating" as in the order to repreat from a battle, that is why I disencourage it for "Refuge", etc.
Also ditto to what other said, long building names do not get displayed fully in castle (This is why we got the boring "Upg." prefix in default buildings, instead of better names)

Famous Hero
posted September 06, 2017 07:48 AM |
Yes, retreat has a meaning of retreating. Yet, retreating is not simply losing. It is a step before pushing back. So I feel it is OK.
Refuge sounds for me like a dark and abandoned place. So I opt for Retreat.
The building name. If you are using the original English font, you should see 'Temple of Monkey King' and 'Upg. Temple of Monkey'. The 'King' will be missing, but I feel it is still OK as long as not half the word missing.
Thank you very much for your interest.
I have changed some of the coordinates to 0/0. Thank you.
**FU29461 town/building/x/y/frames;
!!FU29461 8/0/407/0/35; guild 1
!!FU29461 8/1/407/0/35; guild 2
!!FU29461 8/2/407/0/35; guild 3
!!FU29461 8/3/407/0/35; guild 4
!!FU29461 8/4/407/0/35; guild 5
!!FU29461 8/5/0/0/1; tavern
!!FU29461 8/6/0/0/1; shipyard
!!FU29461 8/7/0/0/1; castle 1
!!FU29461 8/8/0/0/1; castle 2
!!FU29461 8/9/0/0/1; castle 3
!!FU29461 8/10/0/0/1; hall 1
!!FU29461 8/11/0/0/1; hall 2
!!FU29461 8/12/0/0/1; hall 3
!!FU29461 8/13/0/0/1; hall 4
!!FU29461 8/14/0/0/1; market
!!FU29461 8/15/318/200/1; silo
!!FU29461 8/16/572/191/1; blacksmith
!!FU29461 8/17/0/0/1; merchant
!!FU29461 8/18/614/0/1; hord lvl 1
!!FU29461 8/19/614/0/1; hord lvl 1+
!!FU29461 8/20/0/0/1; ship
!!FU29461 8/21/386/275/1; ext6(uni/pav/)
!_#FU29461 8/22/0/0/0; ext5(waterfall)
!!FU29461 8/23/0/0/0; ext1(hall decoration) white 1
! #FU29461 8/24/0/0/0; ?
! #FU29461 8/25/0/0/0; ?
!!FU29461 8/26/0/0/1; grail
!!FU29461 8/27/0/0/1; ext2(town hall dec) white 2
!!FU29461 8/28/0/0/1; ext3(city hall dec) red+well
!!FU29461 8/29/0/0/1; ext4(capital dec) empty
!!FU29461 8/30/615/0/1; lvl 1
!!FU29461 8/31/0/0/1; lvl 2
!!FU29461 8/32/335/133/1; lvl 3
!!FU29461 8/33/0/0/1; lvl 4
!!FU29461 8/34/230/118/1; lvl 5
!!FU29461 8/35/80/43/1; lvl 6
!!FU29461 8/36/0/0/1; lvl 7
!!FU29461 8/37/615/0/1; lvl 1+
!!FU29461 8/38/0/0/1; lvl 2+
!!FU29461 8/39/335/133/1; lvl 3+
!!FU29461 8/40/0/0/1; lvl 4+
!!FU29461 8/41/230/118/1; lvl 5+
!!FU29461 8/42/80/43/1; lvl 6+
!!FU29461 8/43/0/0/1; lvl 7+

Famous Hero
posted September 06, 2017 08:03 AM |
Edited by zeryss at 10:59, 07 Sep 2017.
thanks this will speed up the port

The version is almost ready for vcmi,it will be slightly different from the version era